The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 10 Dec 1936, p. 8

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bage X Tan LE Bau ve BU Ral gy THURS., DECEMBER 10. 1936 ee een, DSS SS S18 |Ink, Mr..and Mrs. A. H. Hull, Mr.and SPANISH CUSTOMS ARE | Sale of Dominion Stores Lim-|e 2 \ 0 {| BITUARY | Mrs. J. H. Sumbler, Mr. and Mrs. W.. DESCRIBED TO MEMBERS ited for the 12th period ended c + | \) |: d i| O |A, Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mc-, | ' . P H Perrier t | ocia ,all Personal SSS SB | Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Burke, Mr. ae? lie me ANE a aoe ake if : y ; v -- --. and Mrs H. G. Simpson, Dr. and Mrs., f J ' ' . Ss) ic ares V 3 " y The f : SES ANO ME Eatuegishs BIO RS eanineer J. W. Faithful, Mary L. W pa the ee Gare of $1,405,210 for the corresponding, Funeral Director { Bred) We) [iemeson on Mien litilertarecercar old date ewes Kiwanis of New Liskeard, Mr. Bae Ae Me at : -D.E., |period in 1935, and is an increase Haileybury : Haileyburian, is in town trom igerar iea ee pe fs x and Mrs. H. G. Kennedy, Air andenires er held on a e . ae of 6.45%. Nore \ Biche Gaynoll Myrna died yess Sanderson, Enid and A-A. (Mrs. Lowe; Bea deradtiee table e i Heres Le ne a ae white ~ |Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Leeman, Mrs. Nich- : 5 me A Express Money Orders for sale ferday aE a ae bisdnvaniaitre eScoleitacy arate oS Eee ae eee Consistent Advertising in PHONE at the Telegraph Office and J. W. a ean ae te neh ag eV te tie, Mrs. Slaght, Winifred and Barbara, eae ber a a f f ge ie fora : : : Myles' Jewelry Store. 37-2c r d Mrs. Pich if oS Yerait, Jim and Jessie Todd, Children's Aid| Coy a a ay Re SACS ATE The Haileyburian will Day 145A Night 145B om - nS ee © as oS 'ivi 2 Society, District of Temiskaming; Min CORB cpio Ae sO nua uy occaslen . ° eybury residents,@ now living at 'Plans are also under way for Bring Business ° gi was in few Hon. W. A. Gordon town from Toronto for a days this week. Express Money Orders for sale at the Telegraph Office and J. W. Myles' Jewelry Store. 37-2c The I.0.D.E. are holding their annual Christmas Dance on Mon- day, December 28th. Don't for-| get the date. | a ct | T. A. Lindey, a former Hailey-| burian, renewed acquaintances in town early this week while on a business visit from North Bay. Every week from now until Christmas there will be a special offering at the store of Thorpe & Tulloch Limited. A. H. Jack, formerly ot Hailey- bury, was elected to the High School Board at Kirkland Lake on- Monday , running second in the voting. The annual Christmas program and tree of the Baptist Church Sunday School will be held in the Baptist Church on Tuesday even- ing, December 22nd, at 8 o'clock. Haileybury Chapter, 1.0.D.E., are holding a Christmas Tea at Hotel Haileybury on Saturday, December 12th. A turkey and} Christmas Cake will be diawn for. The W.M.S. of the United Church will hold a tea and pro- duce table at the home of Mrs. H. G. Pickard, Latchford Street, on Tuesday afternoon, December 15th. Miss Honey Adamson is leav- ing tomorrow to spend a month with her sister and brother-in- law, Rev. and Mrs. H. Peeling, at St. George's Rectory, Bruce Mines, Ont. Members of the I.0.D.E. have tickets for sale on a Christmas Cake and on a turkey, which will be drawn for on December 12th at the tea. The usual kindly as- sistance is requested. | Don't overlook the Turkey Stag being put on by the Knights of Columbus, assisted by the Rotarians, in the K. of C. Hall on Friday evening, December 18th. This affair is to aid the Christmas Cheer Fund and a good time is assured everyone. | Mrs. Dafoe and her mother. Mrs. Montgomery, left on Mon- day evening for Toronto, where Mrs. Montgomery will spend the winter. Mrs. Dafoe will visit St. Paul, Chicago and other Unit- ed States points before returning to Haileybury in the Spring. E. Poncelet, who has been a resident of Haileybury for the past year or two, left last week! for Toronto, from where he will| go later to North Carolina to superintend the construction of a mill. While here he worked ina| similar capacity at the erection of | the mill at the Stadacona in the! Rouyn field. ee meg | Elect William Martin as | Coleman Township Reeve William Martin was elected reeve of the Township of Cole- man in the election for that muni- cipality on Monday. He defeated H. W. Rowdon, who has held the position for a number of years, by 145 votes to 118, in a contest that brought considerable interest among the residents of the town- ship. Three of the councillors of 1936, Nelson Pearce, Harry Buck- ler and Chas. Dean, were re- elected and, with Jos. Gartside will form the board for 1937. Pearce received '198 votes, Buckler 155, Gartside 120 and Dean 99. Defeated candidates were Geo. Martin, with 87 votes, and Jos. Bailiff with 59. Sire i ard of Thaagks The Mowat family, of Mowat's Landing, wish to express to their many friends their deep appreci- ation of the great kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. "\several years Montreal River, and they have add! ed yeMiy cand) Mis sEomne Berets the sy I a i a Sled ti hy of a large circle of pastiche The funeral will be held to- Kay Bie tcc a "i atid | morrow, Friday, afternoon, at 2 and Mrs. E. V; Neelands, Ffolkes fem= o'clock RE an ane ibvayerts GE Mr mett, Douglas Jemmett, Jean and Mrs. adhe parents, Mr * Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrae (Eva and Mrs. M. 2 aT an aS rakes to the Old Hugh and Louise, Charlotte Shaw, Ag-) MRS. ALBERT CADMAN a --Family, Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried At-| An old and well known resident kinson and Thyra, Blanche and Tim, of Haileybury and the North Mr and Mrs. A. L. Herbert, Girls' Country, Mrs. Albert Cadman, Committee, Canada Northern Power,| passed away on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Taylor, Mrs. cee | December 3rd, at the home of her H. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. ie WA INE daughter, Mrs. L. Erenhous, Lake Bell, Howard and Elizabeth Dunbar, | Shore Road. She was 76 years of St. Paul's W.A., Kay, Edith and Nor-| age and had been ill for a short man, Mr. and Mrs. Hollands-Hurst, | time only. Melcombe and Catherine Everard, Mr. Mrs. Cadman was born in Mel- and Mrs Arthur Brooks, M. W. Sum- rose, Scotland, on August 7th, merhayes, Whitby Pharmacy and staff, 1860, and came to Canada in 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright, Mr. and coming directly to this district to Mrs. Caldbick and family, Mrs. Bert-| the farm on Dawson's where she made her home for schel, Brother George of Philadelphia | before moving to Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt, S. and E | Haileybury. At that time the Norfolk and Jack Mason, Rhoda Wol-| only means of travel to this sec- fenden, Greta and Phyllis, Evans and tion was via Mattawa and by Edith McCuaig, Mr. and Mrs. N. Abra-| boat up Lake Temiskaming. ham and family, Mr. and Mrs. John J. During the great war years Byrne, Mr.. and Mrs. A. J. Murphy, J. Mrs. Cadman was activé in local H. Sumbler, E. F. and A. E. Stephen- women's organizations and work- son. ed without ceasing in providing comforts for the soldiers over- Daily newspapers recently told seas, among whom were two ot of the death in New York of John her sons. _She Midis ie faithful Ringling, last of the five brothers! member of St. Paul's Church here who $pent their lives in building; and had many friends in the com- up the world's largest circus. | munity. | Mrs. Cadman is survived by her pale a husband, one daughter, Mrs. ----SSSS SS. == Oorccecccccccccccccsosoose enhous; two sons, William Fer- CHURCHES : ¢ guson, New Liskeard, and Alex.,| of Timmins, and three brothers, |e---+~~++~++~+~+eecrccocen chee George Laidlaw, in Philadelphia ; The United Church Thomas, in Edinburgh, and Wal- ' z as 3 5 = * | Mimister--W. A. Beecrott. B.A. B-D ter, in Ayrshire, Scotland. Orpen, 1, et, Waa The funreal was held on Sun-| day afternoon, with the service in Sunday, December 13th St. Paul's Church, conducted byy 11 a.m.--Sermon, "Jack, Jill Rev. R. Haines, and interment in and God.' Carol, "In the Bleak) Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The Midwinter." | friends of Mrs. Cadman and the) 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. | family filled the church to the 7 p.m.--Sermon, "Jesus' More| doors and a long procession fol- Exacting Morality." Carol, lowed the funeral cortege to the My Heart This Night Rejoice." cemetery. Pallbearers were Hon. W. A. Gordon, E. J. Holland, S. The Baptist Church Atkinson, S. Norfolk, W. S. G. F. GORMAN, Pastor Blackwall and A. E. Stephenson, R = 89 Bl: ah re 11 St all old friends of the family. A Sco rS geew a 2 great profusion of floral tributes a Sones Worship a list of which follows, testified 2.30 p.m. Biblarschoalk to the sympathy extended by} ¢ ei r "| 7 pm.--Gospel Service: many friends: The Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. Angus, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray, Terry and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. | Captain Cuthbert Sunday Morning Servree at 11 J. Legris, Eric, John and Nellie, Mrs.! Cc C. Farr, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Black- | ae - ne < 5 oe - | unday Evening Service at 7 wall, Mr. and Mrs. Cumming, Mr. and Say SCA A Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeuny Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting Mrs. Russell Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.| 8.00 om--Y. P Legion Meeting Teare, Mrs. Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. B.} VY. Harrison, Jack and Mary Dunlop,| Mrs. Whorley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mutch, Jenny and John, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas, C. O. Biggings, G. V. Har- rison, L. J. Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. J. S: ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. R. Haines, Rector Phone 126 SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m.--Matins and Litany,| alternate Sundays. | 11 am.--lst and 3rd Sundays. } Holy Communion; 2nd and 4th| Sundays, Matins. | BACKS KING 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer son, Mrs. Bagshaw and family, Ethel the holding of the annual Christ- Packard Electric Company,| mas' dance to be held in the 1.0. Mr.|O.F. hall on December 28th. $2,300.00--Detached Frame House The} Chapter made its usual donation| to the Christmas Cheer Fund. There was a good attendance d Bob), Mrs. McKay and family,,of members present at Monday's meeting, who were entertained! 'nes and Jack Dickenson, Mr. and Mrs.|by an interesting and amusing ad-| |W. A. Gordon, Dulcie and Marc Little,|dress on the customs and dress of; Mrs. Montgomery and family, Blanket|/the people of Spain. This address; was given by Mrs. W. E. Holm-| gren, who with her husband lived, in that ocuntry for some years) before coming to Haileybury., Mrs. Holmgren has a good gift; of description and her talk to the] ladies was very much appreciated} The request of the Temiska-| ming Bar Association for extra| sittings of the Supreme Court at! Haileybury has been partly} granted fA, ISIC the president, who Point, rand and Rose, Dr. and Mrs. Haent-| states that there will be a non-| jury sitting before Easter. DRY BIRCH Body Wood, DRY JACK PINE, ! Furnace end! Stove COAL priced from 912.50 to $18.00 i ae LW. COON CE | a fs ! | Condensed Ads | To Rent -- Two Warm, bright rooms on ground floor; private entrance. Suitable for living quarters or business office. Ap- ply to Mrs. Jago, Main Street, Phone 241. 37-2-c Wanted--Three or four heated unfurnished rooms, with hot and cold water; centrally locat- ed. Write to P. O. Box 15/7, Haileybury. 37-1-* For Sale--Apex Electric Ironer. Regular $122.50 for $89.50. What could be more appropri- ate for Christmas? Robert Simpson Co., D. R. Murray, Agent. 37-1-c Wanted--Maid for general house- work. Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Lake Shore Road. 36-tf. Probyn Street, Haileybury ; foundation; furnace. Tytler & Sproule, Barristers, 320 Bay Street, Toronto. 35-4-c Want Ads. Bring Results nn cea ete ote aie on allie alle ofitn olin ole atthe ailie et 7 } } } } } } } } } } b 3 ; The | | Goddess of Time 3 F b b b b } b 3 F } Two new styles --two new val- ues! In the color and charmofna- tural gold --at the lowestprice ever for a 17- jewel Bulova! 'Winston Churchill, brilliant British parliamentarian, who is reported to have announced his willingness to form a new government if the Baldwin administration resigns over the constitutional crisis brought about by the King's friendship with Mrs. Simpson A. W. ad A 17 Jewel BULOVA|; for EF U/ . SANDERSON Your Christmas Shopping Centre according to Jos. A. Le-| Cow Ae, CLASSIC THEATRE - ONTARLO LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 12.00 p.m. from Theatre. Complete Show After 9 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 11th and 12th @MONDAY and TUESDAY " December 14th and 15th "Yup,'s | her all right! The hilarious story of a tour- ing movie star who falls for a shy country lad Adotph Zukor presents Bet | | "GoWest Young Man' Paramount Picture with WARREN RANDOLPH WILLIAM SCOTT ALICE BRADY Margaret Perry Elizabeth Patterson Isabel Jewell Lyle Tolbot - Diclogue by Mae West an EMANUEL COHEN Production Directed by HENRY HATHAWAY --Added Attraction-- ~ Ann Sothern IN HER FINEST PICTURE! --with-- Gene Raymond In '"'Smartest Girl In Town' --Added Attraction-- North Of Nome --with-- JACK HOLT FOX NEWS, COMEDY Paramount News of the World WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, December 16th and 17th BLAZING ROMANCE: In defiance of the Rajah of Rungay.. GEORGE ARLISS EAST MEETS | WEST _ wx LUCIE MANNHEIM GODFREY TEARLE * ROMNEY BRENT Directed by Story by MASON E. GREENWOOD A © Production --Added Attraction--} Edward Everett HORTON DU A UNIVERSAL PICTURE MATINEES--Monday and Wednes- day at 4.15 p.m.; Saturday, 2.30 Matinee Prices -- Mon. and Wed., Adults 25c plus 2c tax; Children 10c Saturday--Adults 32c Children 10c, no tax. plus 3c tax; Evening Prices--Adults 45c plus Se tax; Children 15c, no tax. Students, 25c, any time. Evenings from 7 p.m. Complete Show from 9 p.m. Bus Service to and from Door of Theatre Good Sound -- Good Pictures } ee

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