THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1936 if it delle, 33 AILE NeBUPRa AGN eae s pa Page ? eccccccccccccccccscocsess® | titute farmers. | that the government will come bur keep the iron moving! | Should the patient rest or ex- ; i D Consultations continue regard-| to the rescue in adequate fashion. Inflammatory conditions, in ad-lercise? This depends entirely t The Ottawa Spotlight ing the feed situation in the west cae F dition to the above, require al/upcn the cause. Rest in bed is » t ere i, and the ranchers begin to grow Steady Increase C.N.R. Earnings by- - search for the possible cause of{essential in some cases; in others : ry By Wilfrid Eggleston restive. There are numerous and the infection. Suspect the usualjthere should be exercise, and 4 eee ecceccceesee [Somewhat involved negotiations} Gross revenues of the all-inclu- ig A eer foci, teeth, tonsils, nose and sometimes firm manipulation, 4 to complete before Ottawa will] sive Canadian National Railways boatent sinuses, bowel, gall-bladder, pros-even under anaesthesia, to break Ottawa, August 11--To offset/),. ready to disclose its policy in}System for the 10-day period end-| A, HEALTH SERVICE oF some of the gloom caused by the} full, Meantime some of the ran- ing July 31, 1936, were $5,179,891] association AND LIFE widespread failure of the grain|chers don't know whether to sac-|as compared, with ToS OUP OnE ecu nce Conmetne tate and the neck of the womb/down old adhesions. Again de- when children have been born. !pending upon the cause, other In certain inflammatory types! Patients may require a spinal cast . A a IN CANADA & crop in Western Canada, and the|rifice their stock now for what|the corresponding period of 1935, various drug preparations have|°t @ special brace, or may need serious fodder shortage which they can get, or hang on confident' an increase of $44,999. TREATMENT OF BACKACHE! been found to be almost a specific ae ae in some other part of the ' i e ] oat S act aq ody en oN "traordinary mea- relief; in other cases special seda- Miele will compel ex , VICTIMS OF SPAIN'S CIVIL WAR Some of the possible causes of|tives are advisable. In either in-| Questions concerning Health, addres- jsed to the Canadian Medical Associa- va sures to relieve the ranchers and stockmen, there are of late sev- eral more hopeful developments being evident at the capital. Rising wheat prices, accompa- nied by a general improvement in other farm and garden prices, re- flecting mainly the drought of North America but in part over- seas influences, are gradually re- storing a better balance between agricultural and manufacturing prices. This disparity has long been held by economists to be one of the main factors retarding re- covery in Canada. The farmer was able to trade his products on a fair basis with other producers, backache were considered in the; Stance the choice should be deter- Saal lone ial leech Z tion, 184 College Street, Toronto, will mined by the physician in charge.!be answered personally by letter. last article, although in such a short space only the more com- = mon causes could be mentioned. How can it be treated? aa a er ae ee Needless to say--and yet it does need to be said repeatedly-- no treatment can be prescribed until the cause of the backache be known. That means a thorough MAKING UP A physical examination, not only of the back but of the entire body. In certain forms of backache X- SHOPPING LIST rays may be necessary The ha- bits and posture of the patient may need to be studied. a= Having established a correct diagnosis, what of the treatment? if and he was compelled to pay old pce: as will elias en- The hall needs a new rug. More towels are needed for f . 1rely . debts incurred when prices were Ye AH gle CO erahyatoye found, the bathioom, ana the kitchen floor could certainly hich at a time when his own and is a decision which should be 5 i : ices ee ee left to a competent physician. stand a coat of paint. The children need shoes. The car Increase Buying Power Certain general suggestions, how- will soon need tires. Well, we buy a hundred new ever, may prove helpful. If due to fatigue only, rest alone is usually sufficient. How- Scattered throughout Canada are manufacturers who ever, heat applied to the back is Rising agricultural prices will not, of course, help the farmer whose harvest was wiped out by things every year. POR ET NE a eee ee eT = Y J fi 4 'il 5 make the very things we need. Their cts 3 tate oa ciaserans ie aay very soothing, as is also massage. ee [ 4 Prot uC ahs y assist, f If 2 on sale in certain stores within easy reach. Certain of a in other occupations. But inas- torn were peas peck poe pee thes roducts 1 in o : tae sey Pere nae cg Began muscle fibres or from a liga- hese products, aad certain of these' stores, are espe- power of the Canadian farm they mentary tear, it 1s amazing what cially fitted to take care of our special need. But which 4 4 i lief may come fro g | will soon be reflected in greater Lg J m massage, i i 0 # PL : "« roducts a thich s Tie yi ye d 4 activity in factories and stores Far a to get the "confi- Pre nd w ; ch stores Which can we afford, and | Even with an appallingly low ib : Beane atts Ste sige gra- which do we think best? We must look to advertising i great : 2 if ; ; ; aT 1aily working deeper, but never . | yee ee uaa Peed ani Some conception of the scenes of iragedy current in Spain is with violence. Heat is very help- for advice. a that the total purchasing power given by this graphic photograph of two victims of the revolu- ful; electrical treatments are of- Advertising is the straight line between supply and tion sprawled in a street in Barcelona after bitter street hattle {ten helpful if intelligently utiliz- a of wheat farmers this year will L : Dae ane i wa : | Pe tndultdet Gna cece ears It ake: ed, but for home use the ordinary demand. eee es time spent in Peel shopping. It | may be recalled that the harvest ( iy, U electric coil with the copper re- leads you directly io your goal. By reading the adver- | of 1932 was the third largest in Cc paren is SPR ear ae i tisements. we can determine in advance where the best | the history of the country, but the good old- ned method o 5 ies wt : nae 4 the BVEaeE value at the eee was IT'S ALL A MATTER OF HOW "ironing" the patient, through values can be found. With the aid of advertising, : sy only 35 cents a bushel, and the bs) several sheets of brown paper, shopping becomes a simple and pleasant business, and | estimate of the value a _that MUCH LIGHT ' budget figures bring more smiles than frowns. ae ace eae ty rm Z ; WELL BABY CLINIC ¢ | F 5 > , | : rom the pages of this paper you can make u a. pees Ny ? tern Upstairs, Northwest Classroom b ie a b Me Y ; P | tven i his year's western : s F ist t ill sav 4 SP Bearecopt faeenTe BIS, Ge, 285 Public School a shopping list that w e@ you money! Sd millions, plus an eastern crop of THURSDAYS 2 t ; Lae Sa 3 o 4 p.m. 4 15 millions, it is obvious that at P | ; prices HON Cue the total value PE NIT 1 ET A PARTI ELT TIEN FPA EE aE EE A J} --_ would be somewhat greater than Want Ads. Bring Results| 0 lea a it was in 1932. Indeed, the pros- : pects are now that it will be the SSS SSS SSS > d most valuable crop since 1930. = * eng sy 4 yy Stocks on Hand More Valuable or nearby subjects when the light is ~ "SS '| i The ee th Bin not very bright as in the picture above, | here is another aspect of the itaclalyidenieneiopenincs : < sharp advance in wheat prices ; which should not be missed. The | | wheat board has been selling 4 wheat at these prices of a dollar d | and over; also, it still had, at the E | ke end of the crop year (July 31) But for distant scenes, | f over 2 hundred million bushels of like this' to the left, re wheat still to sell. Part of this use a small lens open- | wheat was, perhaps, carryover ing. al from previous years and may by ; e . now be standing in the books ata ie . mle dollar or over. On this there may ver 1S emen S | not be much profit, but at any 1B tate there does not appear to be Mt , much likelihood of further loss. A G d V | a But the most part of the 100 rea ulde to alue fe \\ millions still on hand must be I al? what was bought from the west- 7 a Pe ern jarmer on a basis of 87% cents E : a bushel, during the last year. It ECAUSE modern cameras and] which have a meaning in terms of * Experts cane roughly estimate the value of a nilswsaarenl ai? aka Wane HER modern film make it possible for| the ratio between the diameter of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by al this was an interim movement us to achieve happy results with] the lens opening and the distance handling and examining it. Its appearance, its Me' 2 : z very little knowledge of how our| from the lens to the film. In desig- 9 2 and that if the board made any y ; F ; texture, the "feel" and the balance of it all mean 5 4 BS zi cameras function, many of us do not nating these settings, the letter f. is al surplus, it should be distributed 3 used. When you see that a picture something to their trained eyes and fingers. Ae = bother to find out, but we will more ? i 5 ae, pro rata among the farmers who , Oeitee oi ay was made with the lens at f.11, it Fe delivered to the board. Of course ee ett Sete a eae means that the opening of the lens | % But no one person can be an expert on steel, a _ there are storage and financing pe Sa parae at i 2 was 1/11th of the lens+o-film dis- brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all eS || charges on this wheat to deduct, 'Any camera is simply a light-tight mre parsan Baas Fs. a of the materials that make up a list of personal ae: pet it youl not es much fur- box or chamber, with a film at one] nor too small. In fact some inexpen- purchases. And even experts are fooled, sometimes [ ner advance in wheat prices to end and a bit of optical glass, called] sive cameras have a fixed opening, by concealed flaws and imperfections. ld a tid be d : | y P yield a tidy sum to be distributed a lens, at the other. Add to that a) or aperture, of about that ratio. 4 i among the farmers who sold contrivance for admitting light un-| Smaller openings, f.16 or 1.22, for % There is a surer index of value than the wheat last year--many of whom der control into the box, through the| example, cut down the amount of senses of sight and touch--knowledge of the had no crop this year and will be lens to the film, and you have the es-] light entering the lens. Consequent- rs 5 grateful for a small extra pay- sentials of a camera. ly, given the same light conditions, maker's nee and for what it stands. Here is the ment on last year's wheat. The size of the lens and the extent | longer exposures are required. ; most certain method, except that of actual use, for eg ss to which it is opened are important.| That brings us to another gadget judging the value of any. manufactured goods. al, Gain in Revenues : When the lens opening is large, a lot] which, in terms of time, also con- te § Ss th I y 2 1 8 ik oe Another more optimistic fea- of light is let into the camera to re-| trols the amount of light that enters ere is the only guarantee against careless wOrk- ' ture in the news is the substan- cord the picture on the film. That's| the lens--the shutter. For most ordi- manship, or the use of shoddy materials. _-tial gain in federal revenues and all very well, but lenses do not do| nary snapshots, a shutter that opens This i S : the slight decrease in expendi- their best "wide open" in giving| and closes in about 1/25th second is * 1s 1S Gremmportant reason why it Days to tures. The improvement in four sharp images of all objects both near cngcely adeduae a faa this shut- | read the advertisements and to buy advertised G08 : and far. When you want sharp,| ter speed, coupled with an opening : 5 piers is iB Ene neighborhood of clean-cut detail from foreground to] of f.11, is so nearly right for average goods. The product that is advertised is worthy million dollars. The _employ- distance, as in a good landscape pic-| outdoor conditions that it is a kind of your confidence. ment figures are also a little bet- ture, you have to use a small Jens| of magic formula. Shutter speeds ter, after some months when al- opening; when you are interested| faster than 1/50th second are seldom é lowing for seasonal changes, they only in picturing an individual or a| needed except for pictures of rapidly MERCHANDISE MUST BE GOOD OR IT made practically no headway. The compact group, as in the dog pic-] moving objects, and then with a nerdedt uanetoes aersontau Geist ture above, you can safely use a| larger lens opening; otherwise, no COULDN'T BE CONSISTENTLY ADVERTISED aside from the drought+stricken relatively larger opening if you fo-| enough light would be admitted. AES GE WS Wes aioe Hae cus carefully. Indistinct detail be-| Lenses, by the way, are rated ac- ill b 5 , yond doesn't matter so much, in fact| cording to the largest opening at B A d ° d G d Ww »e some increases, are ex- often helps to accentuate the prin-| which they work. You hear camera uy vertise oo Ss pected to show marked reduc- cipal subject. fans talking about f.6.3 lenses, £.4.5 tion during this summer, as com- In virtually all cameras there is| lenses, and even f.2.0 lenses. These pared with a year ago. Business some means of changing the size of| "fast" lenses are wonderful things; in general is more buoyant, and the lens opening. In most box cam-| they'll get pictures under the poor- a would have been much more so eras you pull out a little slide at the] eSt Kind of light and they do have t had it not been for the harvest top of the camera. In most folding] that extra speed when you need it. q collapse in Western Canada, and| cameras there is another type of ad-| But even so, Eley velugrors Detter if ie Jibs clbvaysraliee sax Onmienain, SSH 1 lid justment called a diaphragm, with] the subject has adequate light with | ae * A CRG which a greater variety of openings| the resulting opportunity to stop , serious damage. On the long Gan a GaeOReSL down (use a smaller opening) for ; | view the light wheat harvest may In most diaphragm types, the ma-| the sake of sharper detail. aaa es Hr OVE to be a good thing, but it] jor settings are shown by numerals] 99 JOHN VAN GUILDER. is small consolation for the des- SS