Page 8 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 23rd,_1936 = ~ a 5] cat a ibe i ception held t hat -- a ee | satin and wore a bridal veil and{ved and a reception , ° | d P | North Bay Band at Sports [ WEDDING BELLS flit accessories and carried alevening at the pone os bouquet of gardenias. She was|groom's parents on the es Socia an ersonia Here on Wednesda Next 12] | ]6) attended by Miss Rose Sauve.| Road ee y SAUVE--PLAUSSE sister of the bridegroom, who] Mr. and Mrs. Sauve will make Miss Phyllis Clark of Hamilton is in town for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Irving. Miss Lillian Thuerck of the Liggett Drug Store, is spending her holidays vat Wasaga Beach. With a brass band of 20 pieces coming from North Bay and with 'many other attractions booked the big annual aquatic event sponsored by the Haileybury Ro- |tary Club will be held on Wed- jnesday next at the beach and Protect your travel funds by wharf here. Plans for the day Travellers' Cheques. Phone 35,)4re now complete and al! that is the Express Office. 16-2c|needed is fine weather to make so i * |the event»greater than ever, in V and Mrs. R. Staftord of | fact it will be the biggest of its Mr. ane sk aes "haces 4hi<| kind ever held in the North. Hamilton are in Haileybury this} The All be - eaag ate week for a visit with Dr. and | ¢ : IEEE gwd pe Se eee anys or cld and young, novelty races Mrs. D. G. Wilson. that will eclipse those of previous years and an added attraction in lthe form of a motor boat race, in | which the speediest craft in the district will compete. The band will arrive by special _ |car on Train 47 and will parade Miss Laura Joynt of Ottawa is! to the Beach at 11.20, after which in Haileybury this week for a|they will be taken to both New visit with her aunt, Mrs. S. D.| Liskeard and Cobalt for a parade Briden, and Mr. Briden, Main) through the main streets. Street. In the afternoon they will give a concert at the beach here. For Dr. Wm. Carson of South Por-|the dance on the wharf in the cupine, was a caller at the home/evening the Capitol Orchestra, of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe on} 1, Miss L. Chenier of the post office staff is spending her holi- days at her home in Ville Marie. Mrs. R. Ratcliffe and children, formerly of Haileybury, are here from St. Catherines for a visi with local friends. Rotary Club Completes Plans for Big Annual Aquatic Events at Beach and Wharf; Diving Exhibition, Motor Boat Race Special Attractions; Duck to Have Better Chance composed largely of members of the band and consisting of 18 pieces, will provide the music, and there will be plenty of games also en the wharf, to provide fun for those who do not dance. A special attraction for the afternoon will be an exhibition of diving by Johnny Tett, amateur champion of Canada, who will not only perform in both high and low diving feats, but will give a burlesque show of his own which will be both amusing and_in- structive. The program com- mittee had decided that for the duck hunt, which has always pro- vided great fun, the duck is to be given a better chance this year and his wings will not be clipped. During the afternoon tags will be sold by a corps of ladies to help defray the expenses, and the proceeds of the big event will as in former years, go towards the provision of a swimming in- | structor, who has been engaged (for the entire school holiday term this year. Here is the program of events: 50 Yards--Boys 15 and under. Monday on his way to Southern} 2. 50 Yards--Girls 18 and unde Ontario. 3. 50 Yards--Girls 15 and under = 4. 50 Yards--Women Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marcella and| 5. 50 Yards--Back Stroke little son were in town over the| 6. Diving for Plates. week-end from Kirkland Lake on} 7. 100 Yards--Men a visit to Mr. Marcella's mother,; 8. Greasy Pole Mrs. T. Marcella. 9. 75 Yards--Boys 18 and under Two-Mile Marathon 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stitt and} 1 family are in town from London, 1 Ont, this week for a visit with] 1 wWNro Bursting Balloons 20 Yards--Boys 10 and under 20 Yards--Girls 10 and under Mr. Stitt's mother, Mrs. Jas. H. 14. Canoe Race--Singles Stitt, Lake Shore Road. 15. Motor Boat Race 16. Relay Race--4 in team--each 50 yards Mrs. A. Bradley and children| 17. U nder-Water Swim: of New Haven, Conn., who have 18. Men s Diving. spent the past week on a visit to| Women's Diving Mrs. Bradley's parents, Mr. and|20. Cork Race Mrs. W. Lemay, left yesterday oe Duck Hunt for their home. | Canoe Tilting. | Miss Muriel Rice, who recent-| ly underwent a serious operation | 4 at the Torontio General Hospital| A arrived in town on Sunday and is convalescing at the home of her EA t 8.30 p.m.--Dancing and Game At 4.00 p.m.--Special Demonstration of Diving by amateur champion of Canada. 30 p.m.--Concert on Whari by North Bay~Brass Band Johnny Tett, son the Wharf. Music by the | Capitol Orchestra from North Bay. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rice,| NOTE--During the past three years 491 persons have received in- struction in Swimming--FREE OF CHARGE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards and son, Bill, and daughter, Betty, | Girls HioldbStreetisasaan arrived in town at the week-end| from Toronto for a holiday visit | with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. | T. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. A.| Dickson. In Aid of Worthy Objects Two worthy charitable objects ;zaar on Monday by a group of Frank J. Hill leaves this even-|Haileybury girls at the corner of ing for a trip to his former home| Broadway and Ferguson. in England, which he has not vis-|the sale of their products and by ited for 17 years. He will sail) means of a drawing for a prize tomorrow from Montreal on the} box of candy, the sum otf $20 was) Aurania to Plymouth and return) realized, one-half of which went on the Empress of Britain in|to the local Branch of the Child- September. ren's Aid Society and the other half to the Toronto Star's Fresh Air Fund. The girls who took part in the event were Frances Teare, Lillian Labine, Margaret R. J. McClanahan, principal of the Haileybury Public School, is a patient at Misericordia Hospital, where he is making good prog-| and Lucille Legris, Irma and tess towards recovery after an|Irene Morissette and Rita Mc- operation for appendicitis, per-|Curdy. The girls had a great formed Friday last by Dr. R. C Lyon. Mr. McClanahan was holi- daying in Southern Ontario when he was taken ill and hurried home. day and enjoyed the work. They were particularly pleased with the generous way in which the bazaar was patronized. Thos. A. Sammon was the lucky winner of the box of candy. | were benefitted by a street ba-| From | | Moter Clash at Main Corner Brings Only Slight Damage | A clash two motor cars at the corner of Main Street and Rorke Avenue ,at about 9.30 brought between on Monday night, no injuries to the occupants of the cars and only slight mechanical damage. Geo. McDonald vi Ham- ilton was driving north and ap- |parently intended to cross the | intersection, just as Oliver Yan- deats of Cobalt,came up Main Street and was about to make |the turn south on Rorke. Dam- jage to his car was estimated at |$11, while that to the other at | about $1.50. Traffic Officer Wm. | Harper was summoned and effec- |ted a settlement between the |parties. There was a good-sized !crowd attracted to the scene. {Want Ads. Bring Results The marriage of Miss Corinna Plausse, daughter of Mr. Alberic/} Plausse and the late Mrs. Plausse|° of New Liskeard, to Theodore Sauve ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sauve, West Road, Haileybury, d was solemnized in the Roman{h Catholic Church, New Liskeard wore a pink organdie dress with white accessories and carried a groom. Liskeard, while supper was ser- ouquet of roses. James Whalen f Haileybury supported the their home here, Mr. Sauve being employed at the Haileybury Bak- ery on Meridian Avenue. Following the ceremony a wed- ing dinner was given at the ome of the bride's father in New on Thursday, July 16th, at 9 a.m. Rev. Father Paquin performed the ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives and friends of the young couple. The bride was gowned in white (ele SES St SSS (| Condensed Ads |) g o o=0 ----] o=0 For Sale or Rent--126 LakeShore Road, Haileybury; eight-room-| ed house, oil heating. For fur-, ther particulars apply to Box, 114, or telephone 183. 17-tf For Sale -- Beatty Copper Tub LSS SSS ST BS SS aa} | | | | MOVING] LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE HAULING "Every Load Insured" --CALL-- Haileybury Cartage Phone No. 119 D. COOKE & SONS SSS SSS : , ! SS» SSS. =--_--SSaon = | | | A new line of Glassware in an attractive design and of superior quality Goblets, Tall Sherbets, Low Sherbets, Sherbet Plates, \ and Wine, Cocktail, Water and Fruit Juice Tumblers gae~ SPECIAL--Six of each. 48 Pieces in all for $12:00 A. W. Sanderson Jeweler and Stationer es so Washer; balance of payments. Haileybury Hardware; phone 17-1c Help Wanted -- Reliable Man wanted to supply Famous Wat- kins Products to established customers in Haileybury. Week earnings average $22.50 at start. Experience unneces- sary. Credit furnished. Apply R. Semple, J. R. Watkins Com- pany, 2177 Masson St., Mont- real, 17-3-c| Wanted--Practical Nurse, to go| out of town. Apply Room 129,| Hotel Haileybury. 17-1-*| Experienced General Maid Want-| ed. Apply to W. E. Holmgren, Lake Shore Road. 17-2-* For Sale -- Two Demonstrator, floor model Beatty TIroners. Haileybury Hardware; phone 40. 17-1c For Sale--Bedroom Suite, Bran-| ston Sun Ray Lamp and other articles. Mrs. D. W. Cameron, Liggett Block, Phone 345. For Sale and Immediate Ship- ment--a 2% gallon Ice Cream Freezer, with 60-gallon, 12-hole hardener, and 8-hole dispenser. Ideal for retailer anxious 'to increase profits. Igloo Sales Company, 103 Bathurst, Toron- to. 17-1-c For Sale -- Demonstrator Vacu- ums, reduced prices. Hailey- bury Hardware, phone 40. 17-1-c Wanted -- Good General Maid. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Muurphy, Lake Shore Road. 16-tf See the New Merry Maid Washer Special $59.50; $5.00 down and 10 monthly payments of $545. D. R. Murray, Agent, Robert Simpson Company Limited Haileybury. 14-tf. For Sale--126 Lake Shore Road, Haileybury; eight roomed house, modern, warm; reason- able. For further particulars apply to L. J. Fitzpatrick. 14-tf For Rent--Seven Roomed House, corner Rorke and Blackwall; good furnace, hardwood floors large sun porch and all conven- iences. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, Phone 149. 52-2t.f | | | | CLASSIG THEATRE Co RBA. Oty 6 RH ON TARI®e LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 11.45 p.m. from Theatre. Complete Show After 9 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 24th and 25th MONDAY and TUESDAY July 27th and 28th kkk A D KED e RRA c e DA y, f 4 i) Y i an ol --Added Attraction-- 16_~S SSS 5 S55 | osrruary | -------- === SSSSa5 MISS HORTENSE FERLAND Haileybury friends were shock- ed early this week when they learned of the death of Miss Hortense Ferland, which took place in a Midland Hospital on Sunday, July 19th, after a week's illness. With other members of the family, she had been at their summer home there when she was taken ill. For some years past she had lived in Toronto. Miss Ferland was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferland for many years prominent resi- dents of Haileybury, and well known throughout the district. The funeral was held on Tues- day at Mattawa, the former home of the. Ferland family, where many old friends gathered from different parts of the country. Mrs. Geo. T. Smith and her son, Emmett, and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gibson, all of Haileybury, went down for the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson visited Miss Ferland only a few weeks ago, when they found her in good health. in the Canadian Rockies; CANADIAN fend \INCATION inTHE WEST [a Qwitexa NEW LOW Summer Fares NJOY a different vacation this year. Spend your summer holi- E days in Western Canada. Take advantage of the new, reduced summer fares to visit the Prairie Provinces, famous vacation resorts dd Canada's Es Pla: the'Paciia Coeatie't allt outtoatenctae' seman a Full information from any Ticket Agent. 'Tess NATIONAL O-cce+@ CHURCHES woe e coos The United Church Minister--W. A.. Beecroft, B.A., B.D Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin 10 a.m.--Sunday School | 11 a.m.--Morning Service No Evening service in July. The Baptist Church _ ! G. F. GORMAN, Pastor Res. 84 Elliott St. 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Gospel Service The Salvation Army Captain Cuthbert Sunday Morning Servyce at 11 Sunday Evening Service ar 7.30 Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Friday. 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting 8.00 om--Y P. Legion Meeting Consistent Advertising in| The Haileyburian will FOX MOVIETONE NEWS; SCREEN SNAPSHOTS <tigs When it comes to danc- ing Jessie tops > em all...stops "em all! * SRSSIE f MATTHEWS ae Parvonality Hooslf FIRST A GIRL Hen A BOY) i Production pirected by Vietor Savile AQ) --Added Attraction-- a aty 'Mw liLiON INTHE ALR Paramount News of the World Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, July 298th and 30th Kak * Kk @A PICKFORD-LASKY prodoction LEDERER Y ( Bring Business --Added Attraction-- PHILO VANCE RETURNS! MATINEES DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Monday, Wednesday and Sat- urday, at 2.30 p.m. k Matinee Prices -- Mon. and Wed., F Adults 25c plus 2c tax; Children 10c Saturday--Adults 32c plus 3c tax; f Children 10c, no tax. Evening Prices--Adults 45c plus 5c P tax; Children 15c, no tax. Ss sal Stud. Ad P : Prices-- 25c every Matinee and Evening. Sa