THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1936 i WEDDING BELLS i foes pod (a | a SS S| Page 8 "Aci <7 ae Social and Personal |prominent physician who set his| and received a hearty vote of | patients suffering from mental)thanks conveyed on behalf of the derangement to digging ditches.|¢lub by Dr. W. C. Arnold. BRITISH STAR HERE . . then making them fill th Roe | FRASER--LOOS eae pe s, Past TERR | Strenuous Life again, with the result that. in|.c1 = Saunders, Past Grand Teo eae a pokaae aoe? The wedding of John C. Fraser . many instances a complete cure Master of the LOL, visited the iby ag j Speaker Tells Rotarians Thatjresulted. His plan, the speaker|Haileybury L.O.L. No. 1162 at of the Bank of Nova Scotia staff here, to Miss Florence Loos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Loos of Neustadt, Ont., was quietly solemnized on Saturday, August 15th, the announcement being made this week. The cere- mony was performed in St. John's with friends and relatives. Man Needs Something to regular :meeting on Friday night. said, would be to t tl Take Mind Off Work a Sitived work in gardens and he believed the result would be the same. There was a certain fraternity among gardeners, just as among fishermen and members of other crafts, and even the King could ee eee ed MOVING Mrs. J. L. Maltby has gone to Powassan for a couple of weeks visit with friends. Modern life has become so strenuous that every man needs something to help him take his mind off his work, Rev. Richard Mr. and Mrs. E. Carmichael of Falconbridge' visited relatives in Lutheran Church, Concord Ave-|Haines, rector of St. Paul's/get no more satisfaction from his||| LOCAL and LONG % Haileybury last week-end. nue, Toronto, by the Rev. Ernest|Church, told members of the locallrare flowers with heir ep Hahn, Only immediate relatives|Rotary 'Club at their weekly sounding names than the hin be DISTANCE HAULING Mrs. J. Dickson, who has spent and friends of the bride and|meeting on Monday, and he sug-|lest of his subjects faacoyea thei " p> the summer months in Haileybury| groom were present. gested gardening as one of the/common everyday blooms Rock Every Load Insured' returns today to North Bay. Mr. Fraser has returned to|™ost healthful and pleasant re-lin a vegetable garden, which was| -- CALL creations . "Gardening as a Hob- by," was the subject of his ad- dress, and in advancing his argu- ment he said that, while many: men could not afford to play golf, nearly everyone could afford a garden and the pleasure to be derived was immeasurable. Mr. Haines is an enthusiastic grower a material thing as compared to a more spiritual flower garden. e scattering of a few hlooms made a great difference. Rev. Mr. Haines concluded his talk The! Arnold Troke of North in town this week for a visit with his mother and other relatives. j Haileybury and has been receiv- ing the congratulations of his friends here, who had no intima- tion that he contemplated a change from his bachelor's life. He will be joined by Mrs. Fraser later on. Bay is} Haileybury Cartage Phone No. 119 D. COOKE & SONS --S SSS >| the reading of a poem, "The Mrs. J. E. Dunn is visiting with Glory of the Garden" by Kipling, | friends and relatives in Toronto. Niagara Falls and Ottawa this} 9) | | | 5 | Pe SS Se el week. E himself and has been complim en t- | [22222 ata rer err aR Mr ind Nie. AOA Ganteneen OBITUARY ed on the beauty of the rectory have gone to Southern Ontario rg a aE ie ee cee Seniteeat nee! the CLASSIC [ HI TANT RE for a visit with friends and rela- MRS. GEOR KEELER Se ee sf : aed i Me believed his work in the garden & OBALT - ON TART® 5 \ Es . was almost as important as the i A resident of the North Coun-} (440, sbecragpaye JR Eee i Edwin E. Pearlman, a former , fi re tl half entury st eaten ea Ve cro 4 =a 5 sae try tor more than halt a century,/ minister of the gospel. In the pee ae Wee aa sata he St Ben Mrs George Keeler. died at her| pulpit,' he said, "my voice he week-end from irklanc ay ammers, beautifu ; oe lee ihe ; } Beats eee English lawn tennis star, home in Hilliardton on Monday ition ee sien poe aoe photographed as she arrived |of this week, August 24th, 1936, to all eet re are har the [ grap pak : ; a s. ' + that the Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Tompkins} in New York to compete in |after an illness that commenced] qj, ocen Gardener' Aine TAREE LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 11.45 p.m. from Theatre. of Lindsay are guests at the home| a series of tournaments cli- |several months ago when she to mortals, and we must remem. Complete Show After 9 p.m. ee and Mrs. H. A. Day, Rus- ee by ae x ty aS suffered a broken hip bone in a ber that the supreme agony of the sell Street. vational ~Sjampronsmps 4" |fall. She would have reached her: Master was suffered in a garden" Ways 9 ; Forest Hills in September. R0th) birthday next month Both philosophy and psychol- A MONDAY and TUESDAY Mrs. H. Finger of Parry} Shen sn iOWyonm@ue) in Sensex had become important fac- . Aug. 31st, Sept. 1st Sound is a guest at the home of JOLLY PARTY HELD TO "tals eee a Saar saa ie P tors in modern life, Mr. Haines urs ay Frida Inspector and Mrs. F. B. Creasy,, SPEED BRIDEGROOM ON tember of 1847, she was first) said, and he cited the case of a SSS ee Jory apartments. WAY TO MARRIED BLISS/™atried to the late Captain Hal-) | ker resents aS crow. who sailed on Lake Temis- a d S t d y paolo' YTH i a 2 : . 12S] SSS5S>50 I Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe left) By way of speeding Max Whitby] kaming in the early days of navi-|o Q n d ur a | gl on Monday for a motor trip to|local business man who will join | gation, and it was some 45 years Co de sed Ad : 1 ON THE... Paes. Par eis and other) the ranks of the benedicts on ago that she was married to Mr. n nl AUG UST 27 = 28 x 29 : southern Ontario points. lc. <e ae ss arried| Keeler, who had come to Hailey-!9 5 Sadlit | Saturday, on his way to married Keeler, w HO) TAS ey" | oD eet fol--ya] D. A. Carmichael was in toy ee a jelly stag paney wes held | Bary. eee thames cree Wanted--A Woman over twenty- f from Toronto at the week-end for} ne the Oddfellows Temple, ON | ests They continued te live 'all five to assist in Institute work i a visit with his mother, Mrs. T..| Tuesday night, | when a large) }Haileybury for more than twenty| in Cobalt, Haileybury and New Carmichael, Blackwall Street. | number of his friends gathered to years before removing to Hill- Liskeard. See Mrs. E. J. Logan | wish him the best of luck and to iardton, then a comparatively new} at Hotel Haileybury, Friday, 7 Mrs. W. R. Somerville left on! present, as a token of their es-|Settlement in the district, where| _to 9 p.m. 22-1-* Tuesday morning for a visit with jo, : neech Seas since then they have conducted a friends and reintines in George- ae Cah ce Ne RP. | general store business, together Two Sagi ue Sa Pages town and other Southern Ontario ly spent safle aoe ae sing- | With the post office, and latterly a Prot E EP ee } a oo points. | songs, a general fellowship. meet-| Service station. ok ; Main. St. pee Scie 22-tf. Fa | ing and just two speeches. To C| Mrs. Keeler visited Haileybury . A tea under the auspices of St.| F. Tuer, K.C,, was allotted the|quite frequently and had a wide|Room and Board in comfortable Paul's W.A. will be held Tuesday | pleasant task of making the pre-|circle of friends and acquaint-} home; also lunch for high afternoon next, September Ist, at| sentation, after the good wishes/ances both here and throughout} school girls if desired. Apply the home of Mrs. S. Norfolk, on of the gathering had been ex-|the district. Since her accident} at corner of Florence and Rorke Avenue. ltended to Mr. Whitby in a neat| late ee 2a vee Aes re-| Brewster; or phone 259. 22-Ic A parcmountkeniecrenn speech by Leslie McFarlane, and/gained her health, chiefly on ac- ba . , Mrs. W. Hounslow of Engle-|both were in a happy frame of|count of her advanced age, and eevee fesse Wat 'BING CROSBY " hart, was in town over the past|mind,, while the applause showed) had been forced to remain quietly Wane Bee enn ae sed FRANCES FARMER week-end for a visit with her|that the sentiments expressed | at home. Mrs. Keeler is survived Sas ta Isle Feat aa sisters, Mrs. W. G. Cooper and|were entirely unanimous in the|by her husband only, but during Gobalouweekl Si a BOB BURNS 4 Mrs. L.: Nichols. jaudience. Refreshments served|her long life she took charge of sue 99 50 y Sed ee cs | junder the direction of Arthur|and raised several orphan child- Say ee bas CG sere MARTHA RAYE MiGs Wie: Hlonia, Zor many | Hewitt were greatly appreciated|ren. to all of whom she proved a Fiche os SnaTS AN y. Kil aie Directed by NORMAN TAUROG years a resident of Haileybury, pe the evening was an especially| real mor ets ae po ds I.R Watkins Co 2177 Mneee J left yesterday for North Bay,|JOly one. -- way she proved herself a true] w 4 st eed 41.2. re) where she will make her hae Mr. Whitby will leave this ey-|citizen and her good works re- pty. Montreal oT Sa i Gay ne AEE. ening for Toronto and on Satur-|main as a monument to her mem-/ Sales Help Male--Men to sell low | day he will be married to Miss|Ory. priced electric trouser presser. | Mendes 1D ancaniGenmined Mary Eleanor Harkness. daugh-| Mrs. Keeler was a devout mem-| Right man will be Haileybury ail Whoa AERA, Welaeoetees of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H.|ber of the Roman Catholic faith] and Cobalt representative. B. ee al cara se aie hike Harkness of that city. The en-|and her funeral was held here| & F. Distributors, 206 Montrose of the former's aunt, Mrs, Jack- eee ras announced early yesterday morning, with the ser-} _Ave., Toronto, Ont. 21-1c BRERA eHiG. his month. vice in Holy Cross Cathedral. F a5 _ : ji Many old friends were present to ae Beles tor Cold x E sh . Baker, travelling passen-|pay their las 5 S : BAO et ta Hon, T: AL Crerar,, Dominion ger agent for the ents NG We Sa seen panic tP ture between 50 and 32°. Get Minister of Mines, is in the North] tional Railways at North Bay |Keeler your "Cold Gauge" FREE at this week and will be the chief|/was a Haileybury visitor early : D. R. Murray, Special Repre- 4 speaker at a banquet of the Tim-|this week. "| Samuel Robertson, 75-year-old| S¢Mtative Robt. Simpson Com- : | mins Board of Trade tomorrow En GINI ee pany Limited, Haileybury. " Paramount News of the World a evening. Charles Meader, former] i Nate 7 AE ie Sea es 18-tf Fos) Mavistons News Showi | : der, y assis-|North Bay, died from injuries re- : owing ; , : tant chief en J slain 4 ; Cartoon Comed: A a Merit Beltnger Rio has spent saan gineer ei the North-|ceived in a motor accident on|For Rent--Seven Roomed House, mecy, King Edward VIII at Review, : 3 lige velopment epartment,|Sunday. The car was being dri-| corn Rork auBlackawalle ( a f the past year in Sudbury, has!/died fro t ee Be Tee On Cag) ackwall;|] Saturday Matinee This Week! Escapes Death! returned home and will resume] wpe ene ail heart attack last |ven by his daughter, got out of| good furnace, hardwood floors ; Z : : Rewstatlicg at dhe! local' manneier et Ma e oe summer control and turned on its side in} large sun porch and all conyen- 1 and 4 p.m. Matinee Monday at 2.30 p.m. | 1 school with the opening of the} : et thane iences. Apply to Mrs. A. L. : fall term = = Herbert, Phone 149. 52-2t-f WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sept. 2nd and 3rd ka 9S SS 9 === ! Mrs. R. E. G. Hayward and} 4 rc i little sons left on Sund , Feetes A elnacelo pp home in Trail, Be ties cities E IN COMFORT i CHURCHES t 12 GREAT STARS IN months' visit in town with Mrs. é ig fa THE BIGGEST DANC- Hayward's mother, Mrs. W. S. ANYWHERE ANYTIME : ING ROMANCE EVER! Deal and her grandmother The United Church Lar : rs..¢; G. Farr. i : 5 ; Aas 0 wy ould you like to shave by an entirely new method--a bet- tl 1S BAe IRE le iBuP) Visiting at the home of Mr. and ter one that does away with all the discomforts of blade - i es! Ik A Morton, Cecil Street shaving ? Sunday, August 30th is week are Mrs. Morton's sis- Service at 11 a.m., conducted . ter, Mrs. B. Osgood and her The Schi by Rev. W. A. Beecroft. Matinee Wednesday, 4.15 p.m. | | daughter, Mrs. H. White, both of ck Shaver No evening service. | Claremont, N.H. and Mr. and Mrs, ' | 5 4 Lawson Beattie of Wilder, Vt. fl Lathering i The Baptist Church ig Fr I MATINEES: P ase Dull Blades G. F. GORMAN, Pastor Dl ! Youngsters' Bazaar Yields NO MORE : Res. 84 Elliott St ts Adee Sat., Aug. 29th--1 and 4 p.m. j Nice Sum for the Shelter Painful Cuts ; KEELER : | fl 5 i JACK OAKIE Monday, Aug. 31st -- 2.30 p.m. } i ah bazaar in ai of the Children's Irritated Face 10 a.m.--Bible School. JOAN BLONDELL Wednesday, Sept. 2--4.15 p.m. } q paye. 4 y . pee. " L: {ugh Nerbeit-Louise Foiendo - S ; oe Ge ucapniibetine Were Price $16.50 | Sit a Bee pele gree cathe an Matines| Prices Mon.tand Wed, | Henpestiernponnunntane eae cat p.m.--Gospel Service Adults 25c plus 2c tax; Children 10c | the little girls, E Salah ; ; -- ; ; ie i a Hog Come and ace hs The Salvation Army | compny _ | Smir-Ate So © : is b 4 4 ildren 10c, : | Honev Fereuson, Margaret Mc- Centon CErnbe Evening P eat cise cea' | Ay W. SANDERSON : = ee) ae Pale ua area i . fl San Memink Ren at co c ii fora Tagen, tax; Children 15c, no tax. K - ¢ | & ie 4 unday Vening ervice at 7. . pie gtk in pale ous and the l JEWELER and STATIONER [| poate, Seeral asa p.m. : att lete Show from 9 Pn Special Student Admission Prices-- ; Beg tice the Society. s/f U) Aimy, ftom rer Masse, || Good Sound -- Good Pictures | 25c every Matinee and Evening, | . SS Sanaaa>> San SSS a 8.00 o.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Ge ee ee