The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 27 Apr 1933, p. 1

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~ with 501 dependents, plus 28 sin- "the 7 be HE HAILEYBURI a a AZ & and COBALT WEEKLY POST Vol. 29; No. 4 _HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL sie | 1933 Subscription F Rate: $2.00 per ye Relief Beoblen Still Heavy in This District Municipalities Find Burden Great and Many Families to be Cared For is The relief problem continues to bear heavily on the district muni-| cipalities, and two of them have Provin- the asked the Dominion and cial- governments to assume entire cost within their .bounds. 3ucke township and Haileybury have..taken this step,.and both requests refused Ellis, in charge Poronto. have had their through J. A work at of informally a result Bucke Council met Tuesday night, and as the township's financial position will be brought to the attention of Premier G. S. Henry and Hon W.A AG bl According Alex. Mc- Rae, reporter yesterday, approximately $400 per month, representing the township's pro- portion of 20 per cent of $2,000. on Gordon, to Reeve speaking to the He said there were about 400 people in Bucke receiving relief, and Council felt that, if the government would take over the township's share, the municipal- ity would be in a position to keep its running. The situa- tion was serious, municipal au- thorities stated. Haileybury Council will hold a special meet- ing this week to consider the re- lief problem. In Cobalt, the relief commit- ETS is cut to less than half by r@signation and the absence of Fey. Father Martindale, who will away for four months. Fig-|" ures prepared in Cobalt show the total cost of relief for the six months ending March 31 $17,158.34, of which the eg share was $3,431.68. In Marcl there were 129 families on relie '| schools was men, while the» March bill alone to governments and muni- cipality was $3,995.75, of which) the town pays 20 per cent., or} $799.15. Week-End Specials 25c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia 25¢ Phillip's Milk of Magne- sia Tooth Paste, Both for 25¢ 25c Writing Pad, 15c pkg. Envelopes, Both for ---- 29c 50c size Fitch Dandruff Re- mover, 25c Fitch Sham- poo, both for gle 98c Hot Water Bottle -_____ 69c 2-year guarantee 25c Jergen's Pine Bath Soap, 10c Jergen's Pine Bath Salts, 30th. for Sas ae ee 19c 75c Noxema Cream___------ 59c 5c Razor Blades ____- 3 for 10c $1.00 Moth Bags ___---_--_- 89c 25c Household Ammonia --_ 19c $1.50 Large Chamois ____- $1.29 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste, 2- 39c 2 tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste, 1 guaranted 50c Tooth Brush, both for_-- 49c ) DEVELOPING PRINTING \ ENLARGING Store relief is costing Bucke}, {couple, |COBALT COUNCIL ASKS SCHOOLS TO PRACTICE FURTHER ECONOMIES Cobalt high school board, meet- ing in special session on Tuesday evening, took no definite action with regard to a letter sent the trustees by the town council, and requesting that further econo- mies, through the reduction of salaries and in other be effected in the operation the ways, ot school. It was decided to state that the existing staff was not too large for present needs and that the question of salaries would be dealt with when teach- ers were being engaged for next term. A similar letter has been sent to the public school board, and its members will take up the matter at aspecial meeting called for tomorrow night, wheti the estimates will be prepared for 1934. Saved Girl's Life by Quick Action But Lost His Own Young Man Killed at Porcupine After Pushing Companion Clear of Motor Car The action of George Turner in pushing his girl companion clear of the path of an approaching automobile on the, South Porcu- pine-Timmins, road averted a possible double tragedy there a nights according to the report forwarded to Inspector F, B. Creasy, of provincial police dis- trict headquarters at Haileybury, by Constable E. F. Hartlieb of Timmins, outlining briefly the circumstances of the fatz lity | which resulted. few ago, and The account indicates jthat Turner, who was 22 years of age}, and a resident of South Por- cupine, tally..inju when struck by the car, but that Miss Nellie Eyre, who was with him, escaped unscathed because of her escort's prompt action. The the constable relates, were walking on the highway when a car, driven by Rev. Fath- er Henry Pare, of Timmins, either in passing another machine just after having overtaken one, appeared suddenly in front of them. Turner pushed the girl to safe- ty, but himself was hit by the automobile, sustaining a fractur- ed skull and punctured lung, from which injuries he died some hours later in Dome hospital. Father Pare had to be taken to hospital for treatment when informed of Turner's death, the officer states. Coroner Frank Evans is to hold an inquest into the tragedy, the enquiry being in the hands of the Tisdale police. officer's was fa red or aE A ahs A chimney fire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. George, Am- mell Street, on Friday evening last gave the fire brigade the first trun they have had in several weeks. A spark from the blaze caught on the roof, but there was no serious damage. DEVELOPING PRINTING MacLEAN'S To my former Customers: OUR GOOD QUALITY FINISHING can be had from A. MacLean' or Phone 390 3 : Haileybury Hotel; There wasva fairly atten- dance at the annual meeting and banquet of the Haileybury Board of Trade, held on Tuesday even- ing in the Matabanick Hotel, and here were many matters of town and district interest discussed, ranging from questions of relief in the town itself to the mainten- ance of the highways and railway The ficers and executive of the good present of- Board train schedules. were re-elected for another year and to their number was addeaa publicity committee, which will take up the question of advertis- ing as extensively as possible the attractions of the town and dist- rict during the coming tourist season. The President, O. J. Thorpe; vice-president, Grek Tuer; secretary, J: T. Leishman; executive, S, H. Glassford, J. E officers are: McCuaig, N. Morissette, W. H. Tuke, A. G: Kirkpatrick and S. J. Mason. The publicity com- mittee is composed of A. D. Mc- Arthur, S. J' Mason, T. A. Sam- mon arid the president and sec- retary. Following. the dinner, which drew:compliments to Mr. and Mrs:-~Bulger of the Matabanick, the secretary read a report of the Board's activities during the past the year, in which was outlined work that had been done in con- nection with the completion of the West Road extension, the improvements to the town bath- ing beach and other matters which had engaged the attention of the executive. Only afew meetings had been held, it was stated, and the Board's activities had been hampered by lack of funds, but considerable work had been done, . The matter of relief in Hail- eybury was brought to the at- tention of the meeting by Wm. C. Inch, who asked what would be done for the unemployed when the town ceased their provision on May Ist, as had been reported to be the case. He said that there had been no hint of any mishand- Board of rade Discusses Many Community Questions Members Gather for Annual Meeting and Banquet at Matabanick Talk Over Relief Matters, Road Maintenance; Etc.; Former Officers and Executive Re-Elected ling of the relief in Haileybury, but felt that there still would still be need after the time stat- ed. To this Mayor Hamilton re- plied that the whole question was one of financing, and he gave the meeting a general idea of the town's position at the present. He stated that the governments were willing to carry on their contributions, but' these were entirely dependent on the muni- cipality contributing its propor- tion. Already the amount distri- buted had be reduced about 25 per cent., he said, and he expected this would be further cut, but it was felt that there would prob- ably have to be a continuance of distribution of smaller amounts for a time, probably until the end of May Ay. D. McArthur, relief committee of the town council, told of the difficulties experienced in relief distribution and the impossibility in many cases, of getting any re- turn in the way work by the unemployed men. He agreed with the mayor that some would still have to be cared for. In this connection the reduc- tion of expenditures on the high- chairman of the of ways was brought up and_ the meeting decided to petition the government to carry onas much road work during thé summer was possible, in the interests the unemployed men. There was also a suggestion, made 'to the meeting by the president of the as of 30ard, that prison labor might be used on the roads in this neighborhood, but it was stated that this had been tried before, without success, the authorities holding that it -was_ strictly against he law. It was suggest- ed, however, that there could be considerable improvement made in the appearance of the town from the railway station if some prison labor was made available, and this will be taken up with the proper authorities. The meeting was told that an applicatioin for replacement of (Continued on Page 4) CHAMBERLAIN PRESENTS HIS BUDGET THIS WEEK The Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain uer, is pictured above putting the finishing touches to his budget speech, and a few pence off income tax. which will be presented in the House this week. taxation is expected this year although a penny may come off the beer British Chancellor of the Excheq- Very little relief in 60 Beowans Street é MILL OWNERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Saving its policyholders from 25% to 35% every year K. M. STEPHEN Haileybury Representative CL a A | ea ln ln al ll al a tn oi ae cn tn at a tt atin a a ot al ll ale ale rT) Save On Your Insurance! Place it 100% in strong MUTUAL COMPANIES MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The Big Dividend Payer LUMBERMEN'S MUTUAL CASUALTY CO. _ Specializing on Car Insurance Has paid to policyholders since organization } } 2 2 3 2 } P over $62,000,000.00 3 b 3 2 2 b 5 6 Phone 322 COBALT MINISTERS ARE ABSENT FROM PULPITS FROM VARIED CAUSES For widely different reasons, ministers of two of Cobalt's churches were absent from their} pulpits on. Sunday last. Rev. Chas. Glover, rector of St. James' Anglican Ghurch, officiated at services earlier in the day, but at night his place was taken by H. J. Tawken, lay reader, as the rector left on the Toronto train for Waterloo, where he was married| later in 'the week. Mr. Glover will| be away until May 14. At the United Church, Rev. S. Scott Milley, of the Latchford; Temagami, North Cobalt charges, exchanged pulpits with' the Co-| balt' pastor, Rev. E. Smith, with Mr. Milley at both services, Atest. Patrick"s-R. C. Church, Rey, Father Martindale officiated for the last time for some months, as he has been ordered to take a prolonged rest for his health, and this. starts immediately. preaching Judgment Will Give Widow Her Claim and Costs Recent Court Case Decided in Favor of Plaintiff Against Insurance Company Mr. Justice Kerwin has. rend- ered his judgment in the action brought by Mrs. Katoia Sragali -|of Boston Creek, against the Cap- ital Life Assurance Co. of Cana- da, and the plaintiff, according to word received by her counsel, F. L. Smiley, K.C., has been given her claim in full, $1,000 and costs. The action, heard at the recent sittings of the Supreme Court in Haileybury, and in which judg- ment was reserved at the time, revolved around the plaintiff's contention that the payment of half of the second semi-annual instalment due on a premium on been paid and the 30 days of grace had elapsed before the death of the insured man. In his judgment, his Lordship states that "the company relies on a forfeiture, but I have come to the conclusion that it is es- topped from setting up that de- fence because (1) of the repre- sentation made to the assured by Clark (the agent) and (2) the company retained such _pay- ment, not only during the 30 a | when Gilmour |Y her late husband's life kept the policy in force, while the com- pany argued it had lapsed be-||p cause the full amount had not days' period, but subsequently." Water Level Up Over Eight Feet Since April 6th Steady Rise in Water of Lake Temiskaming More Marked Than Uusual The steady rise in the water level of Lake Temiskaming, which commenced on April 6th, has been more marked than usual this and when the mea-~ surement was taken at the Hail- eybury airport yesterday morning where ,records are kept daily, it was found, that the water was just 8.6 feet higher than its level the movement first level of the lake's surface is to the the breakwater at the airport and on Tuesday, afternoon a fairly fresh north wind moved the. ice down the lake slightly, resulting in its being forced up the sloping side spring, began The now. very close top of of the breakwater and well over the top.. This occurred in the course of an hour or two and it was an unusual sight to see the ice being forced up and onto the breakwater. The cause of the rise in the water was the opening of the dam*at the Quinze River. For several days came up six inches in twenty-four hours, but Has slacked up now and is only rising about three inches in the same time. The dam is now closed: The ice appears to be. fairly, solid in the broad expanse of the lake opposite Haileybury, alt- though a stretch of open water is visible near the upper end and there is also sone In the Wabi bay at \New Liskeard. Coldér weather with frost at nights has delayed the opening to some @x- tent and it appears as though the ice will remain for a few days, Or even weeks, yet. : --_--_-- A lane of open water appeared this morning, extending from near the end of the breakwate, in the direction of Dawson's Point, and over a mile long. Satine atian atthe adie otiiie-ad The Week's Weather Week ending Tues., April 25 Max. Min. Wednesday =------_--- 58 wae Uhursdaye--- == = 60; 31 iateb sy ee ee 3915) 27, Saturdayes=-=------=---- 40 18 Stirtdagae a4 2 == 62 26 Monday e222 == bores ole jhulesday. se 39 26 Precipitation for week_- .02 Max. wind velocity 18 m.p.h. Within a few days The money by If the t amount of the 1933 Taxes will be allowed, if the first and 3% will be allowed for stalment. he Town Treasury is faced upon it at this time. repaid for the loan with which the Town has been carrying on, Debenture payments, principal and inter- est, are coming due, the School Boards are demanding works the first instalment of the Taxes will be due, and the F requests all taxpayers to make as great an effort as possible to pay as much, and, if possible, all of their 1933 Taxes at this time. Town is offering most liberal discounts early payment of Taxes and the money to carry on their various institutions, which the several departments of the Town (Water- ,Fire and Light, Streets, etc.) must be main- tained. To the Taxpayers of the Town of Haileybury 1933 inance Committee urgently the save for taxpayer can taking advantage of the discounts offered, even to the extent of borowing money for the purpose. taxpayer feels that he or she can pay the total before May 5th, then 7% and second instalments are paid at this time then 5% will be the amount allowed, the payment of the first in- Of course, no discount is allowed on arrears of taxes with very heavy demands For instance, the bank must be besides Your Town Council is doing all in its power to reduce expenses to the minimum and earnestly requests the hearty co-operation of the taxpayers by the prompt payment of Taxes. FINANCE COMMITTEE Town of Haileybury

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