uM A a | bspca E Page 8 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1933 THREE TOWNS COULD ARRANGE A MEASURE OF DAYLIGHT SAVING te in ali ll alien oi anette itadl ocial and Personal | OBITUARY @ veere | ! TIM MARLEAU Daylight saving is a live topic in Cobalt, Haileybury'and New Liskeard, with the former place| committed to the scheme and the last named reported to be Dr. Crann, of Elk Lake, was a 5 oo: Many Haileybury people will read Haileybury visitor on Monday. any Haileybury peor with regret the following account of the death of a former resident, taken from The Porcupine Advance of last Grant Gibson is home from To- ronto University for the summer vacation. considering it. Haileybury has! week. Mr. Marleau was a well known ¢ = , citiz is Y r some years: = so far done nothing in the matter miuaey of this town for some years Captain A. R. Johnson of but it is expected that it will be Tim Marleau, a well-known and highly respected resident of the North Boston Creek, was a Haileybury ' the Timmins ae discussed at the next meeting of visitor on Wednesday. = Land, passed away at the wow council on Tuesday, Hospital on Monday afternoon. He Francis| Joy arrived home at May th. ¥ 5 was seventy-three' years of age and the week-end from Queen's Uni- The Haileyburian has always had relatives in North Bay and De- versity, for the summer holidays. been in favor of daylight saving. |troit. He came to Haileybury in 1907 We do not believe that the dis- advantages incurred are of suff- cient importance to out-weigh the undoubted advantages. and real estate there until 1910. Then he came to Golden City to work Ray Howey arrived in Hailey- bury this.week from Toronto, where he has spent the past couple of months. John Wheeler, formerly of Haileybury, was in town over the week-end from Rouyn for a visit with friends. ey a real estate syndicate composed jof S. Alfred Jones, Marty Walsh and Arguments for and against are/Charles McInnis, present chief of Tis- too well known to bear repetition|dale. He remained here 1917 now, but we believe that a peti-|when he went to Detroit. About three tion circulated in town would}, show a great majority in favor of|real estate and later the plan, particularly in conjunc-|in South Porcupine until sars ago he came back and set up a a transfer business but' a few months ; : ; { : Where a quick-growing wind-|plant. It is very, useful for hid- Haileybury in 1923 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Ten Years Ago A fire started in a peculiar way at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pudden, when sparks from a nearby chimney caught in the curtains of an open win- dow. The damage was about $25. Union of Carpenters is being carried out in Haileybury, with Pat Green of Ottawa at.the head of a campaign for members. Re-organization of the local The Haileybury Baseball Club helda |meeting on,Tuesday evening and the | result is that he town will have a team in the Temiskaming League this year. W. A. with F. Clemens vice-president and D. Bi Gordon was elected president, Sutherland secretary. Several cases of frozen water pipes ill-health he sold well enough again |tion with the other two the} \Vould it not be wise to get an Digi se tsar of opinion in this way,|was often around in' his own jovial | towns.|ago on account of | Mrs. G. A. Bagshaw and outehere ebué when family have returned to Hailey- bury after spending the past few months in Toronto. before the council meets, and i seeming td present it to that body ? This] thoroughly enjoy the rest and freedom would give the municipal heads} something to work on and would |est, upright dealings. The funeral was |friendly way among citizens, Sane from business after a long life of hon- Dr. W.E. George of North Bay, Provincial Health Officer for this} district, was in Haileybury for a| state their wishes definitely. day or two this week. Ae lie United Church, South Porcupine. | ors oe | |GOES TO CITY FOR FUNERAL ip 5 Mining Man Di Thos. Mills of Hanbury, made | OF EX-SOLDIER SON-IN-LAW| rominent ining Man 1 1es At Kirkland Lake This Week a short visit to Hailybury on| Monday 'and reports prospects | Mr. Jas. Dey of Haileybury, went to fair in the farming districts. Toronto on Friday evening, having) Word reached Haileybury on been summoned to the city on account|Tuesday of the death oyreadl, By | g| The regular monthly meeting| of the death of his son-in-law, G. A.|Smith, prominent mining man of of Haileybury Masonic Lodge] Pollard who died in a sanatorium on| the North Country and assistant will be held this evening at 7.30|Thursday, April 27th. Mr. Pollard was|manager of the Wright-Har- in the Temple on Main Street. an ex-soldier, a former member of the] creaves Mine at Kirkland Lake, --_ 3rd Battalion, C.E.F., who was gassed/who passed away on Monday Thos. Peacock of Bracebridge | during active service in France during| from pneumonia. "He was well was a week-end visitor at the|the great war. He never fully regain-|known among the mining frater- home of his cousin, A. J. Peacock] ed his health after his war service and|nity, having been in charge of and Mrs. Peacock, Main Street. for the past year or two no hope was|operations at the Barry-Hollinger held for his recovery. He is survived/and other properties in the north by his widow and three children. The/for several years, and had been funeral was held in Toronto on Satur-| with the Wi ight-Hargreaves for day, April 29th. jover two years. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's of the United Church will be held on Thurs- day, May 11th, at 3 p.m., in the church. Missionary Society ia arey | Mr. and Mrs. W. Dobbins have | moved from their flat in the Jory | Block to the Labine residence on] : : ' | Georgina Avenue for the summer | AN INTERNATIONAL WEDDING months Mather Brothers of Brace- bridge have taken over the Coun- ty Town Service Station, corner of Rorke Avenue and Main Street, from W. Farmer. | | | | | | | se | J. T. Leishman, of The Hailey-| burian, this for] Toronto to attend a meeting of| the Ontario-Quebec division of} the Canadian Weekly Newspap-| ers Association. | leaves evening Joseph Meredith celebrated his | 70th birthday on Saturday weae| at his home in the western sec-| tion of the town. | A number of} his old friends gathered to offer him congratulations and a plea- sant afternoon was spent. R.-H. McGowan of Cobalt, was the guest speaker at a luncheon held by Haileybury Chapter of the 1.0.D.E., at Hotel Haileybury on Monday, and gave a very in- teresting talk on his experiences while in Geneva as an advisor to the Canadian delegation last year. Captain Neville Lawrence, of the British Coldstream Guards, and his bride, the former Sarah Schuyler Butler, are pictured as they left St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, New York, after their wedding. The bride is a daughter of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia Univer- WEDDING BELLS sity. The groom is the younger son of Sir Walter R. Lawrence of London. He served with distinction in the World War, and was wounded several GLOVER--MERRETT times in action. With Rt. Rev. R. R. Smith, Bishop of Algoma, officiating, the marriage was solemnized in the Church of the Holy Saviour, Waterloo, on April 26, = TALKISOFF of Rev. Charles Glover, rector of St. James' Anglican Church, Cobalt, and 'd Miss Alice Grace Merrett youngest CAN YOU UNDERSTAND daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrett, Waterloo. Assisting m the ceremony was Rev. Mr. Seton Adam- son, rector of the Church and father of W. S. Adamsofi, New Liskeard. Mr. and Mrs. Glover left after the recep- tion which followed the church cere- mony, on their honeymoon, from which they are expected to return late next week, when they are due in Cobalt. The bride was gowned in tea rose crepe, with blue hat and Darwin tulips, iris and narcissus, and on starting her wedding trip wore a biege coat with matching accessories for her travelling outfit. Her attendants at church were Miss Helen Mickus Waterloo, and Miss Jean Kirkland, Kitchener. H. E. Wingfield, Toronto, was grooms- man, and Douglas Merrett, brother of the bride, and Gordon Wilkinson, To- ronto, were ushers. Snapdragons, pink and white carnations, lilies rose and ferns banked the altar and chancel of the church, and*the pews were decor- ated with pussywillows and daffodils, tied with bows of tulle. te : ) reported this week, something the May, but| |the weather was really cold for a day | were | - , }unusual for month of or two. | Prof. John Sharp of New Liskeard, |was chosen as candidate for the U.F.O.| give the public an opportunity to) held under auspices ot the 1.0.0.F. at}; abor party in the coming provincial|For Sale--One 1929 Durant Coupe election. Capt. and Mrs. Jeffery have gone to Montreal where Mrs' Jeffery will re-| | main while the captain continues his trip to Labrador. About four inches of snow fell in Haileybury and the district last night. The Haileybury Tennis Club held a offi- definite re-organization meeting, elected cers for the year and made plans for the upkeep of the courts at Lakeview Park. No Disturbance in Connection With May Day Celebrations May Day passed quietly in this dis- trict, Inspector F. B. Creasy, in of the provincial & N.O. district. of No reports of any | according to charge police for the T. Northern Ontario. disturbance had been received by him, Inspector Creasy said on Tuesday af- ternoon, and both at Kirkland Lake and in Porcupine the day passed with-! out anything unusual happening. There | were about 150 persons in the parade held in Kirkland Lake, but everything who was orderly, Sergeant Cousans, was there, said. ; HELP A HAILEYBURY BOY OR GIRL TO WIN THE ¢ 2 3e sure to get your votes with every pur- chase from A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer Grececcccccccccscccs esses sees eee CHURCHES The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin SUNDAY, MAY 7th 11 a.m.--Sermon, "Sanctifying the Common." Anthem, "O, Taste and See." 7 p.m.--Sermon, "The Begin- ning of the Church." Anthem, "God is a Spirit." ee Baptist Church Rey. TE. McAllister, Minister ercc2ce 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. 2.30 p m.--Bible School. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11 Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. iday, 7.15 p.m.--dJunior Meeting break is required the Lombardy|ing, in a short time, unsightly poplar is one of the best trees to buildings and vacant lots. . : WAN T L} Housecleaning by day or week; reliable woman; $2 per day or $9 per week. Apply phone 301 5-1-c Wanted--Experienced Maid, one who will sleep out. Apply to Mrs. A. G. Kirkpatrick, Brew- ster Street. 5-1-c For Rent--Steam Heated Flat. Apply to Mrs. L. Nichols, 84 Lake Shore Road. 5-t.f. For Sale--One Wicker Stroller, in good condition. Apply 85 Nickel S., Cobalt. 5-1-* For Sale or Rent--The Marine Hotel, Haileybury. Call or phone Dr. J. A. H. Joyal. 5-1* car condition, $375. Half ton delivery truck, same model, small mileage, $350. County, {Garage, Haileybury. -- 5-1-c} new For Sale or Rent -- Comfortable bungalow, 8 rooms, all conven- iences; good furnace and gar- den; heavy wiring. Apply H.! Jemmett, 94 Brewster St. 52-4-c For Sale--Coffee Grinder in first class condition. Apply to Box 192, or phone 208. BRING RESULTS To Rent--Furnished Room, suit- able for lady or gentleman, with or without board; corner Geor- gina Avenue and Marcella St., Apply at Haileyburian Office. 5-1-* For Sale Cheap--Bungalow, situ- ated Latchford St., Haileybury, consisting of large sunroom, large living-room with brick fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bathroom with all conveniences three bedrooms, cellar with hot air furnace; garage, three lots. All for $700. Can be bought on terms; no reasonable offer re- fused. Apply E. B. Whorley, Florist, Box 85, Haileybury. 5--tf. If You Want What You Want, When You Want It, in the way of Domestic and Imported Gro- ceries, call at A. Giachino's, Cobalt. You will find it there at the right price. 4-2-c Lost -- Setting of Ring, black onyx, with Masonic embiem, and diamond in centre, between Hotel Haileybury and Harry's Restaurant. Reward to finder if returned to Hotel Haileybury or Northern Ontario Light & Power office, Haileybury. 4-t.f- House For Rent=Furnished or| unfurnished; seven rooms, en-; closed verandah and _ garage. Lake Shore Road. Aplpy to O.! J. Thorpe. 28-t.£. | For Rent--Two Furnished rooms. suitable for light housekeeping with use of kitchen. Apply to Mrs. L. Nichols Lake Shore Road, Haileybury. 2-tf Co eae CLASSIC THEATRE ON TARTS FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 5th and 6th Why Will a Woman Leave The Man She Loves For The Man She Hates? Directed by Clarence Badger A Columbia Picture' Comedy"Young Ironsides' with Charlie Chase; "A Good Deed" YN Camera Hunt" Travelogue. Fox News No. 56 a Micky Mouse Cartoon. MONDAY and TUESDAY May 8th and 9th VIVA! EL CANTORO! THE SAMUEL | GOLDWYN Production CTleKID FROM SPAIN" | LYDA ROBERTI The Willowy Sex Menace and THE GORGEOUS GOLDWYN GIRLS Most Beautiful This Side of Hi » eure aavisTs mos Comedy "Santa's Work: Shop" A Novelty "In Old New York" Scenic Paramount News No. 75 TUESDAY NIGHT IS DINNERWARE NIGHT with MARY BRIAN ELEANOR HOLM WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 10th and 11th --Added Attraction-- with SYLVIA SIDNEY Grant, Charlie Ry Directed by Ma Comedy "j