The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 16 Jul 1936, p. 8

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i ti RATIN Ee Y BL UGRgAIN THE ST ey ee eT ea am THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1936 ape | EE a Social and Personal })\l| "EPDING BELLS SSS]. SS50 [| 4 a BENNETT--TEMPLETON Mrs. H. A. Harrison of Toronto t is visiting her son, B. V. Harrison) The wedding of two former |Haileybury people, Miss Jane A. -- Templeton and Mr. Melville M. Mrs. Jas. Elkins spent the past Bennett, was reported from Sault week-end in Timmins on a visit, Ste Marie last week. The bride to her son, Gordon. was formerly a nurse in the Red gore {Cross Hospital here, while Mr. Bennett spent some years in Haileybury as a representative of the Connell interests, later going to Toronto in the same capacity. a ee Mrs. Bennett is a daughter of Mrs. A. P. Knechtel is visiting|/17, and Mrs. R. J. Templeton, her sister, Mrs. A. G. Kirkpatrick 5 ominent residents of the Algo- and Mr.. Kirkpatrick. }ma city, and it was at her par- lents' home that the marriage B. Nicholls of Windsor, arrived|took place, the ceremony being in town this week for a visit with! performed by Rev. C. G. Boyd of and Mrs. Harrison. Protect your travel funds by Travellers' Cheques. Phone 35, the Express Office. 16-2c his aunt, Mrs. L. Nicholls. | St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. ; | After a reception held for the Mrs. C. C. L. Wilson of Inger-|immediate relatives and close soll is visiting her niece, Mrs. H.| friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett L. Slaght, Brewster Street. \left for a wedding trip to United = So |States points and on their return Mrs. Bridges of Rouyn, Que.,) will reside in Toronto. is a guest at the home of Mr. and) Among the guests at the cere- Mrs. D. H. Angus this week. mony at the Sault were AES R. : 1C. Lyon, Haileybury, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. W. H. McGill of Ottawal Bratt Cobalt, arid Gordon Mac- is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M.) Donnell, who flew from Hailey- C. H. Little, Brewster Street. | bury to the Soo the morning of | : Ge i : a ote the marriage and returned by air Siri emcat Seren " # No. | the following day. randa for a short visit a | 2 ; mace : f F 3 | The Haileyburian joins with pome, of Ma ere, Sse legion of friends in wishing |Mr. and Mrs. Bennett happy and life. Miss Palmer of Forest Hill is ine a guest at the home of Mr. and) One Mrs. F. M. Connell, Lake Shore} Road. MARSTON--DAVIDSON Mr. and Mrs. Hume of North| The marriage of Miss Audrey Bay. were week-end visitors at! Davidson, youngest daughter of the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.|Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davidson of Whorley. 2 |Cobalt, to Mr. Thos. Marston of ; Kirkland Lake, was solemnized Ainsley Aldridge of Toronto at the Baptist parsonage in the is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr.|silver town on Saturday afternoon and Mrs. L. H. Ferguson, Geor-|last, by Rev. C. H. Geer. The gina Avenue. | bride was attended by her sister, ~ |Miss Alice Davidson, while her Miss E. Robertson is home|brother, Alfred, was the best from Toronto to spend a vacation|man. Following the ceremony with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.|the young couple left for a honey- Wm. Robertson. |moon trip to southern points and - jon their return will reside in Mrs. C. W. Tully left on Tues-| Kirkland Lake. day afternoon to join Mr. Tully at Kirkland Lake, where they} will spend the summer. | HENDERSON--PELLETTE ; yee B | The Cobalt Baptist Church was ; pak peorsen ie are ks the scene of the wedding of Miss POM O yS ae alow Deletes catpnter wo teen ter, Mrs. D. H. Angus, and Mr. | and Mrs. Percy Peliette of Val Angus, Lake Shore Road. d@Or, Que., and formerly of Co- me balt, to John Lewis Henderson of Val d'Or. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. C. H. Geer, with Mr. Max Crooks playing the wed- |ding music. Miss Josephine Gra- |ham was the bridesmaid, while |William Pellette, brother of the |bride, supported the groom. Mr. jand Mrs. Henderson left by mo- \tor for a wedding trip to Gaspe, |the home of the bridegroom's Miss oe pe Bersy ne Mm parents, and other points in the town from Toronto over the past east. On their return they will week-end for a visit with her |); : ; ee ae \live in Val d'Or. aunt, Mrs. C. C. Farr and other} relatives and friends. : aa = Ross Maltby arrived home from Sudbury last week and will spend some time at the home of his| mother, Mrs. J. L. Maltby. | Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McAulay and family arrived home on Mon- day after a holiday trip to Ottawa and points in the Ottawa Valley. .. |per's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mr. Alfred Hopper and family | Ferguson last week-end. They of Mather, Man., were in town at| were joined here by Mrs. M. B. the week-end for a few days visit | Draper, Sr., of Scarsdale, N.Y., with Mr. Hopper's sister, Mrs. S./ who accompanied them back to D. Briden, and Mr. Briden. Kirkland Lake for a visit. Miss Elsie Heard, nurse-in-| f+ and Mrs. D. H. Angus and Ege a ate Royal Victoria Mrs. Clarence Thorpe returned 1 BED AD arrie, Tas returned to| this week from Kitchener, where he Benoa cieiaier 2 fee ara they attended the wedding of Feaea {chee "> "* ""*|Miss. Dorothy Dickson, niece of eds |Mrs. Angus, at the week-end. | Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe spent a day or two in town and returned to their home in Duparquet, Que. The Women's Missionary So- ciety of 'the United Church will hold a tea and produce table at| the Manse on Tuesday evening next, July 2lst, commencing at 7 o'clock. Brent Wilson, a former Hailey- | bury boy and a son of Mr. and |Mrs. W. A: Wilson, renewed ac- Nese GhaeeNealendichidren of | duaintances in town this week on Englehart, are in town for a visit 'S way north. His father, form- with Mrs. Neal's parents, Mr. and €™ Principal of the high school WMirsaGeom Baileven Giheriavarcncn here and late a Public School In- companied to town by Mr. Neal, Spector at Fort William, has re- who has gone to Toronto. |tired from active work, Brent ; said. Mrs. W. MacGirr and her dau-| ; 5 ghter, Miss Laura. are visiting Miss Madeline Watson passed friends and relatives in Aurora, With honors the Toronto Conser- while Mr. MacGirr is attending a/vatory f Music examination, convention of police chiefs in, conducted by Mr. G. D. Atkinson Southern Ontario. |of Toronto and held in New Lis- |keard on July 3rd and 4th. Made- The annual garden party of St.|line is the daughter of Mr. and Paul's W.A., postponed from last| Mrs. Bob Watson, Albert Street, Friday on account of the death) and is studying with Miss Mar- of Miss L. Coomes, will be held at) garet Donaldson. the rectory on Thursday next, a cae July 23rd, from 3 to 6 p.m. The Misses Lila, Jennie, Ber- eS nice and Stella MclIsaac arrived Mr. and Mrs. John I. Rankin|in town late last week for a visit and Judge McDougall and Mrs.| with their brother, N. D. McIsaac McDougall, all of Montreal, were and Mrs. McIsaac. Two of the in Haileybury last week for a' sisters drove from their home in short visit with Mrs. C. C. Farr,|Nova Scotia to Boston, where Mrs. Geo. T. Smith and other old, they were joined by the other friends. two and the party came on to Northern Ontario. They will Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Draper of | spend some weeks here and at Kirkland Lake visited Mrs. Dra-/ other points in the district. ATTENDS CONFERENCE 0S SS. SSS ]ja4S0 | OBITUARY {| aS SSS HT SAO MISS LUCY COOMES With 18 choir boys of St. Paul's! Church, who had been her especial! charge over a long period of years, as pallbearers and a guard of honor, the funeral of Miss Lucy Coomes was held on Satur- day afternoon last from the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Joy, at} the court house to the Church,| and thence to Mount Pleasant] Cemetery. Miss Coomes died} suddenly on Thursday afternoon! last, July 9th, 1936. She had been in poor health for some time, but| to her death. A native of London, England, Miss Coomes had been a resident of Haileybury since 1913 and was} well known throughout the com- munity. A devoted mémber of the Anglican faith, she had beena tireless worker in St. Paul's Church, teaching the junior Sun-; day School class for many years} VALUABLE TALK GIVEN ae looking after the Oenee BY WELFARE SECRETARY {members of the choir right up to AT I.0.D.E. LUNCHEON |the time of her death. Her activ- ities extended to all phases of the church work and a sincere tribute to her faithful labors was paid Hygiene" was given to a large | during the funeral service by Rev. eal £] 1 ladi Ait | Richard Haines, who spoke of her tees OE NOT ATES enue) at |regular attendance at the ser- tended a luncheon at the Golf| vices, her care of the altar during Club House at noon on Thursday|many years and especially of the last, arranged by the Haileybury|devoted interest she had taken in Chapter of the I.0.D.E. to wel-|the choir boys. Denton Massey, one of the young members of the Dom- inion House, who will repre- sent Canada at the World Youth Conference in Geneva in September. An interesting and address on "Child and valuable Maternal come Miss Fyvie Young, R.N., Six of the older boys, Robert B.Sc.. M.A., secretary of the Can-|Pomeroy, Robert Peter, Cyrus adian Welfare Council, who stop-| Elkins, Robert Carlson, John ped here on her way to Ottawa | Cawley and Robert Thorpe, were after a visit' to Vancouver. [eae pallbearers at the funeral, Following the luncheon, which, While the remaining dozen form- was a very pleasant function, | &4 the guard of honor, meeting Miss Young was introduced to | the funeral procession at the | the gathering by Mrs. D. G. Wil-| church door and later forming in son, Regent of the [.0.D.E., and|@ circle at the grave. The boys spoke on what she declared was|@ll realized that they had lost a the "subject nearest her heart." She gave very valuable advice to} the gathering, and the opinion} was freely expressed by those! present that it was the best talk in aes they had ever heard on the sub-|hymns "Now the Laborer's Task : is O'er" and "Abide With Me ject. A hearty vote of appreciation was tendered to Miss Young, with the best wishes of the local ladeis for continued success in |her work for the benefit of hu- manity. words of Mr. Haines, "will be hard to fill." Nearly all the older members of old friends attended the ser- vice and followed the cortege to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Joy and their son, Francis, who came up from Chippewa, were the chief mourners, and a great profusion of floral tributes testified to the esteem in which Miss Coomes was held and to the sympathy felt for the bereaved ones. Mrs. Joy and another sister, Miss Lily Coomes, in England, are the sur- viving members of the immediate family. MRS. JOS. METCALFE Gertrude M. Vage, field secre- tary for the Associated Blind, was :n town late last week on her annual visit to the North. She asked The Haileyburian to ex- tend thanks to local residents for |their generous contributions to the cause. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Joy and |Francis wish to sincerely thank all their friends who showed such great kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. Notice of the death of a form- er resident of Haileybury, Mrs. Joseph Metcalfe, appeared in the daily papers. on Saturday last Mrs. Metcalfe died at the Queen Alexandria Hospital, London, on July 10th, at the age of 35 years. The funeral was held on Satur- day afternoon, with interment in the Park Lawn Cemetery, Lon- don. About two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe, who had been residents here for a long period, went to Southern Ontario. Local friends who called our attention to the notice, had had no intima- tion that Mrs. Metcalfe was ill. SSS] = SSSsSa0 MOVING LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE HAULING | obra ae [ Every Load Insured [ | | | Haileybury Cartage "Condensed. Ads D. COOKE & SONS Wy. 4 cope pee ee anted -- Goo ner: aid. SSS SSS Apply to Mrs. A. J. Muurphy, Lake Shore Road. 16-tf For Sale--Bedroom Suite, wick- er chairs and desk and other articles. Mrs. D. W. Cameron, Liggett Block, phone 345. 16-1-c Articles Wanted--Cash for An- tiques; spinning wheels, ox- yokes, weapons, books. Van Wyck Gallery, 135 Ossington Toronto. 12-5al.c See the New Merry Maid Washer Special $59.50; $5.00 down and 10 monthly payments of $545. D. R. Murray, Agent. Robert Simpson Company Limited Haileybury. 14-tf. For Sale--126 Lake Shore Road, Haileybury; eight roomed house, modern, warm; reason- able. For further particulars The Salvation Army apply to L. J. Fitzpatrick. Captain Cuthbert 14-tf = For Rent--Seven Roomed House, | Sunday Morning Servwe at 11. corner Rorke and Blackwall; Sanat ren: Setesee at 7-30: good furnace, hardwood floors | |\--2. 1. x : Taek B00) ps Praees Riretine! large sun porch and all conven-; iences. Apply to Mrs. A. L.i Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Herbert, Phone 149. CHURCHES | eooce The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecrott, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Service No Evening service in July. The Baptist Church G. F, GORMAN, Pastor Res. 84 Elliott St., 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Gospel Service sincere friend whose place, in the: of the choir were present and the} were sung, while a large number} had been around the day previous --S SS. 8 A new line of Glassware in an attractive design and of superior quality Goblets, Tall Sherbets, Low Sherbets, Sherbet Plates, and Wine, Cocktail, Water and Fruit Juice Tumblers "Gimiska Lodge PARADIS BAY q q q q Finest Sand Beach 4 in the North § q q Turn at North Cobalt onthe q Lorraine Road--14 miles 4 Bailey's Beach TEAS LUNCHES 48 Pieces in all for $12.00 Parking and Beach Privi- leges, 50c. 4 q q }\| A. W. Sanderson Jeweler and Stationer {9 a a LT aE SE | gar SPECIAL--Six of each. Oo SS 8 SSF | TRY OUR WANT ADS CLASSIC THEATRE Sa SA On Tales LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 11.45 p.m. from Theatre. Complete Show After 9 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 17th and 18th MONDAY and TUESDAY July 20th and 21st 4H KH SLANDER ! ... shamed her be- MEE fore the world... é lost her the only ; man she ever loved! ruined his career and drove him to another land! AGAIN HE WILL SPEAE YOUR HEART! SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents THESE Jhize || with fjrle HOPKINS-OBERON | Directed by WILLIAM WYLER Screenplay by LILLIAN HELLMAN Released thru UNITED ARTISTS --Added Attraction--} Sie Ll FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW DOLORES COSTELLO BARRYMORE A with C. AUBREY SMITH ~ GUY KIBBEE MICKEY ROONEY - HENRY STEPHENSON Prubeel by DAVID O. SELZNICK » Dinwtal by JOHN, CROMWELL ines. TWO COMEDIES 'FOX MOVIETONE NEWS COMEDY Paramount News of the World WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, July 22nd and 23rd Kk kk --Added Attraction-- CLARK GABLE JEAN HARLOW MYRNA LOY MATINEES DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Monday, Wednesday and Sat- urday, at 2.30 p.m. makers in their " raciest romance! --eeEE--------E Evening Performances from 7 p.m. Complete show from 9 p.m. i A CLARENCE BROWN Production Matinee Prices -- Mon. and Wed., with MAY ROBSON GEORGE BARBIER Adults 25c plus 2c tax; Children 10c ' JAMES STEWART HOBART CAVANAUGH Saturday--Adults 32c plus 3c tax; oe Children 10c, no tax. Evening Prices--Adults 45c plus 5c tax; Children 15c, no tax. GOME DY

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