i' tae Es THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1933 i HAIL EYBURIAN Page 3 ee Police Maintenance: Town of Haileybury \2"" °°" me ae ---- __ 778.08 : (Continued on Page 6) a AT Ge Se 60 Norfolk & Rochester Hardv ae re | Office Maintenance: Treasurer's Statement, 19330: maintenmmce: g HH: 3Glifford ies a eee, a Ie? payee 3 S) Northern Telephone Co. Limited-------- A , Receipts and Expenditures Norfolk & Pees Hardware - 50 From Noyember 16th to December 31st, 1932 Postage. sade as Maes Oe s 9.00 nae Receipts --_-- 424, Miscellaneous: 5 Direct Relief: IMB Glazier, tenet ee $7 32,60 ASWING SGagm One deset 2 ea es Sage 202.83 J. A. Papworth (Acct. purchase lot) 1.00 W. Stadden Sy Oss 12.50 Chas. Booth (Tax Sale Property) 100.00 ASOIPLiN der ee sae te tee eb ae 3 Ege 1.50 Sl ss:008 WR Dridel gu aes eee see = 3.42 Reh bask cree ee et Sak, igs he AE OS thes D9. OD eae Mic Rate rion epeae te mos a : 1.95 Provincial Board of Health ------- Bee Pee 250.00 Renaud's Grocery ------4------------- 692.19 High School Debenture Grants ----------__-____ 2,996.77, Dominion Stores Limited, --- 248.11 Direct Relief Government. Grants ~~ wee ae 789.87 Graham Bros. -------/-- 45.28 Taxes, 1931 and previous ~~~ --.--.-------- 1,050.86 GJassford's Grocery 89.32 EL AXERLO G2 ee memes Shee hee oe 2O86.1b <6.) Blemingete soo) ee eae 125,02 Licenses) coat a Cai Se 12.00 Norfolk & Rochester Hardware -----~ 3.80 Dog daxes: aan eS SR A ae Pi RE TS.00: Mixs. Me OlGrady oe be ee 4.60 Paolicesbines yas ae ae Re ae 8 3.50 Imperial Oil, Limited __---_----------. 145.44 Water atesie-: bee eel myy es 2 = 247.09 -------- "1573.96 Marketiinees, co steomess 502) "ake zs 48.75Sewer Maintenance: TRESS g |S Be ee ee ee - 1250.21 G, Youngberg _-____- Et gma ae A'80 Provincial Government Debenture Grant --_-- UPB. NGELGoE, Lees fo a eee a aS. 60 a FDOta Ig aapee one Cee ne eee eee OOUISS Garbage: ---------- § W. Baxter cS Ae al ME SLY NE ae a 100.00 Expenditures Board of Health: Waterworks Maintenance: (GEPM Otley' cee. i Saies Uaek Mp ee mp cme | 129100 Wages: H. Villeneuve _--.--$ 43.20 Canadian National Express ~---__----- 40 G. Youngberg --- (i 18.00 --_---- 125.40 hoes Goe* soo ----- 46.80 DEBENTURE INTEREST ~-2 1-3 -- 72.71 MipO/Gradyiue pe E2400 DEBENTURE BRINCEPA Ty (2 seenmss') Be eeeie ITA 32 S. E. Magee - -------- 125.00 INTEREST AND EXCHANGE ©. --___---» 396.01 Rep AV Vials O11 gies eae es 172,50 Insurance UNS Sieh sh tee ee a RY) Bagshaw lisitrances@O: esa eee ee oa 172.06 Gee Eee DUR UIGESCHO Oly BOARD! pierre a a Se) 2)100;00 Geo. Poppleton 22x- 2 eee Sa = 352.60 Printing and Advertising: Northern Telephone Co. Limited .---- 45.37 Phe r Hiatleyburianey toe see kam ees AS 66.80 Town of New Liskeard ---- 6.30 Electon= Canadian Industries --_~ 27.03. Mrs, J. Farmer 5.00 Canadian Brass Co. Limited - ee ibe, H. M. Findlay ---- ' 3.00 Norfolk & Rochester Hardware ____- 89.36 Ee Poppleton seeme ns cy Sk Ce 4.00 ------ __. 58443 H. E. Blackwall 4.00 Market: JapAvr MacArthur j_- 5-2 4.00 Rolice pees ete eee -- 8.00 Wines MacArthuries. so en eret 2 a 3.00 GpMounpberg) eae. iegmen Snes aT 2.40 Mae cai 23.00 Joe Coe -- ae : 2.40 See ee ETeauallerieiiyer ices a tage ey ZAQe Tota lieaemre es? Wie numie stems eS $ 10,380.14 Norfolk & Rochester Hardware -____- 3,02)" = pee ae ae Siar Fee Tabi widictedea Se! Receipts and Expenditures 'apvageeh y: Watson é 31.50 JANUARY Ist 'to NOVEMBER 15th, 1933 ~ L. Chevrette 26.50. Receipts P. Maloney -- 16,00 Rents: E. Legendre 6.75 J. T. Ryder ___ A. MacLaren 6.75 H. V. Allsopp -- _ J. Brouillard -- 9.00 W. Belanger .__- G. Gerow ._- 11.25 GarsmAliard © 13.50 : Fred Grozelle .-- i Met 11.25 OM aarnorpeg ee wow AE _ 200.00 PE OTA ea Robt. G. Spears 125.00 4.50 J. Leliever .___ 46.55 13.50 Y. Marquis - 2.4000: | 13.50 , Mather Bros. .-- _ 40.00 | 13.50 Gordon Ferguson 80.00 | 13.50 Leo. Beaudry ___ 10.00 | P. Barrette . 13.50 MegO}Gradyicce : 15.00 Wieebrccdle yee: ce eal as 9.00 Gerard Trudel -----__- Be Sa: BM 5.00 i | Jos. Marcella .- 104.80 MatalWkents 22222 ee 55 yoy e 998.55 | G Murray -- 25) Miscellaneous: | R: Wilson -- 2.25, F.. R. Gibson (purchase of Lot)_______ 1.00 -G. Lemay --~ 4.50 Thos. Marcella (purchase of Lot) ___ 5.00 H. Villeneuve --_ a2 BaTwigg-c22 2)" = Nahe eae SOE eae 20.00 | J. Villeneuve 7.00 J, Steedman ._- SPS ag 50.00 E Marcella _2- 7.00 IBV AGLen esr tor see Many ue A be dey 12.00 Aer Grunianiltann eae es 2.50 Aciblurteay nee oe Sp Ast ally ae Oe 2.50 ----_ 357.30 Building Permits --_ "ies 8.00 L. Sauve 16.15 R. Morrisette ---_---- te 1.00 Norfolk & Rochester Hardware ---_ 40.93 Provincial Goyt. Railway Tax _ __ 68.48 Mirss Mi Rhainds: 1. csaee 28 20.00 Wiss Bema yi asia 2 MD Mee tore 10:00) imperial, Oi Limited ys2 52 922 Wma bradley Seles Ses Te 2 3.00 Northern Telephone Co. Limited__-__- 2.39 Bases MOLT pa come tert Sa Ne cca 1.00 3 ----_ 88.69 Interest on Waterworks Debentures_- 646.62 i : Miss "Guo tevin wah, cob sake eee) 1200) ae wie ane tat 26.40 Misericordia Hospital .__ 201.00 G. Youngberg .- 39.60 Haileybury Fire Brigade ___ 122.05 Joe Coe 14.40 PST NB el Iie. S510) IM RONG ra dys ee 48.00 Total Misecllaneous _ ------ _ $1,178.65 SiR viMageey ase -- 125.65 FARES ISSZ AND: PREVIOUS Nese -.. 17,077.79 M. O'Halloran 720 TAX COLLECTIONS 1933 _* 43,873.01 K. Watson 112.50 se 7sBOARD OF HEALTH 525,00 Ty yap e Ne 2 DRO 295,00 DOG TAXES son Regan Norfolk & Rochester Hardware --- 52.11 DWIGHT EDL PDIR eS A ___-.. 21,148.67 Wea DeeMcArthur --25. Sent =. 2-28 015,00 HOUSINGEPAVIMIPIN TS: uate ue eee Ae _ 8,038.97 Smee oo LICENSES 508,00 PlcecelanepHla® : 27: MARKET FEES ___________ rhe 413550 Canadian National Express ----------- 7 EOUIGH RINE Site. 00 Lene tk Miami Ontario Railway Board 20.00 . ; R. R. Warren __- 00 ' DSCREN ORG) ee sa Ep als! EG ae oe 9,150.56 H. Villeneuve 2.40 SALE OF DEBENTURES re WATER- Joe Coe; see 240 WORKS 'CONSTRUCTION 222-2222. -1 2 21,594.75 T. & N.O. Railway Telegraph --~---- 1.94 SY EL Ae Norfolk & Rochester Hardware ~- 3.05, Expenditures JA, Legris ----2 =~ _--_- -=____--- 38.89 Waterworks Maintenance: 75.04 Wages: R. Watson --____--_-_-___-:__- $1,265.00 . Charity: H. Villeneuve 146.40 W. MacGirr, re mealS for prisoners--- 4.90 Ji Coe Sah 278.70 NET RBS vhtnaiid Be 12.00 G. Youngberg 151.50 == 16.90 A. Milroy -- 76.80 Rents: S. Magee _- 625.00 BisOtary Page ee es 7.00 Desa ie eee ae or Waterworks Construction: W. J. Buglehole _ Wages: P. Moriarty -_-- 14.40 - James Blair ___ Thos. Flintoff 72.00 A. Hamilton E. Twigg 9.60 i Sam Evans 20.40 J: Watson ue 55.00 ; A. Milroy ---- 118.80 Cecil Palmer ___ 7.50 H. Villeneuve 61.20 E Lloyd Palmer ___ 7.50 Joe Coe 40.00 P. Moriarity 2.40 G. Youngberg 29.60 ee 8/740) L. Dostert 10.00 GZEs Brouillard, seaeermemeeimnirs | 3.74 Albert Palmer 10.00 Johnson Wire Works _ 240.12 Sa ae 386.00 Graham Bros. __ 8.52 Temiskaming & Northern Ont. Rly... - 70.69 Carriere Taxi... 950 R. Y. Campbell 500.00 Temiskaming & Nor. Ont. Railway 47.35 Godfrey Larsson ----------------_____ 100.00 Norfolk & Rochester Hardware _ : Norfolk & Rochester Hardware -_____ 107.39 P, Barrette... 2 es oe City Residence -for a day, a week or longer--from a single room with bath to the most sumptuous suite--without a care or worry on your part, affording every conveni luxury and attend, Delightful lounge reception rooms --unexcelled restaurant service-- that briefly is the distinctive appeal of the Windsor Arms Windsor Arms Hotel 22 St. Thomas Street (Bloor at Bay \ TORONTO Tel. Ra. 5141-2-3.4 Write for folder, + a a a a se IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET DUNN, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Dunn, late of the Town of Haileybury, in the District of Temiskaming, Public School Teacher, who died on or about the 18th day of September, 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solici- tors for the Executors, on or before the 30th day of November, 1933, full particulars of their claims. And take notice that after the said 30th day of November, 1933, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hawing regard only to claims of which the Executors*shall then have notice. Dated at Kirkland Lake, Ontario, zhis Ist day of November, 1933, JOHN ELLIOTT DUNN and EDWIN WILBUR KEARNEY Executors, By Kearney & Willaims, 21 Government Road West, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, 32-3-c Their Solicitors Herein. | Why Envy THAT DEPRESSED FEELING | SLIMNESS? | _ 55 LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile Instead of envying slim people, do these two things: --_ Wy; 1. Cut down on sweet, starchy foods such as pota.oes, Without Calomel fat meats and sweet desserts and eat a larger percentage You are "feeling punk" simply because your ' of such muscle and nerve builders as lean meats, greens liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid and cereals. 2. Take a bracing, pleasant glass of bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination | Androws Liver Salt onoe or twice a week. Andrews are both hampered, and your entire system is | will condition your system by correcting incomplete being poisoned. x ' mt i n of body wastes--a Bose SR every- What you need is a liver stimulant. Some- ject to, even though daily habits may be thing that goes farther thansalts, mineral water, regular. When Andrews corrects this con- | oil, Jaxative candy or chewing gum or roughage ture does the rest, Gradually surplus fat which only move the bowels--ignoring the real foes--and new vigour is gained. Get Andrews Liver cause of trouble, your liver. y Salt from your druggist--In tins, 35¢ and .60c. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. Purely vege New, large bottle, 75c, Sole Agents: John A. table. No harsh calomel (mercury). Safe. Sure. Huston Co,, L-td., Toronto. 1 Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c, at all druggists. 3 OFFER f : ¢ 25c bottle © 5 ER: _ Please give ie of 1-Ib. tin of TO THE DEALES OIL Free with Dealers mat WES' LEM R WAX at regular 1 be redeemed at the HAWES' Capra below. They ae 'oee 4th ; uae Me ce. Coupon goo a regular r 5 Dundes EDWARD HAW HAWES FREE' earer On! purchase ale pri EBS & CO. LTD., 431-43 St. B., Toronto o Address 5-2 Dealer's Name..." | F R E E a Regular 25c. Bottle of HAWES' Lemon Oil with the purchase of a | tb. Tin of HAWES' FLOOR WAX Clip Coupon from. this Paper - 50 and Redeem Here! PER TIN F. R. Gibson Hardware Haileybury BECAUSE you owe 'burian gives you th events of whi attractive buys and 5 GOOD REASONS | - You Should Read Your Local Newspaper with, the news of your town or district and the conditions which exist as reflected in the happenings week by week in The Haileyburian. The Hailey- BECAUSE as a citizen you should home where you can compare them follow carefully the activities of your with your needs. Advertised goods Council, School Boards and other gov- must be honest or they defeat, like erning bodies of public institutions, other forms of dishonesty, their own which are your representatives and are object. And finally spending your money. Their meetings and programs of expenditures and BECAUSE The Haileyburian is a work are reported fully in the columns community institution. While privately of your paper. In order that you may owned and financed, its columns and criticize justly and vote intelligently services belong to the public which it these accounts should be carefully serves. The Haileyburian is the mir- read by you. ror in which the world sees reflected ' Haileybury and district. A token to BECAUSE your friends, acquaintances other communities of Haileybury's and relations and their participation success, progress and general condition. in the industrial, or social affairs; your Without the sincere interest of those societies, your churches, your schools, whom it endeavors to serve, no news- their itineraries, innovations and re- paper can properly represent its dis- ports are fully chronicled in the week- trict. Your interest. is evidenced by ly budget of intimate neighborhood the manner in which you read your news that makes up the greater por- paper each week; by watching your tion of each week's Haileyburian. susbeription closely and keeping it BECAUSE Haileybury merchants and business houses list in The Haileybur- ian's columns each 4veek their most your selection and perusal in your own ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER? 'If so, is your subscription paid up? And are you readingy your paper properly--thoroughly? And if not--ask yourself-- why not? If you are not already a subscriber, The Haileyburian is making a special trial subscription offer to you for a very short time. Clip the coupon below and mail or bring it to The Haileyburian office with 50 cents, This offez lasts for only a limited time. DO IT NOW! THERE ARE WHY-- it to yourself and your family to be thoroughly familiar e correct account--fairly, impartially--of many local ch you frequently hear many different versions. paid up--for only newspapers with paid up subscription lists are success- ful--and by offering constructive criti- cism--Don't tell somebody else--write merchandise, for and tell us. the end of that time I will _ THE HAILEYBURIAN, Haileybury, Ontario Enclosed please find 50 cents in payment for the Haileyburian for three months, At notify you if I wish to discontinue. eee