-- Page 8 TH EASIER WER LAN 4 HURS., NOVEMBER 10, 1932 Social and Personal Wilfred Jago Victim of Shooting Accident Miss Jessie Poppleton has gone to Kirkland Lake this week fora visit with frinds there. BORN E. Liscumb, a son. The Northern Light Rebekah annual bazaar in the I.0.0.F. Temple on Lodge are holding their Friday, December 9th. On Thursday, Novem- ber 3rd, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilfred Jago, well-known in hockey and baseball circles in the) north, was the victim of a tragic occurrence at Rouyn on Tuesday, when he was instantly killed by the acciental discharge of a rifle. ing here, he had been examining the weapon preparatory to going on a hunting trip, and he had tak- en it outside of his home just be- fore the fatal shooting happened. According to information reach- | The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church will hold a rummage sale on Friday, November 18th, in the Parish Hall. The local branch of the Cana- dian Legion is arranging a bill- iard tournament, to commence this week-end. Entries should be made now. The Haileybury Revolver Club reminds its members and _ pros- pective members that the annual meeting will be held this, Thurs- day evening, in the Armories There will be a tea and produce table at the home of Mrs. A. P. Knechtel, Browning Street, on Saturday, Nov. 12th, from 3 to Cross 31-2-c 6 p.m., in aid of the Holy Cathedral. Water meters are now being The deceased was 29 years of age, and married. He was the dis- trict representative of a well- known packing house. Mrs. Fred C. Shaw, Cobalt, is a sister, and her husband went to Rouyn on Tuesday afternoon after en of the tragedy. This is the second bereavement Mrs. Shaw has suf- fered within a few months, her mother having died in North Bay quite recently. The body of the late Mr. Jago was sent to North Bay for bur- ial, and the funeral is being held there today. Mr. Shaw returned late yesterday afternoon from Rouyn, and he was accompanied by Mrs. Jago, who survives her husband. The latter at one time played both hockey and baseball in Haileybury, and subsequently had been identified with sport in both Porcupine and Rouyn. Public Health OBITUARY e Stanley St. Louis The death of Stanley St. Louis, a resident of St. Charles, Ont., took place in St. Mary's on the Lake Sanitarium, Haileybury, on Saturday, November 5th. He was in his 41st year and had been in the hospital for the past month, suffering from pulmonary tuber- culosis. Mr. St. Louis was born in Eganville and for several years past he had farmed at St. Charles. He was unmarried. Three bro- thers were present for the fune- ral, which was on Sunday after- noon, interment being made in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Haileybury. Veterans Church Parade To Be Held Next Sunday The annual church parade of the Haileybury Branch, Canadian Legion, will be held next Sunday evening, November l3thy, tom ste Paul's Anglican Church, where the ex-service men will be ad- dressed by Rev. Canon F. H. Hincks. The veterans will meet at the club rooms on Browning Street at 6.30, when a parade will be formed and they will march in a body to the church for the 7 o'clock service. Officers of the Legion request that all ex-soldiers, whether vet- erans of the Great War or not, will attend this service. It is Traffic on Lake About Average For the Season Steamers of Upper Ottawa Co. Towed Six Million Pieces to Temiskaming Steamers of the Upepr Ottawa Improvement Company towed about six,million pieecs of tim- ber from the head of Lake Tem- iskaming t othe mill of the In- ternational Pulp and Paper Co., at Temiskaming, Quebec, during the summer just passed, accord- ing to W. H. Neal, of thé former company, who was in Haileybury for a day or two this week. This was just about the average for the past seven or eight years and the three steamers were kept busy throughout the whole navi- gation period on the 85-mile run from the mouth of the Upper Ottawa at North Temiskaming to the mill at the foot of the lake. At the present time, Mr. Neal said, there are about 150,000 pieces of timber in the boom at the foot of the Quinze River and about the same amount above the dam at the upper end of the river. These will remain there until next spring, when towing opera- tions will be resumed. A smaller cut than the average will be made this winter, the program calling for about 30 mil- lion feet. This is just about half of the average amount that has been téken out from the section Engine Derailed by Open Switch, Officers State (Continued from Page 1) damaged to some extent, but not so serious but that it could be towed to the shops for repairs. With the exception of Engin- eer Jas. T. Fry, who suffered slight injuries to his foot in get- ting clear of the wreck, and a shaking up of the fireman, Jack Belliveau, no one was hurt. The train was in charge of conductor S. Francis and the passengers spent the night in their respec- tive coaches and sleepers, pro- ceeding to their destinations when the track was cleared. | There were three or four "rush" passengers on board, one going to the deathbed of a relative, an- other returning home after an illness in a hospital and still an- other on the way to a hospital. Will Cut off Water Service Where Meter Not Allowed (Continued from Page 1) been taken, in the whoie project of providing a new water system, and it. was suggested that this would be corrected in the future through more definite statements to the public. The grocery business, gasoline and oil service, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason, at Hillview, has been sold to Rex Collins. THESE WANT AD'S Wood For Sale -- Birch, $2.75 Tamarac, $2.50. Spruce, $2.00 BRING RESULTS i ;{Wood For Sale--Dry Wood at ;{ $2.50 per cord, and Birch at Jackpine, $2.00. Whorley'st $2.75 per cord. Apply to Mrs. Wood Yard, Phone 357; by|j C. Brewer, Browning St. West. night, 95. 32-tf. 31-1-* Furnished Room to Let--Large,| modern, central. en, 60 Browning St. K. M. Steph 29-t.f. For Sale or To Rent Furnished-- To Rent, or For Sale Cheap-- Bungalow on Latchford Street. All conveniences, bathroom, hot and cold water, hot air fur- installed on the house services in : 5 adjacent to the Quinze for several Seven roomed! house, No. 19)1ace,stm room and large living ; ; t restricted to members of the|* Je LATE : 5 > es, ith fireplace. Apply E town, in preparation for the new Oe ae OF Mhelyears past, but the reduced de-| Brewster Street. Apply to Box| tOo™m w! replace. "Apply 1. supply which will likely be put Nurse Was Busy Legion Branch, but all See ee mand for newsprint has been re-|_161, Haileybury. 32-3-c| B. Whorley, Main St. 28-tf. into use exclusively about the dially invited and urged sponsible for a slackening up in present for this part of the ob- servance of "Remembrance Day." House For Rent--Furnished or unfurnished; seven rooms, en- Housekeeper Wanted -- Children end of the year. 0 in home; reasonable wages to For Past Month the output. Jobbers are now go- ing in for the winter's cut, Mr. : sea a ; eae: competent person. Apply at: closed verandah and garage. Miss Doris Poppleton, of St. Hundreds of School Pupils Were High School rugby teams of Neal said. Haileyburian Office. 32-1*! Lake Shore Road. Aplpy to O- Marys ashe a Lee ee ae Inspected and Many Visits New Liskeard and 'Sudbury will i J. Thorpe. 28-t.f. Haileybury for a few weeks Made to Homes play a sudden-death game Kray For Rent--Seven Roo-4 House, : holiday at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pop- pleton. | all conveniences. 82 Lake Shore'House For Sale--on Blackwall oad; also steam-heated flat.} Street, near Georgina. All con- Apply Mrs. L. Nichols, 84 Lake! veniences. A real snap. Apply North Bay tomorrow, in order to determine the Interscholastic rugby championship of the North Sheriff's Sale of Lands | Under and by virtue of a writ of Judging from a report made by Miss Gladys L. Motley, public A chicken supper, follawed by a dance, will be held in the Clo- ver Valley School, tomorrow, Fri- day evening, November health nurse, October was a par- ticularly busy month in local health matters. This phase of public work is being well taken 11th.|care of in Haileybury and, with Supper will be served from 6 to|the course of toxoid treatments 8 Admission 35 cents, children|that is now 15 cents. Mr. R. J. Oliver Haileybury on Monday after being carried on, there appears to be little to fear for the welfare of the children returned tojof the town, as long as the par- alents co-operate with the authori- few weeks spent in surveying in|ties as they are now doing. the Swayze section, where summer have attracted wide- spread attention. Dan. Hellens, well known mar- ket gardener of North Cobalt and former pioneer sergeant of the 13th Canadian Black Watch dur- ing the world war, left yesterday for Montreal, where he will at- tend a reunion of the' battalion on Armistice Day. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church will serve tea at the home of Mrs. D. H. Millar, Browning Street, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 16th, from 4 to 6 p.m. Bring your gift for the "Touch 'and Take Table" for the Ladies' Aid Bazaar. James Mowatt, of Mowatts Landing, on the Montreal River, was a Haileybury visitor on Tues- day and The Haileyburian was very glad to have a call from him. He is one of the two oldest white residents of Temiskaming, the other being Mrs. C. C. Farr, and has many interesting experi- ences to tell of the earlier days. St. Paul's Church Sunday next, November 13th, will be observed in St. Paul's Church as a day of remembrance of those who gave their lives in the Great War. The services both morning and evening will be of a special char- acter. In the evening the mem- bers of the Haileybury Branch of the Legion will attend in a body. dis-| coveries of gold made during the} that durin | Miss Motley's report shows g the month she made 21 visits to the public and separ- ate schools, and inspected a total of.421 pupils. There were six- teen treatmehts administered and thirteen health talks given, while in the course of the monthit was found necessary to exclude three pupils from the schools. On the other hand, there were 17 read- mitted, after having previously been excluded. During the month Miss Motley visited 102 homes and dealt with 171 persons. She also made 36 infant welfare visits and 78 calls regarding school children. Four of the weekly child welfare clin- ics were held, the total number of children in attendance being 24--15 infants and nine of pre- school age. In addition to all this welfare work, the Public Health Nurse assisted the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. W. C. Arnold, with the toxoid treatment given the children at the schoole Of these there were up to the present 45 public school, 84 separate school and 15 pre-school children, a total of 144. The second treatment of toxoid was given on November 4th and the third will follow in due course, three being required to complete the series. ------_--_ A suggestion for Spanish stuff- ed hedrt--a sheep's heart filled with well seasoned dressing, roll- ed in flour, seared a few minutes, slowly brazed, then served with sauce of tomato and onions. Country. | Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims and demands against the Estate of SARAH LABINE, late of the Town- ship of Kerns in the District of Tem- iskaming, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of June A.D. 1932, are required to send by post pre- paid or deliver to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executor, on or be- fore the 28th day of November A.D. 1932, particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. : AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said 28th day of November A.D. 1932, the said Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased amongst the per- sons entitled thereto. DATED at Pembroke, Ont., the 4th day of November A.D. 1932 THOMAS J. GALLIGAN, Pembroke, Ontario, Solicitor for Rey. Father H. Martel, CHURCHES | The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin Sunday, November 13th 11 a.m.--Service of Remem- brance: Rev. M. N. Omond. An- them, "What Are These?" Solo "To the End They Shall Remain" composed by Capt. R. H., Unwin, M.C., to be sung by Mrs. Beecroft 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Mr. Omond will show pictures of the Passion Play at Oberammergau. : Choir practice Thursday at 8. The Baptist Church Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. . , 2.30 ¢ m.--Bible School. I Oe ee ee ee ee Town of Haileybury Remembrance Day, November 11th having been declared a Statutory Holiday, I hereby ask the co-operation of all citizens of Haileybury to assist in keeping this day a Holiday, and a day of Remembrance for those who gave their lives for our Empire GEO. T. HAMILTON, Mayor Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. ; 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. ' 3 p.m--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. , L.W.COON Fieri Facias issued out of the District Court, District of Temiskaming, to me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels ,lands and _ tene- ments of C. J. Byrne, Defendant, at the suit of Mason & Risch, Limited, Plaintff, I have seized and taken into execution and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, town of Haileybury, on Satur- day, the 3rd day of December, 1932, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said De- fendant, C. J. Byrne, in, to and out of the following lands -and tenements, namely: Situate in the Township of Teck, in the District of Temiskaming, and Province of Ontario, and being the sur- face rights only of Lots Numbers 49 and 50 as shown on Plan M-99 Temis- kaming, filed in the Office of Land Titles at Haileybury. DATED at Haileybury this 18th day of August, 1932. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming SILVERWARE SPECIAL 32-piece Sets of Community Silver for only $28.75 This Special Offer means a saving of $9.25 and is good only from November 12 to Nov 32-4-c h 26 A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer Coal-Coke-Wood For Dependable Fuels from Reliable Companies, See L. W. Coon THE COALMAN FOR CANADIAN COAL Buy Prosperity Coal, mined from deep seam in Alberta, $13.50 per ton FORD COKE _ the best that is on the market $15.00 per ton SCOTCH, WELSH and D. L. & W. BLUE COAL in stock at competitive prices DRY PINE and TAMARAC WOOD in 12 and 16-inch lengths. Phone 266A Shore Road. 3 jets Leg to Haileyburian Office. GoD A se CLASSIC THEATRE - ON TARILO FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nov. 11th and 12th MONDAY and TUESDAY Nov. 14th and 15th Norma SHEARER Frederick MARCH Leslie HOWARD lin" XO) (Approved U) Comedy, "Bears and Bees" "Patent Pending", Fox News No. 4; Episode No. 4, "Detec- tive Lloyd'"---Matinee only. : : with Moonlight ---- their last hour EDMUND together --- between them the + shadow of a past tragedy --- LOWE here is romance to take your breath away ! : Bela LUGOSI Weird! Chilling! Peril! The Eyes of Terror! Comedy "Extra, Extra" "Sugar Cane" Educational; Screen Squvenirs No. 5 Paramount News No. 25 Every Tuesday Night is DINNERWARE NICHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, November 16th, 17th BACHELOR'S AFFAIRS MEN JOU Minna GOMBELL Arthur PIERSON Joan MARSH Based on a play by James Forbes Directed by Alfred Werker FOX Picture SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Comedy "King of Sheba" and ad "Bird of Mystery"