a ---------- Se, en Rt Page 4 : THE HAILEYBURIAK THURS., MARCH 4th, 1937 ji mana ENING THe HAILEYBURIAN||ce Carnival at { Haievbury im 1927 FAMOUS LINER GOES TO SHIPYARDS FOR LENGTH | - Issutd Every Thursday \» al e ur In ' from The aleeie vai Office Arena Was Gala ! y y Broadway pirech Haileybury Event on Friday | limadiee ienee ae by : '} * . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SS Haileyburian of Ten | 4 in Canada--$2.00 per year im advance |Good Crowd in Attendance and|} Years Ago | | In U.S. --32.50 per year i advance. Masquers Have Lots of Fun; | be Pe a ee | ; 0 . . ist ----= i Leishman & Sutherland, Publisbers Prise Wimeers busted Ten years ago this week Em- THURS., MARCH 4th, . 1937) day nig j - was a gala event, with ; F ; Jcrowd in attendance and with,sport fans were watching the re- MEMORIES ARE SHORT | the masquers in particular hav- sults with great interest. ing plenty of fun. There were| : ; A good example of the short-|the usual classes for the fancy| Two defective chimneys and a ness of man's memory is found|and comic costumes worn by both boy playing with matches were in the weather summary issued|adults and children, entertain- held responsible for three fires this week by Jas. Reavell from|ment at intervals between the reported in ae Haileyburian on the focal meteorological station.;events and a big 'barnyard" hoc-|March 3rd, 1927. In none of the For weeks past the most com-|key game to wind up the procee- nee ye there great damage sus- ained. The ice edeaivatistaged on Fri-|mett Smith's rink of curlers was ht last at the local arena in Toronto playing for the Dom- a good inion championship, and_ local mon expression heard, even dings. ' among the old timers, hag been, The fire department, which op- . oa "T never saw a winter as mild as erates the arena, announces that' After considerable preliminary : f° i z this one." Now it is revealed|the net proceeds were $42.60, half work, the organization of Vega 2 es : eo BEES that only five years ago we hada|of which has been handed over Chapter, Order of the Eastern ze : Treon,, $98 milder winter, when the period, for the benefit of the Children's Star, was reported as completed : : from October to February, inclu-, Shelter, and the men in charge 10 years ago this week with 50 § a sive is taken into acc unt Feb-| wish to extend thanks to the charter members. 2 ae : ; ruary itself, in 4932, was withina| judges of the costumes, Mrs. L. : Our photograph shows the work in progress on the overhauling of the British liner "Arundel few deprees of being as mild as|Erenhous, Mrs. J. O. Belanger Fred Thompson is the winner| Castle" in the Belfast shipyards. Some of her plates have been taken off, and when the picture the month just past, January was|and Mayor S. J. Mason; to the of the Jemmett trophy at the was taken the giant crane on the left was hoisting one of the boilers out of the ship to make ' much milder and the whole per-| merchants and others who don- ocal curling rink as the result of room for alterations. iod had an average,temperature|ated the prizes and to all who', closely contested final game -- Saas of 27 degrees, compared to the helped in any way to make the|with Jos. Branchaud. -< present 20 degrees event a success. , Wal dbubt nieneumentories Ga. GbOminentun the entertainment} The Haileybury Choral Society other way > often dece ive them. were Messrs. Gratton and Pot- announces that practice meetings - Byer lave eat 1| Yin, who, with the assistance Of are to be held each Wednesda veryane loves tg recal] unusua nil 4 I MeN EET 4 : : of events and differences between|'€ Mleury brothers o orth evening in the United Church. "then and now" but on the whole| Cobalt as musicians, staged the es there is probably no great differ-|Comedy acts which greatly pleas-| Hon. Wm. Finlayson, minister ence in general conditons as the |¢d and mystified the audience. | of lands and forests, announced j ages pass. Of course there has}, All the races were keenly con- that the government's fleet of a been great progress in many | tested and the parade of those aeroplanes for forest fire preven- ways, but the essential things | t#king Banca the carnival made tion would be augmented by the and conditions remain for dele ae Bie sel owine is the additon of several machines this pretty much ane same as they} iota aace aes portant year. rere for o fathers | ae pao Pan ie | sid pgs = asa | Burton; Guy Vanier. The local war veterans were WHAT ABOUT | Girls under 12--Velma Cook; planning 10 years ago for a cele- -- > Therese Joyal. bration of the anniversary of the TEMISKAMING? Boys under 16--Allan MclIsaac, phattle of Vimy, and invited all (aap. 4 |Ronald Lewis. jreturned soldiers to attend a : A despatch from Porquis Junc-| Girls under 16--T. Scott, V. meeting to make the arrange- tion to the North Bay Nugget | Cook. lena ; states an announcemem has been! Boys' Obstacle Race--H. Holly, | { made that some (0 or 12 miles of Howard Hutt, Billy Austin. L iteeal okexios Saal amasqamdel Pe ae 3 es tin ian "\OTTTIATTES | A z | } paving will be done on the Fer x COSTUMES ers hada great night's fun at the| th t STAY gusoa Highway south of Coch- Fancy Dress Couple--Mrs. j. big ice carnival held in the arena JA + rane this summer, and that a)White and Mrs. Leliever, on Friday night last. The sport similar stretch eastward from| Fancy Dress Lady--Mrs. Jay included a "Confederation" hoc-| T. d d i Kapuskasing ts also ea the Pro-/Gould, Mrs. Wm, Farmer. key match between two local} enaer an gram. What about Temiska-| Fancy Dress, Gentleman--Paul teams picked at random from the] ming? Burnett. galleries. | J ic One wonders why the an-| Fancy Dress, Boy under 15-- } u y nouncement of werk further)Jack Leishman, Jack Lettner. worth was made at tis time, or} Fancy Dress, Girl under 15.-- whether this particiflar section is| Patsy Douglas, Mildred Fergu- the Hydro-Electric Commission | n the Frederickhouse River, to the north of Connaught, accord- to be neglected again this year. SP eet Game C Alt ing to advices this week from the 4 a This is about the time of year Af est Comic Costume -- Albert north. A large dam will be built when the annual agitation for| Matton. 'on the river, it is stated, during better roads in the North com-|_Men's Race, Open--A. Houle, mences, but so far there appears Ernie Dupuis. to have been nothing done and| Ladies' Race, Open--Mrs. L. the coming summer to provide a storage basin for the power de- velopment at the Abitibi Canyon. "a nothing announced by the gov- Herron, Miss Regimbal. There will be between 200 and| \ ernment that would lead to a __Mystery Balloon -- Leonard 300 men employed on the work, | EATS j | definite. conclusion that Temiska- | Villeneuve. Jaccording to report. ming is to be included in the roads aE LEE | The Frederickhouse river joins program. Another summer's traf- HAUL SUPPLIES FOR |the Abitibi at Island Falls, some ith LESS , eS : , wily 1 fic through the Temagami Re-| HYDRO COMMISSION distance above the canyon devel- serve, with little or no improve- RESERVOIR PROJECT opment ,and the report is to the) SHRINKAGE c ment to the road, will just about an effect that a greater flow of | ) ; ° mean the complete rebuilding of| Supplies are now being hauled water at certain seasons of the| a the highway which it took so jn over a winter road from Nellie year will be provided by the pro- and MORE \ tiace years to get in the frst Lake, for a reservoir project of posed reservoir. FOOD VALUE 7 poeta Ste The number of cattle of all ) kinds on Ontario farms at De- | cember Ist, 1936, was 2,503,200,| | !}, according to a survey by the De- e \ partinent of Agriculture | When the Easiest Way The Porcupine Advance says that railwaymen of the T. & N.O. Is the Best Way én Timmins will vote in favor of a strike , according to a survey made by the newspaper among those who received strike ballots HERE are no two ways about it! Certainly = No watching or "s W..G. Nixon M.L.A. for Temi- the easiest way to get the most for every dollar ae k ki M1. skaming, was elected chairman | you spend is to buy products that you know about or po ing of the Agriculture and Coliniza- | ' r ' Paar GTihittee) Cha ticuaintanion through the advertisements in your local paper. or Legislature, at its organization} You don't have to go out and look for buying op- mecting on Tuesday "u 2 dE oven peeping portunities. The advertisements bring them to you. And ali you need do is consider the facts, compare values and decide on the soap or the sedan that A best fits your judgment and your pocketbook. City --in other words... ig Certainly the best way of making your money go Way Residence 'Yarthest is to buy merchandise of proved value. Advertised merchandise. Merchandi that is = for aday, a week or Tlonger--from a : ie eae a os 3 be g G ce) Oo k 1 n g Peale cao Uaksbath: te tke inoat | bought and used by many people. Merchandise -- -- sumptuous hosekeeping suite equip- that must be superlatively good enough for its . : > : P : , ped with linen, silver and china-- maker and your local retailer to keep calling it to oe a ft ae eae aaa qe ee eee } cbatdine Mey Ganvasithee, lust men mea bye ECOG ed! at a joy to have a modern range, one ate and attendance, Delightful th attenrion of people week after week and year that unfailingly produces roasts that retain their flavors and lannpecacen uns: Ted after year. juices. That are tender and appetizing. That are good to chew restaurant service--that briefly is on and good to look at. Meats that are inexpensive to prepare the distinctive appeal of the Wind- i : d because they don't dry out. That's modern cookin 1 i hs i as . g -- electric sor Arms. This ts the service -- of conventence and cooking -- quick, sure, economical. A few dollars a month Windsor Arms orofit -- that the advertisements offer will install a new electric range in YOUR home. Liberal Hotel you. It will pay you to read them reg- allowance for your old stove, . / i. Se cee, SSRE Clon kk 'Bay ularly and take advantage of everything Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited 9 TORONTO : they can do for you! Controlling and Operating i Tel. Ra. 5141-2-3-4 Write. tor folder. NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY, LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY, LIMITED fn er ee