THE BALL EY BUR LAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1936 ed oeeee Late News Pictures and Cartoons ., ae ce Srcccccccc sc cc ccc cs cco cs woe ccoe ad eee cece Doccccce SIR SAMUEL HOARE VISITS DEFENCE i433 THAMES-SIDE MEMORIAL FOR KING GEORGE ___ BLIND VETERANS GIVE AMAZING DISPLAY a "A Recently several blind orasmen travelled to Putney, England, 2 : Py ae cae ai uainieH See Tat efor to take part in St. Dunstan's ex-servicemen's Regatta, and miralty, paid his first official visit to the Fleet recently when put on an amazing display. Above we see Sir lan Fraser he flew from Hendon and alighted on the deck of the aircraft ee | congratulating some of his blind compatriots after they had carrier "Courageous", which was cruising off the Isle of For some months, unknown to the thousands passing along won the London Rowing Cup. Captain Baker, well known to Wight. Above we see Sir Samuel after his plane had landed the Thames Embankment, workmen have been busy behind Canadians for his work in the Dominion, is on the left of the a wooden screen under the Water Gate Arch, erecting a me- yicture. on the boat. 5 = = cel hes Pale pic morial to the late King George V. The monument, designed by Sir Edwin Cooper, was commissioned by the Port of Lon- Loreen Oe ee don Authority. It is to commemorate the name "King's Reach," which was given to the stretch of the Thames be- tween London and Westminster Bridges, on the occasion of King George's Silver Jubilee. Lady Ritchie unveiled the memorial, and we see her above with Lord Ritchie standing on the deck of a launch after the unveiling ceremony FANCIFUL FABLES HERE MARTHA. SEE, 4 TOLD You | COULD FIND YouR BATHING SLIPPER....GOODNESS! SHE MUST HAVE GONE HOME!! } (A French view of the Italo-Ethiopian Episode) | THE ROMAN MANNER j Accused: "You expect me to sit in the same room as the man yj <- 8 ' THE COVERED WAGON whose watch I've just pinched!'"--Le Canard Enchaine, Parsi-- | wn an ag) 41993, King Fearures Syndicate. Loc. Gres Beato xighs rocered g igh --Elderman in the Washington Post TURNING POINT SEEN IN SPANISH REVOLT LEADERS OF TWO NATIONS MEET AT QUEBEC PASS OF a Smee a <t { HAVACERRADA NH" IS PASs OF SOMOSTERRA w | SEGOWR -- eauadALAJARA i oa a O/VALENCIA ISLANBS * ! ALBACET Eo oe ssAlicanTet--i<"'C"'"O™Oé | = Cj, MEDITERRANEAN ¥: -- 4 D : One of the fiercest civil war conflicts in modern history continued to rage-in the rocky passes i. of the Guadarrama mountains north of the Spanish capital of Madrid as rebel and government y i g forces launched attacks and counter-attacks. Meunting death toll bespoke the desperate na- : -- a ture of the fighting as revolutionaries concentrated on the historic capital after seizing controlM of the southern provinces around Seville and the northern section indicated by the shaded por- ee tions on the above map. San Sebastian in the north and Malaga in the south were rebel f ' Panta : ; objectives, while loyalists sought recapture of Saragossa and Toledo after regaining possession Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, ae President F. D. Roosevelt hold an animated conversation. a a of Barcelona. cas Quebec gave an enthusiastic reception to the distinguished visitor last week. is - os : ' ; ' pe ae EY