THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1933 en ee ie in ie ean Social and Personal ; Rey. Norman Thornton of Elk Lake, -was a Haileybury visitor, this week. Rev. Canon F. H. Hincks left on Monday evening to spend a} few days in Toronto. | : wee . held a dance in the Hotel Haileybury,, ne of the early citizens of Hail-|tor of the parish, officiated at the R. Whorley and John R. W hor- which was beyond doubt the best o: oF etl i aie ee church service and also at the grave- ley are spending a few days im)dance held in town since before the|eybury. ie was 89 V CAnSNOM ALE! ene gemini sy ul eeeare Gemetery: North Bay this week on business.| fire of 1922, when the dances were held|and, while in failing health for | Haifeybury. Zz __ | in the Armories. jcouple of years, he retained Ue The late Mr. Clattenburg was a Douglas Burton came to Hail-| The rotunda of the hotel was very|faculties almost to the last and Fe oe bee Teco a aren burt eybury this week after spending} tastefully decorated with a novel color passed peacefully away after County, 'N.S., and would have cele- the winter in the Matheson dist- rict. Miss Martha Saari of Toronto, } spent Easter with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Berg, returning on Thursday. > Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Glazier went to Toronto at the week-end | for a short visit during the Eas- ter holidays. Miss Margaret Harris is spend-| ing the Easter holidays on a visit} to her sister, Mrs. J. C. Perry, at Kirkland Lake The dance was spe- WEG hee terest Mi Blast 1 Mareare |cial prizes which were: Lucky Door Mr. Gagnon hac may ay ES _|age 104, and Angus, at Boston Creek; Misses Eliza eth pape Ue N a won by E. E. Pearlman; Spec ial | NE recollections of the early days also six daughters, Mrs. O. Weagle, Dunbar are spending the Easter] isn prize, won by Mrs. D. McAr-|0f Haileybury- He used to tell|timmins, Mrs. C. McAskill, Kennet- vacation with their friend, Miss| 4 a wn by{Of the time when there was only] cook Corners, N.S. Mrs. S. Gannon, melenuGord Ott: |thur; Lucky Number Dance, won Dy F - zi Cc om Or COL eS ay wine ROP. Teate and J. Jo MacDonald) | 2 Muss celebrated forthe oman Sout; Porenpine, Mes, William Suet M KH Ceca er $5.00 Gold Piece, won by Mrs. N. J. Catholic population once amonth| North Cobalt, and Mrs. W. J. Bolger Mee sean t of North Tem-|* eae. oy cokeial calee Gonated pyiwnen the late" bishop Deeuhepe fend Sirs) Esai Melanie) | Kicilend tskaming, is in town for a visit]> : ; Per ee) a 53 re aan th a Be ae ai, Felomarn (uiceab Ne Nb Bell vicky canteens one then parish priest at Cobalt, came) Lake. ee ; Fee hol as 1OnanY lire AUT. Herbert wacithe iucion pins wO eee new, LOW cor the purpose} Two daughters predeceased their Ss a eae lates |He saw the town grow trom 4\father. There are 38 grandchildren M R .M sesel | The ladies report that their effort small beginning, through the} fiving, while Mr. Clattenburg has Mrs. R cGregor, of Sesekin-| emacs aby Z *!boom days of the Cobalt camp, | t1 '. - re = ; ika, is in Haileybury to visit her| were warded by a substantial bal- tes 1: ne peers brothers and seven sisters, all Som ou) ' ; Ae ils Ae arse betel and right up to the day when the| residing in Nova Scotia. ? ° + Fle Pes is ance on t rofit side of the yooks z 7 ™ ' : sister," Mas. I Blemnes who isa ee Res ia ees ae Naess greater part of it was destroyed | patient at Misericordia ae arr) & : in October, 1922. Mr Gagnon | Cyprian N. Leblance = = took an activ einterest in the} se a Sutherland o the | = ~~ jaffairs of the community for Stricken with a heart attack about Rouyn - 1 Oralda Press, SANS é . many years and was a highly Te- | eight o'clock on Monday evening at down on Friday evening to spend)| Haile bur in 1923 spected citizen. |his home on Lang Street, Cobalt, Cyp Easter with Mrs. Sutherland and os | : f | aoe Five sons and three daughters|rian N. Leblance, resident of the sil-| the. family. | ----_. are the surviving members of the;ver camp since 1915, and a pioneer | Bhe Veen = relent Nors Items from the Files of The family. The>sons are Phillip, Jr | prospector in the Northern Queebc and 'Doe Se NESS: fea ete ° Haileyburian of Ten of New Liskeard, Dr. L. Gagnon, | mining areas, died less than four hours ; "pe wes cage ae Years Ago |\Cochrane, Prosper of Rouyn, Al-| later Although he had complained of brother, Robert, leit on Monday e hof| venin 1 tl I ter loli ca pene eee eee bert of Haileybury, and Joseph of} = -- ------------ ec g to spend Zaster ho 3 3 . : = Spee = = aay A 1 ae ee ae North Bay. All were present for] ¢ Hy ays in Toronto. ; : ; : | @-c-cceee ececcccccccccoce ah ie % \ yelief fund for the town of/the funeral. The daughters are|y. } Nis. (Gh Nea i child e, suffering from the;Mrs. J. P .Vachon of Angliers,| } ¢ pA NS) as N@c "Huay4#r } - c c ge < y : : md ¢ i ren : y of typhoid, has been Oue., Mrs. Alfred Boissonault, of lt | EA SE, | S { ) pier 5 rt Ada | 11 1 An ; 5 i ; he y 2 Haileybury and this)Timmins, and Mrs. Malcolm Thi-} ¢ t ota eet a ey aan - . a 3 par a eee : - ; fhe total of $432 had) beault of ~Gatinéau Mills, " Que.| J ] ; ea Parents, !heen subscribed The latter two were unable to| ¢ OF ENGLISH CHINA i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailey I } ) ---- come home. 1} geeeseesEEEEErEeeA 4 Remember the annual meeting Plans are being completed for he funeral of the late Mr.| 4 { Pet diner on. the aja ynres the building of a new Masonic|Gagnon was held from the home| $ 21 pieces, in three { ward of Trade to be hell on|Zemple at the corner of 'Mainjof his son, Albert; in Haileybury, | § ; Tuesday evening, April 25th, at | street and Rorke Avenue this the remains having been brought | pleasing patterns the Matabanick Hotel at 6.30. |¥¢4™ to his former home on Saturday | are a | night. Requiem High Mass was Specially priced at Mrs. P. Richards and daughter | It has been laid down by the celebrated in Holy ¢ ross Cathe- t Mollie, of South Porcupine, are|town council that all chimneysjdral at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April in Haileybury for a vist with | erected in Haileybury must have 18th, by Rev. Fathers Pelchat / 0) @ Mrs. Richards' parents, Mr. and| Mrs. W.-H. Thompson, Marcella | Street. | > Mrs. R. A. Bradshaw and Miss Meta Bradshaw returned to Hail- Sault Mrs. two months' visit in Marie with Mr .and Bradshaw. Robt. | Mrs. C. W. Tully of Toronto, and formerly of Haileybury, ar- rived in town yesterday for a few weeks' visit with her sister, Miss A. Leishman, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Leishman. ; The Ladies' Aid of the United Church will hold a tea and pro- duce table at the home of Mrs. L. first washing down of the season on Tuesday, when a number of men with fire hose made a good clean-up of Main Street, Fergu- son Avenue and the Lake Shore Road. Desmeloizes Map Sheet Issued The geological features of the Des- meloizes area in Western Quebec are shown on a map sheet just issued by the Department of Mines, Ottawa. The map is on a one-mile-to-the-inch scale, and is one of a series of standard sheets of the Rouyn-Harricanaw area, some of which have already been pub- lished. The map sheét carries margin- al notes in respect to the physical fea- tures, geology, mineral deposits, and related publications. As prospecting in the whol Rouyn- Harricanaw area is being directed more or less to belts of sediments, it is alto- gether likely that the sedimentaries indicated on the Desmeloizes sheet will receive some attention this coming field season . Copies of the map may be obtained from the Director, Geological Survey, Chapter S s in Big Event] ae aS te SR aie, on |Sr., which took place at the home of his son, Phillip, in New Lis- eybury at the week-end after ajlar meeting on Ste|there was a good prospect of the ]. O. D. E. Best. For Many Years on Monday; Substantial Profit is Shown On Easter Monday evening the ladies | of the local Chapter of the 1.0.D.E. scheme of balloons and later on in the keard |pioneer of the North Country and CEE HAiILEYBURIAN e@| Narbonne, Kirkland Lake and two OBITUARY brothers, Arthur of Kirkland Lake, and Valmore in Ottawa. ° e Phillip Gagnon Sr. Peter Archibald Clattenburg With six sons acting as pallbearers, the funeral took place Tuesday after- noon from St. James' Anglican Church, Cobalt, of the late Peter Archibald Clattenburg, who died on Sunday night at his home on Baker Street after a Rev. Charles Glover, rec- The death of Phillip Gagnon on Saturday last, April 15th, marked the passing of a long illness. ffering a stroke on the previous as 5 suffering a stroke on the f brated his 74th birthday on May 11th pains a few days before Mr. Leblanc apparently had been in his usual health until he became suddenly ill. He was in his 67th year. The late Mr. Leblanc first went into Northern Quebec in 1907, after return- ing from British Columbia. At that time he staked claims ten miles from the Noranda, and since that date had been actively interested in that mining field. At the time of his death, Mr. Leblanc had been preparing to leave holdings to carry out work there. for his some Born in St. Isidore de Prescott, 66 years ago, Mr. Leblanc was a son of the late Cyprian Leblanc, a pioneer that of Ontario. After his marriage, he made his home in Ottawa 15 after citizen of section for about years, was associated with D. H. Angus, of Haileybury, in mining operations. The family came to Cobalt 18 years ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Leblance had made their home there since. Mr. Le- blanc was a Roman Catholic in reli- gion and attended Ste. Thereses Church, while in politics he was an ar- dent Liberal. Surviving are his wi- dow, one son, Horace, of the Customs Department, Ottawa, and a daughter, Cyprienne, wife of Dr. J. M. Revary, of Ottawa. There are three brothers, Ovila, Olivier and Euclide, all of Montreal, and two sisters, Mrs. E. Auger, Port Arthur, and Mrs. T. Lau- zon, Fitzroy Harbor. also The body was taken to Ottawa on the evening train on Tuesday, follow- ing service held in Ste. There's church. which the family went to British Col- umbia, where they remained for seven evening the balloons were cut loose | day. é _ |next. He was married in 1885 to Eliz- from the ceiling very suddenly and| Mr. Gagnon, who was born iM} apeth Myers, of Spry Harbor, ,and slowly fell on the dancers. |Medcalf, Russell County, came tO| they made their home until 1913" at The music supplied by Mrs. McDon- Haileybury in the spring of 1906 : ; om > Tangier, when they removed to Cobalt. with his wife and family. He ald's five-piece orchestra was excep- For the past 20 years the family had tionally good and assisted greatly in secured several lots on Marcella resided in this camp. Mr. Clattenburg making the dance such a success. | Street, where the home of ~his| worked in the mines at Cobalt for Rae ip son ee teen dainty, bultee S02" Albert, now stands, and con-}apout nine years. lunch was served in the dining room. This the proval of the the arrangement met with ap- dancers, as large crowd were served very quickly and without the necessity of distributing dishes and food in the room where the dance was held. | enlivened with an opening at least 12x12 inches, and must bet either two bricks in thickness or lined with cement. The Haileybury Board of Trade was informed at the regu- Thursday that trunk road from North Bay to Temiskaming being started this year. The local Chapter of the I.0. D:E. has come to the assistance of the town of Cochrane, with a substantial shipment of disinfec- tants and other necessities to help with their fight against ty- phoid. An official announcement is to purchased the Ferland residence on the Lake Shore Road. Gus and Nels Lindberg and Hamilton Howell have gone ona prospecting trip into South Lor- rain this week. Mrs. W. J. Curry Broadway Street. Mrs. Curry passed away on Good Friday, April 14th, after an illness of some months' duration. She was in her 72nd year. The late Mrs. Curry lived in Haileybury for some years p+cior to going to the city about ten years ago. She is survived by her husband and her son, Thos. who was summoned to the city & couple of weeks ago when _ his mother's illn¢ss became critical. The funeral was held on Monday tinued to reside there until a few years ago, when he went to New| Liskeard to reside with Phillip| r. Mrs. Gagnon died in 1918, the family are well known throughout the district and there are many friends who extend their sincere sympathy. He had been in failing health for the past two and a half years, suffering from cancer, and for two weeks prior to his death had been confined to bed. his widow, sons, and at James and Walter, in Kirkland Lake, Isaac, at Silver Centre, Frank, at Mile- Ie is survived by seven Robert George, home, and Fontaine, and interment was made in the family plot in the new R.C, Cemetery on Meridian Avenue Sotth. A mixed choir| from North Temiskaming, Cobalt | New Liskeard and Haileybury |parishes sang in the cathedral, where a large congregation had A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer jyears. While in the west, Mr. Leblanc The funeral is to take place in the |Capital tomorrow morning, and inter- ment will be made in Ottawa. | | |For Rent -- Seven-roomed house | all conveniences; 82 Lake Shore Road. Also steam heat- ed flat. Apply to Mrs .L. Nich- | ols, 84 Lake Shore Road. 3ti | | For Sale or Rent -- Comfortable | bungalow, 8 rooms, all conven- iences; good furnace and gar- den; heavy wiring. Apply H. Jemmett, 94 Brewster St. |For Sale--Coffee Grinder in first | class condition. 192, or phone 208. House For Rent--Furnished or, | unfurnished; seven' rooms, en- closed verandah and garage Lake Shore Road. Aplpy to O J. Thorpe. 28-t.£. 52-4-c| Apply to Box; { \ BRING RESULTS For Sale Chleap--Nine-piece Oak dining room suite. Apply at 95 Galena St., Cobalt. 5-1" {Wanted -- An experienced Cook | to manage a small restaurant; | prefer a middle-aged lady with | good reé ferences; will furnish | living accommodation. Apply | Box 992, Haileyburian. 2-2c | For Rent--Two Furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping with use of kitchen. Apply to Mrs. L. Nichols - La Shore Road, Haileybury. 2-tf ke } |For Sale or Rent--Seven-roomed house, Rorke Avenue, Hailey- bury, with good garage. Imme- diate possession. Apply Box E '626, New Liskeard, or at Hail-, burian Office. ey 51-tf | SO] Zikea CLASSIG THEATRE - ON TARLO Wee eee FRIDAY and SATURDAY | April 21 and 22--Double Bill ZANE GREY'S Romantic Drama of the East- West Clash at Boulder Dam! --Added Attraction-- gathered to pay their last re- 46 spects to one who was for so/¢ ey ust many years a friend and neigh- bs bor. The five sons, with Mr. Phil. Lemieux, a son-in-law, were , CO) |the pallbearers. . a 0 @ a Bo : HURCHES ; | Among those from out of town| * ! -- wocce |who were present for the funeral was Mr. J. C .Levesque of North Bay, an old friend of the late Mr. Gagnon and the family. The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin George Allard SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd y a 2 a ray S) > Pp Ee i a -- --- ~ " W. Coon, Broadway Street, on|the effect that the T. & N.O. Ry.| = 11 a.m.--Sermon, "Pentecost. Friday afternoon, April 28th,|will build a branch line from The death of Mr. George Allard, a}, inom, "Thine, O Lord, is the from 3 to 6. Swastika to Larder Lake former resident of Haileybury and|_. Pet, 4 a pts Set: are "5 5 Greatness. -- --aw father of Mr. G .S. Allard, View Street ; > - Haileybury s heir] M M 5 nassed away at his home in Pembroke 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. aileybury streets got their Mr. A. J. Murphy has recently | Pass ay 5 Home -"in7zs Emre 7 p.m. ermon, "Is the Galli- on April 8th. He was 81 years of age and had been ill for some months. The funeral was held on April 11th, inter- ment being at Bonfield. He had lived in Haileybury up to the time of the last big fire. Surviving are five daugh- ters, Mrs. A. Sabourin of Pembroke, Mrs. Parent, Cochrane, Mrs. J. Har- vey, Kirkland Lake, Mrs. G. Sarsfield in Quebec and Mrs. J Morisette, of Dearborn, Mich. There are also five "We Give Immortal Praise." Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET ---2> --- the Lord's Supper. to which all are cordially invited. Toronto papers on Saturday 5 chronicled: the death of a former|sons, G. S. Allard, Arthur, Joseph, and Bible Study. | : CER Ge ED 5 he (Ernest and Thomas 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. sident o aileybury in_ the)* an : Women's Missionary Meeting, first person of Mrs. W. J. Curry, -- Wednesday of each month; place of mother of Mr. Thos. W. Curry, Mrs. H. Sweeney meeting arranged monthly. The Baptist Church Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister Mrs. Valeda Sweeney, wife of Hiram Sweeney, a former resident of Cobalt and a daughter of Councillor A. N. lean Too Great for Us?" Anthem Sunday, 11 a.m.--Commemoration of 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer Gagnon of Haileybury, died last Fri- day at her home in Sudbury after a lengthy illness. The late Mrs. Sween- ey was born in Hull 36 years ago, and had lived in Ottawa before coming to Northern Ontario. She was married in Cobalt on December 20, 1923, and had resided in Capreol and North Bay pliblic is cordially invited to at tend. 2.30 pm.--Bible School. 11 am--Public Worship. The Married" Slim Summerville Roland Young Zasu Pitts a Amusing story of a maid and butler who go grand after re- ceiving a tremendous legacy. Comedy "Mad Doctor" with Mickey Mouse; Fox News, 52. II 7 Ico MONDAY TUESE: I April 24, 25--Double Bill ae ana IF "DOCTOR X" SHOCKED YOU Here's a nsw Warner Bros. thril- ler that makes it look like a bed- time story! Same stars! Same Director! Trice as many thrills! THE." MYSTERY: SOF THE: : casts UGHEL ATWELL FRY WRAY --Added Attraction-- She D HimUllrong With CARY GRANT, OWEN MOORE, NOAH BEERY, GILBERT ROLAND Comedy -- "Girl Grief" with Charlie Chase; Paramount News, No. 71 TUESDAY NIGHT IS DINNERWARE NIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 26th and 27th Maureen O/Sullivan, Salvation Army ( Sunday Morning Service at 11 before moving to Sudbury. She i rvived by her husband, three sons mes, Lawrence and Richard, also | afternoon, with interment in Department of Mines, Ottawa. Weston, Ontario. father, one sister, Mrs. Georgxe Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday Schoo]--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15/p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 Das . P. Legion Meeting. With Louis Calhern, Nancy O'Neil and Margaret Lindsay. Comedy-- "What Price Taxi" --Added Attraction-- Ralph Sellamy Every Secretary Wives will find sorbing roman intere,