'THURS., FEBRUARY 4th, 1937 HA what problems 0: | Now it seems more imperative PLEYBURAIASN ing. We get him out of bed at training and too often bed-wet- Doceccccccces seers reser yapetition in > : 4 . ,jindustry, 'of migrai i to pro-|than ever to make a determined CATE 10.00 p.m., waken him thoroughly ting in older life is the result of y $ The Ottawa Spotligitt vinces where soci: os) arelbet error: tan idiscise) therconstitue ' ae ane him to the toilet. He either irregular habit training or 1 a t mo mie ; ter, or to provinces wiere pro-| tion. Canadians now know how q S ke d a back to bed and is not no habit trainng at all. | 24 y Wilfrid) Eggleston duction is cheaper, what prob-|:j¢ present constitution divides} a nHeactn service or [Sah Syed Sa ee EI at til ; - h addres- De ee ey tas gs[lems,in theyfan diviseon of feder-| the powers and responsibilities.| THE CANADIAN MeicaL |S simple routine is usually all that Questions conce:ning Health Rasta al monies are involv- |If the provinces are to set up un- ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAmIES is needed to cause good control, {sed to the Canadian Medical a tion. 184 College Street, Torontc. wil | Po oats cie ca thetonntre Should the federal government employment insurance, minimum IN CANADA Regularity is all-important in the je answered personally by letter Hy, am, the political yinee in the past be given power to aiminister so- wages, old age pension schemes few days .It is not a subject which can ever expect to have a wide box-office appeal. You can write a fairly bright column ab- out the abolition of hanging, or a new Canadian flag, or even Can- ada's defence policy. But what 'an you do with the legal and constitutional arguments, the lengthy historical views,the div- ision of jurisdiction, and all the rest of it, in a review written for others than lawyers and politici- ans? Yet you can't ignore it. Once upon a time I taught Can- adian history, and I confess that Ifound the constitutional part of it pretty heavy sledding. Just the same, there is no choice: I shall Bs ei : RL 8 Booklets Business Cards Eats e devote some ua to the Bowel control comes first--at tne Seece Ratt hiecnncolthe three months of age--after the Pamphlets Personal Cards atter was . morning a yeni si ' . centre of things by Mr. Bennett, child a te aerate Brochures Wedding Stationery who made, in the course of a co- should be placed on a warm , chamber. He should never be Folders Funeral Stationery operative and illuminating speech the sugestion that a constitution- al convention of the several par- ties, provincial and federal, be called to discuss amending the B.N. A. Act. He apparently had in mind some such historic meet- ing as those at Quebec and Char- lottetown at which the founda- tions of the present Dominion were laid. He took it for granted that the constitution needed re- vising. Most people, who have been in a position to see how the present Act stands in the way of ee inte a throughout the | Cheques Prize Lists reform, will agree with him. But day.. By this means we may . how is it to REED There must keep him dry and as he grows | Receipts Stock Certificates | be reasonable unanimity of the nine provinces and the Dominion Can it be attained? An effort was made last year, but what with the attitude of the Senate and the objections raised by sev- eral provinces even that minor change could not be proceeded cial legislation by a of the constitution. Will there be the same minimum wage laws in P.E.I. as in B.C. or in Quebec as in Alberta? Is it desirable to have uniformity in such a diver- se country? One sees the prob- lems, here, too. re-writing etc. then obviously they will need to have their sources of revenue enlarged. If these social measures are to be made nation- other sections of the B.N.A. will have to be re-written. But either way, the constitution must be changed. act "Good morning, sir. I should like, if I may, to demonstrate a machine that will enable you to do dispense with typists." --Guerin Maschino, Milan TOILET HABITS "When should my child have good toilet habits?" There is no fixed time for these things, but if we mean by good training that the child recognizes his needs and asks for attention, we should not expect training in bowel and daytime bladder control until the second year, and night-time blad- der control until the third year. In all this period of training we should remember that the child should never be shamed or blamed. Praise gets better re- sults, and is easier for all con- cerned. Accidents will happen, and the less said the better. kept on longer than fifteen min- utes and, if necessary, gentle rub- bing of the stomach be tried. As he grows older, we should-teach him to ask for the toilet by name when he needs it. The child will probably pass urine with each movement and when the bowel movements are established we should then con- sider bladder control. Starting at 6to9 months of age, he should be placed on the chamber at fre- older we lengthen the periods and also teach him to ask for atten- tion. When he can keep dry and ask for attention in the daytime, usu- ally about the eighteenth month, we should begin his night train- of them Financial Statements Fine Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotters Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Envelopes, all kinds We can supply you with all LET US HELP YOU WITH PRINTED FORMS Tickets, all kinds Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Bill Heads Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Color Printing with. What hope would, there be Givemthveclauleisireran | | ; : : of an overhauling aimed at bring- some Naa thir 1 ass Fat Printed forms save time and simplify ing the constitution of 1867 into : §' ng, and cease rov- th ee man Call mesh with the conditions of ing and wandering to and from-- many otherwise tedious tasks. a 1937. Marcus Auerlius. us, enquire. You know the Number A Round Table Talk = | Mr. Bennett, advocating a con- WELL BABY CLINIC| || vention of parts and parties, | P a thought that a roundtable meet- Upstairs, Northwest Classroom | hone 24 é ing of this sort would get the re- "emis Sate | vision hopefully on its way. ms ea ; Bee cre (pe | The Mackenzie King govern- Oh, this is easy! It's Mr. Pau eis Ge Een THURSDAYS 2 to 4pm. |! wa Hee a ei ia aaa a ment, acepting Mr. Bennett's sug- --Der Lustige Sachse, Leipzig == gestion in the constructive way|----= = iid = i ee Ole hee i RO ey Me ES aoe a in which it was offered, still did + = not think that such a convention Oout take Chances was necesarily the best way ab- out it. Mr. Mackenzie King, put-- || ting finger on what he thought was the place where the shoe pinches most at the moment, You can't afford to namely the taxing powers and fool around with a the social obligations of province cold. ox mo fae 2 ni 2@ fay, sign of a co! ake and Dominion, seemed to favor GROUCSEEROMO a royal commission i series of QUININE and drive commissions, not, perhaps, to go HE , it right out of your into the whole question immed- B R 0 M 0 0 U | N | N E system quickly and e iately, but to bear down on these sHectivtly: #6 vertisements immediate matters which de- -- mand adjustment, and for which Le indeed, some _ temporary relief} , r G id V ] : might be needed even before alt BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS: Are a Guide to Value 4 commision could report. Ne reat ERTS, E Be 4 Before the, week was outnews|\> =) ain aun males oe y ' from London added emphasis to ' ae | \ Pars : m P Weta KEG: al = 4 need of discussion between the C. F. Tue 5 Jac *% Experts can roughly estimate the value of provinces and Dominion on this Be SaER OE ok PLUMBING. NG a product by looking at it. More accurately, by subject. It is now clear that, as and REPA hhervall d le : Ite tannea 4 the B. N. A. act stands, the Dom- Bank of Nova Scotia Building Bheness3 ef AGcnae Pretacaneh Se a rg baeaargcs. Se inion government has no admin-|HAILEYBURY. ONT PHONE 360 texture, the "feel" and the balance of it all mean Z a 5 i 3 Your Complete Satistucition 1s My Guarantes a E 5 istrative rights in the field of something to their trained eyes and fingers. gocel eatin) Weewe oF|-De, WIR, Somerville! ty. RH ONeill But no one person ean be an expert on stel ance scheme, nor minimum wag- DENTIST a at ; brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all es, nor limitation of hours of la- Bank of Nova Scotia Building reepairtieg Aire ea | of the materials that make up a list of personal bor, nor even old age pensions.| Main & Ferguson Haileybury HAILEYBURY purchases. And even experts are fooled, sometimes These are, as the constitution is _ of iyey by concealed flaws and imperfections written, provincial measures. Life, Heaith, Accident, Fire Automobile Phone: Office 11; \ Residence 400 a 2 ; Questions Being Asksd INSURANCE %& There is a surer index of value than the Should they be left provincial} K, MM, Stephen, (bil, Saxton Electric senses of sight and touch--knowledge of the measures is If 52, then we must sein eee r pe Blackwall Street hone 243 maker's name and for what it stands. Here is the give up all our ideas about nat- fe Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada . ional social legislation along the| The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canad. | ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES most certain method, except that of actual use, for lines listed above. Any province Several First Class Fire Companies OF ALL KINDS judging the value of any. manufactured goods. that wishes can put these meas-|60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 32? Contracts * Estimates Here is the only guarantee against careless work- ures into force: others need not. -- manship, or the use of shoddy materials. One sees what that means, and ee. : *% This is one important reason why it pays to read the advertisements and to buy advertised pREas WES l A goods. The product that is advertised is worthy EXCU RSIONS oe wer losers MERCHANDISE MUST BE GOOD OR IT < COULDN'T BE CONSISTENTLY ADVERTISED From all Stations in Eastern Canada " ; ) GOING DAILY--FEB. 20 to MARCH 6 inclusive 5 Return Limit: 45 days B A d d G d ane uy vertise oods I NO HIGHER @ COACHES at fares approximately Ic per mile. ry e @ TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1c per mile. @ STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1}éc per mile. COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL q A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, 1113 dy CONVENIENT, MODERN 100 BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and west. j ROOM HOTEL--85 WITH BATH Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and all information from any agent, ASK FOR HANDBILL WRITE FOR FOLDER r : TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI ¥ FROM DEPOT OR WHARF--25c Cc D j A | x a eT]