ee ieee witise 'opened in April last. "tine .Y THURS., FEBRUARY _18, 1937 Ast L EYBURIAN Page 5 Smith Rink Will -- Get Another Try' At Brier Tankard Have Little Difficulty in Winning From Fitchett's Sudbury Rink in Play-offs Yesterday Emmett Smith's rink, grand aggregate winners at the recent T. & N.O. bonspiel held in Tim- mins, had little difficulty in de- feating the E A. Fitchett rink, who won the honors at the N.O. C.A. 'spiel in Sudbury last week, when they met in the play-offs at North Bay yesterday. Smith's four, made up of Mel. Robb, lead, Rev. W. A. Beecroft, second, G. A. Sutherland, (replac- ing temporarily D. H. Millar, who as ill) third, and Emmett, won the morning contest 13-7, and came right back to take the afternoon affair 14-9, Thus, the local lads will have another opportunity to bring the Dominion curling honors to the North Country, and with added, experience, and ability, may do just that thing. The Brier event will likely be held during the first week in March, and the games will be, as usual, played on the Granite Club's ice in Toronto. CLOSE AGUANICO MINE AFTER ORE CLEANED UP IN TEN MONTHS' WORK) | The Aguanico Mine, on the| shore of Lake Temiskaming about) three miles from Haileybury, was shut down on Satuday last after, having been operated by A. Presse and W. E. McCready, Co- balt men who held the property under lease. The cleaning up of all the cobalt ore in sight was given as the reason for the shut- down by Mr. Presse, who stated that it was believed there were other veins which could be devel-' oped. but nothing of importance in sight. The last car produced was shipped out on Tuesday,| making about 600 tons of cobalt produced since the mine was re- Only Routine Business at Annual Meeting of Hotel Co. There was only the usual rou- business transacted at the annual meeting of the Temiska- ming Hotel Company Limited, held on Friday afternoon last in Hotel Haileybury, which is oper- ated by the company. A number of shareholders were present to hear the reading of the financial statement and take part in the el- ection of directors for the ensu- ing year, and the business was cleaned up in short order. The statement showed that, while an operating profit resulted from the year's business, there is still a heavy deficit on the enterprise. The former board of directors and the auditor were re-elected for another year. Cobalt Teacher Going to Ireland on Exchange Plan = | Miss Grace Irving of the Cobalt | public school staff will go to Ire-| land next summer, on the ex-! changee system which has been! in force between Canada and the! British Isles for the past several! years. She will be the first teach- er from Cobalt to take advantage of the plan and the second from this immediate district, as a few years ago Miss Playfair, of the Haileybury staff, taught for one year in England. Miss Irving has been granted a year's. leave of absence by the board and her place will be filled by a teacher from the school to which she is going, in Portadown, County Ar- magh, Northern Ireland. | NORTH GROUP SENIOR N. O. H. A. SCHEDULE 19--Timmins at Lake Shore 20--Timmins at Toburn 23--Lake Shore at Toburn 24--W.-Hargreaves at S. Porcup'e 25--W.-Hargreaves at Timmins 25--Tekimas at Lake Shore. Profressional rules adopted by the 'C.A.H.A. to govern. When Timmins and S. Porcupine are playing with each other they will count 'one point for a win and % a point fora tie. When Timmins and S. Porcupine are playing with Noranda they will all three count 1% points for a win and 34 of a point for tie. All other games will be 3 points for a win and 1% points for a tie. 3 PLAY-OFFS The first and second teams will play home-and-home games, goals to count. The first team will have the privilege of ve the first game at home or away % i REX, KING OF MARDI GRAS CARNIVAL, GREETS "SUBJECTS" The chief attraction at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans was King Rex, who is seen on his float stopping the parade to greet the crowd. Thousands observed the annual celebration. F Ski Club Will Hold Its | Weekly Meeting aca The Haileybury Ski Club will! hold its weekly meeting tonight,/ instead of Friday, at Hotel Hail-) eybury at 8 o'clock, when it is} hoped that all members and in- tending members will be present.inight here, winnig the event 7-4. epidemic of influenza which is LSPORT NOTES | |\the Haileybury Fire Department The All-Star Seniors were, too! good for the All-Star Juniors in| the tune-up game played last| ° |Carnival Is Postponed on Accotint of Flue Epid A nail with a lead head is now]|trance of the nail and to protect available for fastening galvanized|the nail head against corrosion. sheets as in building and roof|The lead cap is specially shaped construction. The lead head acts|to guard against splitting when to seal the hole made by the en-jthe nail is driven. ee ce STILL LOWER. FARES TO PACIFIC COASTI Indulge in your favorite Summer sport --all Winter--in the balmy, invigorat- Always FEO ing climate of Canada's Evergreen Play- CANADIAN ground. Golf: hiking, riding motoring, NATIONAL yachting, tennis . . . enjoy pros ie mountain scenery--see snow-c TELEGRAPHS Canadian Rockies en route. Special Winter rates at hotels. Still lower SS lees Oh oes rail fares now in effect and until May 14. Return limit 6 months. Stop-overs al- EXPRESS lowed at intermediate points. e Reduced sleeping-car fares SPEED, Low meal rates on trains DEPENDABILITY, WINTER GOLF TOURNAMENT SAFETY Victoria March 1-6, 1937 Full information from any ticket agent CANADIAN NATIONAL -- ---- The big ice carnival planned by for Friday night at the Arena has been postponed on account of the SSS SS a nn ee a SE TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY THE NIPISSING CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY The meeting is called a day ear-;Several of the Juniors have not|sweeping through the town this lier because some of the members yet recovered from the effects of|\eek and which has discouraged intend to go to North Bay for, the big meet at the week-end. | At the last meeting the fees! for membership were fixed at $1 for seniors and 75 cents for jun- iors, and Miss J. Houston was appointed treasurer. For the present the original committee, consisting of Miss Houston, Miss Dorothy Hartley and Mr. Chas. Fassel, will carry on and it is hoped to have something definite regarding a club house to an- nounce at the next meeting. All those who intend to join the club are asked to come along tonight. DIONNE KIDNAP PLOT BELIEVED TO BE HOAX BY ATTORNEY-GENERAL The reported plot to kidnap two of the famous Dionne quin- tuplets was believed by Attorney-| General A. W. Roebuck to have been a hoax, according to des- patches from Toronto this week. The report, which made the front pages of the Toronto papers on Friday, was to the effect that a passenger on a Bufalo-Toronto bus had overheard two "foreign-| looking"' men discussing plans for} snatching two of the quintuplets} and holding them for ransom.; The passenger did not give his name when he reported the affair, and a check-up of the bus passen-| gers failed to bring any results. Extra guards were placed at the home of the famous babies, however, and all possible precau- tions'taken to prevent any at- tempt at kidnapping. The Attor- ney-General conferred with the Commissioner of Provincial Po- lice and they are said to have been agreed that the report was either imagination or a hoax on the part of some unknown person. More Entries in Rotary's Quest for Haileybury Song Two more entries were submit- ted this week in the local Rotary Club's quest for a "Haileybury Song," but nothing so far has been considered as-in every way} = The open suitable for the purpose. club will keep the contest for a while yet. One of the en- tries received was sent down from Timmins, while the other was the effort of a local writer. The Club was given a financial report on the past year's activi- ties at the Monday meeting. which showed that the budget system, adopted for the first time in 1936, had proved satisfactory| in every way. Estimates made at the beginning of the year had not been exceeded in the expenditures and there was a cash balance car- ried forward for the present year. Consistent Advertising in The Haileyburian will jnight, winning out 9-7. The re-| the 'flu, and were not up to the mark, but they will likely be in shape to tackle the winner of the Noranda-Kirkland series now be-}; ing played farther north. The 'teen-aged lads held their older brethren to a 1-1 tie at the end of the first frame, but wilted later} and the Seniors went on to take ay three-goal margin. In the first of the home-and- home goals to count series tween Kirkland Lake and Noran-! da Juniors the Lakers took a two} goal lead on their own ice last turn game will be played in the Quebec town at the week-end, and it looks interesting enough to see. The winner there will play here next week, probably on Wednesday night against local Juniors. Watch for the date. "LOCAL JUVENILE LEAGUE Saturday, February 20th Blackhawks vs. Maroons. Canadiens vs. Americans. Last Saturday's Result Maroons 1, Black Hawks 0 BEV: T iBts Maxoons) 2225523. ow 40k OF 8 Blacletlawkss= =) 5 342 0 6 ANE ICAN See Ae 1.3. @anadiensys2 =~ Ae Oi 3" Ai? 1 DO "NERVES" ? NO need for girls or women to suffer from peri- odic pains, head- ache + or sideache. Many find that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a very beneticial ton- = ic. This is what : Mrs. L. Bowman of 145 Park Row, Woodstock, Ont., said: "J was feeling rundown and _ out-of-sorts, had frequent "headaches, and _ 'nerves' caused me no end of discomfort. I did not rest well at night. But Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription made me _ feel better in every way. It relieved me of the headaches, improyed my appetite and helped to over- come the other symptoms." Buy of your druggist now! New size, tab- lets SO cts. Large size, tabs. or liquid, $1.35, YOU HAVE the holding of any events where a crowd is sure to be present. All had _ been made for the big event, but the committee in charge decided that arrangements a postponement would be in the interests of the whole commun- \ity Tt has not been definitely decid- ed when the carnival will be held, the new celling it. Just as soon as wave of sickness passes. a date will be set and an announce- ment made. be-| but there is no intention of can-| will operate Bargain Coach Excursion Friday, February 26th aque Pembroke Jct. Ottawa Montreal and Quebec Via North Bay and Canadian National Excursion travel will be handled on train 46 connecting at North Bay with C.N. train 2. On the return journey tickets will be valid for travel on C.N. train 1 from Montreal Monday, March Ist, 1937 oe >| 1 I EY A Great Book "'How to Be- come a Hockey Star"' by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal "Maroons"', profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing) Group Montreal "Maroons" Group "'Les Canadiens" or individual pictures of: Baldy Northcott Paul Haynes Dave Trottier Marty Barry Russ Blinco Pete Kelly Earl Robinson Dave Kerr Bob Gracie Roy Worters Gus Marker Ace" Bailey Howie Morenz Art Lesieur Johnny Gagnon frank Boucher Wilf. Cude Marty Burke George Mantha Alex Levinsky e Your choice of the above e For a label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or "'LILY WHITE"' Corn Syrup.--Write on the back your name and address -- plainly -- and the words "Hockey Book"' or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail the label to the address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO TS Ro a poe Hat CENT A MILE Maritime Provinces; Prov. FRIDAY, February 26th-- To MONTREAL. FRIDAY, February 26th--To de Beaupre = Route: Canadian National Tickets on sale by all Agents ways, Hearst, Kapuskasing, Enquire for poster and full i T. & N.O. Rly, or CANADIAN THURSDAY, February 25th -- To C.N.R. Staions in the Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia BURY, North Bay, Pembroke, etc., also Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway and Nipissing Central Railway 'AIN EXCURSIONS of Quebec, New Brunswick, Pembroke Jct., OTTAWA, QUEBEC CITY, Ste. Anne Railways from North of Canadian National Rail- Beardmore, Capreol, SUD- say nformation from Agents of T-138a NATIONAL Bring Business | Bargain Coach Excursion Thursday, February 25th --TO-- Points in MARITIMES via North Bay and C.N. Tickets will be valid to leave destination point Wednesday, March 3rd, 1937. ===] 22» --SSSSII3 1 SSSSSSIqwaAb_ SS bh SSS) For FURTHER PARTICULARS apply to LOCAL AGEN1 S320 SSS SSS a Ss SSS S=. L_SIaI_ OSS SSS When the Easiest Way Is the Best Way HERE are no two ways about it! Certainly the easiest way to get the most for every dollar you spend is to buy products that you know about through the advertisements in your local paper portunities. Lhe advertisements bring them to you And ali you need do is consider the facts, compare values and decide on the soap or the sedan that best firs your judgment and your pocketbook. Certainly the best way of making your money go farthest ts to buy merchandise of proved value. that is Advertised merchandise. Merchandise bought and used by many people. Merchandise that must be superlatively good enough for its maker avd your local retailer to keep calling it to th attention of people week after week and year atter year. This 1s the service -- of convenience and | orofit -- that the advertisements offer you. It will pay you to read them req- ularly and take advantage of everything they can do for you! , You don't have to go out and look for buying op- ;