The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 Apr 1933, p. 4

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Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1933 THE HAILEYRURIAN 5 h | A d FIRED BY HITLER Find Bad Going by Auto described, we climb up the seven(for the sore joe Sened ae AND COBALT WEEKLY POST Choo tten ance : Over Last Week-End|rapids to Matachewan Lake, and|for that Te eee eeece' as , pate having had fine weather we ar-|there was none and aid Issued every Thursday Report for March (Continued from Page* 1) rived back at Fort Matachewan|no way that spe ie a from The Haileyburian Office, erate tociinelehartetiey said, to eleven days, carry our load to|have made use ot it, ; * ae, Broadway St., Haileybury 2 with a stop ae Noa Ljeceuaal the store-house, return all our|one have a whole lot ie A we SUBSCRIPTION RATES Inspectorate of South Temiskaming They had come from North Bay, travelling material, turn our ca-|that time it ie ae jours In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance.| Attendance Report, March, 1933 they declared, and had found the |"°¢S bottom up on the beach, lay-)company od eae : the three In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance : F e : ei hard abner, claire ing the poles alongside them,jand their families for the A. Schools of not over 15 pupilse ; going hard. They claimed to be ready for the next trip months, June, July and August, sa eae ea DF Calemane Miss (Gookeon 100% Une HNC ISSO UTS (ONO the Fer- We made two more trips the|on account of getting in the CONTINUED INCREASE 1 eBauchamp--Miss Ross 90.7 guson Highway this season, and Sapa ca ena cence pea brearTag supplies, and, considering ED Gee SOM ET 2 Ingram--Miss McCracken. 100 eadesthGy nad ebaics pis Nouth route and one down the Montreal everything, it made the transport POWER CORPORATION! 3 Robjiflard--Miss Imerson 100 Ree I vues pene ie river, portaging over Hickey's bill pretty heavy (voyaging ac- 3 Coleman--Miss Wright 99.6 =e ae eaten out jn WINE WH ee farm to Matachewan and 'up count, it was called in the books). A letter to the shareholders of Can-| 2 Casey--Miss Logan 98.4 ny : unday ailenoor Jos. a era cee ee atte le ty at TE Such is a2 rough outline of my ada Northern Power Corporation,! 1 So. Lorrain--Mr. Rorke 98. Legris and Dr. W. C. Arnold Fort = '| first trip to Fort Temiscamingue Lintited, from the general manager, B.| 2 Firstbrook--Miss Hinchcliffe 97.8 page ie oe ee te EeOEe On arrival at Fort Matachewan|in the summer of eighteen hund- V. Harrison, points to a continued in- 2 Hiliard--Miss Patton ----- 97.4 te % aie eae it Core 3 each man receives one day's ra-|red and seventy-nine. I have crease in both gross and net earnings} 1] Barber--Miss Sawdon - 93.8 Bee ae anes an te eee tion, two pounds of flour, half a]made many a trip to the old Fort of the company during the 12 months) 3 Dack--Miss Smith .-- ee ae et F Hat rene ice ete pound of pork and one quarter of} since that time, but "none of ending February 28th, 1933. Gross} schools of not over 25 pupils: > oe sein ae week ae ie a pound lard, that being the|them left so many vivid impres- earnings were $3,483,268.20, compared 3 Dymond--Mr. Poppleton --- 99.3 e2 eee ; BE i ; Pk uae RE MAIC Raneeetthee hort 7 Onilsionsracnthc first one made by with' $3,381,010.44 for the) previous) sim" ||. jb) Hilliard--Muss Lang 98.6 Tear i MH ESPENWY Neca at alte second, day preparations are SHA-KA-NASH. ilar ere eaten and at Neee Thornloe--Miss Caswell BO 7K8) aad made for the next trip. The In- ee ance cost $1,067,607.08, against $1,070) 1 Armstrong--Miss Graham --__ 97.6 dian voyagers are paid by the 677.10 for the period ending February) yontreal Riv--Mr. McKeown 97. * eat Gee ahaa IN '79| tTiD. bowsman ait steersman a ea + te ie i ae 2 Kerns--Miss Meredith 96.3 getting twenty-five made mar- $2,415,661,12, compared with a y reyes syihe 96.3 ie Mudosnr ree nae ¥ . s ee net of $2,304,939.34. The letter further i Paes Mae 96.1 eres ee ee 2) pes is aS mane Nt SESS ' : 2 Bucke--Mr. Bowman ------ 94.2 ' 5 : Ht ; f the ot Doe side, the p ace that was in value approximately fifty cents "During the period covered by this! 5 }yarris--Miss Lundy . 918 Ousted by the government of | best for the purpose of towing|;. store pay, but what the Indian letter, your Company set up two all- Bl prethoure Nir Goole 91.1 Chancellor Adolf Hitler, as Ger- the canoes up, four ot _us get Vouawe' "got in store pay time records, gross earnings in Decem-| 5 Bucke--Miss Seibert 90.6 man Sons ul in New York, Dr. jashore and the tow-line S made aeotnted to more Pale than ber exceeding the $300,000 mark by} 4, qitliard--Miss Purdy 90. Paul Schwartz (above) announced fast to the canoe by being tied to NIGER Git wine Ital Sereaite $2,298.00, which was again increased in} 5 >. wond--Miss Rowlee 89.6 he accepted his dismissal as "an the two bars nearest to the head ae = - January to $306,688.00. Similarly, our 1 Teeran = Niise Ahert 85.7 honor." Althuogh ordered to place of the canoe, and then a whip of kilowatt hour output in January reach-| TerideaScheole Bh ovee2atDUnIS himself at the disposal of the the line is put around the i TIT Te ETS ed the figure of 39,196,190 as compared] ~~, | eae eats , oe bes government, the discharged consul |about at the first bar with a half- with the previous record month of} 7 Brethour--Mr. Pentlanc 971 declared he would not leave the hitch, and we are ready, four 38,864,050 kilowatt hours. | 2 Une ae ae ua United States men along the shore and two STO PS During January an addition to -the] | --" Se a a cca eh = |men in the canoe with poles. It mill at Granada ae, cae in} Piss iene tian os BUCKE TOWNSHIP be not a ver ails igo Hie tow-| NEW LISKEARD Rouyn Township was placed in opera- ci Ke 938 ine in the water and out of the} ----------EEEE tion, thereby increasing their power ee ceca ae CGOUNGCIE MINUTES | water half of the time, dragging e F fj Headache load. ' letrateseewin ree wrects 93.4 --- Jone man in the water but so| Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 20, 21, 22 On February 15th a contract for the} |) Fri, Miss Healey 91.9 Minutes of the monthly meeting of long as he holds onto the line he| 6 " There seems to be no safer way to supply of power was entered into with | Sy eet wees 918 |the Township of Bucke Council, held|is_ all right until the | next one HELL DIVERS end a headache--and there certainly Beattie Gold Mines, Limited, whose |S iiteateavths ADentbe 6do es Tuesday, April 11, 1933 [aes and gets dragged e Ms ae is no safer way--than to take two sroperty is in Duparquet Township in| | Jy 3 ss yas Present: Reeve A. J. MacRae, Coun-| However, we got to the heac of | hs Danie The aes A oe aaa 1 Harley--Miss Morrison 86.7 Be oS ae EE Ey LO aD BeBe ere Eee With Wallace Beery, Clark Gable| tablets of Aspirin. sion line to provide service is now D. Cees Schools ae | Radey and iL Larocque. | tow-line must be carefully wound | Congrad Nagel and Dorothy Jor- You've heard doctors say that well under way, and it is expected that oO nie me en oe Larocque-Radley--That minute of | up bet ween the hand and the a Mon Aspirin is safe. If you've tried it, you this property will be connected ep is petits oot |meeting of March 14th be adopted as rea ea See time Pe know it's éffective. You could take our system around beginning of ean read. may be needed. f get in the = ke! Si ae ee May + th an initial load of approxi- Hudson Consolidated 98.1 | Ayotte-Heard--That the Council of| canoe, paddle over to the por- Mon., Tues., Wed, April 24, 25, 26 nese teh ee, daygin " Ee mately 1500 h.p | Mr. Hallett 100 |the Township of Bucke endorse peti-| tage, Carry the rest of the cargo] ¢¢ of s9 plo: any ill effects. And every In the Porcupine camp, Hayden Gold Miss Semple 96.2 |tion re T. & N.O. Street Car Service, | Over and proceed on to the next McKenna Mounted gee youstare chempsceget the M I i have completed an ad North Cobalt 97.7 \and lists be forwarded to the President|rapid. It-is not so bad here, as the desired relief. dition tc - mill, while at the au Mr. Wilton 98.5 |and Directors of the Nipissing C ntral} by landing ta of the ee W he] ith Buck Jones and Greta! Stick to Aspirin. It's safe. It gets Intyre as been commenced on Miss Moffatt 97.8 Railway, North Bay {four men, then two men pole the Ress «. - i the sink of their new underground Miss Chester 98.5 | eard--Radley--That By-Law No.|canoe up the rapid, while the| Granstled | esults. ae " oe headaches. from the 3750 foot level." | Elk Lake 95.8 |148a be read a first and second time in| others are Carrying the half load| VEE COLE Gis GUE eh oe a } Mr. Johnston 94.4 n counc " er the portage to the head °!| Coming Attractions--"Haif Nak-| aes a Miss | 99.1 A yotte-Larocque--T hat the rapid We can make good|~ | eye | FATHER MARTINDALE TO | i 91.6 148a be read a third time anc time like that, as the four Tan, ed Truth," "Afraid to Talk". | TAKE LONG VACATION d 98.1 Heard--Radley--That 4 No.| will have their share ready to put OWING TO iLL HEALTH Miss wel ae Tea aa Be ' Me ii At ac I | - atehtord 943 149a be read a first and secony, time in|in the canoe when the c nde men| 7 5 Nee Tense 04.6 open council. get up. Our next rapid is at the} = = = eee Rey. Martindale, parish priest M NM es a 04 | 'Avotte-Larocque--That By-law No.|outlet from Bay Lake and it iS a|@eeeeerecccces a er | at S i RAG Ct ur h = eee 'a ae ge is 39.7 |149a be read a third time and passed. |nasty piece of water. Land about | , dered) byahis medical aCe racers ; ie 2 Heard-Larocque That the Reeve|two-thirds of the load on' the] } Thi ¥,V4 <' e ake a long rest, and on Sun- Mr .Cooper Z zat i and Councillor Ayotte and J} Finnerty|south side of the rapid; all hands | x 1s \ ee Ss Specials day ne he will officiate at the ser-| Miss Shropshire ae be authorized to supervise the letting|get in the canog, go over to the| ¢ ca - -------------- vices there for the last time in four R. A. A. McCONNELL, Inspector) (+ Jacant lots belonging to the town-|north side and tow the canoe up } s TEL FARSS SU RE Ca plans: 7 Pee |ship to persons on relief who require|over the worst part of it, when } Birdge Sets, Table and 4 Chairs, all steel, with padded a § Father Martindale expects to be away 4|such lots for garden purposes. Appli-|the bowsman lets the towline go seats Special ates 2 ' $16 Speen $19.50 from his duties in Cobalt until near) THE RHY MING El cations to be handed in to the Clerk.jand poles the canoe up and into Oak Dining Room Senta) piecha: talent a $45.00 the end of the summer, and that it 5 Phat the cultivating of such lots be| the lake. coming ashore for the Fern Stands, many age area te Ss | Seema 00 : will be September before his health OF TIMIST the hands of above three mem-|tow men, when we go over to the Boys' All-Metal Wasons S cea Be lepereaibs Of his SLetUrn : By Aline Michaelis =| bers. |portage and get our load. Here Doll Carriages eres His intention is to take a rest on pis ul | Radley-Larocque--That tenders be|the canoes must be gone over iS. Gibinetp enemas. Br hes. eee father's farm in the Kenabeele district, RICHLY BLEST called for house on Lots 91-93 Main|caréfully with spruce gum to re- GARE rilid Mattioisestoces oo Pt ks gem $10.00 and his sister, a nurse, will have him Say Siege, Seen a he Aa ty. Miewy CHI, RRL one whatever damage they may ie id a st - s ; pe up fora eRatent there. Fathers atin One who has never failed you. Ayotte-Heard--lf mailman will o.k.|have sustained coming up the ra- Ww. THe g cor ae Wied ae ae now oa 5 FS dete ns not been! an' geod gan ton One who is always true, ' bill of J. Doryillier for $3.75 same be| pids; then load the canoes and om ea cars a ae le WAY Ure TE Geen poms time past, and recently while a: One who has kept through life's changes | paid. proceed up Bay Lake and the complete: soe Ree Labs oF Sues mission UN"! Place in his heart for you; Heard-Larocque--That Lots 110-114/river, on to Pork Rapids, wnich derwent an paray examination at the! 6. who is strong and steadfast, Rorke Avenue be sold to M. O'Hallo-|is divided into three parts as hospital there. No Cue aS: ne Having no thought of guile, ran as per his offer of April 11th, 1933, | pitches ; the first one we tow the Thorpe & Branchaud aS ESS ie Se Hee oer One who will nevr blame you, of $1.00 per lot, providing said lots be-|}Canoe€s up with full load; next one tenens to be appointed at St. Patrick's. Though all the rest revile; long to the township. Mr. O'Halloran|we unload about three parts of House Furnishers Directors of Funeral Services ae = Often, upon life's highways to pay the cost of registering. the load, two men pole up the FERGUSON AVENUE _ -- HAILEYBURY Former Haileybury Boy Pleasures like sunbeams descend, pel ee offer of P. pene pigs the Sa scat se . This is of all joys brightest, Mikkalo be not accepted. Same lots|and at the last pitch we pole the) ¢ e Maleo Gold Discovery Answer, have you such a friend? can be used for relief lots for gardens.|canoes up with full load. Now aipatctien pe oneotas Radley-Laracque--That A. Lanthier| when we come to long stretches] e+. NO NDE ie ui on Satur"! Then you need have no hunger, be given his cheque due from the of com paratively dead water, we day last told of a rich gold dis-|pyer, for gold or fame, township and that he be struck off re-| paddle a for about maybe BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS COVERY, made NEVE Senneterre, You need feel naught of envy lief until amount has been used, name- half an hour and rest for ten or| eee Que., by Michael F. Killoran, @)Qyer a deathless name. ly $25.00. fifteen minutes. Sailing is not former Haileybury boy and the God has bestowed His blessings Ayotte-Heard--That Power Co. be approved of with a loaded canoe Frederick Elliot Dr. Re H O'Neill son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Kal- Richly upon your head; asked to instal a new light at Stuc-|and travelling in the night is BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, DENTIST loran, who WATS GUUNONE SS this You have been girt with gladness, key's, Stop 19. strictly prohibited. NOTARY PUBLIC Liggett Bleck Mainiandeherreson HONEY 5 early residents. Michael Manna your soul has fed. Ayotte-Heard -- That Assessor be In the morning shortly after Ontario and British Columbia HAILEYBURY Sui Disalaoess Ne student at} yours is a sure, unfailing given dog tags and collect for same,Neaving camp on coming around INVESTMENTS. LOANS, ETC Phone--Office 11. Residence 132 Ottawa University, but gave UP! Wealth, which no years can spend, Where he cannot 'collect, must-enter|a point in the river there was a|JORY BLOCK HAILEYBURY z his course at the beginning of the Yours is a bliss beyond measure same on Assessment Roll. Dogs, $2: half-grown moose feeding in the : Rn OPER, |Dye, W. R. Somerville winter term. He went north and)q; yoy have such a friend. bitches $4 is the fee. water along the shore. One of Ven Se Smiley, IG DENTIST worked for a time at one of the Radley-Larocque -- That judgment|the lads says: "Look at the Berrieremt Soimitoreetc: Bank of Nova Scoria Building mines, going prospecting © when the mine shut down. Samples of the ore from the claim assayed $21.60 in gold, ac- cording to The Journal, with 19 cents in silver values. Mr. Kil- loran hopes that with the pro- ceeds of the claim he will be able to complete his studies at the University and become a mining engineer. His friends here. will wish him luck ,with the discovery Mrs. E. B. Whorley received a letter from her son, Horace, who went north to the Arctic a few weeks ago with a prospecting ex- pedition to the country lying east of Hudson Bay. He wrote that the party had reached its former camp safely and got settled, after making a good part of the jour- ney by air. Condensed Ads Bring Results. a. THE MELODY OF LIFE Songs drift about us, everywhere, In desert ways and forest dells And in the moving sea and air It weaves its chanyeful spells. The night wind stirs the poplar leaves, And whispers through the tulip tree; Like some small restless ghost it grieves In wistful melody. PFrom every blade of grass there comes A shrill insistent note of song From insect life that drones and drums And whistles, summer long. \ While those innumerable thrdats Are voicing fleeting melody}, Forever sounds in mighty notes The solemn music of the sex To song our days are ever,set, | Its currents flow about us, rif¢; It rings through rapture and regret, The ceaseless melody of life!) i summons standing against A. B. Davis be withdrawn for the present. Ayotte-Heard--That land rented to H. Kennard and P. Paquette for the year 1932 be again rented them for year 1933 at a price of $12.00. Radley-Heard--That motion 'in min- utes of November 8th, 1932, re relief be strictly enforced. Ayotte-Radley--That after May Ist, 1933, it will be impossible for the town ship of Bucke to carry on any further with relief and that copy of this mo- tion be sent to J. A. Ellis, Toronto. Larocque-Radley--That all bills pasy- ed by council be paid when funds are available. Ayotte-Heard--That this meeting fo now adjourn. j Sell It by Advertisi Results Are Sure Haileyburian Want moose." Another of them says: "We will have liver for break- fast,' but before we got near enough to him he started to move away. The bowsman had .a couple of shots at him with a smooth-bore muzzle-loading gun, but failed to hit hiim--so no liver for breakfast. On up the river we go until we come to Montain Chute, where we take ashore everything out of the canoes, except the two kegs of lard and the two half-barrels of pork, as water won't damage them. Then we tow the canoes up to the head and carry the load over the portage, bail the water out of the canoes, put in the loads d go on up river and lakes, un- we come to Indian Chutes, here we have to portage qvery- ng, including canoes. bove Indian Chutes thg cur- 1t is stronger against Ys, but poling and towing, as dlready Crown Attorney, District Temiskaming Associate Counsel Honorable W. A. GORDON, K.C. Offices: Court House G, le Wes BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY. ONT PHONF 260 William C. Inch BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, and NOTARY PUBLIC 77 Browning Street HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobiie INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canad, The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canad. Several First Class Fire Companies 60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Haileybury 4 MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction in Violin Playing givep at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD W. E. Bagshaw INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Automoblie, Accident and Sickness specialty. Best of Companies. Insure Anything Insurable OFFICE :-- HOTEL HAILEYBY JACK RYDE¥ PLUMBING, HEAT¥ and REPAIRIN Phone 207, Black Your Complete Satisfactg Saxton Blackwall Street €LECTRICAL St CONTRACTS \

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