The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 11 Mar 1937, p. 4

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\ Page 4 DoH Ee HVAViISE Y BLUTRAICAGN THE HAILEYBURIAN] Welcome Relief |CanadaNorthern | Issutd Every Thursday The Haileyburian Office Broadway Street, Haileybury from SUBSCRIPTION RATES ln Canada--$2.00 per year in advance U.5.--$2.50 per year in advance. Leishman & Sutherland, Publishers MARCH 11th, 1937 THURSDAY, Small Loans are Made Available to House Owners Local Organization Formed, But Home Improvement Plan Is Now In Effect Nx Although no local organization 1 been formed to deal with ap- plications as has en done inthe larger centres, 1t is understood that the Hon Improvement Plan, of which there has been considerable discussion through- out the country, is now in effect and that loans for repairs, addi- tions, etc., ar¢ w available to all 'home owners. The loans are secured from the banks in vary- ing amounts according to the he m owner's requirements, and according to the literature distri- buted by the central committee the only security required is a promissory note Of course, there are certain qaulifications to be met and other regulations, but th appear to be fairly reason- abl As the plan is set out, loans for rying amounts can be' se- cured at an interest rate of just around three per cent. The home Owner receives the net proceeds of his note, aft the interest charge has been deducted, and the monthly payments are spread over periods up three years. What has to be done is to plan what 'nprovenie ts are neces- sary, ascertain tlhe cost and then fix the term of the loan to suit th imily budget, or as near this at it is possible to arrive. The loans can be secured for additions to homes or for im- provements, heating plants, paint- ing, making attics into rooms for Vaftious purposes, crecting or changing partitions, new roofs, the building of garages, etc., are among the improvements listed, | but improvements, to grounds outside the home are banned. | On the whole, the scheme ap- pears to be ome that can be made to bring a great in living conditions dopt iprovement vhere it is a- who plan to add d convenience idvised to look "ovement Plan lopted, and thos to their comfort a in the home ar into the Home { FATHER AND SON WILL WALK FROM OTTAWA TO TIMMINS FOR A VISIT) The following is from The Ot- tawa Journal: As a return visit to Timmins following the recent visit to Ottawa the Greer brothers, who came from the Northern Ontario town by dog- team, Alphonse Croteau and his 18-year-old son, Albert, expect to leave for Timmins on foot, the fatter part of next week. | "Mr. Croteau said they will walk the entire distance, more than 600 miles, and plan to travel from 25 to 30 miles a day, de- pending on the weather. -- | "The hikers have a letter from Jos. A. Bradette, M.P., for Coch-| rane, to Mayor J. P. Bartleman| of Timmins, and will also seek al letter from Mayor Lewis." . | Sheriff's Sale of Lands For Arrears of School Taxes NOTICE is hereby given that the list of lands in Savard Town- ship Consolidated School Section, for sale for arrears of Taxes, has been prepaerd and copies of this list may be had at my office. This list will be published in the Ontario Gazette January 2nd, February 6th and March 6th, 1937, and in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands will be sold for taxes. At the adjourned sale, if any, it is the intention of the School Board of Savard Township Cen- solidated School Section to pur- chase any lands if the prices of- fered are less than the taxes and costs, according to R.S.O. 1927. DATED at Haileybury this 14th day of January, 1937. WILLIAM THUERCK, 48-12c Sheriff of Temiskaming Power Reports a Progressive Year _ To Tax Payersin | Ontario Budget) | Seven Million Dollar Surplus,/Gains Are Shown in Earnings, } Working Capital, Power Out- put and Customers Served Permits Reduction; Big Road Program Planned throughout welcomed on Tuesday the an-!cijal statement of Canada North- nouncement of Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn, as Provincial Trea- surer, that there are to be several reductions in taxation in the pro- vince, made possible by a surplus Residents Ontario for the fiscal year*ended Decem- ber 3lst, 1936, reflects the creasing activity in the mining in- of more than seven million dol-'areas served; and reveals gains in lars. earnings, working capital posi- The amusement tax, one of the tion, power output and number of "nuisances" left from great war customers served. Réference is days, will definitely end on june Ist, according to the Premier's announcement; there will be a reduction of 25 per cent in license fees for commercial motor vehic- les, and in each municipality a re- fund equal to one mill on the general rate will be allowed to the taxpayers. made in the report to important reductions made in the Com- pany's domestic and commercial rates for power during the year, while in September last a rate re- duction in favor of mining power customers, effective January, 1937, was announced, This will mark the sixth rate reduction of- fected by the Company in six years. There are many other ways in which the people of the province will benefit, but these appear to be the main items that are appli- cable to the greater part of On- tario, and are the result, the Pre- Gross revenues for the year amounted to $4,572,817 as against $4,418,488 for the preceding year, an increase of $154,329. Operat- The consolidated annual finan- ern Power Corporation, Limited, a attinadiiaatineadibaatinn atone oe = } Haileybury in 1927 } Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Ten Years Ago Sunworthy Wallpapers Dr. Routley, head of the On- tario Red Cross, has written the town council to the effect that the local hospital, operated sy the Red Cross since the fire in 1922, We now carry a complete assortment of wallpaper and invite will be closed unless th€ town E . makes a_ substantial grant to- your inspection | : : | wards its maintenance. | ------ | By some careful pruning of the} estimates the town council has| managed to keep the tax rate for| this year down to the level of| 1926, namely 49 mills on the dol-| lar. Twenty members of Temiska- ming Preceptory, Knights Temp- lar, visited North Bay on Monday |; and conferred the degrees of the| Order at the Preceptory there. | nsinowry One tire «lf EMPIRE THEATRE |preparing for a big celebration of | NEW LISKEARD! jJuly 12th here, with all lodges of! | | | the district meeting at Lakeview | Park. «FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 12th and 13th mier said in his budget speech, of financing on the part of the government. Premier Hepburn also an- nounced a reduction of $33,000,- 000 in the gross debt of the pro- ing expenses--taxes, maintenance] | aa f Lone purchased power and operation--| The town of Cobalt is planning showed an increase of $120,093,/4 tourist camp to accommodate leaving net earnings*for the year the visitors to the district that are at $2,804,914 as compared with €xpected to come in large num-| net earnings of $2,770,678 for bers this summer, following the z gs 2,770, sound "You Oly Live Once" With Sylvia Sidney, Henry Fonda, Barton MacLane, Jean Dixon, William Gargan and Charles "Chic" Sale vince; $26,000,000 in the out- standing debenture debt, and a cut in the outstanding treasury bills of $12,000,000. \ road program to cost $14,- 587,350, "with full consideration given to the increasing require- 1935. After deducting bond in- terest, bad debts and making the usual allowance of $720,000 for depreciation, earnings of the Company's preferred stock were equal to $23 per share, as against $22.21 the previous year. After ments of the northern part of the payment of preferred dividends at province," was among the an-|the rate of 7%, the net equalled nouncements made by the Prime /$2.00 per share on the 400,000 Minister, who also reported net/shares of common stock out- earnings of the T. & N. O. Rail-|standing, as against a corres- way for the fiscal year ending|ponding figure of $1.89 for 1935. March 31st, 1936, of $792,012.49,|During the year common divi- more than 200 per cent higher|dends at the rate of $1.20 per than' for the similar period end-|share were paid. | ing March. 31st, 1935, | Power output for 1936 showed The whole budget speech Of|an increase of 17,485,708 k.w-h., Premier Hepburn carries a note the total for the year reached the of optimism and promises more |record figure of 594,753,243 k.iw.h reductions in taxation as time|Wwhile the number of! customers passes. served showed an increase of 1,774, being 17,508 as at Decem- but we/ber 31st, 1936. We may shut our eyes, can't help knowing That skies are dead and grass is growing. IWant Ads. Bring Results Your Success 2s Assured with PURITY FLOUR Best for all your Baking PF336 When the Easiest Way Is the Best Way HIRE are no two ways about it ! Certainly the easiest way to get the most for every dollar you spen# is to buy products that you know about through the advertisements in your local paper. You don't have to go out and look for buying op- portunities. The advertisements bring them to you. And ali you need do is consider the facts, compare values and decide on the soap or the sedan that best fits vour judgment and your pocketbook. Certainly the best way of making your money go y | tarthest is to buy merchandise of proved value. | } Advertised merchandise. Merchandise that is bought and used by many people. Merchandise that must be superlatively good enough for its maker avd your local retailer to keep calling it to th attention of people week after week and year | after year. , This ts the service -- of convenience and orofit --- that the advertisements offer you It will pay you to read them reg- ularly and take advantage of everything they can do for you! ~ completion of the from North Bay. trunk road | MONDAY and TUESDAY, March 15th and 16th The fire prevention film "Am-| erica's Greatest Crime", is to be shown at the Broadway Theatre here for the remainder of the| week. | "Hopalong Cassidy" With William Boyd, George Hayes and Gail Sheridan s | Ten years ago this week the| |Haileybury High School Girls'| Hockey team was preparing for! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, March 17th and 18th "Way Down East" ae a match with the girls from the} if be |Cobalt High School, to decide the} Ee i 3 ' inter-town championship for the With Rochelle Hudson, Henry Fonda, Slim Summerville, | season, Edw. Trevor, Margaret Hamilton and Andy Devine | The Rebekah and Oddfellow Po Se TT Pe eae i Lodges joined forces in holding a COMING NEXT. "a {supper and card party in the Temple, at which a large number "LIBELED LADY" "THREE MARRIED MEN" Be of people were present and spent e is ¥, 5 ja wery pleasant evening. A cou-| EVERYBODY'S OLD MAN" 4 )ple of hours dancing was enjoyed} "e |after the card games. : = | SS SS = oe AE | "f | 4 a 4 1 py re on 66 9 My catering secrets are Here ...inmy ELECTRIC ' REFRIGERATOR" a You, too, can build your reputation as a hostess by serving those j : joyously cool, crisp salads; delicious, fresh fruit dishes and Lg chilled desserts -- with Electric Refrigeration. And you'll find ' satisfaction and real economy in preparing new and tasty lunches from perfectly refrigerated leftovers. You can also take advan- " tage of bargain offerings by laying in large stocks of perishables ; , es knowing they will keep perfectly for long periods -- another y: ; | tangible and worth-while housekeeping saving. " A small down payment starts a new catering era in your home. ~ wi Come in and inspect our display of ultra-medern Electric \ \ Refrigerators, ; i ' 2 q Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited a Controlling and Operating - ey ° { NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY, LIMITED Be } NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY, LIMITED

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