Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN : THURS., JANUARY 7th, 1937 THE HAILEYBURIAN| Issutd Every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office 3roadway Street, Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 per year in In Canada- n U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance. Leishman & Sutherland, Pubiishers THURS., JANUARY 7th, 1937 HELP FROM ANOTHER QUARTER In the course of a fairly lengthy is an editor, we have received assistance from many sources, have been showered with advice and have at various times told just how we oug xrht to » job, but it has usué ily been 1 someone with whom we are personally acquainted and from whom it could be taken without any often or hard feelings by either party This week, however, we, have received a rather long letter trom an organization in Toronto call- ing itself "A Group of Active Christians," with Fred C. Taylor as provisional secretary, and it not only offers rather severe cri- ticism of newspapers in general but lays out a system by which the hole world could be greatly improved; that is, if the advice of the "Active Christians' was fol- lowed. \ paragraph from the letter will show the line that the criti- cism takes: "Judging from the material published in the average newspaper, we find that onJy the destructive side of lite (almost ! iclusively) is exposed there; to the exclusion of the constructive and spiritual sides. By continuin tl policy, both publis l t rs are contributing in the production of vibrations and re- S nt conditions leading to \ ld disaster." There isa great deal more along the same line he suggested remedy is con- tained in the following: "We think we are justified in asking in 1 brotherly manner that you would devote the front page of y newspaper to the publication of regular quotations from the four Gospels and to religious out- standing news, such as, etc., etc." After reading the letter, we checked up not only on our own for several issues, but ie of the daily papers, and we find that the accusations are not at all justified. | News- papers have to publish records of crimes and other news: of a re- volting nature at times, but this and war news falls far short of being the chief items, even on the front pages Every religious group, ot church organization gets eR of space in the papers both local and metropolitan. The request for a whole front page devoted to religious items and quotations from the gospels is something that can hardly be termed modest. Nor is it a re- front page those of sor quest that ® at all possible of fulfillment. The "Active Christ- jans"' appear to overlook the fact that newspaper publishers have to make a living the same as others, and their accusations that the greater part of the newspap- ers is devoted to the destructive side of life will not stand up under inves tion. We do not believe that they or any other organiza- tion can prove that there is any more powerful force exerted for the good of the world than "the press. A very good example can be found in the "Active Christ- ians'" own home ret, of Toronto where the traffic accidents were so bad at Christmas that a regu- far campaign was waged in 'the newspapers between that and the New Year holiday, with the result A CALL FROM THE PACIFIC TELE. | | | The Imperial Shipping Committee have reported to Mr. Run- ciman, President of the British Board of Trade, in favor of subsidizing British shipping lines in the Pacific, which are in danger of being swept off the seas by subsidized American competitors. --News of the World building, and this season other improvements have been made among them the closing in of the Starts Monday aD ng t vem 1e closin; he Pe section below the floor. at Curling Rink only prevents the temperature} from dropping unduly in the rink Bagshaw Event but makes it possible to keep the | Twenty-One Rinks Competing in/ice surfaces perfectly level by Three Groups; Schoolboys preventing heaving from frost Given Membership action. The club rooms are also kept comfortable throughout the day and evening and make a fa- With 21 rinks playing in three! yorable spot for all comers. groups of seven, the Bagshaw A en ee Memorial Competition, \the first big event of the local son, got under way on Monday night. Four games are billed for each night and the 84 men drawn Herb. Pickard's rink won the on the rinks comprise the greater spoons competition last Saturday part of the membership Each afternoon at the local curling rink is assured of six games in club. The spoons have been well Spoon Competition Won Last Week by Pickard's Four curling sea the dray the contest will oc- distributed among different curl- cupy the eater part of the pre- ers so far this season, and the ; sent month competition is becoming more There are quite a number of popular all the time. new curlers this season, including The winners last week were several boys from the high school Neil Beaton, Mr. McDonald, Wm. nd mining school who have re- Ferguson and H. G. Pickard. ceived the privileges of the club) Curlers are reminded that the it a reduced rate, and the maj games are billed to start at 2.45 are coming ¥'on Saturday afternoons, which » of these boys play-;means that those who wish to b under an arrange- participate should be on hand for Y -school hours, but the dra 2.30. it was decided to make them regular members and they are drawn in the competitions. --o The rink was made much more | | | | comfortable last season by the Vote? ay lining up of the interior of the - Clerc - that the latter was comparatively free from serious accidents, in spite of the fact that it was claim- ed to have witnessed the biggest celebration in the history of the city. RATES NO HIGHER, NEED THREE GOOD MEN i While the town of Haileybury A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, is facing no particular crisis at| CONVENE NG MOD ERC', . : ROOM HOTEL--85 WITH BATH the present time, there is, never- theless, a need of three good men WRIVE she reer eee ne oe 5 TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI to round out the council of 1937. FROM DEPOT OR WHARF--25c The securing of these will be one of the first problems when the} elected municipal governors meet} on Monday next, and there should} be no unnecessary delay in CENT A MILE ing the proper steps. i = The past year was not a bad a4 6 es one for the municipality, although there was no reduction in the tax| rate or in the usual expenditures. The present year, if Fre affairs| are caréfints handled, should see a marked improvement, however pets d arkec yrove e , oweve with the general betterment in HAMILTON, SMITHVILLE, conditions throughout the coun- DUNNVILLE, WELLAND, try. It is still necessary to have} BUFFALO, GALT, WOOD- an efficient and economical muni-|STOCK,LONDON, KITCHENER cipal administratién. This should GUELPH, CHATHAM, easily be accomplished, with three WINDSOR and DETROIT members of last year's board al ready elected and the fourth a and Return man who has been long enough --GOING-- in Haileybury to be well aware of its problems. THURSDAY (SS January 21st, 1937 NOMINATIONS (By T. & N.O. Train No. 2 and connections) RETURNING Wednesday, the 13th. at the hour of 7.30 o'clock in --< ... ., hs ae NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Town of Cobalt will be held at the Town Hall on ation of Candidates for the Office of Councillors (two be- ing required) for the year 1937. If an Election is required, same will be held on Wednesday, the 20th day of January, 1937. SSS SSS SS Sell It By Ad» -rtising ! Up to Sunday, January 24th, 1937 | Tickets good in coaches only. No Baggage Checked day of January 1937 fj) caiticen S years and under 12 Half Fare (l Tickets to Buffalo and Detroit sold subject to passengers meet- ing the requirements of U.S. Im- migration. For information and tickets Sie Agents T. & N.O. and N.C. Ry. He ausares Pacific the afternoon for the Nomin- A. W. HARRINGTON, Town Clerk --=SSS-- --S S_ So SSS SS Afternoon Skating AT HAILEYBURY ARENA Haileybury in 1926 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Ten Years Ago Monday, ~Vednesday, Friday From 3 to 5 FOR WOMEN ONLY One of the first and most im- portant problems which the new} council will have to deal with is the renewal of the light and pow- er franchise, which expired at the end of 1926. Plans are being made for the formation of a Chapter of the Eastern Star in Haileybury, and a charter is being applied for. Tuesday, --hursday, Saturday . From 3 to 5 OPEN TO EVERYBODY Rev. C. W. Gordon, better| ;known as Ralph Connor, will) |conduct a mission in the Cobalt | |United Church commencing on| | January 16th. | => ee Haileybury Fire Department We SS SS S11 SSS = =_--_--_--L_ SS '|| IF ! Bert Terrill brought home a 30 - = --= == pound lake trout, caught at Sa- 2 vant Lake recently while fishing through the ice. Recent gold discoveries in that section have Sal brought it into the limelight. | alesman W anted The coferesnibn of the Unit-| ed Church presented Rey. D. A.| We have an opening oe an outstanding man to be located and Mrs. MacKeracher with a| ff at either New Liskeard or Haileybury to act as District chesterfield table, a fern stand) | Representative for a large life insurance company, and his ----=_=_= = ~~ SS SSS SS 2 a pia 1 at leasant a 2 pene (ere at ee aoe district would he from Englehart to Latchford. meeting in the Manse. 'To qualify for this position your age must be between 28 and 40, with sales and executive ability, good education, character, and pleasing personality, and must have a good Haileybury curlers are now engaged in the Grover Shield Competition, with a total of 33 s connection in your community. rinks entered, | We prefer a man who has not been previously engaged in the life insurance business. We will give the man we select i * The Cobalt Junior Hockey team | opened the season with a win fl a thorough training in our business, this training course over their old rivals from New to be at our expense. Liskeard by a score of eight to two i | We have a very attractive proposition to offer to the man fl who can qualify for this important position. Chas. Richardson and H. Wood-| house, each with a rink of expert} curlers, played a hard-fought game at the week-end, with the stakes a bag of flour for the Children's Shelter. The former won the game. pe Address: Manager, In applying state your age, whether married or single, education, actual experience, and other information which would indicate your qualifications. jf | | | S| | | All replies will be strictly confidential. First skating in Hailey biaepel P. O. Box 370, new arena came on Monday night} NORTH BAY, ONT. of this week The Curling Club is} |operating the rjnk for the season. B= SS 0 0 SS 508 Guard His Eyes j with Good LIGHTING Nothing is more vital to the health and well-being of growing youngsters than light. Free them from eye- strain -- for study and for indoor play. Correctly diffused lighting is a boon to adults too. You can : read, sew, chat, play cards, with complete comfort in properly lighted rooms. And the cost of proper lighting is insignificant: a few extra bulbs of the right strength, properly placed and We have a complete stock shaded, do the trick. We will -- ' pole ie alte conn _ gladly check up on your home good lighting. See them. lighting and suggest the few 7 changes that may be necessary. Canada Northern Power ( --poration, Limited Controlling and Operating NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER I ANY, LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY, LIMITED 4 ,