a See THURS., FEBRUARY 25th, 1937 PHE HAILEYBURIAN eeoce The Ottawa Spotlight ? By Wilfrid Eggleston Ottawa, Feb. 23. -- Underlying the Quebec opposition to, the modest increase in the defence estimates is the fear that it is the first step toward war. Toward participation in foreign con- flict. Toward conscription. Que- bec has not forgotten 1917; there is profound disquiet over the turn events are taking. The more im- perturbable French - Canadians realize that all Canada is doing, so far, is to put our tify defence machine into working order; and obtaining a few modern fighting *planes which could dash here or there and make some resistance against an invader. But one has to remember that the French- Canadian members, like the En- glish, speak for their constituents as well as for themselves. The fact that so many French-Cana- dians, loyal Liberals on every other issue, should féel impelled to rise in the House and differ with the government, suggests that the apprehension in French- Canada, behind' the scenes, is much keener than most of us realize. All Shades of Opinion The government has managed, so far, to give out a ring of com- plete sincerity, in its declaration that the additional $13,000,000 be- ing voted is purely for the de- fence of Canada against possible invaders; that not a cent is for any other purpose; that Canada has no commitments, either em- pire or foreign; that no expedi- tionary forces are contemplated. You can find, in the House of Commons, almost every shade of popular reaction to Canada's pre- parations. The C.C.F. group stands out boldly against it; a few of the Liberals privately feel that even in doing as much as it has, the party has sacrificed prin- ciple to expediency and political opportunism. There are many more--the great bulk of the Lib- eral party and some of the Con- servatives--who feel that the ac- tion taken by the government, represents the very least, within reason, that could be done under the circumstances; that much as we hate war and love peace, we out to have our eastern and west- ern coasts equipped with a little modern fighting equipment. We are told that Canada's expendi- ture on armaments is about the lowest per capita in the world, with the possible exception of a couple of South American coun- "tries Handled Pretty Well In view of the extreme delicacy of the issue, in view of the phobia against war service in Quebec and the pacifism and indifference in some other parts of Canada. it must be admitted that on the whole the Mackenzie King gov- ernment has handled the matter well. Mackenzie King's own per- sonal record on behalf of peace and good-will the world over is sufficiently notable that there is the minimum of suspicion of jin- goistic manoeuvres. This is not a chauvinistic mind in the Cabi- net. They are men of Peace, in- cluding the Minister of National Defence. Just the same, while the present delicate issue has been negotiated with a minimum of opposition or friction, it is not difficult to foresee what a storm could blow up in Quebec and on the prairies if it should seem to the government expedient, some time later, to vote more war es- timates. Almost No Break Meantime, the party ranks stand almost without a break. It is true that the wording of the "Jack of confidence" motion was such as to confuse the issue slightly. If it had been a straight negative of the defence appropri- ations it would probably have caught a few more supporters, A number of Liberals feel sufficient- NO HIGHER e A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, CONVENIENT, MODERN 100 ROOM HOTEL--85 WITH BATH WRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI agee™ DEPOT OR WHARF--25c a ly strong about it to vote against the individual estimates them- selves, when they come up; but not enough to support a vote which, if it carried, would throw the present government out and bring along a general election. Relief is in sight for the finan- cially embarrassed provinces in the West, with the hope of a long range adjustment of some mat- ters that have been growing more unsatisfactory for a long time. A royal commission is to exam- ine the taxing powers of the pro- vinces and their social obliga- tions. At present there appears to be a serious disparity between ,them. The cure may be to en- large their taxing powers; or perhaps to transfer some of their \responsibilities. Some people are (getting heartily sick of commis- jsions; claim the country is over- 'run with them. The present gov- |ernment hasn't lost faith in the inquiry of eminent and impartial authorities into the problems of the day. '. Meantime there is every indi- 'cation that cash grants, or in- lcrease of subsidies, or loans, are ito be made to those provinces in- jcapable of worrying along fur- ther "without help. Alberta is 'complaining that there has_ been discrimination; Ottawa denies it. opening, preferably when the sun Do you know that-- Slight overexposure is always preferable to underexposure? * * * A small stop opening must be used when both nearby and distant objects are to be sharply defined at the same time? x * * For good composition, the object of principal interest should never be placed in the center of a picture? * * * In striving for pictorial effect, it is best not to hurry in making the exposure unless moving objects de- mand immediate action, as a little time spent in selecting the view- point proves a good investment? * * * Highlights are the portions of a picture upon which the greatest amount of light is centered and re- flected--the densest portion of the negative and the lightest portion of the print? * Enlarging from sections of your choice negatives is a source of great satisfaction, and that many exhibi- tion prints are prepared in this way from negatives which, taken as a whole, lack just the right spacing or arrangement? * * * A diagonal rather than a full face- on view of a building is usually more pleasing, particularly if a por- tion of the building is in shadow? eSNAPSHOT CUILL WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Seems to be moonlight, but it's sunlight. A snapshot with a small lens is low, will get pictures like this. If, when making portraits, a hand, arm or leg of the subject is extended much beyond the body toward the camera, it will appear abnormally large in the picture? * * * In using a portrait attachment for close-ups, a piece of string knotted at determined distances and kept in the box with the attachment, is more convenient than looking for a yardstick or tape measure to fix the distance between camera and sub- ject? * Most so-called moonlight pictures are made in the daytime and that a snapshot exposure, with a compara- tively small lens opening, when the sun is near the horizon wi'l produce such a picture? * It is best to have film developed promptly after the last exposure is made? * * * * * £ * More pleasure comes from keep- ing your prints mounted in an al- bum than keeping them loosely anywhere, perhaps to be lost or damaged? * Regrets and annoyance come from not keeping your negatives in orderly fashion in a negative album so that, when you want new prints of any picture, you know where the negative is? JOHN VAN GUILDER. * * 109 "> Upstairs, Northwest Classroom TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Township of Bucke TAKE NOTICE that there will be a Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes at the Municipal Chambers of the Township of Bucke, North Cobalt, Ont., on Monday, March 8th, 1937, at 2 p.m. The adjourn- ed sale, if any, will be held at the same place on Monday, March 15th, 1937, at 2 p.m: C. D. CHENIER, 39--M1 Treasurer, Tp. Bucke. DISTURBED AT NIGHT? BEFORE an in- surance com- pany will take a risk on your life the examining phy- sician will test your water and report whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys get i sluggish and clog, you suffer from headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout, or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night--take heed. Buy 'A-nuric" now at your nearest drug store. Tablets 6Se & $1.35. Read this: "For minor kidney irregularities Dr. Pierce's A-nuric Tablets have never failed to do the work," said Robert Wurr, Jr., of 56 Water St., Galt, Ont. "We think there is nothing quite so good 'or too frequent and annoying urination." Ga sinner KC BARRISTER SOLICITOK NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Buildiny HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main © Ferguson Haileybury Life, Heaith, Accident, Fire Automobile INSURANCE K. M. Stephen, c.L.vu. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jack Ryder PLUMBING, HEATING and REPAIRING Phone 33 Ferguson Avenue Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantes Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Myles Block Main Street HAILEYBURY Phone: Office 11; Residerce 400 Saxton Electric Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS 60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 322 esis A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANDO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES 'N CANADA SORE THROATS Do you know the dangers of a sore throat? What you think is just a little cold in your child's throat may be the beginning of permanent damage to his health. Rheumatic heart disease which is prevalent in temperate climates like ours, particularly in the} crowded cities, often has as its} beginning an infection in the hroat. Serious kidney troubles, too. may follow soreness in the upper respiratory area. There- fore every child with a sore throat should be treated with the greatest care and be put to bed until he is better. Also an effort should be made to prevent the in- fection spreading to other mem- bers of the household. There are many causes of sore throats in children. Perhaps the commonest is an infection of the tonsils and adenoids. If these be- come inflamed frequently they should be removed before any any serious damage is done. A\l- though diphtheria is rapidly dis- appearing due to the wonderful results obtained from toxoid, it still does occur, and if your child has not been given toxoid this disease must be kept in mind. Here, of course, prevention is greater than the cure and so tox- oid should be given to all child- ren. Many of the other infec- tious diseases such as_ scarlet fever, and «measles, make their first appearanee as a sore throat. This often occurs before any rash appears, and it is most important that your child be put to bed and be carefully watched, particular- ly when an epidemic of any infec- tious disease is in the neighbor- hood. Sore throat may be treated by warm gargles if the child is old WELL BABY CLINIC Public School adds should be given in fluid or semi- treat a enough and heat to the neck often one of the best means of insuring Food your child's future heatlh is to sore throat with the to their comfort. fluid form as this is swallowedigreatest respect. with preventive of complications is to keep the child at rest in bed. But the main be 'ions conceining Health, addres- Med to the Canadian Medical Associa- tion. 1X4 College Street, Toronto, wil) be answered personally by letter. less pain. So, THURSDAYS 2 to 4 p.m. We can supply you with all of them Financial Statements Tickets, all kinds Booklets Business Cards Pamphlets Personal Cards Brochures Wedding Stationery Folders Funeral Stationery Fine Stationery Announcements Statement Forms Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Bill Heads Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Prize Lists Stock Certificates Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotters Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes, all kinds Color Printing LET US HELP YOU WITH PRINTED FORMS Printed forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. Call us, enquire. You know the Number Phone 24 j * senses goods. purchases. Advertisements Are a Guide to Value %* Experts can a product by looking at it. handling and examining it texture, the "feel" and the balance of it all mean something to their trained eyes and fingers. But no one person Can be an expert on steel, brass, wood, leather, of the materials that make up a list of personal And even experts are fooled, sometimes by concealed flaws and imperfections. * There of sight and maker's name and for what it stands. most certain method, except that of actual use, for judging the value of any. manufactured Here is the only guarantee against careless work- manship, or the use of shoddy materials. is 'ye This is one important reason why it pays to read the advertisements and to buy advertised The product that is advertised is worthy MERCHANDISE MUST BE GOOD OR IT COULDN'T BE CONSISTENTLY ADVERTISED Buy Advertised Goods estimate the value of More accurately, by Its appearance, its roughly foodstuffs, fabrics, and all a surer index of value than the touch -- knowledge of the Here is the goods. of your confidence.