The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 21 Dec 1933, p. 2

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THE HAIiLEYBURIAN THURS., DECEMBER 21, 1933 Mr. Chutes has been transferred to Mata- bitchouan generating station, relieving; ' f { WHAT ONE | A pleasant evening was spent-in thet Mr his way to MacDonald Lake. ul, vill The Montreal River |; News | OPTIMIST By Aline Michaelis Fernand Montpetit of Hound THE RHYMING oY YOU AND I Arthur Babbage, who has been isferred to Cobalt sub-station. 3oons too blessed to deny, You and I! ommunity hall at a dance given by - and Mrs. E. Dechene. | Who are they, who learn at last -- Wise men put vain longings by, Leo Belland passed through here} And, so learning, leave the past? You and I! new rink at Matabitchouan viding plenty of entertainment for Tender heart and seeing eye and some important hockey games| As the rich rewards ef pain? be announced later, | You and I! -------- : : se Who are they. who often find, Banff Queen As the days so swiftly fly, they are made. Velvet is always rich-looking and ef- fective, and the new cut-velvets are 'especially lovely. But, if you can af- ford only one or two dinner gowns in we advise that they be of some lighter fabric. Remember that the formal season advances well Spring, isn't as comfortable as many of your wardrobe, into velvet the and on a mild evening Queen of the Banff Winter Car- nival, ruary nationally famous winter sports meet, which provides thrills rang- ing from outdoor swimmjng, to toboggan chutés built on mountain sides, and tain trails, will this year again take its place among the outstand- ing Western Canadian winter car- nivals. Alberta, who will reign as poor, from January 31st to Feb- vicissitudes 4th, inclusive. , | Through strange This inter- | i endure. And, ALTE love! ski-joring over moun- other, fabrics. We especially like the dinner sketched today. gown It is a charming com- bination of youthfulness and sophisti- cation. The neckline is cut high, both back and front, and there is a tiny the the beneath the waistline. show fullness above the elbows back and continue after the break Long sleeves and gown features a slight train. 1932, an increase of $106,301. Who are they whom labor brings Cala A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANDO LIFES INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA | germs of diphtheria. Fortunate is the child who is born fo a mother who recognizes the im- portance of breast-feeding, and who knows that vaccination against small- pox and immunization against diphth- eria are practical means of safeguard- ing the child. Fortunate is the child whose parents realize that child care isa difficult task, for which training is Toiling on with heart that sings? oa required. Good teeth are the product of a pro- per diet and care. No amount of luck will give strong, sound teeth to the child who does not receive in his diet the minerals and vitamins» required to build healthy teeth. The proper diet requires some understanding of food FORTUNATE PEOPLE " "What a lucky person!" exclaims the Good health is not a matter of chance or luck. Good health is the reward for proper living. It is just as important to display the intelligence in health matters as thoughtless individual. SOURED ON THE WORLD?--THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel necessary people who feel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the mistake of taking nae fn oe ee laxative candy or im, or rot the bowels ahd ignore the Eres CTY ™V® What you n is to ew 5 your liver bile. Starts your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick, Ask for them by name. fi asor at all ees Rel use substitutes. is| Who are they who seek and gain Untouched by tropic heat or Arctic cold it can Down all life's avenues its forces move, lacking better name, men call it : FEES Canadian National aRliways Earnings a Gross revenues of the all-inclusive Canadian National Railways System for the week ending December 7th, 1933. were $2,998.864 as compared with $2,- 892,563 for the corresponding period of same of life The woman who dies of cancer is not unlucky. She has been either ignorant of, or has disregarded the early signs of disease is devoted to business and other affairs' values and calls for planning on the part of the mother; it cannot be secur- ied by chance: | A healthy child is a child. well-trained A healthy mind and body are the reward for good training. Health The woman who has re-|calls for a certain amount of self-dis- \cipline which is reasonably easy for the adult who secured a proper start in jlife through good training. We are-not all born with the same Weeexe of intelligence or the same physical capacities but what becomes of us is not a question of good luck or of bad luck; it depends upon how well trained we are as children, and |how,-as adults, we make use of our in order that we may enjoy physical and mental health. | training to take care of ourse DO YOU PREFER A QUIET HOTEL? IF YOU DO, yOU WILL ENJOY HOTEL WAVERLEY AND IT'S HOME.-LIKE ATMOSPHERE. YOU WILL ENJOY THE TASTY, INEXPENSIVE # FOOD SERVED IN OUR BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM. Rates $1.50 up HOTEL WAVERLEY TORONTO WRITE FOR FOLDER | Just how good life is, how kind? covered from concer went to her doc- | You and I! tor aS soon as she noticed a lump in! | 5 ae her breast or some irregularity in her LOVE periods. Call her lucky if you dike, | | but it was really the fact that she paid } It flows through all life's plain o1| attention to what she knew that saved, | secret» way, her life | It rings in notes of meadow larks at| The child who died from diphtheria -dawn, Jwas unlueky because he was the child It casts its glory down the+darkened| of parents who were ignorant of care- maze less, with the result that he did not | Of hearts. forsaken when all else is|receive the injections of toxoid that | gone, ould have protected him against the 'he long-sleeved dinner gowns are | | It stirs the pulses with the breath of ee very ne in the style picture We | spring, find that they have a certain medieval | | Its echoes flood December days with] ¢ charm, You can beas demure as you| song, wish at dinner, with your gown cut} | For even the memories gf its splendor ar. high at the back and front, or you can | bring : ] 4 be very sophisticated and have your| A swelling tide of rapture, sweet and \ decolletage cut to the waist in the | strong. aaa ee anu ie SR Ba | it does not pass the feeble or the old, made to do double du yecause oO 1¢ 3 . A long detachable sleeves with which iss Violet Davis, of Bdmonton, And it can thrive for lowly folk and : FINEST Malaga Table Raisins 1-Ib. kg. wha POST RP HLS turn-down collar. An opening at the back allows for an interesting waist- iletage, The baton vet fabric (which, by th ay, is} Tita / the new cut velvet in a deep shade of mulberry), start from the neckline at Haileybury Lodge, 364 OrOrr Meets Secund and Fourth Mondays of in the 1.0.0.F. Temple at 8.00 p.m. each month, T emtskaming % Northern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE Train No. 17--North Bay to Cochrane Monday,' Wednesday and _ Friday Through Sleeping Car service Ottawa- Timmins Train No. 18 North Cochrane to Bay, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Through Sleeper Timmins- Ottawa Trains Nos. 17 and 18 use Canadian Pacific Railway Station at North Bay 5. Trains Nos. 46 and 47 -Through ser- vice daily between Toronto and Coch- rane, carrying through Sleepers be- tween Toronto and Timmins, Toronto and Rouyn, and between Montreal and Cochrane, Parlor Cafe Car Service operating between North Bay and Swastika. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay. Connection at Earlton Jet. for Elk Lake, daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday service between w Englehart and Ch: arlton. Connections at Swastik daily with Perhaps the most ron of British aeroplanes took place recently when a number of military planes, manned by Egyptian officers, took off from England for Egypt, where they were intended for generat purpose duties with the Egytpian Shortly after the start of the flight bad weather was encountered and it was only after a fight against tremendous odds that the machines reached their killing the Egytpian officers, and later another machine was forced down Our picture shows the squadron with an Egyp- Army vith injury to the fliers. THE UNLUCKY EGYPTIAN SQUADRON % 2 ~ ory =! ee, rd "unlucky" Air Force. destination. En route one tian officer in the foreground. formation flight ever undertaken by a squad- plane crashed, Nipissing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Cheminis, Ont., Al- dermac, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. Connections at Porquis Ict. daily for Iroquois Falls Connections at Porquis Jct. daily for Connaught, South Porcupine, Schum- acher and Timmins Service between Cochrane, Moosonee and Intermediate points: Train No. 101 -- Leaves Cochrane 9.00 a.m., Tuesday only, arrives Moos- onee 6.00 p.m. Tuesday. .~ . Train No. 102 -- Leaves Moosonee 8.00 a.m., Thursday only, arrives Coch- rane 5.00 p.m. Train No. 103 -- Leaves Cochrane 9.00 a.m., Monday only, arrives Island Falls 12. 20 p.m. Train No. 104-- Leaves Island Falls 1.00 p.m., Monday only, arrives Coch- rane 4.00 p.m. Train No. 105--Leaves Cochrane 9.00 am., Saturday only, arrives Fraserdale 1,33 p.m. Train No. 106 -- Leaves Fraserdale 2.00 p.m. Saturday only, arrives Coch- - rane 6,20 p.m : Close connections at North Bay for Points South, East and West _For further particulars, apply to any T & NO, Rly. Agent, or REDUCED FARES | Between All Points in Canada and to Certain Destinations in the United States CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Christmas Week-End--On sale from 5 am. December 23 up to and including December 25. Return limit to reach starting point not later than midnight, Tuesday, December 26 New Year's Week-End--On sale from 5 a.m. December 30 up to and including January 1, Return limit to reach original starting point not later than midnight, Tuesday, January 2. FARE AND A QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, December 21, to Monday, January 1, inclu- sive; good to return leaving destination not later than midnight, Monday, January 8, Tickets and complete information from any Agent | CANADIAN PACIFIC ool by Rocks and Spools, Jellies, Peppermints, lb. Chocolates, Etc., Etc. AND 1 SRP PS 19: Jelly Beans, Humbugs, Gum Drops, Satin Mixed, Etc> Etc Christ: 1as c Puddings Eaci 69 Approx. % Ibs, [HUE RGLENRKERHSEERS xou'li find cue Savings you make at "Dominion" are Real Presents, not only at Christmas, but all the year round. " OUR OWN Christmas CAKE Plain or Almond Iced SPECIALS IN OUR MEAT DEPT.. NEW CROP, SEEDLESS NAVEL i \<\. ORANGES | GOOD SIZE ~~ 839e doz. 3 for $1°00 ac. ae Cranberries CHERRIES - - 39¢ Recleaned CURRANTS - %. 17¢ 'Seeded z RAISINS - Pkg. 17¢ * ae we ee cee we se se oa & i & we B ae a ® we a a 1 Australian Seedless RAISINS - 2 lbs. 27¢ Domino Seedless" : RAISINS - Pkg. 16¢ Lemon and Orange PEEL - - tb. 23¢ Whole Glacé FE ancy Select Quality Turkeys . . 22c Ib. - Fancy Fresh-killed Geese . . . 15c lb. Choice Fresh Hams: Ys 28 oe - L4c lb. Golden Glow Ground Kidney Suet 2 lbs. 25e 2B oa we eB ee a ea ea a ® % we o % %B B ea a a ea a 0) ea we ee) we) we) Extra Choice Quality Oysters -- 28c half pint OLIVES CLUBHOUSE PLAIN 6%4-oz. Jar 19¢ McLAREN'S STUFFED 25¢ ll-oz. Jar New Crop Mixed » 21° BRAZILS - 1b. 19¢ ALMONDS - lb. 23¢ WALNUTS ib. 23¢ FILBERTS - Ib. 19¢ PEANUTS 2 lbs. 23~ "SHELLED NUTS" WALNUT Halves lb. 59¢€ AUNUT Pieces Ib. 49¢ ALMONDS lb. 55¢ Soeur. Ib. Qe HESSHISHSS SS PSHS NIHSS ISETU LASSI ST SS OPPO OPPO my, DOMINION STORES TEAS To Round Out the Feast DOMINO b. Red Package = - - 39° RICHMELLO Ib. Blue Label - = " 49 RICHMELLO Ib. 4 Wiemaalo 2 2 CyYE JOMINION STORES COFFEES --~ Are Fresh Ground in the Store "RICHMELLO" Ib. 45¢ "DOMINO" Ib. 35¢ "Early Morning" 1b. 29¢. EER emerne FIGS New Season's TABLE » 23° @McLaren's Jelly ible cle delicdcier mhirriff's Lape JELLIES 12-02. Jar 25¢ Crosse & Blackwell's Branston Pickle Jar a Hi-Grade HORSERADISH - toe ce POWDERS @ Pkes. 25¢ Bird's Custard Pkg. 15¢€ POWDER Dominion PEAS No: 2 Tin 17¢_ Aviner No, 1Tin ASPARAGUS '21e€ w a we we we % wp os co we oo oa 2 Ls Ca ws oe % 2 2 ep & a m a .)

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