a ea 995. on ee THE HAILEYBURIA Vol. 32; No. 25 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 17th. h, 1936 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Temagami Area | Scene of Great Mining Activity) Several Properties Now Under! Development; Cuniptau Is Producing Steadily { Strathy Township, in the Tem-| agami Forest Reserve, has been} the scene of considerable mining PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE TO LEAVE HAILEYBURY AFTER MONTH'S NOTICE Miss Hazel- Dennis, public health nurse in Haileybury for several months past, has resign- ed her position and will leave town on October 15th. Her re- signation was tendered in writing to the town council and read at the regular meeting of that body on Monday night. The resigna- ation was accepted and steps will be taken to secure a successor in the position before Miss Dennis leaves. In submitting her resignation Miss Dennis stated that she had secured a position as a. school nurse in her home city of Guelph. Her work in Haileybury had been entirely satisfactory, mem- bers of the council stated, and regret was expressed at her im- pending departure. ON C.N.R. BOARD Report Railways To Consolidate Cochrane Shops T. & N.O. and Canadian National Said to be Considering Joining of Forces Reports from Cochrane are to the effect that a proposal is being considered by the T. & N.O. and Canadian National Railways for the amalgamation of some of the services in that town, whereby the two railways would combine forces and eliminate considerable expense of operation. The step is termed a consolidation of yard service and transfer of employ- ees and a meeting had been ar- ranged for discussion of the question in the office of the T. & J. Y- Murdoch, K.C., Toron- to, who is a member of the new board of directors fot Relief Application To Be Subject to Investigation Chief of Police Appointed as Inspector By Town Council and Each Case to be Decided on Its Merits; Street and Sidewalk Problems; Auditor is Appointed A new system in the adminis-|The fee is $300, the amount asked tering of relief in Haileybury was) for in his application sent in adopted by the town council at its} earlier. | The council authorized the pur- day evening, when it was decided chase of a dump truck for use on to, appoint Chief of Police Mac-|the streets, at a cost of $350 from Girr as "Relief Inspector" for)ine Haileybury Garage, after it the balance of the current year.) Nata s Vehicle had Al! applications for assistance] VS stated that the Moe ae must be placed before him and he| been in use for some days on was given power to conduct a| trial and that it was being found proper investigation in each case,|to be a money saver. There was reporting to the relief committee} considerable discussion over the of the council. On the results of | light truck purchased earlier in his investigation will depend! the summer and which had been regular monthly meeting on Mon- activity throughout the summer and during recent weeks several developments have taken place which bid fair to prove up the district as an important area. The Cuniptau Mines Limited, operating on one of the first pro- perties in the township to be opened up, is now producing steadily after the plant, installed last spring, had been shut down for a short period to permit of the installation of some addition- almachinery. The first TRUST 63 © J 0 of a high grade matte, containing hief ustice gold and platinum besides other A li metals, was made last month and, ppeals Ru Ing while official figures have not I 16 Cl ° been given out, it is understood n ax alm that the returns are better than expected. s \Cobalt Town Solicitor Notified On the Hermiston-McCauley| This Week; Holds Trial claims, under option to Consoli- Judge in Error dated Smelters, there has been a oe lot-of prospecting done during Jos: A. Lepris, K.C., town soli- the summer and recently a dia-|citor for Gobalt, received notifica~ mond pages eo Sees Ag ee yn this week that Chief. Justice PCRS aoe et uot) OL batchtord has, led manweappeal promising veins and ore bodies| a sainst a judgment of Mr. Jus- A the Bane SION a EEO pele Makins, which an August 12 So eer held by fg AZo asi held the Chief Justice liable ae San Ws i te for arrears of taxes to the muni- ae Mining Company cine |cipality of $1,148. The grounds ec as eed DECSPECUIOE Ths {tor the appeal are set out in 10 ing done by the company. MS\sections and claim that the trial group lies between the Smelters | judee erred in law in holding the} and the Manitoba and Eastern. ssessment valid, citing a number Goodfish is also looking over an-|of reasons why such action should other block to the north of the|},. Aiereoaded Smelters ground. { hee BA at Se 9 The Manitoba and Eastern is! Among. the REBSONS Se OE Be eee - ithe appeal are allegations to the sinking a shaft from the former); sec 5 > cqgjfact that the assessor did not 300-foot level to a depth of 500} ik sade value the premises at their "ac- feet, and there are reports that a $ hari ; : 5 . |tual value," that he "did not act mill will be built in the near]. 3 ' at independently but was influenced future. The Graham block of} eae es S sale |by the instructions of others" and claims, to the south of Cuniptau, | ; heat . To_\that the assessment was entirely have also been optioned by To- opsie 2 5 pee. 17... |out cf proportion to the value of ronto interests, who will carry on: ee me ieee jthe lands and was "consequently a program of surface develop-| SIN ? 5 5 : _ |fraudulent and void. Perhaps ment. according to one man inter-} re ; 5 2 - c the most interesting point cited si g ested in) that section who hasi)~ 116 Chief Justice as grounds spent the summer there. "3 pa 7 san ifor the appeal is the following, jwhich is listed as Clause 9: "That Theft of Two Wheat Sheaves {in point of fact the town of Co- Brings Hard Labor Sentence ;balt has been insolvent for years -- jand no real assessment based up- The theft of two sheaves of|on value could be made without wheat from the fields of a North,disclosing a state of bankruptcy Cobalt farmer named Hallick, tojin the town." which he pleaded guilty, brought) "Tt was intimated by Mr. Legris a sentence of ten days hard labor (thas the municipality will contest | to Jos. McNeil, aged 17, in Cobalt! the appeal. N.O. general manager, A. H. Ca- vanagh at North Bay, but was postponed from yesterday to a later date. It is said that about half of the 84 T. & N.O. employees at Coch- rane will be affected if the change goes into effect. There is a pay- roll of close to $15,000 monthly distributed to these railway peo- ple. and a substantial reduction in this, which would naturally follow the proposed changes, would be rather badly felt by the munici- pality. It is said that the T. & N.O. roundhouse and coal chutes will certainly be closed under the pro- posed consolidation, but what} other changes are contemplated has not been made public. It is) being recalled that a somewhat similar proposal, affecting the two railways at Rouyn and No- randa, was mooted home months ago, but nothing it. | Came of it.| Railway employees all along the} line are waiting with some anx-| iety to see what will be the out-| come. The proposal is being| brought forward, it is understood in the interests of economy of; operation. Alleged Motor Thief Held Here for Brockville Police | Stanley Nolan of Brockville is beng held at provincial police headquarters here and_ will be handed over to police of Brock-| ville, Ont., who allege that he| stole a motor car in that southern| Ontario city. Nolan was located in Sharpe township, about six miles from Costello post office,by | provincial officers and brought} here on Tuesday. The car, a Chevrolet coach, was found in his | possession. | | gave Canadian National Railways. Mr. Murdoc his well known in Northern Ontario and in Northwestern Quebec as the president of Noranda Mines. whether the applicant is deemed] a fit and proper person to re- ceive aid from the municipality and the «overnment. The change was made after it was disclosed to council that there were some cases of people getting assistance when they Catholic Women Raise Large Sum might well have been able to get along without it, especially peo- for Welfare Work p< who had members of the |family in steady employment, and ithe view of the council was that now is the proper time, before the winter sets in, to have the lists cleared of all unworthy cases. : Seven Sub-divisions of League Represented at Convention Held in Cobalt When the Catholic Women's : ; Several street and is valk League of the Diocese of Hail- crates ts F se i pten > S 3 lems were ¢ Cus G eybury met in annual convention}! P BS ae ) By ;meeting- R. Whorley was _pre- in, Cobalt on Monday, there were; : k seven sub-divisions of the Order | s70 ty stated that, while & Coe represented, and at the opening|~" Bato Ho ae had been session in St. Patrick's parish hall} ™°C© On his road after his : the Diocesan President, Mrs. H.|¥isit, the ravine leading to his Fo enero ce ate Haileybury |Place of business should be filled an outline of the activities)" to pial SME to avoid drift- during the past year in her inau-!78 in the winter. He would pay this taxes in work on this, he said, gural address to the delegates. pein Kae eee There had been a membership of|2nd the streets committee agreed to again inspect the place. last | rather badly damaged in a colli- sion on the highway. The driver at the time, Jos. Coe, was present and was questeioned as to his reasons for having the vehicle outside the municipality. He said that he had not received permis- sion, but had taken it out as there was a "knock" in the mo- tor and he believed he could lo- cate it and make the necessary adjustment later. He was told that he would be held at least partly liable for the damage, if the repairs had to be made at the town's expense, but there was some doubt as to whether the driver of the other vehicle in the collision was responsible in view of the fact that charges of reck- |less driving, laid by each follow- ling the crash, had been dismissed in police court. -- THREE MEN KILLED IN TRAIN CRASH AT NOVAR, MAIL TRAINS DELAYED Mail from the south yesterday was some five hours late in 556, the president said, and dur-!*° © ing the year a total of $9,084.51| Sidewalks on Brewster Street had been raised; of which more)@0d on Browning Street, west of than $7,000 had been expended for|the railway, will get some atten- parochial purposes. tion and there was some talk of Members had paid more than substituting gravel walks for 1,000 visits to sick people during|°°0™© of the old wooden ones. the year and more than a thou. During the discussion the council sand dollars had been spent inj @S told that an insurance ad- care of invalids, while the league |JUStOT had 'reported the wooden had also contributed $114 to the sidewalk on Latchford SURGE OS Bishop's Diocesan welfare fund dangerous to the public, and Visor faye helping wayward girls. tification ot a recent accident toa jsmall boy there was read. A letter from P. M. Fleming stated that one instalment of his current taxes had been retained to offset the cost of paving a portion of Ferguson Avenue which he had carried out last year, but the council took the same stand as at a previous meet- Monday sessions were marked by an address from His Excel- lency Bishop L. Rheaume, impres- sions of his recent tour of Europe by Rev. Father J. R. O'Gorman, addresses of welcome to the dele- gates by Rev. Father Caufield (Continued on Page 4) police court at the week-end. The youth, on suspended sentence for] ing, when responsibility for this the alleged theft of a bicycle, ac-| = = work was declined on behalf of knowledged taking the wheat but}; H told the court that it had later | " been returned. Provincial Con-| stable R. O. Stromberg of Cobalt| investigated the loss of the wheat! after the farmer had reported| similar thefts from his fields on| the town.. Two or three residents reecived permission to pile wood, in ac- cordance with the revised by-law, ®#/on vacant town lots and _ the council was notified by Nelson R. Green that wood being cut along previous ocacsions. It was on|k the constables' advice that Mc- Neil took it back to the owner. "Meals Were Misery... «+ Until | Discovered Pfunder's Palliative Treatment for STOMACH TROUBLES dué to Excess Acid!" Many men and women have suffered from pronase denableg due i excess acid of the stomach until they tried the palliative treat- B'S TABLE i? ment, PFUNDE: 'TS -- that fa- mous secret formula which users everywhere describe in os glowing terms. - Leading pharmacists and ek users recommen PFUNDER'S TABLETS. Youcan try PFUNDER'S ', 'TABLETS yourself for 15 days without the test costing you one penny! Come In For FREE Details and TRIAL OFFERI Sold Exclusively in Haileybury F. H. Pfunder, Ph. G. Will be printed in the very near future. Any changes, additions or advertise- ments should be arranged for at once. For further information get in touch with your Local Office the Ferguson highway was being piled too close. The cendition had been remedied, it was stated, and the regulations were being now complied with. Several vacant lots on Meridian Avenue were rented to W.Baxter for $5 per year, subject to pos- sible sale, and the chief of police was given authority to collect transfer licenses from two truck- ers who had, he reported, so far evaded the issue. They will be given seven days notice. The appointment of R. L. O'Gorman of Cobalt as town au- ditor for the current year, was made at the close of the méeting. |reaching Haileybury and other lees & N.O. points, the Toronto |train having been delayed owing |to a fatal crash at Novar at about |two o'clock that morning, when No. 46, southbound, crashed into the caboose of a work train, kill- ing three men who were asleep at the time. An open switch, be- lieved to have been left by the crew of the work train, was the cause of the crash, according to ; reports. No. 47 was re-routed via | Washago, Parry Sound and Sco- |tia Junction, losing some three | hours on the way, and at North |Bay the mail car was removed |from the train to have a pair of pices replaced. Rather than hold the express, the car was later attached to Train No. 1, ar- riving here at 4.24 p.m. = George Andrew McMahon, the man who threw a revolver in the direction of King Edward VIII during a parade, was convicted of an attempt to "alarm His Majes- ty" and sentenced to 12 months hard labor. | The Week's Weather Week ending September 15: Max, Min Wednesday ---__ 680 52.8 Thursday - (hie Yeh Friday --- ~ 72.0 56:8 Saturday -- - 74.0 _ 52.4 Sunday - - 60.8 44.8 Monday -_- - 66.0 448 Tuesday, ==== 86.0 52.6 Precipitation for week_ .76" Mex. wind (1 hr.)_ 18 m.p.h. LADIES' --_--_-- SS --_--_--__ > LS Sa S_-- COATS WHITBY'S PHARMACY Phone 58 : We Deliver | = ®) A ESCRIPTIONS NORTHERN TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED est offerings and values in Toronto. Now In Stock At > ROBINSONS, NEW LISKEARD We are proud of our present stock of new dresses | | Personally selected from the smart- S33 3 | | |