_ entrants was broken. ah. Le ee TTT ST THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1936 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 5 ' REGAINS FORM ° $|Second Half of Local ville Burns, H. Davis, J. Perrier, Water Sports L: al G lf N tes Men's Softball Schedule|C. McFadyen, J. Renaud A at Bear Island oc 0 0 AUGUST Easy Aces--Bob. McVittie, B. Cit Drew Big Crowd 0 * lpg, Meese Tazy Nite Hume, L. Amyot, G. Lee, J. Blair, 1ty Tea hostesses for the tourna-| E a C. Belland, J. McVittie, J. Valen ' -- O0--Town vs. Easy Aces tone, W. Fleming. Residence Temagami Association's Second Annual Regatta is Big Event of Summer Resort The second annual regatta of the Temagami Association, held on Monday of this week at Bear Island, drew the largest crowd of holiday-makers in the history of the famous summer resort. One estimate of the number of people,' who spent the whole or part of the afternoon there ran into the thousands, which seems quite conservative when it is consider- ed that the present season has been one of the best ever experi- enced there. The Steamer Bell of the Tem- agami Boat Company ran an ex- euision from the Temagami dock to the Island, and there were countless smaller craft that con- veyed the crowds to the regatta, which commenced with a grand parade of decorated floats and boats. This was followed by a long program of aquatic events, in. which some of the best swim-], mers, divers, canoemen and speed boat drivers competed. A special attraction was the log burling contest, which tested the skill of a number of experienced lumber- men and gave the crowds a great thrill. Canoe races up to a quar- ter mile distance for singles, doubles and fours, all brought numbers of entries, while the motor boat races were also well contested and some extra fast driving displayed. Holiday Sports at New Liskeard Well Attended Warm Weather for Big Program Staged by Fire Depart- ment on Monday New Liskeard Beach had one of the biggest crowds of the season on Monday, when the fire depastment staged a program of Civic Holiday sports that made up a full afternoon and wound up with a dance in the pavilion at night. A horse race, baseball and softball games and some events in the water were run off, but the bathing beauty contest, billed as one of the chief attractions, fail- ed to come off for want of en- tries. The weather was fine and warm. In the softball game, a combi- nation team of the three towns playing under the Cobalt colors. defeated a team from Noranda, while the Charlton baseball team also upheld the honor of Ontario when they beat a team from the 'Quinze. Alf Holmes won the outboard motor race and Dan Vahey Jr. caught the greasy pig. Minard of Belle Vallee, took first place in the horse race, with McTavish, New Liskeard, second anc McLean of the Quinze third. A second race was cancelled | 5 when the sulky of one of the There are over 1,230,000 people of Irish origin in Canada. Earl Cook was very late in getting started with the To- ronto Maple Leafs this sea- son, but recently he has pick- ed up and pitched several good games, and has helped the Leafs greatly in regain- - ing winning stride. Town Softball Team Loses Two Games During Week The Town Fathers softball team dropped two games during the past week, going down ta defeat at the hands of the Easy Aces on Thursday night and again losing to the Lazy Nine on Tues- day. The latter game was post- pored from Monday night on ac- count of the holiday. Scores in both games were heavily against the Town team. This evening the Nines and Aces will meet in a league fixture and it is expected that there will M a close contest, as the title in the second half of the schedule hinges on this one K. THORBURN .,° who won the 140-pound Jun- ior Singles for the Toronto Argos at the 54th Royal Hen- ley Regatta last week at St. Catherines. : DOUBLE VICTOR Y FOR SCULLER ~ Herb. Miller of Toronto Argonauts, winner of both the Jun- ior Singles and Association Singles within a period of three hours at the Canadian Henley last week. ment days are: Today--Mrs. D. H. Millar Friday--Mrs. M. C. H. Little Saturday--Convenor's Commit- tee Tomorrow (Friday) evening there will be a dance in connec- tion with the tournament, com- mencing at 9 o'clock, at which refreshments will be served. Tea hostesses for, Wednesday, August 12th are Mrs. Rochester, Mrs. Burwash, Mrs. Tomney and Miss M. Briden. An open invitation has been received to all lady club members to attend Noranda Golf Club Field Day on August 11th. Those intending to go will please call Miss Briden. The third and final qualifying round for the President's Cup, medal play with handicaps, was staged last week-end, with M. C. H. Little and H. Barnette making entry to the final, to be played on Saturday, August 29th. Quite a number took part in the event. and Mr. Little had a net 69,while Mr. Barnette posted a 70. The other scorers were: W. B, Holmgren) === 87 10° 77 Be @a ROChestene=== == Cy 40) ID), Wah, Whiley Oil II 7) Re Ds Cumming, 222." 91 10 81 NEE Byverard = 105 20 85 FATHER'S TROPHY WON BY BOWLING SON AFTER CLOSE GAME IN FINALS The J. H. McFarlane trophy, emblematic of the championship for rinks of fours at the local bowling greens, was won by the donor's bowling son, Leslie Mc- Farlane, on Friday night last, when he defeated C. E. Fleming in a hard fought final game.. On Thursday evening McFar!ane won out over A. H. Hull in the final game of the winning group in the dewn-and-out contest and met Fleming in the final. Those who witnessed the gdme said that it was among the best contests that have been played this season. It was anybody's game until the last end, the win- ners emerging one up, with pen- alties disregarded. With the big trophy go smaller silver cups. provided each year by Mr. Mc- Farlane, who is a charter mem- ber of the club and a past presi- dent. The Doubles competition starts tonight, with all members of the club in the draw. Skips and leads are paired and vice-skips and sec- ond players are drawn together. to even things up all round. Miss Edith Kedey, of Fitzroy Harber, is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. R. McCracken; Broadway Street. The Haileybury fire hall tower is receiving a fresh coat of paint this week. Canada's extensive fisheries give employment to nearly 83,000 persons. CENT-A-MILE 10 TORONTO also to HAMILTON, SMITHVILLE, DUNNVILLE, WELLAND, BUFFALO, GALT, WOOD- TOCK,LONDON, KITCHENER GUELPH, WINDSOR and DETROIT and Return --GOING-- THURSDAY AUGUST 20th RETURNING Up to SUNDAY, August 23rd (By T. & N.O. Train No. 2 and connections) Tickets good in coaches only. - No Baggage Checked Children 5 years and under 12 Half Fare Tickets to Buffalo and Detroit sold subject to passengers meet- ing the requirements of U.S. Im- migration, For information and tickets apply Agents T. & N.O. and N.C. Ry. CANADIAN PACIFIC a 13--Lazy Nine vs. Town Players registered by the three teams are as follows: | Town Fathers--H. Hutchins, W. Bagshaw, J. Pipe, J. Stuckey, Or- Lazy Nine--E. Short, C. Gro- zelle, F. Best, E. St. Louis, Percy Grozelle, D. Moriarity, G. Proc- tor, A. McIsaac, L. Day. Sell It By Advertising ! for aday, a week or Tlonger--from a single room with bath to the most sumptuous hosekeeping suite equip- ped with linen, silver and china-- affording every convenience, lux- ury and attendance. Delightful 200 Properties in a Week It is not unusual for The Northern in a week. The staff of this paper throws a great force of energy into the task of reporting mining news first hand of high grade, absolutely dependable, utterly independent information upon which to base their mining and market activities. Make The Northern Miner a gvod habit -- subscribe and read it regularly. THE NORTHERN MINER Write for Specimen Copy Toronto Miner to report on 200 properties As a result, readers have a mine $3 a year lounge reception rooms--unexcelled restaurant service--that briefly is the distinctive appeal of the Wind- sor Arms. Windsor Arms Hotel 22 St. Thomas Street (Bloor at Bay TORONTO Tel. Ra. 5141-2-3-4 Write tor folder. WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS Service CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC Special Telephone For the convenience of our clients resident in New Liskeard and Haileybury, we have made special arrangements whereby clients wishing to phone our Cobalt office may do so by calling HAILEYBURY 243 NEW LISKEARD 450 These special numbers connect directly with our 4 Cobalt Office. : F. O'HEARN & CO a a STOCKS BONDS GRAIN | Specialists in Mining Stocks PROSPECT AVE. COBALT EMBERS; si P TORONTE ~ Pe oe a se COB. ALT TIMMINS KIRKLAND LAKE, NORTH BAY "T never sulk or fly into a tantrum. I never need coaxing. My cooking heat is always ready when you want it. It's always even and it's there for just as long as you want it. I'm equally adept at all forms of cooking, roasting, frying, broiling, boiling or Ll? It actually costs Seb to COOK with "I'm a cooking Prima Donna ... Without the temperament" forget it until it so whether it's baking, you'll never need to worry about how I'll take it. Just snap my switch and comes time to dish up the full-flavoured, rich-in-nourishment result of my unceasing vigilance. You can always count on me and on my tem- perament--or should I say temperature?" x CANADA NORTHERN POWER It's easy Range. warmth. ELECTRICITY. CORPORATION, LIMITED Controlling and Operating NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COM- PANY, LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COM- P. ANY, LIMITED to own an Electric Just make a small down-payment --the balance on comfortable terms. Com- bimation electric and coal or wood ranges are available for those who require heat for