_ ~ rector or placing them in special | anne Page & oan ---- = 7 {Socal and Personal | Geo. cect Sonor Stage-| cona Mine, spent Christmas with the family in Haileybury. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sutherland, 1 children spent Christmas sh Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, SF] here. | Dr. Wm. Burgess and daughter | Miss Margaret, spent the holiday | at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D G. Wilson. | Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sutherland of Kirkland Lake, spent Christ-| mas at the home of Mrs. Geo. | Sutherland Sr. | Wm. Briden of Schumacher} spent the holiday at the home of} his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Briden in Haileybury. Councillor John A. McKinnon} returned home on Tuesday after spending Christmas in Toronto with members of his family there | = | Mr. and Mrs. M J. Chesser and) Ladies of C. C. F. Club Provide quilts, made during the past few children, of Falconbridge, spent Christmas with Mr. Chessers) mother, Mrs. A. H. Chesser Dee) DAC eer Hail-| down the five plants in Pittsbu . A. Carmichael, former -| eyburian, was in town from To-| ronto, spending Christmas with The flat glass industry of the United States is virtually paral- yzed as nearly 6,000 workers in plants at Toledo, Shreveport and Charleston are on strike with other strikers who. closed rgh. Wage increases and sen- iority rights are among the demands made by the strikers of whom are engaged in a sit-down strike at Toledo (above). his mother, Mrs. T. Carmichae]. | pq [| OBITUARY 16S SS 24u KEVIN P. O'GRADY Many Haileybury people learn- led with regret this week of the death of Kevin Phillip O'Grady of New Liskeard, which took place in Toronto at the week-end. /He was 27 years of age, the Son lof Mr. Henry O'Grady and the late Mrs. O'Grady, and had spent! the greater part of his life in the North Country. He had been ill for a short time previously, suf- The regular monthly meeting of St. Paul's W.A. will be held on Tuesday next, January 5th, at the home of Mrs. S. D. Briden, Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neal of En- glehart were in town on Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Neal's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailey Rorke Avenue. The regular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Temiskaming will be held on Monday next, January 4th, at fering from a heart affliction. 7.30 p.m., in Hotel Haileybury. |The funeral was held in New Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Tulloch and Liskeard on Tuesday morning. with the service in the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. O'Grady is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Bertha} McCurdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCurdy of Hailey-| bury, and one child, aged about} \three months. The sympathy of | the community is extended to! Mrs. O'Grady in her bereavement. ; --E----------EE | JOHN BAKER John Baker, a resident of Hail- eybury for some 25 years, died at Misericordia Hospital early on Monday, December 28th, after a long illness. He had been a patient there for a year and eight months, one of his close friends states, and his death was expect- ed. Mr. Baker was born in Eng- land 54 years ago and came to Canada while in his early twen- ties. He was a miner and work-| ed for many years in Cobalt.| having his home in Haileybury,, but for several years past he had works. They wish to mention lived retired. He was unmarried especially Mr. N. D. Mclsaac for/and had no relatives in this allowing them to advertise their| country, but is survived by two! various dances and street fair on| brothers and a sister in England. the buses, free of charge, and The] ,The funeral was held on Tues- Haileyburian for the support and|day morning from the undertak- free publicity accorded them dur-|ing parlors of P. H. Perrier to ing the year. |Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Rev.) The regular monthly meeting|R. Haines, rector of St. Paul's of the Chapter will be held at|Church, conducted the services) Hotel Haileybury on Monday land the following former friends! January 4th, at 3 p.m., and. the;of Mr. Baker acted as pallbear-, members are requested to belers: John Gold, John Metcalf, W.| present for nomination of officers.|H. Rice and Archie McFarlane. | They are also reminded that the | annual fees are due and payable now. 5 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Township of Bucke | TAKE NOTICE that there will The congregation of St. Paul's|be a Sale of Lands for Arrears of Church greatly enjoyed the sing-|Taxes at the Municipal Chambers ing of Christmas carols by the|of the Township of Bucke, North choir boys at the evening service | Cobalt, Ont., on Monday, March on Sunday last. There was a good ;8th, 1937, at 2 p.m. The adjourn- attendance of the boys and their|ed sale, if any, will be held at the young voices blended nicely inthe}same place on Monday, March familiar carols and made a pleas-! 15th, 1937, at 2 p.m. ing finish to the services held © DY CHENIER, over the Christmas festival. In)39--M1 Treasurer, Tp. Bucke. an old favorite, "The Three Kings | of the Orient,' the boys did ex- WES ceedingly well, three of them, Jack Leishman, Billie Inch and| Garnet Ross, each singing a verse as a solo in the order nam- ed. As is the custom at Christ- mas, the open collections that family spent Christmas with re- latives in Toronto, returning home on Tuesday. Among those visited were Mr. Tulloch's par- ents and paternal grandmother who has reached the age of 98 and is in good health. SUCCESSFUL DANCE IS HELD MONDAY NIGHT BY | I. O. D. E. CHAPTER HERE | | A very successful Christmas dance was held on Monday night by the local chapter of the 1.0.D. E., in the Oddfellows' Temple, with a good attendance and everyone having a splendid even- ing. This was the final event of the Chapter's year, and the off- cers have asked us to extend sincere thanks to the people of Haileybury for the continued support that has been extended The kindly co-operation of the people has made it possible for thé ladies to carry on their good Choir Boys Sing Carols at Sunday Evening Service SET aia a A P. H. Perrier Funeral Director day will be divided among the| Haileybury boys. The congregations were} small on account of the rain-| i; aaa' storm, but any who wish can still) : PHONE contribute to the fund by either| handing their donations to the Day 145A Night 145B Observe Silver Wedding on istmas Day Here Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whorley, old residents of Haileybury, cele- brated the 25th anniversary of their marriage, or "Silver Wed-]. ding," on Christmas Day at their home here, when a number of friends gathered to offer their congratulations and to wish them many happy returns. They re- ceived a number of beautiful pre- sents from friends In the evening there was a pleasant gathering at the nome of Mr. Whorley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whorley, and among the guests present was Jos. Mer- edith, who acted as best man for Mr. Whorley at the wedding, which was celebrated at Matta- wa on Christmas Day, 1911. D DRY JACK PINE, Furnace and Stove COAL priced from $12.50 to $18.00 SSS 01 'Coal and Wood | ) Telephone 266 L. W. COON RY BIRCH Body Wood, SSS 5 ----S [oj ----_--__--1 | ----=5} HAILEYBURIAN Needy Children at North Cobalt Receive Gifts ceeds made it possible to care for 'old people in the township, who all the needy ones. the children, the ladies found it. bury hospital as well. possible Christmas things to a half dozen day, December 23rd. THURS., DECEMBER 31, 1936 iwere in need, and a half dozen In addition to providing for boxes were sent to the Hailey- All distri- to Wednes- send parcels of butions were made on Funds From Sale of Tickets _ ||| on Two Quilts The sale of tickets on two months by the ladies of the C.C. F. Club of North Cobalt provid- ed funds for the bringing of Christmas cheer to the needy children of the village, according to a report to The Haileyburian by one of the male members of the Club. There were 85 children whose parents had no means of providing toys and other things to make them happy on the great festival, and these would un- doubtedly have gone without had not the ladies come to the rescue. There was a ready sale of the tickets among the _better-off members of the community anda careful distribution of the pro- 12S] SoS 50 re ee AMATEUR CONTEST. I. O. O. F. Hall Haileybury Monday, January 25th Open to All Amateur Talent! Prizes will be awarded three winning contestants. All Entries must be in by January 20th. Address Entries to A. R. McLAREN, General Delivery, Haileybury, or I.0.0.F. Lodge ee oe me ee ee ee ee ee | Condensed Ads | For Rent--Rooms With Board. Apply to Mrs. Jago, Main St., phone 241. 38-t.f. Wanted--Maid for general house- work. Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Lake Shore Road. 36-tf. Coercceseore ' CHURCHES wocccoe The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin OC. ceerd Sunday, January 3rd 11 am.--Sermon, "The Signs of the Times." \ 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m--Sermon, "The Menace of the Yea.rs". | CLASSIC THEATRE CoeALG = ONEARTO@ SS Northn Electric <ZA,SOUND eI a a LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 12.00 p.m. from Theatre. Complete Show After 9 p.m. On behalf of my staff and myself, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. L. H. Champagne FRIDAY and SATURDAY January Ist and 2nd MONDAY and TUESDAY January 4th and 5th The Baptist Church G. F. Gorman, Pastor Residence, 89 Blackwall St 11 a.m--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. 7 pm..--Gospel Service. The Salvation Army : Captain Cuthbert Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y-P. Legion Meeting. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. R. Haines, Rector. Phone 126 Phone 126 SUNDAY SERVICES 8 am.--Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m.--Matins and Litany, alternate Sundays. 11 a.m.--lIst and 3rd Sundays. Holy Communion; 2nd and 4th Sundays, Matins. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday Sckool. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer ------ -- the easiest way to get You don't have to go out values and decide on the -------- -- Advertised merchandise. ----- = aiter year. This ts*theservice -- you. When the Easiest Way Is the Best Way HERE are no two ways about it ! you spend is to buy products that you know about through the advertisements in your local paper. portunities. The edvertisements bring them to you. And ali you need do is consider the facts, compare best fits vour judgment and your pocketbook. Certainly the best way of making your money go farthest is to buy merchandise of proved value. bought and used by many people. that must be superlatively good enough for its 'maker aud your local retailer to keep calling it to th attemion of people week after week and year orofit -- that the advertisements offer It will pay you to read them reg- ularly and take advantage of everything they can do for you! ----) Certainly the most for every dollar and look for buying op- | soap or the sedan that that is Merchandise Merchandise of convenience and G Z Greatest "2- Cj HUMAN DRAMA! Pca oLoMen ut Ata a OPER ROO co 'WHER x C NDER PEGGY -- Lexa! KATH AR in OF s\ --Added Attraction-- 'Adolph Zukor prevents cHARLIE RUGGLES i MARY BOLAND 5 ADOLPHE MENJOU Wives Y Never Know" A Paramount Picture fn RKO-RADIO BGTURE & Fox News and "Mutineers" PARAMOUNT NEWS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, January 6th and 7th --Added Attraction-- Matinees during at 2.30 p.m, holidays all Matinee Prices--Chidren 10c, Ad- ults 25c plus 2c tax Mon., Wed. Sat. 32c Matinees 45c, plus $c tax. plus 3c tax. Holiday Evening Prices--Adults 45c plus 5c tax; Children 15c, no tax. Students, 25c, any time. envelopes next Sunday. LU