; THURS., FEBRUARY 11th, 1937 vi yA Chay Bibs a Pawe oo j eccee stesse+ger---2-* {such schemes, and will put for- running behind and cannot step up| f times glasses will straighten the|through life suffering a tremen- { ; . |ward the alternative of request-|their taxation much further--if le eyes, but if they do not become} ous handicap because compet- The Ottawa Spotlight ing more revenues. To many/at all--without running into the normal in six months, it is wise i i iminis returns "he : ; ent "di advice was not jpeople, a diverse country like low of diminished returns. The to have them straightened by aj° medical e / - By Wilfrid Eggleston |Canada lends itself to a series of alternative will be either a loan] | ee slight operation by a 'competent}* Correct his condition. 7 ~ v ~, oat ALT - ees e paces schemes, adapted to from some outside source, OT] tHe CANADIANINE TIES eye surgeon. Questions concesining Health, ac tres- ra the peculiarities of the several some relief from their security] ASSOCIATION AND Lire nile s Jsed te the Canadian Medical As- cia- (teeta Bebe Oth. -- Defence, |= pecan, oneal : a fae cHe Ets icht be voi.| 'NSURANSE Companies Crossed eyes can be cured and} jio, }s4 College Street. Torontc will , t ' economic areas, rather than to holders. The latter might be vo IN CA hitd should a = 1 { transportation, | as : i pe NADA no child should be allowed to go'he answered personally by letter the control of transporte '|the uniform national scheme. For, untary or arbitrary. The Bank of ; farm implements and the ir high | example, one would expect unem-| Canada is engaged in making a y price, war profiteering, tree ports, | jloyment insurance to appeal Study of the finances and econom- home repair, the employment. of | much more to industrial provin- ics of Manitoba and Saskatche- CROSSED EYES Canadians on subsidized shipping; | ces, than to those in which the wan. It is said to be for the bene- SSS and the constitution all had a part) majority of the people are rural, fit of security-holders, who are} Children may be born with we of some sort in a week which can-|anq so, under the usual schemes) reported to be scattered up_andjcrossed eyes or develop them be- W e ¢ an 8 u | ' not be characterized as breath-|ar¢ not eligible for the benefits.|down the continent. If the Bank/fore the age of eight years, rare- | taking. The committees are just) The same is true of some of the of Canada reported that these|ly after that age. In the past, | | getting under way, the Senate has | jaws respecting minimum wages provinces were essentially sol-|parents were advised to do noth- resumed after a brief recess, the| and hours of labor. vent, and only needed a year of|ing about the condition until the , a 4 budget and the British pe Beni' Pickin cas grace to put them on their feet|{child was about 14 years old be- you wi a agreement are still in the offing. | Ss Again . |again, they might be more inclin-|cause the eyes sometimes became The private members are still] Though there has been a lull in ¢q to accept some temporary com-| straight. Modern 'science, how-| || plugging away at their resolu-/public announcements, the finan- promise about the inte testjever, has shown this to be very tions, some of which provoke 'cial position of the prairie prov-| payments. This may be the ex-|poor advice. The child dose not| oO { em highly academic debates, others|inces continues to cause much planation as I have had advan-|use the eye that is turned and the serving the highly useful purpose! concern at Ottawa. Manitoba|ced from reliable quarters. Or|delicate nerves in the back of the a | _ of delineating public opinion, giv-|and Saskatchewan are exploring! there may be more than that to eye do not develop because the ing the government of a day ayeveny opportunity o f meeting |the visit of the Bank of Canada |eye is not used. So in time the af- Financial Statement: ckets, all kinds | chance of hearing what the their obligations, but they are Officials. fected eye becomes blind. It is F country is saying, and also, if it most important, therefore, that Booklets Business Cards f hhas made up its mind, what gov- BRITAIN' re 2 me a é i ) HSS en i S PREMIER PEER WED treatment be started as soon as Pamphlets \ Personal Cards | ernment policy is to be. * = s ats the condition is recognized. i 5 Not Too Enthusiastic No child with crossed eyes Brochures Wedding Stationery ; 'Onn hears that in party cau- |Should be allowed to reach the Folders Funeral Stationery cuses, which are not reported | school age without proper cor-| || ' : and are supposed to be held in jrective treatment. A child with Fine Stationery Announcements la squint suffers the jeers of his playmates and is sometimes re-| || garded as mentally subnormal. Intricate Rule Forms Posters The effect of this is harmful and i~Ty . ° s ; ; Statement Forms Shipping Tags Canada's new defence estimates ; pping 4 is being dwelt upon. There is no suggestion of a violent uprising / | considerable secrecy, the merit of | f among government members the child may develop an inferi-| |} Raclery bors Sale Bills | from Quebec.' But neither is ae ority complex. Business Record Forms Window Cards | any zealous enthusiasm about If you think that y ine ' | : adding $13,000,000 to the tax bur- eyes tae a A A eA Blotters Bill Heads "a dens of the country for such a advice of your family doctor. Manifold Forms Auction Sale Bills | purpose. Some of the French- Sometimes the bridge of the] | i Bea | Canadian spokesmen are arguing baby's nose is very wide so that] || Interleaf Forms Fair Printing that, purely for the defence of] more of the white of the eye is Cheques Prize Lists Canada's coasts, some further ex- seen on the outside of the color- ig penditures ae cera hie Others ed part than on the inside. This Receipts Stock Certificates Ales lcs been te eee gives the appearance of squint al- Envelopes, all kinds Color Printing though the eyes are straight. _The eyes, for proper examina- tion, must be tested with drops which enlarge the pupils. The LET US HELP YOU Doctor will likely advise cover ing the good eye for a certain WITH PRINTED FORMS period each day so that the child will be forced to use the eye that 2 turned to develop. its sight. Printed forms save time and simplify ertain eye exercises will also : i help to develop the vision. Some a otherwise tedious tasks. Call us, enquire. You know the Number Canada or in the neighboring country, it is as well to bolster the forces of law and order. A few are opposed to any-inCrease. 'There will be some mutterings, but the whole affair has been skilfully staged by the govern- ment, and I should be surprised if any demonstration is put on with- in government ranks. The B.N.A. Act Again The constitution insists upon thrusting itself into discussions, WELL BABY CLINIC Here is the premier fe Britai and had a furth tat € > -prer peer of Great Britain, the Duke of Nor- @ his policy, Bai Behe avoriieitt folk, and his bride, the former Hon. Lavinia Strutt, whose - Upstairs, Northwest Classroom Phone 24 , Pn ieeerncu ie Mc iatears) thet marriage was one of the leading events of Mayfair's social Public School PLOT Ora ilenee Relea He season. The Duke is Earl Marshal and is in charge of the i provinces to make the next move. forthcoming coronation. THURSDAYS A ty Aion [Tf | The latter have the legal right to] --_ -- ---------------- ; ; inaugurate health and employ- ---- a See | ment insurances and similar so- ; £ < at cial measures. If they want them l h e and can't afford them, and would A ' Li le like the Dominion government to " Ways e AVOUN1 take the mover, then they can say so. And if the provinces are we sufficiently enthusiastic about the request, and sufficiently in har- mony to secure an amendment to the constitution, presumably we a shall see some day national mea- / - if shall see some da Best for all your Bakin | It would, however, be idle ih a ° suppose that the Privy Counci t t | rulings have not postponed these ver 1isemen S ree | matters for several years. I will be surprised to see a national un- oo? + ° rea ui e to alue 'a employment scheme in effect dur- ; ] | ing the life of this 18th parfia.|} BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' | ment. It may, of course, be that] ¢ : e d we shall never have such a mea- a sure, that the provinces will de- Gl PS Finer ic. Jack Ryder *% Experts can roughly estimate the value of cide to keep the right to operate BASED Pe PLUMBING. HEATIN« a product by looking at it. More accurately, by Peni shear : 4 REPAIRING handling and examining it. Its appearance, its p) ? pallies ay eI Et Phone 3! Feryusos ue texture, the "feel" and the balance of it all mean HOW S YOUR STOMACH HO fasts ate pe ay Be eee edeigoe rt " trar something to their trained eyes and fingers. OU lose vital -- us nerve force if Dr. W. R. Somerville ; | %* But no one person can be an expert on steel, you allow your stom- Dr ee le O Neill brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all ach to distress you. DENTIS I ENTISS £ c Acid. stomach, » indi- Bank ef iNavagsearal Banlding of the materials that make up a list of personal gestion, gas or, bil- ManaGuceauen Haileybury Mls Ls purchases. And even experts are fooled, sometimes jousness and "cos- Ry . Rjuaheseu ll cates mehe ; ' Ain ner ban by concealed flaws and imperfections. blood to be poisoned | Life, Heaith, Accident, Fire A RPS canara eh I Be ded : : and will eitually Higher comes Biomobile %& There is a surer index of value than the lestroy health and ' > n ight and touch -- knowledg nerve force. This is what W. J. Fisher of Ke ME Stephen, ¢C L.U. Saxt Eleerrs ee: of sigh ; cose of Bee SCRE A Shy ees ae Bickel Scree ae A maker's name and for what it stands. Here is the "T suffered with stomach, cot . 4 x i cs . very litle and, that would cause distress 3 The Mutual Life Assurance Co ot Canada ELECTRICAL ues most certain method, except that of actual use, for grew weaker daily and suffered from head- | fheG ; RES aC bs 2 NATE i c SRAM falercieh em wenbatrontny en ton led ie General picden Assurance Co. of Canad. SUPPLIES judging the value of any. manufactured goods. pounds. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Several First Class Fire Companies Ob ALL KINDS 2 - Discovery and was soon able to eat nor- Here is the only guarantee against careless work- mally, I gained in weight and strength and |60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 32? Contr Estimate coul id' resume my work, The 'Discovery' manship, or the use of shoddy materials. made 2 well person of me," Buy now! = -- : *% This is one important reason why it pays to ERN CA A read the advertisements and to buy advertised ' W goods. The product that is advertised is worthy EXCU RS i ONS of your confidence. MERCHANDISE MUST BE GOOD OR IT rca aun ota tick te, Racckars Baiaite COULDN'T BE CONSISTENTLY ADVERTISED GOING DAILY--FEB. 20 to MARCH 6 inclusive i Seek eae Buy Advertised Goods TICKETS GOOD IN @ COACHES at fares approximately Ic per mile. @ TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1c per mile, @ STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1}<c per mile. Ls 4 COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL v7 A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, ? CONVENIENT, MODERN 100 BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and west. ap ROOM HOTEL--85 WITH BATH Tickets, Sleeping Car oné all ion from any agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL WRITE FOR FOLDER cad tp TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF --25c CANADIAN NATIONAL