The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 10 Nov 1932, p. 2

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EYBURIAN THURS., NOVEMBER 10, 1932 Page < te aad COMMUNITY NEWS : e@reoceoe 3eing in possesion ~on Park Street, at a half hour before mid- night on Hallowe'en, of 21 pints of beer, and being caught with the liquor by the police, landed Toivo Winonen in Cobalt police court on Saturday last on a charge of being in illegal posses- sion of the stuff. He pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs, or three months in the district jail, Haileybury, at hard labor | Travelling in a special coach attached to Train No. 47 last Fr ten women and 27 day morning, children went through here en route to the aMtheson area, vhee rthe ere to join the hus bands and fathers, who had pre- ceded them north to open up new home settlers The party cal from the Toronto district, and the youngsters were in great good humor as they were borne into unfamiliar surroun- The families are being d under the Federal Gov ernment's back-t-the-land idea. Auxialiary has been A Ladies' formed in connection with the Y.M.C.A. at Cobalt, and this ev ening the new organization will give its first function there A} social evening has been planned,| vith a program arranged, and| bridge fiends and cribbage sharks| will be catered to also. Officers} of the Auxiliary are: Mrs. James Thornham, president; Mrs. D Andrews, lst vice president : Mrs.| D.- W. McLeod, 2nd vice-presi dent; Mrs. G .A. Cavin, secretary treasurer Mrs. Finlay Munro is conyenor of the social commit tee, and Mrs. Scott Fairley occu p i. similar position on the pro gra mcommittee Phe Court of Appeals at Toron- to has allowed an appeal taken by the National Sanitarium Associa tion from a decision of Judge Hartman, and relating to the cost of caring for the 18-year old daughter of the T. & N. O. section foreman at Uno Park in hospital at Gravenhurst. His| Honor had held that the munici-| pality was not liable, bec ause the} father had made an arrangement with the institution to pay for] his daughter's maintenance and| was able to pay, and also that} she was not admitted as an indi- gent. The Association appealed g from the judgment, and word has| | been received that this action has} succeeded, with costs. By consent, the action brought against the town of Cobalt by the Toronto Hospital for Consump- tives has been dismissed without costs, according to word received by George Mitchell, K.C., who acted for the municipality. The case involved approximately $900 and this money was the cost, it was stated, of maintaining in Weston Sanitarium two men, named Maruska and Vainio, who} had claimed to have been resi-| dents of Cobalt. This the town disputed, and Maruska, who was interviewed while in hospital,, was shown to have worked at Silver Centre, it is stated. He is still a patient at Weston. Vainio's whereabouts are unknown, jit is said in Cobalt. A quantity of furniture former- ly owned by Charles Otton, Co- balt barber, who left recently for Rouyn, allegedly owing the town of Cobalt $44.63 arrears of taxes for last year, was offered for sale at auction on Saturday in the Co- balt hotel, where it had been stored following its seizure by Alonzo Fortin, tax collector. _H. E. Blackwall was auctioneer and about a half dozen people partici- pated in the bidding, although four times that number looked on. Bidding generally was low, and any raises offered never ex- ceeded fifty cents, and at times were as low as five and ten cents. Altogether, the goods realized $39.85, and a sewing machine, a washing machine, some chairs and other furniture remained in the town's hands for an adjourn- ed sale. Four chimney fires, all due to overheated stove pipes, within 40 hours last week-end, have prom- pted Fire Chief William Stinson of Cobalt, to issue a request to citizens of the town to be care- ful in handling their stoves and furnaces. Much wood is being burned this fall, and some of it gets out of control if not watch- ed, thereby causing unnnecessary fire alarms and consequent minor | given jies' Auxialiary will start a week's | Association 1s | tion he said. On Saturday morning, the brigade had a call to the home of W. Mackay, on Sunday night the fire was at the home of |W. Orr, and on Monday morning |the house occupied by Mr. Ba- |dour was the scene of the alarm. |While at the latter named place, the chief spotted another chim- ney giving trouble, and he gave that his attention also. No dam- age was reported at any of the fires, and all alarms went in by telephone, Acting on behalf of the widow of Einar Niskanen; 32-year-old Finnish resident of Cobalt, who was fatally injured when an au- tomobile ran into a_ standing freight train at the station cross- ing at New Liskeard on Novem- ber 2, 1931, W.R. Ramsay, Cobalt solicitor, has issued a writ for damages against the T. & N.O. Commission. He obtained the necessary fiat, Mr. Ramsay said. The Supreme Court, but the action will not be ready for trial at the forthcoming: sit- tings of that court in Haileybury next month. Niskanen was one of a party of three men return- ing to Kerns township from a wedding celebration in Cobalt, and the car in which they were travelling crashed into the train. No. 87, which had stopped water, blocking the crossing for Niskanen died in hos- pital the next day ,and without regaining consciousness. writ 1s in a time A membership drive in connec- tion with the Cobalt Y.M.C.A. is being inaugurated this evening, when the social evening to be}, by the newly-formed Lad- for} s radio, messages giving the news of the day were received regu- larly, together with pérsonal greetings from his mother and relatives in this, district, Mr. Watts said that no difficulty was experienced getting the broad- casts with the short-wave sets employed, and which operated in splendid manner until the supply of batteries gave out near ;the end of their stay. He stated that although he failed to hear several of the messages from his mother, due to unfavorable conditions, most of them dame through very clearly from the Pittsburg sta- tion from which they, were broad- cast. He enjoyed his experiences on the trip, he said. The coldest touch last winter was 38 degrees below zgro, while in the summer months the air became quite warm in the interior although the temperature of the Hhudson Bay water did not get above six de- grees over freezing point. It is not easy to get lost in that ter- ritory, he said, owing to the top- ography of the country, the ranges of hills making good land- marks rising out of the barren plains. In the long daylight of the mild summer season, work- ing parties started at all hours of the day, and it was difficult to| tell just what time it 'was, he| found, owing to this condition. Like Old Man River, the Hen Keeps Rollin' Along Somebody ought to tell the Canadian hen that there is a depression. The Canadian hen recognizes no bad times, to the Department of the C.N.R. according Agricultural She just goes on laying and her average output of eggs tor this year wiil be 112 per hen. Multiplying this by the number of hens in the country the rather startling total of 286,882,447 dozen eggs is reached. If these were laid end to THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile --Without Calomel You are "feeling punk" simply because your liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bewels. Digestion and elimination are both hampered, and your entire system is being poisoned. . What you ueed is a liver stimulant thing that goes farther Its, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels--ignoring thé real f trouble, your liver, ke Carter's Little Liyer Pills. Purely vege- table. No harsh calomel (mercury)., Safe. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c. at all druggists. 53 Some- end and then smashed they would | make a lot of omelets. WARMING NOURISHING | ECONOMICAL Mm a 4 G i CHIN' AW iAR Ee A hot breakfast of Purity Oats pro- vides quick and lasting nourishment for your family these cold mornings. Money could not buy a more invigorating breakfast, yet each delicious, steaming dish of Purity Oats costs less than one cent-- the most economical breakfast you can serve. Cooked in just a few minutes. A_ piece of fine china in each "China Package." Ask for it to-day. 32-2 Gross revenues for the © Canadian National Railways for the: week end-| ing October 14 showed an increase of} 894 or 1 per cent. over the revenue | for the corresponding period of 1931, according to the weekly statement of revenues issued at headquarters of the NAtional system. For the period end- ing October 14, 1932, 581 as compared with $3,- gross reyenues were $< 059,687 for the same period of 1931. campaign. This year, it has been] decided to carry on the appeal] through a personal canvass of the; citizens, with the membership] committee, of which S. O. Austin] is chairman, in charge of the| It is pointed out that the dependent more| than ever on members for its ex-|} work istence. Contributions have de-| clined with the changing condi-| tions of the Cobalt camp, but the} building is being used more than at any time in its history. Gym- nasium classes arg very 'large, and the work among boys is be- ing carried on vigorously, but the revenue from this source is comparatively small, and it is necessary, directors state, to ap-| peal to others for their co-opera- | They stress the fact that} the service to the boys is gladly | rendered, but many of those thus helped are not in a position to give much assistance themselves. Anthony Josefivyich, Mike Bod- nar and Mike Chayko, all of whom live in Brethour township, appeared in police court at Hail- eybury last Friday afternoon charged with assault, but Magis- trate Atkinson dismissed the cases after listening to the evi- dence adduced. Chayko, hired man a_ he farm of Nick Cepesko, had charged JoSefivich, Cepesko's neighbor across the road, and Bodnar, and in turn had been ac- cused by Josefivich, the actions arising out of an incident on the road the previous Friday. © Both Chayko and Josefivich alleged the other had attacked him with- out warning, and for no particu- lar cause, although bad feeling was hinted to have exised_be- tween them for some time past. Bodnar had intervened, he said himself, while the others were wrestling on the ground, but his efforts had been confined to tak- ing cracks at Chayko with a piece of iron pipe, on his own. story. Mrs. Cepesko asserted Josefivich had been the aggressor, she hay- ing seen him pick up something from under the house and ap- proach Chayko as he went home with the cows. Both Josefivich and Chayko claimed to have been hurt in the meleee, and the wit- nesses told of having seen and felt the iron pipe used freely, but the bench, in dismissing the charges, said this pipe seemed to him a fiction, and introduced to add local color to the story. The hurts sustained were not consis- tent with the evidence of the use of the pipe, the magistrate said. Murray Watts, Cobalt young man who has just returned from a year and a half spent on the east side of Hudson Bay with a prospecting party, was many miles removed from the activi- ties of ordinary Canadian life, but never out of touch with the world, he said on his return a NO BETTER ADDRESS IN TORONTO ALWAYS HAS BEEN HIGH CLASS, | QUIET,» COMFORTABLE, SPOTLESSLY CLEAN AND MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL, HAS ONE OF THE FINEST DINING ROOMS IN CANADA; YOU WILL ENJOY THE TASTY INEXPENSIVE FOOD. « From Depot or Wharf take De Luxe Taxi 25¢ Single $1.50 to $3.00 Rates pute ss00% ,00 € R. POWELL, Prop. Y Hote. WAVERL Spadina Avenue and College Street ¢ Write for folder & of tone, volume and sensitiv- ity if your radio tubes have been used a year or more. Don't be cheated any longer --put new General Electric * Radiotrons to work and enjoy new life in your radio. 97 GENERAL ELECTRIC Radiofrons MADE IN, CANADA CANADIAN __ GENERAL ELECTRIC saving many pennies ox -. 2 = = =". = ie i = 2 = 3 - a: Be " a s i LS Dominion Stores have put a new interpretation on the word SAVINGS. Thrifty housewives take quick advantage of Dominion's great week-end Specials, a and even dollars through wise and careful shopping. Skop at Dominion, where savings are accomplished on even our regular items--as our prices are lower than average. Christie's FIGS 2-5 es Hawes' Clark's Cooked 1 SPAGHETTI 1 Chicken a ii SHRIMPS © vr Bea] a Mincemeat x]. FLOOR WAX - con Gc me, Re eD The Health Drink Medium Tin OVALTINE - - Crosse & Blackwell's Ne. 2 Tins PORK and BEANS - An Aid to Beauty Y SOAP 3 cakes 25¢ CHOICE fb 25¢ tin 45¢ +b Tin 2 for 15¢ | Sunlight Soap 10-52 Haddie 225° Bayside Peas .i, 223 Take Advantage of this Special Sale! ! Round Steak or Roast 11c bb. Rump Roast 1Qc lb. Ls Porterhouse Steak or Roast full under cut 19c lb. Boneless Rolled or Sirloin Roast 22c |b. PEARS 4 Demise Australian '5-on. Phy. McLaren's RAISINS - - - 16¢ Jelly Powders - 4 pkgs. 25¢ CURRANTS "~~" 48¢ LOBSTER Dh PUT gig Cc Marshmallows 2:22 (23 LYNN VALLEY GOOD QUALITY 2.=23° Pure Maple Syrup 10 lb. tin $.189 Ivory Flour 98 lb bag $1.99 II Choice Quality Pumpkin 2 Ige. tins 25e raids on the municipal treasury, few days ago. Thanks to the COR PARRY. PMY eb Mayfield Creamery Butter 24c Ib. Fresh First Eggs miss 39c doz, CANADA'S DOMINION STORES LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS =". ==

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