The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 4 May 1933, p. 3

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{7 IO os .. MAY} 4th, 1933 Deh a ean ieee YBURIAN BELLY OT MT TE Page 3 THURSDAY, Public School Cuts Estimates Five Thousand Cobalt Trustees in Meeeting on Friday Decide on Reduction in Staff; May Close Two Rooms ' The estimated cost of operating the union public school section at Cobalt for the present year has been placed . by the board at $30,842.35, against cor- responding figures of $36,362 and ac- tual expenditures of $35,399.56 in 1932. The actual amount which the town of Cobalt and the Townships of Bucke and Coleman will be called upon to provide is $25,856, a governeent grant of $3,465.21, with a balance on hand and money owing on December 31 last of $1,521.14, accounting for the differ- ence. The estimates have been submit- td to the municipal councils and to the public school inspector. The trustees held a special meeting last Friday night, when finances gener- ally were discussed. It was decided then to serve 'notice on the staff that existing contracts would be cancelled, and that new contracts for the next term would be issued preference to be . given to members of the present staff. The board will reduce the staff at the Central school by two teachers, if this is found. possible in September, and for the present will engage only 14 teachers, as against 16 now in the em- ployment of the board. R. A, A. McConnell, to the Inspector in his report his recent visit schools, noted that it might be possible to reduce the classes by one next term, but the trustees took the view that two rooms should be closed, if the enrél- ment will permit. It was decided await developments in September be- this on to fore taking any further steps in matter, but if the arrangement through as expected, there will be ten classes, instead of a dozen, at the Cen- If circumstances are dif- an goes tral school. ferent from teacher is anticipated, be engaged then, what extra may the trustees thought. The itemised estimates for the 1933 period are, with the corresponding ex- penditures last year in parenthesis :-- Teachers' salaries, $18,000 ($21,116.75), other salaries, $3,800 ($4,161) ; $1,250 ($1,236.12) ; repairs, ($1,422.83) ; fuel, $4,197.12 ; library, ($211.81); insurance, $1,347.35 (no change); telephone and telegraph, $70 _ ($65) ; light and water, $425 ($426.76) ; sundries, $400 (304.80). Last year, the town of Cobalt paid $20,520 toward the upkeep of the section, the township of Coleman $9120, the supplies, $1,200 $100 and and board finished the year with a surplus of $886.14, with $635 due from the municipalities. t Cobalt Churches FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. E) McAllister--Pastor Cobalt 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. 7 p.m. -- Gospel Service. Subject "Let's Go Hunting." Bright singing,a warm welcome and a Gospel message awaits you. The Lord's Supper at the close of this service. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Mid-week service. Friday, 8 p.m.--Y. P. Service. COBALT UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. Gilmour Smith, B. A., Minister ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev. Archibald Gillies, B.A., of Kirk- land Lake United Church, guest prea- cher. Miss Vandervleit MY. F. Lickley of New Liskeard, soloists. Special music by the Choir. 4 p.m.--Reyv. A. Gilies at Giroux Lake W. and UNITED CHURCH of CANADA In North Cobalt and Latchford SUNDAY SERVICES Latchford Sunday School--10 a.m. Preaching Service--l1 a.m. North Cobalt Sunday. School--2 Preaching Service--7 p.m. S. Scott Milley, Minister. ST. JAMES CHURCH Rev. C. Giover, B.A., L.S.T., Rector. 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. (1st, 3rd, 5th.) Matins--(2nd and 4th.) Sunday School at 2 p.m. 7.00 p.m.--Evensong. SALVATION ARMY aptain Edward Payne jeut Burton Pedlar SUNDAY Holiness Service. sunday School. tion Service. --Home League Prayer Meeting. P. Guild. p.m. ast, CKMC. SCOUT COLUMN om Ist Cobalt Troop Scout Notes The duty patrol are the Beavers for next week. New ideas are wanted to decorate the patrol corners. The winners and the patrol that came second, in last month's competition, won most of their points: in this way; so why not help your patrol. SCOUT MEETING The Moose won the shield and staff for April. They had 132% points and the Hawks were second with 130. This the first time they have come through on top and they are proud of their prize. Among the new things brought in to decorate the patrol cor- ners were notice boards, a knot board, a hat rack rope holders and signalling flags. The Hawks won the competition for last meeting. is "GIRL GUIDE NEWS" Ist Cobalt Company Our regular meeting was held last Thursday. We began the evening with a game, followed by Roll Call and in- spection of uniforms. We then form- ed a horseshoe and Miss Hazel Brown taught us haw to make beds properly. We were dismissed our corners where we studied for tenderfoot and second-class. We decided to have a hike on Saturday and the rest of the evening was spent in planning menu. to The Girl Guides are holding per-bridge and Dance on Friday night May 5th, a sup- in aid of the camp fund. A Court of Honor meeting will be held on Wednesday night. The girl who sells $8.00 worth of tickets for the supper will be taken to camp free so get busy, girls. Just think--two whole weeks at camp. Cecelia Armstrong passed in the teaching of the tenderfoot for her second-class badge. The Canary Patrol won 8 points for inspection. They also won 5 points for bandaging. The Poppy Patrol points. e also won 5 { OBITUARY e ARSENE LABELLE Arsene Labelle, dent of Cobalt, and who had been un- der treatment at the municipal hospital there for the past two years, died in that institution last Saturday from heart disease. He had been seriously ill for a few days prior to his passing. Born at Wolfe Lake, P.Q., 72 years ago, the late Mr. Labelle came to Co- balt in its earlier days, and for a per- iod of years was engaged in mining. The funeral was held on Monday from Ste. Therese's Church, Rev. Father Chapleau officiating, and burial cemetery at Mileage and two predec- for 22 years a resi- was made in the R.C. 104. Survi daughters. eased five ing are one son Mr. Labelle years by his wife was Social and Personal News of Cobalt atin af a ane atthe anal q q Robert Stewart of Kirkland Lake, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Hylands of Toronto, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Rutter. Miss Betty Scanlon spent the week- end with friends at North Bay. Miss Jean Davidson of Sudbury, is the guest of Miss Mabel Lavery this week. Ronald Drolet returned last week from London, where he has been for some months. Mrs. F. Widdifield and Mrs. Orel of New Liskeard visited friends in town last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bartlett, who have been in Kingston for some time, returned home on Saturday. A pie and cake social will be held in the school house of S.S. No. 2, First- brook, on Friday, May 12th, 1933. Anson Cartwright of Toronto; stop- ped off here between trains last Wed- nesday on his way in to Swayze. Alferetta Barkell of Kirkland Miss Lake, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barkell. Lucien Parent, who has been visit- ing his parents at North Cobalt two weeks, returned to Iroquois Falls last week. for Dr. H. H. Abell, who been at Owen Sound visiting his parents for the past three weeks, returned home on Monday. has Ticket No. 446, held by Mrs. Lang Street, won the coat which was recently raffled by Mrs. Chris Dunn. Oblin, baby raccoon Kirkland the and to spending »Mr. Lionel Todd returned Lake Monday after week-end with his parents, Mrs Frank Todd. on W. T. Rowe of the Walsh Katrine mine, Larder Lake spent the week-end at his home. his return by his son Harley. He was accompanied on Shuniah Chapter, No. 41, O.E.S., held its regular meeting Wednesday evening at the Masonic Hall. Plans are being made for the holding of a bridge and dance on the 18th Suits and overcoats, newest styles; made by Tip Top Tailors and carrying full guarantee. $19.50. ADays agent, Nipissing Stores Block, 3-t.f. their Elliott, Cobalt. Misses Dorothy and Ruth Clemens, who have been attending Queen's Uni- versity during the past year, returned] home on Monday to spend the holidays with their mother, Mrs. E. H. Clemens. Miss Rose Dunn returned last week to resume her studies at St. Mary's Academy, Haileybury, after qpending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dunn, Earl Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vellis motored Toronto last week on business and spent several days there. Mr. Vellis has moved his men's clothing store to Rouyn and himself there Wednesday. to went on !manner under the care of Bro. Dominique Giachino and John Kos- tuik motored from Kingston, where they had been attending Queen's Uni- versity, arriving home on Sunday. Mr. Giachino graduated in mining engin- eering this year. Joe Southall, who has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Southall, returned to Kirkland Lake Monday accompanied by his little daughter, Molly, who has _ been visiting her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. S. B. Jowsey and little daughter June, left Friday for Kirk- lank Lake, where Mrs. Jowsey and June will spend several weeks with friends. Mr. Jowsey expected to leave the first of the week on a prospecting: trip. Thé Missionary meeting of St. James' Woman's Auxiliary was held on Mon- day evening at the home of Mrs. John Reid, Galena Street, with the president Mrs. D. Mrs. Andrews conducted the devotional per- iod and Mrs. Mulock read the chapter from the study book. Andrews in the chair. A. Smith and daughter, Mrs. Miss Rose, who have been spending the past eight months with the former's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Smith, Nickel Streeet, left Sunday by motor for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and boys motored with them as far as North Bay. A large number of Miss. Gobert's friends packed the station platform last Saturday night to see her off and to her voyage to her old home in England. She leaving Saturday for Niagara-on-the-Lake to visit her brother and family till the 17th, when she sails for the Old Land. wish bon was Cobalt United Church is planning its Anniversary Services for next Sunday when Rey. Archie Gillies of Kirkland Lake will be the special speaker, at both morning and evening services. In con- nection with this the Woman's ation are holding an anniversary dinner at the club house on the hill on Mon- day evening. Associ- The bridge held at the home of Mrs. E. 'Cawood, Nickel Street, last Thurs- day evening under the auspices of St. James' W.A., was well attended, eight tables of bridge being played. The re- freshment committee in charge of Mrs. Fennah and Mrs. Harrington served a delightful lunch. The prize-winners were Mrs. Ambrose Murphy, | first; Miss Mary *Reeves, second; Mrs. E. H. Clemens, consolation. Cobalt Oddfellows Hold Annual Past Grand's Night The annual Past Grands' Night of the Cobalt 1.0.0.F. Lodge held last Thursday evening in the hall on Lang Street, with.15 former holders of the chief office The proceedings opened with the customary banquet, prepared in the usual capable J. J. Fildes after which lodge business was undertaken. The Third conferred, with the Past Grands pre- sent filling the Bro. A. J. Brown, D.D.G.M. presided at the function, and Bro. F. Barnett, P.D.D.G , was in charge of the Degree work. The Cobalt brethren will attend divine service at the Bap- tist Church on the evening of May 14, T. E. McAllister, the pastor, will preach. was in attendance. Degree was chairs. for when Rey. AS MOONEY CONFERRED WITH DEFENCE COUNSEL lead toward a pardon. In the above = ciebbbiaiae. Made in San Quentin Prison, where he has spent 15 years in connection with the 1916 Preparedness Day bombing, Tom Mooney (in white), is shown with his galaxy of legal talent which will defend him in his trial, on an unused murder indictment, which opens May 22nd. The trial was scheduled for ed owing to pro- Moooney demonstrations outside the court. left) and Frank P. Walsh (right), defence counsel; standing at the back, left and right are Ed. Nockels, labor leader, and Leo. Gallagher. This trial will not, in itself, change Mooney April 26th, but was postpon- group are John Finerty (front row, prison standing, but acquittal might Temiskaming, Brothers Given Benefit of Doubt in Charge of Assault Mike and Romah Kardinal, two brothers from Gowganda, were given the benefit of the doubt when charged, in police court at Haileybury last Friday, with as- saulting Lawrence Duggan. Ac- cording to complainant, he had been set upon by the pair on the road and ,while Mike inflicted a cut on his head with a stone thrown by him, Roman had kick- ed him while he lay prostrate on the ground. It was claimed by defendants, and admitted by Duggan, that the latter had'struck Mike Kar- dinal across the mouth while in a pool room some time before the alleged attack, which took place on April 23. The defendants claimed Duggan was drunk, and Roman denied having been pre- sent when he was hurt, while Provincial Constable J. R. Dick- son swore complainant was sober, both before and after the event, although he had had a drink be- tween. The officer said Duggan's condition was so serious he took him to Dr, G. R. Crann, at Elk Lake, 28,miles away, where it was ascertained he had sustained a bad cut over the left eye anda fractured rib. OBJECTED TO DISCHARGE AND LANDED IN JAIL FOR MONTH to have at the Airport landed Paul Nadon, Co- balt youth, in the district jail at Hail- eybury for a month, dating from April 29. Striking the man discharged him from his job alleged Gillies Nadon, accused of assaulting J. N. Martin, airport foreman, was convicted Magistrate Atkinson Cobalt last Saturday, and fined $20 and costs or 30 days. by in court was He The evidence disclosed "fired" Nadon and that some days later, when the pair met on Lang Street, Nadon struck his Accused claimed Martin had jostled him as they passed. police took the term. that Martin had former boss. ° e ¢ H. A. Sparham WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Mining Exchange Bldg, Cobalt ° e DR. E. F. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Mining Exchange Building Cobalt, Ont. Sell It by Advertising ! Latchford News Notes Percy Bates left on Friday to spend a few days with his parents in Burk's Falls. Mr. and Mrs. T.. Graham and child- ren spent the week-end with friends in New Liskeard. E. J. Conroy left for Toronto on Friday night having received the sad news that his sister, Mrs. James Rob- inson had died suddenly at her home there. Mr and Mrs. W. Reece and family of Haileybury spent the week-end at the Michiel home. C. Bond of New Lis- keard caled on friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jenkins of North: Bay spent a few days in town this week. Miss Myrna Cameron of Séuth Por- cupine is the guest of her parents in town. Mrs Norman Gilchrist of Kirkalnd Lake is visiting her father, D, McLeod. R. A. A. McConnell, school inspector of Haileybury, paid a visit to the local school this week. COBALT KIWANIS Mr. Leslie McFarlane addressed the Kiwanians at heir weekly luncheon on the subject of "The Practical Applica- tion of Poetry to Municipal Life." The diners were greatly entertained by his witty rhymes. The appointment of Capt. Landry to take charge of the Bass Lake amuse- ment park was approved by the Club. 19\¥, INSURANCE We can JERY KIND OF insure anything of anybody. Phone 54 Over Giachino's Store Just Phone us. COBALT O'HEA RN & CO. F: STOCKS KIRKLAND LAKE BONDS GRAIN TIMMINS COBALT Private Wires to all Leadi Northern Mi ing Financial Markets and ining Centres We broadcast closing quotations Exchange each evening at 6.30 over Station CKMC, Cobalt In addition each Friday evening at the same hour the broadcast will include a weekly review of the market. Quotations gladly furnished upon request by telephone. on the Standard Stock and Mining SS gevoVveesgeces2cgcey DRUMMOND Next to Giachino's SPECIAL CATERING Writing Room, Sun Roor oreneamex and RESTAURANT CORNER SILVER and PROSPECT Re-Opened under the Management of CHARLES ELLIOTT veces Rest Rooms; First Class Meals served at reason- able rates. geeceo ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONERY, SOFT DRINKS CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS A iatatatst eee Eatable not in stock can be secured at a moment's ba a oe ak e. al a A al a a i ain te ee oe | MAtAtTAtAIAtRtAtatetatatetatstatats tat. TEA ROOM |} COBALT, ONT. Delicatessen Store FOR TOURIST TRADE m, Private Dining Rooms, Hi

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