Fy ee ee I wy THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1933 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 3 Latchford News Notes ,MARKET DAY CHANGE ! AT KIRKLAND LAKE MAY AFFECT COBALT SINT Te TT SCOUT |} Social and Personal News of Cobalt COLUMN Judge's Ruling Will Be Sought In Assessment i eae j Mrs. Cressy Beatty of Timmins was ; the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright | for a few days last week. ; alte -2fhentfenalte afte. Changes in the day of holding mar- ket at Kirkland Lake, which, if adopt- Jed, may affect the market at Cobalt, jare under consideration, it is stated, as a result of representations being made Baptist Church will have services both morning and evening. This has been brought about the church agreeing to accept a reduction in their from the Home Mission Board so that Haileybury also might have a settled pastor and two services every Sunday. Ed. Gates of Kirkland Lake was at home for the week-end. -and Mr Mrs Fred Mitchel are vis- iting friends in Timmins. Long Standing Dispute Between local Cobalt and Mining Compan- ies Nears Settlement i by A. Brocklebank was in Toronto for a few days last week-end grant | from the gold mining camp. The pro- 1} posal there is to hold market on Sat- the urday, instead of Friday, as is done Mr. and friends in week-end. Mrs: 'J. Kirkland Lalonde _ visitec Lake over Ist Cobalt Troop ewes Harry Grute and friends of Kirkland Lake were guests of Mrs. C. Teed on Sunday. Six months after his Honor made the suggestion the contend- ing parties get together and try .to_arrive at a settlement of their differences, failing which he would render judgment, Cobalt town council has decided to a Judge Hayward to decide be- tween the municipality and the} but La Rose and Aladdin-Cobalt min-| 1 ing companies in their dispute] message Over assessment 'of the lands} Scouts owned by the companies at the} Day, north end of the town. A motion] gla lly take your order for either roses to this effect was passed at the regular meeting of council on Monday night at the suggestion of Alonzo Fortin, the assessor. "Mothers Day ; This arrangment Begins next 'at present, and George W. Lee, chair- Sunday morning with a Mother's Day i Sunday, May 14, is observed this year as Mother's Day. This is an op- for Scout to make his mother the happiest mother Palate) ; jman of the T. & N.O. Commission, has Service, Alex Emms of New Liskeard was a! visitor few days the day of running the special market Gilmour Smith left Tuesday | week. train north, afternoon for Sudbury having received PPAR H a telegram earlier in the day which | Mr. and bore the sad news of the death of Rev.! children W. A. Whidden, minister of the Un-| Mr. and Church at whom | week-end. Mr. Smith was associated as assistant | Miss Margaret Tasker of Lake visited Mrs. J. Price, last Sunday. aibeen approached last regarding altering Kirkland in town for a Jr., portunity every help 4 last Rey. E. in Canada because of what! her Scout In turn, Mr. Lee communicated with Mrs. W. B. McFarlane and Mayor Wainwright, at Cobalt, of Temagami were guests of R. C, Fowler, vice-president Mrs. Temiskaming Farmers' says, does and is--not only on this day, throughout the act and This selling flowers for Mother's who and Mr. Mrs. Horace Barrett family of Kirkladn Lake, were in town every day year. and spoke to 3y word of mouth, written 3radley during the past of > ssocia- of the ocia to cuss the matter more fully at the end of the tend her. our} over the week-end. ited Sudbury, with cheer year tion, and arranged with him dis- are ------ ll minister before coming to Cobalt. The} TZ [telegram stated that Mr. Whidden had| steal aaa Maite "~| week-end with relatives in Kirkland. Lake his ten-year- | -- many of them go to Cobalt the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wickens have re- that turned Whitney and residence here for the summer. and any Scout or Leader will] Mrs. Harry Perry spent a few days Mrs, G. A. Schneider spent the past week. at present at- at Kirkland last week and returned home on Thursday. 4 Kirkland on Friday, and {or carnations. These flowers are be- een accidentally shot by town >and Jold son, Morris, and had died on Tues- to ing procured from out of be be --_- | ing day, an arrangement existed will Dr. Stark left 'Monday evening on a} day. morning. holiday which she will spend with re-| delivered on Saturday any from taken up|for some years past. address in or out of town. -- Mr. Fortin pointed out that no latives at Toronto and Detroit. Twelve little girls spent a very agreement had been reached be- tween the town and the compan- ies and he thought some definite steps should be taken. Council agreed. Arguments in the case| were heard before Judge Hay-| hap- Se Sng Sr : COBALT KIWANIS April 29th,| Mr. W. Michiel attended a Presby- | ns Doody, |tery meeting in Haileybury on Thursday for Saturday, Mrs. J. party afternoon on of | ped A py | - | g Mrs. P. J. Murphy spent the week-| at the home who | . | | The Kiwanis Club had the pleasure end at Kirkland Lake with her daugh-| gave a birthday her two} | \dair an address of un- Dr. Wilson of the Sanatorium at Haileybury, on this week of hearing whose birthdays both come| Aileen birthday daughters, April, | eleventh Mrs. G. A her | Adair we her| Cobalt recently. | Os : 4 ters, the Misses Gladys and Freda. Miss Hilda visitors in Haileybury and and usual interst and value by in was celebrating re Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Munro motor- and 'Dorothy the subject "Combatting Tuberculosis." ward last November, when his| Honor sat to consider appeals from the Cobalt court of revi- sion. The companies, represent- ed' then by W. E. McCready, maintained there was a double assessment on ground they own- ed. Judge Hayward said at the time he considered the matter one for settlement between the parties and suggested they get together and agree. Council, on Monday night, said nothing fur- ther had been done. Daylight saving figured briefly in the discussions at the meet- ing, the proposed date of its adoption being changed once more. Notice of motion was given that a by-law setting the} dates as from June 1 to Septem-| ber 30 was given, and the resolu- tion adopted at the previous meeting, and providing for sum-| mer time from May 15 to Septem- ber 15, was rescinded. The auth ority of council to introduce t he by-law was questioned, but Mayor Wainwright maintained Councillor Brocklebank had given notice of motion at the last sit-| ting, while Town Clerk Harring-| ton could not recall anything of this nature and no mention of it was contained in the minutes. The clerk read a letter from New Liskeard, in which it was stated the matter was to be con- sidered there the same evening, and giving the dates as from June 1 to August 31. Council shelved the matter until next Monday, when a special meeting will be held, and it was intimated during the discussion action tak- en then would depend on what had been done by the other mu- nicipalities. It was further stat- ed the dates in Cobalt's by-law would be changed, if necessary, to conform with those set in the other towns. Otherwise, business was large- ly routine. P. J. Hassett and Owen Robinson each was given permission to instal two gasoline tanks. The I.0.D.E. can have the town hall on May 24, and the Sal- vation Army may hold a tag day on Saturday. One meter at $72 was ordered, also two shut-off nozzles. The public school estimates were read and verbal bouquets in connec- tion with them tossed at the trustees. Councillor Eliott re- signed from the hospital board, giving no reason and being ask- ed none. The assessor reported various adjustments made by him and was paid $137.32 coming to him in commissions. Mrs. William Saumier, well-known resident of Cobalt, on Tuesday was notified of the second bereavement in two months among her immediate re- Tatives when she received a telegram telling of the death in hospital in Montreal of her brother, Arthur. No particulars were given and a letter a few days ago had reported all in good health there. Two months ago, a sis- ter, Miss Bonneville, who formerly lived on Lang Street Cobalt, died ather suddenly from heart trouble, g which she had been suffering for URCH of CANADA pbalt and Latchford ERVICES School--10 a.m. il a.m. School--2 p.m. m. 5 Minister. "GIRL GUIDE NEWS" Ist Cobalt Company The meeting last week was spent in getting ready for the supper and bridge. We had roll-call and inspec- tion and flag-raising and then we put up tables and chairs for the rest of the evening. We wish to thank kindly helped in making bridge-and dance such a big success. those who supper, all our The meeting this week will be very important. any badges will have the opportunity of passing them on Thursday, so get busy and study. Our getting along wonderfully, but we would like to see All girls who wish to pass nature chart is it filled up with every different leaf, flower and twig possible There ought to be lots of them now. "SPRING" When the cuckoo mocks in the early morn, And milk-white blossoms bedeck * the thorn, The sun comes a-tilting down the mead winter drear-o. All the birds are returning fast-- See, the woods are awake at last! To banish Then hey! for the life the gypsies lead Now that Springtime is here-o. The marks for inspection are as fol- lows : Swallows, 9; Poppies, 7; Canary, 5. Cobalt Churches FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rey. T. E. McAllister--Pastor Cobalt MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES 11 am.--Morning Worship. Subject "Mother's Mother" or The Mother-in- Law. Sermonette for the children, at this service. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. Mother's Day program. Special 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject "Mother" God's Merchant Ship. The Independent Order of Oddfellows will attend the evening service in commem- oration of the 114th anniversary of the Order. Please note that we are having a morning service, to which the public is cordially invited. COBALT UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. Gilmour Smith, B. A., Minister 11. 4m --Morning Worship. Sacrament of Baptism. 2.30 p.m.--Church School. 7 p.m.--Mother and Daughter Ser- vice. Music by the Girls' Choir and the Sunday School Orchestra. ST. JAMES CHURCH Rev. C. Giover, B.A., L.S.T., Rector. 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m--Holy Communion. (1st, 3rd, 5th.) Matins--(2nd and 4th.) Sunday School at 2 p.m. 7.00 p.m.--Evensong. SALVATION ARMY Captain Edward Payne Lieut Burton Pedlar SUNDAY 11 a.m--Holiness Service. 2.15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Salvation Service. Thur., 2.15 p.m--Home League Thur., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.--Y. P. Guild, 5 to 5.30--Broadcast, CK MC. The ed to North Bay on Wednesday where} they will spend a week visiting rela- tives. Miss R.Ni, Monday to Toronto after spending her Evelyn Rowe, returned holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Rowe. Hunt's Holly's Chocolates, Langley's Dry Cleaning Agency, and L. Stadelman 6-tf. and sporting goods, at the Co., Cobalt. of Tomstown, who h as Mrs. Art. Wednesday to spend a Mrs. Allen been visiting her daughter, Brown, left few days with her daughter at Milberta before returning home. Suits and overcoats, newest styles; made by Tip Top Tailors and carrying full $1950; AL Je Elliott, agent, Nipissing Stores Block, Cobalt. 3-t.f. their guarantee. The Wohelo Hustler's group held their meeting this week at the home of Stella Wilcox on Tuesday evening and completed plans for their tea and sale of home cooking on Saturday. Miss Marion Bartlett who has been attending Queen's University, returned home on Tuesday, having spent a week with Miss Marion Malone at Guelph and a few days in Toronto, en route. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore visited Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Neil at Kirkland Lake on Sunday. Mrs. A. Munro ac- companied them on to Cobalt and was in town until Tuesday. their return The May meeting of the Woman's Association of the United Church was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Train, with a good attendance of the present. Arrangements for the anniversary din- The June meet- ing is to be held at the home of Mrs. E. F. Armstrong. members ner were completed. The Women's Augiliary of St. James' Anglican Church met last Wednesday Hall. Notice was given of the meeting of Temiska- Liskeard May 18, and all members were urged to attend. A Japan will be present and speak at both af- ternoon and evening meetings. afternoon at the Parish ming Deanery at New on missionary from The May meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Eastman. The feature of the meting was the birthday offering, each member giving as many pennies as she To carry out the birth- day idea, a big birthday cake trimmed with many candles, graced the tea- table. was years old. Beginning next Sunday the Cobalt | Municipal The with a snowhouse which held gifts for fifth. supper table was centred every one while on one side. was| Aileen's birthday cake and on the| other, Dorothy's. Both girls received] some lovely gifts. The Girl Guides and leaders were highly gratified with the way the peo- ple of the town turned out to their supper and bridge last Friday night at the Town Hall and helped to make their efforts to raise money for their camp so successful. There were 22 tables of bridge played, the prize win- ners being as follows: | Ladies, first, Mrs. J. Welsh; second, Mrs. Roy Douglas; consolation, Mrs. Keen. Men's first, Len Dixon; sec- ond, G. Pratt; consolation, T. Wain- wright. Club Makes Presentation To Member Leaving Cobalt Presentation of a tin of his favorite tobacco and an address was made last evening in Cobalt to Fred Phelps on behalf of the members of St. James' Anglican Club, of which he has been a member since its inception. Mr. Phelps, with his wife and daugh- ter, is leaving Cobalt on Wednes- day next for England, where the family expect to make their home again. During his stay in Cobalt, Mr. Phelps has been ac- tively identified with St. James' Church, of which he is a former church warden, and this connec- tion was noted in the address, which also wished him a_ safe journey and a happy and _pros- perous stay in the Old Country. The address was signed by F. E. Coon, president, and by Robert Fairbrother, secretary of the club. Cribbage was played and lunch served at last night's func- tion. Mayor Wainwright, Cobalt, Reeve Rowdon, Dr. E. F. Arm- strong, president of Cobalt Board Trade and C. P. Cross secretary of the Coleman, of same body, went to North Bay yester- day to discuss road matters with mem- bers of the board of trade and the motor club there. Mrs. J. J. Fildes, Cobalt, is in the Hospital treatment following a stroke she suf- there undergoing fered at her home yesterday morning. Her husband, who had been downtown returned home to find her unconscious Mrs. Fildes' health not been of the best lately, although she had been down town on Tuesday night. on the floor. has Tomatoes thrive best on a well drained and fertile sandy loam. ecient lial tie atte aii atte allie alin ad atte atte oie atthe ati tin at eae ee oD Cobalt Lodge No. 379, 1.0.0.F. Will hold Annual Church Parade on SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 1933, at 7.00 p.m. M b hl 's will a at the Hall on Lang Street at 6.30 p.m. and attend Divine Service in the Cobalt Baptist Church. ALL ODDFELLOWS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED H. J. HAWKEN, Rec. Seéc. eae _ J. CAMPBELL, N. G. Mr. Mrs. keard were recently visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley. ind W. James of New Lis- Mr. A. Nadeau of Quebec City, one of the directors of the Cobalt Kittson Mr. Snyder, M.E., were in Latchford on Friday, en route to the mine. Mine, accompanied by On what proved to be a false alarm Cobalt firemen responded to a call to the north end of town about 4.15 Tuesday on afternoon. The summons came from Box 43, at the corner of La Rose Avenue and Third when the brigade arrived there noone was at the box, nor street, but was there any sign of fire in that vicinity. * The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cam- eron was the scene of a quiet but pret- ty wedding on Wednesday, May 3rd, Myma, the bride of Mr. Grant Elmer Eddy of Timmins, eldest son of Mr. Elmer Eddy of Peachland, B.C. The Rev. S. Milley performed the ceremony. The when their daughter, became happy ensemble. them a couple left, amid showers of confetti, for their new home in Tim- mins. The bride travelled in a sand Their frends wish olng life many of happiness and prosperity. who was tastefully gowned in georgette and shoes, was attended by her sister, bride brown with matching hose Rita, while her brother, Donald, sup- ported the groom. After the ceremony served the a dainty lunch was and Ore H. A. Sparham WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Mining Exchange Bldg, Cobalt DR. E. F. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Mining Exchange Building Cobalt, Ont. Sell It by Advertising ! EVERY KIND OF INSURANCE We can insure anything or anybody. Phone 54 Over Giachino's Store Just Phone us. COBALT F. OHEARN & CO. STOCKS KIRKLAND LAKE BONDS COBALT GRAIN TIMMINS Private Wires to all Leading Financial Markets and Northern Mining Centres broadcast We closing quo Exchange each evening at s on the Standard Stock and Mining 6.30 over Station CKMC, Cobalt In addition each Friday evening at the same hour the broadcast will include a weekly review of the market. Quotations gladly furnished upon request by telephone. Cobalt Kiwanis Club 7 aie.Jafn.iia-<eRh-nienie2fia sie she afe_Lsfhn ole _oiheobe pha cahe wishes to announce Opening Day at Bass Lake Beach On MAY 24th i ai All i il il ll al i a