P 6 TRE HADLEY EURIAN THURS., FEBRUARY 4th, 1937 age : = -------- - Er Gs - : . "4 © a W an artoons . ° ate e S 1Cctu o°@ | o°o | e oo ied > > ne a . GAUNT MOUNTAIN TO DISASTER FLOOD VICTIMS FIGHT PESTILENCE FAMOUS MOVIE STAR FOLLOWS THE HOUNDS i 7 Q :) - 3 S eer Following the hunt of Sir Jocelyn Lucas and his pack of sealy- hams at Elstree, England, Miss Ann Harding, the famous film This sign above a Cincinnati emergency cafeteria, warning vol- star, is shown above with her daughter, Jean. Miss Harding, Sos : 3 PSR Bey Pee who recently married again, was prominent in the news some unteers to wash their hands in solution, is graphic indication of the ASAE CGO Hoa AHO clad gh Teed aoe Goes ree Ravaged by fire and flood this gaunt chimney and. tangled precautions taken to avoid oa ge tains epidemic as a result of un- band when he endeavored to stop Miss Harding from taking wreckage of the burned Crosley plant unit at Cincinnati stand as sanitary conditions following the flood. FucieaUPhten from the Waited asteecs: expressive tokens of the terrific toll taken by the Ohio River as it spread over its banks leaving death and destruction in its wake. PESTILENCE ADDS TO TERRORS OF FLOOD VICTIMS SKI EXPERTS TO CONTEST CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS - o® | | Chis year the Dominion Championships for me n of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association willl be held from March 5 to 8 on the steep slopes of Mo unt Norquay near Banff. Situated in a circle of Their residents forced to flee for their lives before the rushing torrents of the Chio river, these | peaks, with almost perfect ski-ing conditions, the steep slopes of the 8,275-foot mountain should pro- buildings echo hollowly to the battering forces ot the floodtide as it. swirls through the deserted vide stiff competition for the experts. Above is apiceure of the skiers' paradise and (inset) one of streetsofLawrenceburg, Ind., above. One of the most severely stricken of cities along theIndiana the western stars practicing to get into shape for the annual classic. border ,this distillery centre suffered terrific losses because of its position at the juncture of the oo Ohio and Big Miami rivers. ALIANS CAPTURE ETHIOPIAN CHIEF ee j CAIRO WORKMEN STRENGTHEN CITY'S FLOOD WALL Our photograph shows the departure from the aviation camp of Addis Ababa of Ras Imeru, : famous Ethiopian chief, who has at last been captured by the Italians near Cogeb on the borders of Gimma and Waffa. Protective breastworks of Cairo, guarding the city from waters of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers are strengthened byworkmen as raging floods of the Ohio unite with those of Ole Miss.