The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 4 Mar 1937, p. 2

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leek MALL EY BU RIA N: Page 2 'of claims in the Larder Lake area News Notes of the North for 30 years, who has recently sold his interests to a new com- pany, the Shaver McGarry Gold Mines Limited. formed to develop this and other property in the, Paragraphs Pertaining to Happenings of Interest During the Past Week district. Mr. Shaver, who is now | 72 years of age receives $20,000 in cash and 200,000 shares of stock in the company, a very nice |reward for his unfailing faith in Sporting Colonists In the tion settlement in } ship preparations for summer sports are now being made, and at a meeting held last Saturday evening the Farmborough Pio- neers' Sottball Club was organ- ized, D. A. Jones being named honorary president apt. A; Pier- ce pre sident and _ secretary- treasurer, John And ager, Thos. Stewart, captain, and| Robert Colbon, vice-captain. | {t was decided to place a team} in the Rouyn-Noranda town lea- gue, if this can be irranged, and also ¢ ster two teams in the} settlement Rouyn Press Dis Fete es) | Build Vocational School As a ftting culmination to} Education week, which closed,on Saturday, Kirkland ake learns today that work will start imme- diatel the vocational training unit to be added the High School, a project which has been unde ynsideration by the board fo ing time, and one which was latterly held up after the let- ting 1e contract Owing to de- lays on the part of the Ontario Municipal Board. The township will issue deben- tures to the amount of $70,000 and the government will contrib- ute $25,000 towards the cost. It is planned to have the building completed for the opening of the fall term in September.--North- ern News | ----o0--_-- | Mushers Reach Capital The Greer Brothers, Timmins mushers, reached Ottawa on Thursday aftermeen last, where they were received by Premier Mackenzie King, to whom they presented the gold-plated invita- tion to attend the Old Home Week at the gold canip next sum- met From all accounts, they were given a real reception in the capital, with luncheons, banquets, etc., and a definite promise from the Premier that he would attend the celebrations if at all possible. A great crowd had assembled on Parliament Hill to welcome the travellers, who found the going pretty tough on the last stretch owing to a lack of snow They will not attempt to drive their dog team back. | ee a = | White Birch Suffers --- | The following appeared in the daily papers at the week-end: | "Drought has seriously affect- ed Ontario's white birch forests from Ottawa River to the Mani- toba line and caused incaluculable damage, E. J. Zavitz, chief On- tario forester, said today. "Tf the coming spring and sum- mer set bundant rainfall, Mr. Zavily said, he expected many of the trees to regain vitality. In-| sects have followed in the path of| the drought and contributed to} destruction, but have not been the| primary cause of it. Leaf miners,| an insect pest, that works on the also been active in | birch stand | foliage, have the white "Loss has been particularly heavy in the Kenora zone, Mr.|} Zavitz said." 7. anew | Potatoes Profitable | | The past season has been one} which has opened the eyes of potato growers to a considerable! extent, and the possibilities of} such a crop should be more care- fully considered and planned for by Yemiskaming and Cochrane district producers. It has been} showin on many occasions that Temiskaming soil is ideal for the production of extra fine quality TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES ie Township of Bucke TAKE NOTICE that there will be a Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes at the Municipal Chambers of the Township of Bucke, North Cobalt, Ont., on Monday, March 8th, 1937, at 2 p.m. The adjourn- ed sale, if any, will be held at the same place on Monday, March 15th, 1937, at 2 p.m. *G: DS CHENIER, x ats Ly : 4 Treasurer, Tp. Bucke.! a5 ' é tubers. Jour be ricts Dream Comes True The Noranda|Joon Shaver, veteran of the Boer z ie ar and the holder of a number He was fined $25 and costs on the Farmers in the Charlton jarea have taken top prizes at Farmborough coloniza-|Canada's outstanding exhibitions. anne town-|What has been accomplished by friends at Charlton can also accomplished by other parts of the Northern dist- Given suitable positon and) proper care, we believe potatoes! will do as well, if not better or with larger yield, place on the continent--New Lis- ewes, man-| keard Speaker. ee Kirkland News on Friday told the story of charges of \the district. He is a pensioner 'and managed to keep his interests in the claims secure throughout the years by hard work and econ- omical living. He is a bachelor. Oo in = } Menace on Train others Intoxicated and waving a load- ed .38 calibre revolver, George A. Thorn, Toronto, was a menace aboard T. & N.O. Train No. 46 |Sunday night until he was taken| off at North Bay and lodged in police cells. This morning Thorn faced Magistrate J. H. McCurry on carrying concealed being intoxicated. than in any Lake Northern weapons and No. 2' Squat Tins EXTRA! TOMATOES These Values are Effective March 4th, 5th and 6th EXTRA! STANDARD QUALITY No, 2 Squat Tins 3°.29 Bulk Free Running or Iodized SALT Choice Quality Light Syrup PEAR Campbell's Tomato Juice Domino Baking POWDER .- Crown or Beehive CORN SYRU Macaroni Bulk Black TEA McCormick's Ginger Snaps * Cowan's COCOA Fancy Keta SALMON y i 2 Ib. Drums ae .07 Bae eet: " 23 Ta eo Din BS we 9 i Dg - g- Special Indian and Ib Ceylon Blend .10 27 25 Perfection ee ' Oysters in Shell 50c* wwowvwwe Hamburg Round Steak Pork Loins Pork Chops Blade Roast Rib Roast 1Q0c |b. 28c ib. 15c |b. 1 8c lb. wuoww + FRUIT SPECIALS! we No. Pink Extra i PEL POTATOES 2.29 bag Grapefruit 96's-69c doz., 80's 3-29 Oranges 2-49c, 3-1.10, 39, 49c Brussel Sprouts 2 Ibs. 35c Lettuce 10c bunch Tomatoes 2 lbs 35c New Carrots 3 bunches 29c New Beets See Sweet Potatoes DOMINION = 3 Ibs. 25c ROOTES--tTickets good going via Port first count, $10 and costs on the second. Pleading guilty, Thorn paid the fines and went his way, leaving his weapon behind, how- ever, in the care of the police.-- North Bay Nugget. --{9- Asks Land Clearing Bonus A despatch from Toronto says: "An effort by Northern Ontario settlers to obtain a land clearing bonus to enable them to go off re- lief has resulted in the prepara- tion of a bill by John Rowlandson (Lib., Cochrane South) and its presentation to Hon. Peter Heen- an, minister of lands and forests. The draft bill would give settlers bonuses for clearing up to acres at $25 an acre in a five-year period. The bonuses would be $10 an acre for slashing, burning and piling, $10 for burning and stump- ing, $5 for ploughing and cultiva- tion. A minimum of six acres a year would have to be done. PICOBAC : IPE | TOBACCO FOR A MILD, COOL SMOKE Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily Feb. 20 to March 6 Return Limit: 45 days Approximately ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privileges Passage Tickets also on sale, good in: (a) tourist sleeping cars at approximat- ely 114c per mile, plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 114c per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. Arthar, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chi- cago, Il, or Sault Ste Marie. return- ing via same route and line only. Generous optional * routings. STOPOVERS--within limit of ticket, | both going and returning --at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and west; also at Chicago, IIl.. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in accord- ance with tariffs of United States lines Full particulars from any agent minerals and iodine. is not all. is economy... cent you spend. Whether fresh water fish or smoked, pickled or dried . . . made Canadian fish throughout the world. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES OTTAWA Try This Appetising Recipe BAKED CREAM SALMON 1 Y-lb. can Canadian salmon 1 pint milk Salt and pepper 2tbsps. butter 2 tbsps. flour Grated onion --_[ Free the salmon from bones and separate into bits. Cook the flour and butter to- gether witho@ browning, and add one pint of milk, salt and pepper and enough grated onion to flavour delicately. Place a layer of sauce in a baking dish, then a layer of fish and so on, having sauce on top. Bake to a golden brown and serve very hot SARDINES LYONNAISE Chop together cold boiled potatoes, one small o1 the contents ef one tis ef Canadian sardines (drained); fry with butter or beef fat until brewned and serve with parsley. By, bast CANADIAN PACIFIC AN Y HEALTH... yes... because Canadian Fish and Shellfish are rich in proteins, vitamins, But health There is tastiness . . . the varied flavour of over sixty different kinds of fish foods. There the sound thrift of a food that gives you full value in healthful nourishment for every DA Y A Make "Any Day a Fish Day". sea- Cs) food . . . fresh, frozen, canned, you can be confident of the prime quality and flavour that have famous FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries Ottawa Please send me your free 52-page booklet, "Any Day a Fish Day", containing 100 delightful and econ- omical Fish Recipes. 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