-- en _ = F r 4 7 \ \ Page Miebeee He AS i EVE Ye Bs RilvAGN ; THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1936 0 ---- y\ der's tithely observation that he! been to me. But you were so| UR F sane bk Nang: and Was long, so long! Yesterday I pro-| % i C ( ) wondering about him himself had] _ . ' : * I t Y valuable corroborative effect. mised sauder part | n e igent n V es | a 10n "R a 2 % eae ys Tr But now--your explanations? 3 HE oe ~ & I . ae In the days that followed Den- In recent years in Canada there has been a wide distribution of shares said Grant. "How comes it, Lin-| . ° ere as 2 'th der?" nison Grant drank his cup of re- in mining ventures. Too often this interest has been sequen aut but ' re : EEA Hop cbniowr. ; oe proper inv tion. In parti g in Canada' 's mining developmen: j A Novel of the Foothills Simple enofigh, from our side.| ot one He worked his unnecessary losses need not be hazarded. There is available a reliable i : When I got your telephone call fields early and late; he noted the source of information on mines and prospects. The Northern Miner : tiny spirals of smoke ascending. has specialized in this field for many years. Its service is extensively { y all I could catch was the fact that jie incense from Zen's cottage: used by successful investors and speculators in this market. ; you were miphty jeladito) get me©,/but he went no nearer the Trans- -- a ad some urge $S2 ; MINER : ; miss Bruce. Then the connections /<¥ home than the end of his fur-| THE NORTHERN CORSRIRHE. BY SOBER EIEAD in tke valley of late. You can go Bese eae row. He had'handed back Trans-] $3 a YEAR d 4 s - TORONTO, ONT. Fie ie EE te Weary eipectally "3 the ahead now with your high plans, HT gee: Sane nee : ley's wife from the edge of _the 10 Cents at All Dealers. prairies and foothills of Westem Canada, be-} With your Big Idea You will see, d you ,of course, as-/abyss; he had made up his mind: comes a living thing through the medium of] Marry Miss Bruce, and forget. sured Miss Bruce that I was be-|that much was settled. ---- che send Robert, Steadin Be Wat POs See "I shall remember with chas-)ing murdered, or meeting Some The battle that raged within | S== SS of Winnipeg and for 30 years made his home tened memory, but I shall never,such happy and effective ending, | : : 5 f fal 4 o on what is now a disappearing but not quite| ¢ 1 y, bu 2 ES Pie ild 5 |/him now centred about Linder i} vanished frontier. He served alternately in} forget," he said at length. "I shall out here in the wilderness. |and Phyllis Bruce. When he had Pp R fl AWN FU farming, commercial and newspaper lines untillneyer forget Zen of the Y.D. And Not exactly that, but I EDGR: | ane ar Pap aces See ah ' called upon by the Canadian Government to]. 64 what will yoti do?" jed what I could, and Miss Bruce wo : y at will y OF Phyll 1 1 w 1 f occupy a responsible position in its immigra-|7 sey 1 eto ia 'éal-|insisted upon coming Out at once hyllis' revelation and was able tion and ion work y Peas EDO aC AG LEED Wie aoe i ane 1 feat 1 "|to think sanely he was sure that We haye on display a choice selection of Porch or Lawn While in his teens he was writing}ize how much IJ had until tonight./The roads were dréadful, but WC lipemia tenee might still be his if he F it PORE C Rte eo Menke poems inspired by the tawny Bralsiesy aeons Suddenly it came upon me that had daylight. Also, we have a ae rea crea Pao ge Tt urniture at specially attracti Pp : hill trails, the great limestone cliffs and the}p. 9 7 Ud mae A eateliueapsynen 2 | ety : ' 4 , rac- hardy settlers of the région, for the Canadian |e Was everything, You won't, tr phy | was another case of a man being Canvas Easy Chairs, with footrest and Canopy, attrac Magacice' 'These' potas' werecollected in'a ag el apaeet but as we Linder Mire pnd Reisen, (war his salt. But Linder was| IVERCES Io ris ie.0 suka pmesae tes bane alnat gr) $2.75 to $5.25 volume and published under the title of ""The| grow older our hearts wrap up/in a moment with a sadly bedrag- not Transley. He had -sparea : : 1.50 Empire aaah Ke Othe plume of pom {around our children with a love} gled hat. 5 lovee eatstiil ihe the, aas aes Plain Canvas Chairs at -- iy -- $1. - which appeare ater were rairie-Born, ie pn p. a bee ee hei A me Ae a I) eS Sart SoC 4 "Songs of the Prairie' and "Kitchener and | (Uite coe Hoe that ate My poor hat! Zen exclaimed.|ous with Linder? And what of | Garden Seats--very reasonable at ------------_- $1.7 Other Poems." He hat also written a number eae sn asehh An Hed sche oe "T lost it on way. | Phyllis ? Would she be happy| Bridge Sets, Table and Four Chairs, special offering $10.00 of interesting novels about the country,) thellove gives--pives--gives lavishly;| "Tt is the best kind of evidence | wi . > i 3 ' i hetter Known titles being | The Bal Jumper | |inselfishly, Ei ltaye) cued aa re- ; pe ith Linder? All are substantially built and nicely finished to add com- We t 1 OTE " ' s » aSKing § that you had but recently come Then Trutt d bef hi ' phe. Lome Pupener eras atarialWartoren | 4 Daal Te taal co pee eS LOO C UD Dero ree aim fort and arance to your home during the summer and "Neighbors He visualizes the zestful, | (UTN. over the road," said Linder, sig- in the furrow, as he plowed its nd appe y & 3 virile cters who conquer a wilderness and} "JT think I understand," he said nificant] ; ¢ a virile zee re Nees nana Te aioe alle nu L ad, a I : slow length one hazy summer pats ir tin sa P Beek at aga alte Benin. I think I do. | "I think no more evidence need | afternoon, and called him a hypo- pected from one who has excelled in poetical hey turned their eyes to the he called," said Phyllis, "May I/crite. He heard the voice as! B h d madtesnon mountains, and as they looked the Jay off m things!" cleanly, the ct i of hi or Se ranc au 5 Lz f the YD ie thelfiret shares of licht fell tl j y ly," G early as e champing is is latest novel "Zen of the 7 38 Me/ first shatts of sunlight fel! on the "Certainly -- certainly rant S 5 its. "Fy ite?) tS amit < ¢ fruit of a mature skill acting upon sticring in-| White peaks and set them daz-|, peers ei UE ins |horses on their bits. Beh Wloleis We House Furnishers © Directors of Funeral Services cidents and characters of western life that have| v.11 © PEAKS @ Bc .a¢\apologized. "But I must intro-|cried Truth to him. "You make 5 AILEYBURY come, more or less, under his actual observa-|Zling like mighty diamond-points duce one more exhibit.' He hand-/a great virtue of your generosity [] FERGUSON AVENUE -- - HAIL tion, Where so much of a thrilling nature and)against the blue bosom of the eq her the note he had written| (Continued'on Page 7) ha = eS so much color existed, and where human types) West. 2 Heigshars dine night. were ready at hand. it was only necessary for] acy): oP ie all tee Re the author to e his story-telling ability t 1s OLDE On the mountains That is the message I wanted without drawin ly mas fs SAH, ~ and on you!" Grant exclaimed.' Linder to rush to you," he said. is salt ° thers i SET CY OUI re aera ed ; Seer haa fon ate dricigal aulenauel Coe YOU are, very, very beanti-landias ihe read it he saw the that he has chosen for the principal ma ful." He raised her hand and a rather unusual man from the eastern part of)" i Lae color deepen in her cheeks. the United States. The heroine is a typical) pressed her fingers to his lips. "I'm going to make breakfast, : girl of the plains | As they stood watching the sun-' yf. Grant," Zen announced, with y TER XIX light pour into the valley a sharp'a sudden burst of energy. Every- CHAPTER 2 |knock sounded on the door. |body keep out of the kitchen." | "Come," said Dennison, andthe! "Gyess PI feed up for vou this "Zen!" : 5 >,|next moment it swung open and morning, old chap," said Linder, } "How is he--how is Wilson?"| Phyllis, Bruce entered, followed knowingly. At the door he These special values effective Thursday, i she demanded, breathlessly. immediately by Linder. A ques-|elanced. "back "TI think Miss ® 4 July 2nd, to Saturday, July 4th, inclusive. | "Sound as a bell,' he answered, tion leapt into her eyes at the re- Bees has Seer hine to say to 4 ie alarmed by her manner, [he self-' markable situation which greeted aa ne eae a or a FREE a i assured Zen w as | far from self- them, and she paused in embar-|* Thesr een alehe SPR Rend ; assurance now. "Come, see, he is rassment. Dennison. He caught her hand DELIVERY Bir SPECIAL! ; asleep. j | "Phyllis!" Grant exclaimed.!in his and led her to the French ay can : j He led her into the whim-room | "you here!" |windows. The sun was filling the @ o | and turned up the lamp. 1 he lad} "tT; would seem that I was not)valley with a flood of silver, and = } was sleeping soundly, his teddy-| expected." ' there was sunshine, too, in the | bear clasped in his arms, his little) "Tt js all very simple," Grant heart of Dennison Grant. He had ICE CREAM MIX pink and white face serene under/explained, with a laugh. "Little drunk his cup of renunciation, but Chocolate, the magic skies of slumberland.| Willie Transley was my guest he had not dreamed that at the Grant expected that Zen would overnight. On account of the bottom could lie a pearl so beau- Pa throw herself upon the child M storm his mother became alarm- tiful, her agitation, but she did eX ed, and drove out from the city "Phyllis--Phyllis" he breathed. She drew her fingers gently 4- 'early this morning for him. Mrs. He reached out to take her in his cross his brow, then, turning to Transley, let me introduce Miss Apa tend TSI, ea gently Grant: 3ruce--Phyllis Bruce, of whom Diwan ne 5 "Rather an unceremonious way have told you." ree Pie demmct wee to break into your house," she Zen's cordial handshake did tears. said, with a little laugh. "I hope more to reassure Phyllis than any "Oh, Denny, you mustn't! I'm you will pardon me... . I was amount of explanations, and Lin- so sorry. You know what you've uneasy about Wilson." "But tell me--how--where did you come from?" ' "From town. Let me stand in your kitchen or somewhere." "You're wet through. I can't offer you much change." "Not as wet as when you first met me, Dennison," she said with a smile. "I have a good water-, proof, but my hat blew off. It's] somewhere on the road. I could not see through the windshield, so I put my head out, and away it went." "The hat?" They both laughed, and an at- mosphere that had been tense} began to settle back to normal. | Grant led her out to the living} room, removed her coat and started a fire." Vanilla, . Strawberry Pkgs. bes and Maple White NEW CHEESE - lb. 19¢ HEINZ VINEGAR, 8-oz. Bot. 10¢ a CHUM | L. & P. SAUCE Sm. Bot. 19¢ DOG FOOD 2 "\b. Tins 23¢ CERTO - - Bottle 27¢ SPECIAL! McCormick's Freshly-Made Golden Biscuits 2 ma 2 c BUTTER BARS 5 FANCY! Keep away from that hot stope--serve a cool sal lb. 23 Tin 4 SALMON Rancy Saker KRAFT! Your salad's most delightful companion c . MIRACLE W i 7 SPECIAL! lb, re TUNA FISH ~. ie 25 Quaker Special Standard i No. 4 Sieve Puffed Wheat 2 Pic. 25° chr Picnic Sweet or Sour Mixed or GRAPE m| Peas | Pickles sires | NUTS. |g Special! Bayside choice quality No, 2 Tin FLAKES No. 2 Sa. Peaches 777%" 15¢ i 3 for 25 y ] Pkgs. 2 1 SPECIAL! CROWN OR BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP =18 «37 SPRING LAMB Rolled Prime 23c lb. Legs 35c lb. | Prime Rib 19c bb. Rolled Fronts 28c lb. | Short Rib 15 bb. Loins 28c lb. | Blade 14c lb. grim ranges "beyond. Already dain Loins Pork 28c lb. | Rumps 1 8c lb. : the scattered drift of clouds far MOVE Cia coe _ Turkey GrdeA 35clb. | Cooked Corn Beef 18clb. Oe Sa ee mime ae OS Fowl 24clb. | Weiners 18c lb. you will understand, but--I Ine) Se eS aa eae \e thought it all over.. I have not ae -- : ' HELMET! i wngeat iat] Haileybury Lumber || |CORNED BEEF _ - 27 | Ontario Cabbage 6 heads 2Sc | pears They sat in silence for some time, and presently they became aware of a gray light displacing the yellow glow from the lamp and the ruddy reflection of the fire. "It is morning," said Grant. "T believe the storm has cleared" He stood beside her chair and took her hand in his. "Let us watch the dawn break on _ the mountains," he said, and together they moved to the windows that overlooked the valley and the "T know," he whispered. "T know." "Then you have been thinking, too? ... Iam so glad!" In the paper--that was what the war, Many Flowe ORANGES 3. dozen SOc ' was over, wasn't it?--" Company, Limited SOAP, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Birch and Pine Flooring, groving light he could see the Shiolag, Widoint, Sask D raf ieee KARB a ' moisture in her bright eyes glis- tpiap, Y-Joint, Sash, Doors and Interior Trim, Shingles : 1 Cake ten, and ti seemed to him this Sheetrock, Insul Board, Wall Boards, Roofing and Roof Grape F ruit 3 for 29¢ Hiolol iSis wild, daring daughter of the hills||f}, Preservative, Sheathing Papers, Etc. m had never been lovelier than in this moment of confession and c All For Q TOMATOES «= 2 Ibs. 35 "T am so glad," she repeated, "for your sake--and for my own. Now, again, you are really the Man-on-the-Hill.. We have been Perera hoy ee ee 8 |___...DOMINION STORES LIMITED... Phone 16 Haileybury - Box 250 of high resolve. qe | |