Page 2 1 Hy HUA WE & Y: Bi RELA IN THURS., DECEMBER 31, 1936 News Notes of the North Paragraphs Pertaining to Happenings [ of Interest During the Past Week Robbery at New Liskeard Early on Sunday morning Mrs. Helmer, residing in the apart-| adjoining the Anderson) store, heard a crash of glass. She went to the window, after wak- ening her husband, and in a short! time more glass was heard to break and a man emerged through the side window of the Anderson store. They were unable to identify him in the dark, but later ments investigation indicated that the thief had gotten away with at least one watch and,a sum otf money. Just what other articles! were stolen has not been ascer- tained by the proprietor.-- New Liskeard Speaker. Oo---- Scarlet Fever Epidemic | Every effort is being made by medical authorities of the town to check the spread of an epidemic of scarlet fever which has shown signs of growth in Timmins dur- ing the past few days The first case of the dread dis- ease was reported to the medical health officer a few days ago and a quarantine was immediately put on the family of the patient. And since that time three additional cases have developed and are said to be causing the doctors of the town considerable concern--Tim- mins Press. pis Sy IE Ie, Plan New Gymnasium For years the people of Smooth Rock Falls have wanted a gym- nasium , but no possible quarters were available. About a ménth or so ago the boys asked the local management for the use of the cookery for this purpose. Our local manager, Mr. Cleminson took the matter up with the com- pany and got their consent to go ahead. Since it was found neces- sary to remodel practically the whole building, the yvery kindly donated $2,500 for this work. When it is finished the building will have a gymnasium, badmin- ton court, reading and rest room dance floor and a bowling alley Wash rooms with Showers are also being installed. A canteen will be opened as soon as possible. Kapuskasing. Tribune .« oy ee Sa Complete Mining Deal There was a meeting yester-day of the Wood-Porcupine Syndicate and the members of the syndicate passed a resolution selling the Wood-Porcupine property, lands buildings, mineral rights and all assets to the Wilwood Gold Mines. After that a deal was ra- tified with Ernest H. Watt of Watt and Watt, stock brokers Toronto, selling him 1,600,00C shares of treasury stock of the company for the sum of $520,000 on an option basis, the option to expire in July, 1939. This sale of stock leaves 200,000 shares in the treasury. -- Porcupine Ad- vance. - 0 Exonerate Police. Chief Complete exoneration of Chief Ralph Paul and members of the Timmins police force was con-| tained in a resolution passed by} the town council at a_ regular) meeting held yesterday. The) council agreed to rid the chief constable of all blame in connec- tion with the charges tried at the police inquiry as a result of the very careful consideration which had been given to the report re- ceived from Judge Caron.--Tim- mins Press. 0 The Dionne Christmas Like dwelling the world over | Dafoe Hospital rang with shouts of childish glee Christmas Day when--as in thousands of other homes--a jolly family reunion was the order of the day. Sut there was nothing ordinary about that gathering. For the first time, family of Mr. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne were united for a_ gala celebration. For the first time the entire |five months old Oliva, Jr. met the any prospect for one for the quintuplets.--North Bay Nugget '0: No Rush That Day The only Government office open in Sudbury on Christmas Day did less than one dollar's worth of business. It was learned from an authen- tic source today that the Sudbury post office, which remained open all day following a regulation passed at Ottawa, sold one money order on which a 15-cent commis- sionwas received and eight per-| sons went to the post office to| buy postage stamps. postal employees were on duty pated in Yuletide Sudbury Star. 0 Praise for School Board A fitting tribute to the year's work, cane out as an item of business at the closing meeting of ithe public school board Monday 'evening when a report from J. M. |Kaine, inspector for 'the district was read A volume of routine [business was wound up. The report had warm praise for the conditions of the four schools under the board's administration and there was also a tribute to the board for its work..-- Kirkland Lake Northern News. | 0. Council Gives Up | Hagar Township, near Sudbury is without a municipal council or 'coming year. The members of |the 1936 board handed in their resignations previous to the jnomination meeting called for |Monday, December 28th, and the ratepayers present declined to nominate any candidates for 1937. There has been an agitation for dissolution of the municipality, and it is taken that the action of the citizens is a further endorse- ment of this. It seems likely that the township will be placed with the unorganized sections. CfeSNAPSHOT CUIL Here we see how a sharp picture w. tripped the shutter AVE you ever watched a sharp- shooter in the act of pulling the trigger of his gun? If you have, you will agree that there would be little excuse for blurred pictures, if the snapshooter, in pushing the shutter release of his camera, would emulate the Sharpshooter's technique. When the sharpshooter gets a bead on the bull's-eye he does not pull the trigger with a jerk. He ex- erts a slow, steady pressure. The reason is that, if he does not pull the trigger in this fashion, his aim will be jerked off the bull's-eye. He probably will hit the target some- where, but not ring the bell for a perfect shot. So, with a camera, vio- lent pressure on the shutter release jerks the camera and spoils the shot. There will be a picture on the film all right, but not with the sharp out- lines that make a perfect snapshot, because a camera in motion while the fens is open is like a machine gun sweeping its fire across the whole target, The result is blur. Just as the sharpshooter practices pull- ing the trigger, it is a good thing for the snapshooter to practice pressing the shutter release, ' Sharpshooting it Christmas All wickets were open all dayjyearly becoming bolder, but those and the letter carriers and other|who stole 'the lighted tree from : ; j Mr. and Mrs. G.|0f their front window was up, while the general public partici-; H. Cummings, 176 Copeland St. |and they noticed the lights of:and a mean bit of theft--North high for audacity and!their tree moving and flickering' Bay Nugget. , the verandah of festivities. -- set a new Stole Christmas Tree despicability. tree thieves are room Christmas eve. Mr .and Mrs Cummings famil eated in their livi amily were seated in rad bling| Called and responded at once, but Mr. Cummings rushed out, but and|the tree was gone and not a soul was to be seen. Police were a diligent search of the vicinity revealed no tree. It was slick "Somebody few minutes. ments. to know. to See You!" If everybody with something to interest you should come and ting your bell, what a nuisance it would be! Think of the swarming, jostling crowd, the stamp- ing of feet on your porch and carpets! Every week we know of many callers who come to see you. 'They never jangle the bell -- thev don't take up your whole day trying to get your attention. Instead thev do it in a way that is most considerate of your privacy and your convenience. vertise in vour newspaper! In this way you have only to listen to those you ~ know at a glance have something that interests you. 'They make it short. too, so you can gather auickly just what you want to know. You can receive and hear them all without noise or confusion in a very In fairness to yourself look over ALL the advertise- The smallest and largest--you never can be sure which one will tell something you really want They Ad- as spoiled because the snapshooter release violently. The longer the exposure time the more important it is that the camera be stationary. An exposure of one twenty-fifth of a second seems to most of us such an infinitesimally brief instant that it is difficult to imagine that any motion of the camera could make any difference, but that is a long time in terms of the speed at which light travels. Some persons can successfully hold a camera still for an exposure of 1/10 second, but they are taking a chance every time. For this exposure or any longer one a tripod or other firm sup- port should always be used. Another thing the sharpshooter does is to use the right grip on his gun, the one best enabling him to hold the gun steady as he pulls the trigger. So, in shooting with a cam- era, find the grip that is surest (the manual that came with the camera will tell you) and practice it so that it will become a habit, In other words, ~ brother snap- shooter, follow the technique of the sharpshooter, if you want to hit the pictorial bull's-eye every time. Sharpshooting, sharp pictures! oe JOHN VAN GUILDER. City Residence for aday, a week or Tonger--from a single room with bath to the most sumptuous hosekeeping suite equip- ped with linen, silver and china-- affording every convenience, lux- ury and attendance. Delightful loung: ption. room: Ned restaurant service--that briefly is the distinctive appeal of the Wind- eor Arms. Windsor Arms Hotel _ 22 St. Thomas Street (Bloor at Bay TORONTO Tel. Ra. 5141-2-3-4 { BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS } Gee Duet KC. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY,. ONT PHONE 360 Dr. W. R. Somerville OENTIST © Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main & Ferguson 'Haileybury Life. Heaith, Acctdene, Fire Automobile INS! K. M. Stephen, c.L.u. he Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several first Class Fire Companies Neite folder Jack Ryder PLUMBING, HEATING and REPAIRING Phone 33 * Ferguson Avenue ' Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantee Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Myles Block Main Street | : HAILEYBURY Phone: Office 11; Residence 400 Saxton Electric Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS (St, RAILEY JURY Phone 322! What could be more complete than a combination offer that gives you a, choice of your favourite magazines -- Sends you your local newspaper--and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year--Why not take advantage of this somatitable offer that means a real saving in money to you? TAKE YOUR CHOICE! 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