ee eee ab Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THe HAILEYBURIAN Issutd Every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office Broadway Street, Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tn Canada--$2.00 per year in advance. In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance. Leishman & Sutherland, Publishers DIFFICULT SCHOOL PROBLEM The future of the Haileybury High School and the Mining School presents a difficult prob- lem. The reduction in the gov- ernment grants has been the cause of considerable worry dur- ing the past year, both to the school board and to the town council and the taxpayers, who must provide a proportion of the cost of carrying on the institu- tion. It is difficult to understand | the system of financing and there} are many phases of the question with which the average citizen is} unfamiliar, and this results in| misunderstanding and criticism| that is usually unjustified. | It appears to us that if the whole situation was given just a little more publicity, in order that the taxpayers could thor- oughly understand the problem. it would be a step in the right di-| rection. If the school board could) see its way clear to preparing a} statement of some kind, before} the fall term opens, The Hailey burian would be perfectly willing| to publish it, and we believe that} it would have beneficial results in the long run. Of course there is a financial statement prepared | each year and audited with the other records of the municipality, | but it requires something more} than this to make the situation} clear to the taxpayers. We make this suggestion believing it would be the best plan under the cir- cumtsances. | | The Canada Year Book, 1936 The publication of the 1936 edition of the Canada Year Book is announced by the General Sta- tistics Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The Can- ada Year Book is the official sta-| tistical annual of the country and contains a thoroughly up-to-date account of the natural resources of the Dominion and their devel- opment, the history of the coun- try, its institutions, its demogra- phy the different branches of production, trade, transportation, finance, education, etc.--in brief, a comprehensive study within the limits of a single volume of the social and economic condition of the Dominion. 'This new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and includes in all its chapters the latest infermation available up to the date of going to press. The 1935 Canada Year Book extends to over 1,150 pages, deal- ing with every phase of the na- tional life and more especially with those susceptible of statisti- cal measurement. Attention may be called to some of the special features of the present volume. The statistical summary, included in the introductory matter, has been extended this year. A spe-| cial article, "Canada on Vimy Ridge," prepared by Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid, D.S.O.. B. R.C.A., Director of the Historical Section (G.S.), Department of National Defence, has been in-| included in Chapter II. This is apropos in the light of the pil- grimage to Vimy and the official unveiling of the Vimy Memorial arranged to take place later this month. | The death of His Majesty King George V on January 20, 1936, re- ceived with deep sorrow through-| out the Empire and with world-| wide regret, and the succession of | King Edward VIII to the Throne, | have been appropriately marked by the reproduction, as frontis-| piece, of the official proclamation| of the government of Canada| made on Jan. 21, 1936, accompa-| nied by the latest official photo-| the} ate ated | Hallett 1926 | Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Ten Years Ago | | Out of 32 candidates for the High School Entrance exams, |from the local public school, 30 |were successful and the other 'two were recommended by the |examining board. Latest news on the prospects for the rebuilding of the hospital here by the Sisters of Providence is that a start wil be made on the building next year. Two flashlights, a knife and a watch are among the articles missing from the hardware store of Norfolk & Rochester, follow- ing a burglary on the premises this week. Orangemen and lady members of the L.O.B.A. to the number of about 90 attended divine service in St. Paul's Church here on Sun- day last.. Farmers in the district are wor- rying to some extent over t heir crops, as recent rains have brought a little too much mois- ture. Warm weather is needed for a good crop. Features of the July 16th, 1926, issue of The Haileyburian includ- ed a "poem" by W. J. McLean and an editorial written by G. T. Hamilton, then mayor of the town, on the subject of "Weeds". The local branch of the G.W.V. A. will hold its annual picnic at Dawson's Point, the Steamer Temiskaming making special trips from the local wharf. M. Austin and W. Robb return- ed after a six weeks prospecting trip, during the course of which they staked several "coal" claims and had the misfortune to lose their outfit in the Kapuskasing River. The Twelfth of July was cele- brated in Cobalt, with a large gathering from various district points, in spite of the fact that it rained heavily during the early part of the day. Takes Second Prize in Sudbury Baby Contest A note to this paper signed "A former Haileyburian" reads: "In a baby contest sponsored by the Lions Club on July Ist, Jackie Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Best of Sudbury, took sec- ond prize out of 200 entries. Jac- kie is ten and one-half months old, weighs 25 pounds, 9 ounces and is the only grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Best, formerly of Haileybury. Jackie's father is a brother of Fred Best, Haileybury, and spent a good part of his boyhood days in town. Service Clubs Will Hold Joint Meeting at Liskeard The Haileybury Rotary Club has been invited to join with the Kiwanis Clubs of Cobalt and New Liskeard in a joint gathering at New Liskeard Beach on Saturday evening of this week. The meet- ing will take the form of a ban- quet, to be followed by a program of considerable length, and. the club members are asked to bring their wives or sweethearts. for aday, a week or longer--froma single room with bath to the most sumptuous hosekeeping suite equip- graphs, obtained through Hae fi : courtesy of the respective Court anh i ee pa es mee nce, - a a eh ury and attendance. Delightful wing to the urgent need for| , eet eA economy in the distribution of government publications, it has become necessary to make a charge to all individuals receiving the Canada Year Book. Persons requiring the Year Book may ob- tain it from the King's Printer, Ottawa, as long as the supply lasts, at the price of $1.50, which covers merely the cost of paper, privting and binding. By a spe- cial concession, ministers of reli- gion, bona-fide students and school teachers may obtain paper bound copies at the nominal price of 50c each. i restaurant. service--that briefly is the distinctive appeal of the Wind- sor Arms. Windsor Arms Hotel 22 St. Thomas Street (Bloor at Bay TORONTO Tel. Ra. 5141-2-3-4 Write tor folder. Want Ads. Bring Results King Edward VIII Is Royal Patron Accepts Invitation of National Sanitarium Association A letter received yesterday from Buckingham Palace, London, address- ed to Mr. E. L. Ruddy, President of the National Sanitarium Association, states that His Majesty King Edward VIII. has accepted the invitation to be royal patron of the Association. "IT am commanded by the King," reads the letter which is on efficial black-bordered Buckingham Palace stationery, "to inform you that His Majesty has been graciously pleased to grant his Patronage to the Na- tional Sanitarium Association, To- ronto. (Signed) Wigram, Keeper of the Privy Purse." letter came to Mr. Ruddy by way of Government House in Ottawa, along with a kindly message from the Governor-General. In 1907 the then King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra became the first Royal Patrons of the Muskoka Hospital. Ever since, members of the Royal Family have taken a deep interest in the work. Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives, the Toronto Hospital for Consump- tives and the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children at Weston, formerly had as Royal Patron the late King George V. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, great-uncle of the present sovereign, laid the corner-stone of the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children. It was the first hospital in the world devoted to the treatment of clfildren's suffering from pulmon- ary tuberculosis. _On May 12, 1913, Queen Mary in Buckingham Palace, pressed a button by which the doors of the hospital were electrically opened. When fire destroyed the original section of the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives, the King Edward Memorial Fund was inaugurated by which over six hundred thousand dol- lars was raised. In this work the Duke of Connaught took an active part Upon learning recently from the Earl of Bessborough that the tiny patients at the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children had taken from a London illustrated paper and framed a picture of Queen Mary and the Princess Elizabeth, Her Majesty voluntarily sent the children a signed portrait of herself and the little Princess. Every Governor-General of Canada, from Earl Grey on, has been Hon- orary President of the National Sani- tarium Association. The three hos- pitals maintained by the Association have a total of over 1,000 patients. Canada again pioneered medical achievement when the new Surgical ng, one of the first structures erected on this continent for the surgical treatment of tuberculosis, was opened about three years ago at Weston. It has already justified it- self, said Mr. Ruddy. A special floor will be laid on the wharf for the dance to fol- low the Rotary water sports day on July 29th, and there will be many games and other forms of amusement during the evening. Sale by eran TAKE NOTICE that I, the un- dersigned, pursuant to Sec. 48 of the Mechanics' Lien Act, intend to sell by auction at my garage, Co- balt, Ontario, by H. E. Blackwall, Auctioneer, on the 25th day of July, 1936, at 12.00 noon, one Oldsmobile motor car with 1935 Lic. No. NN-804, the property of A. Smith, Timmins, Ontario, and on which there is the sum of $126.50 debt owing for repairs. DATED this 9th day of July, 1936. CON. KENNELLY, Cobalt, Ontario. by WILLIAM C. INCH, Haileybury, Ontario, 16-1-c His Solicitor. CENT-A-MILE al TO OTTAWA MONTREAL PEMBROKE, RENFREW, ARNPRIOR, QUEBEC CITY and Return --GOING-- THURSDAY JULY 30th RETURNING Up to SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd Tickets good in Coaches only No Baggage Checked Children 5 years and under 12 Half Fare For information and tickets apply Agents T. & N.O. Ry. and N.C. Ry "Come on in, the Water's fine!" i Mie a "Piping hot . . . all the time . ... just the kind of water you want for bathing, for showers, for floor, paint and dish washing, for the laundry and for the man of the house to shave with. That's the kind of water I give at the turn of a tap to save you all sorts of time and hard work and to make life more liveable. And I do it without fuss or fury for I'm fully automatic and don't need coaxing or catering to." ~ HOT WATER when you want it ELECTRICITY Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COM- PANY, LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COM- PANY, LIMITED It's easy to own an Electric Water Heater. Just make a small down-payment -- the balance on comfortable terms. CANADIAN PACIFIC THE HAILEYBURIAN A Great Subscription Bargain that- OFFERS YOU e SAVES YOU MONEY Here is areal offer that will save you money . . . Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through... « This is all you have to do. Select any 3 of these famous Ma Together with your local and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing . . yen TOW Our Guarantee to You! price. This wonderful offer is avail- , able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We ie We wae guarantee the fulfillment of ; ~ set) a Maclean's (24 issues) 1 yr. z Chatelaine........1 yrs Canadian......... 1yr. that this generous offer full term shown. Vewspaper all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for is E Please clip list | National Home Monthly ca 4 and Home Magazine .. .1yr. TOWN AND PROVINCE . of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- 1 MAIL an tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. 25 engi Tyre de OUPON ee emen: Kenclose) $0). .s snes Please send me the = he Magazines checked with a year' ibscripti leer! Review. ...1yr. TOORy ig > Our newspaper. year's subscription Canadian Horticultur Biren tectivaceuse oneness | ure | o> | STREET .......... aoe Vick ugh suse c seek eee ae Peete cece ccceecensencs eestor =o TE 1g nietennart: . ee aT