The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 11 Mar 1937, p. 5

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se ee ' ete saa -- ie ap ' tHE HAILLEYBURIAN Page * | Diamond Trophy | SPORT NOTES Of Van Itallie ENEMIES 0 45 | Rink of Seasoned Curlers Takes champs of the North, and _ will Six Out of Seven Games |Tepresent this territory in the . |trial that leads Allan Cup-ward. at Kirkland Lake te eads n paw | They defeated Lake Shore Mines at Kirkland last' Thursday night 3-2, looked the speedier squad. Again on Satur- day at Sudbury they proved their | class by handing Bill Brydge's| lads a 5-0 setback. However, the| Froodians have been building for} this outfit for some seasons, and| likely will have tougher opposi- tion from the Kirkland quarter MARCH 11th, 1937 Haileybury Wins "THURSDAY, enough class to make it a battle! ing and the return game-here_on with Maxie Silverman's nickel-;Friday, March 19th. These teams fe eee : : plated outfit. |will be worth watching, as the boys are coming along fast, and The Juvenile ! a peek will give the fans some are now under way with Liskeard idea of what is in store for Junior at Cobalt tonight, and the return -anks next winter. The Rexall tilt'in Liskeard on Monday. The _. ; s ; d : 5 -!Cup hinges on this series, the ol local Juvenile champs will play : ; the winner at either Cobalt or|Mug being at present in posses- Liskeard next Wednesday even-|sion of the local boys. lwith a few amusing stories which| |he had learned while in the city.' \He was tendered a vote of thanks| jon motion of Rotarian H. G. Pic-: |kard. | Speaking for the Sutherland ., (tink which won the Van Itallie , Rev. W. A. Beecroft Describes Rotarian.B. V. Harrison told the Play in Big Championship 'meeting briefly that the other, Event in Toronto \three members of the rink had! "played a fine game," that they} That the third position, in had all thoroughly enjoyed the! A rink of seasoned Haileybury which --they finished in the se aie days Snoee ae Kirkland curlers, skipped by D. E. Suther- aninioh curling championships last | ake and were greatly pleased to jand, last week won the diamond week, was about right on the|bring the trophy to the local trophy of the Van Itallie at Kirk- land Lake, when they won six ligeteess play throughout the big contest, Utling club. lout of the seven games played, jwinding up on Saturday after- _ was the statement of Rev. W. A noon by defeating A. E. Stephen- Beecroft, a member of the Smith ;GIRL HOCKEYISTS WIN rink, to the local Rotarians at! TWO GAMES ON TRIP TO U : : CHAPLEAU AND CAPREOL| 501 of New Liskeard in a play-off made necessary when the local Luncheon Guest Talks Curling eee! To Rotarians seccee © play-offs group Gewcces and smoother the regular "weekly luncheon on Monday, when he and two other| members of the rink, D. H. Millar Whi s -.|men dropped one game to the yey eave a a rile little has be ea Slaw ; F next winter. and Mel. Robb, were guests of Bue lies Leen Inceaga Ws ,Timmins rink 'skipped by Ike | the club. "Mr. Beecroft was the speaker of the day, elected to tell the members something of the big games with the other pro- vinces, and he gave a very inter- esting talk on the game itself, the experiences -the local men had during the period of play and the personalities of the various men} they met. | The competition for the Brier Tankard, Mr. Beecroft said, was the biggest thing of its kind in Canada, 'bringing the high-class curlers together from one end of zast, but that Emmett Smith has| learned the western game and is winter of the local girl hockey- ists there is a smart team in this area, comprising players from the towns of Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard, and knownas the "Northern Marvels." Eight of the girls are-from Haileybury, with three from Liskeard and one from Cobalt. Last week-end they had a trip to the more southerly districts of Chapleau and Capreol and return- ed home with two nice wins tucked under their belts, in spite of the fact that the young ladies of Capreol had visited New Lis- On Friday night the local girls were at Chapleau, where they defeated the best that town could |Solomon, former Haileyburian. |There were seven rinks in the|- competition, which is an annual one for curling clubs of this district, and this is the first time the trophy has been brought south of Kirkland Lake. Jerry} Abrams won it the first year, C L. Grisdale the second, Ike Solo- For the Junior N.O.H.A. fal Copper Cliffs powerful Redmen tonight at Stanley Stadium, with the re- turn game in the gold camp Monday evening. ified by beating Noranda in two {games, 6-5 and 7-4, and may have Timmins kids tie into on| Timmins qual-| mon two years ago and George Doggett's four last year. Each club is entitled to enter but one rink. Sutherland's three men in the competition were: B. VY. Harrison, lead; Lorne Fergu- a.m., the local rink disposed of}. Kirkland Lake, South Porcupine, A FARMER BOY STI ONE of the best known medic men in the Uni States was Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buf- noted daily in his medical career that many of his prescriptions prepared from roots, > teaching it to the north. North Bay, New Liskeard and] barks, and her! iden Medical : ayer. pi a | aN nei : arks, and , St solden Medical i; tence 3 Mr. Beecroft gave the meeting ld way ee @hi & paar Siscoe, and on Saturday morning| Piovery," ps Hostel in a short sketch of the personalities y wee receive a SuveTihad just one more quartet to] Buffalo, N. Y. Advice s free, the Cup to be held until next season. r. Pierce's Goiden Medical Discovery is that formed the 10 rinks in contest, stating they represented a cross-section of Canadian life and "never failedto play the part of good sports and gentlemen." Curling, however, was a "mean"'| game in which almost anything could happen, and he illustrated his point by describing some of ways in which games had been lost, when they were, to all out-| ward appearances, won. The "dope" was usually wrong. Mr. Beecroft said, and the best of team work would sometimes go for nothing if the breaks went to the opposition. Oya ee whole," the speaker concluded, "it has been one of my greatest privileges to curl with Emmett Dan and Mel." Mr. Beecroft thanked the Ro- tarians for the interest shown in the game, offered his congratula- tions to Dunc. Sutherland, Jay Gould, Lorne Ferguson and B. V. Harrison, also guests at the meeting, ow their winning of the a bee __Van_Itallie, Trophy, and closed Se naan abe On Saturday night they met the Capreol girls for the second time and got revenge for the previous defeat. The score was 1.0-. Harry Koza of Cobalt is man- ager of the Marvels, and Mrs. J. Brough of Haileybury chaperon- ed the girls on the week-end trip. Following are the players: Goal, Margaret Brough; right defence, Mary Kennelly; left de- fence, Clarissa Marcella; centre, Josie Gadsby; right wing, Freda Huard; left wing, Doris McKay; second line centre Rejane Reg- imbal; right wing, Mary Vander- vliet; left wing, Helen Poppleton, alternates, Earlene Ross, Mary Brough, Billie Pipe, sub-goal. The Kirkland Lake Northern News says that Walter Little, M.P., announced while on a week end visit to his home in the gold camp, that the Dominion govern- ment would issue either a coin or a medal to commemorate the Coronation of King George VI. meet, the Timmins entry. In this game they went down to their only defeat. The New Liskeard rink had had just one loss also, up to that time, leaving the two neighboring. clubs tied for the an herbal extract which eliminates poisons from the intestines and tones up the digestive System. Pimples and blotches caused by faulty elimination disappear and you feel the tonic and strengthening effect of this well tried medicine. Ask your Drugeist now! Tablets 50 cents, liquid $1.00 and $1.35, GENERAL the Dominion Ke) the Pee His keard the previous week and de- ee Seer And arco es falo, New York, i impression was that the west 1S feasted the Marvels there. Shoe ; pd WhOMwasiborinon | still teaching the game to the; Commencing on Thursday at 9 a farm in Pa. He LIMITED || TF RADIOTRONS €8 honors. In the afternoon the tie was played off, when the local men had little difficulty in dis- posing of their opponents and carrying off the "diamonds". They returned home that even- ing after an enjoyable three days and the trophy is now on display in a window of the Canada Nor- thern Power Corporation. It will remain in possession of the local club until next season, when it will again be played for at Kirkland Lake, as one of the conditions under which it was originally presented was that the annual competition should take place in the gold camp. The Canadian government has issued over one million licenses during the past ten months to the owners of radio receiving sets ALBERTA AND MANITOBA FIGHT FOR CURLING TROPHY arlier contests. "the Manitoba quartet, with Skip Walsh at the helm. At the top is the Alberta tezm, piloted by Skip Cliff Manahan; while below is ONE RIDE PROVES IT! ONE RIDE will prove that Chevrolet's completely new Valve-in-Head Engine gives more power--more smoothness-- more performance --with low gas and oil costs never before equalled by any full-size car! One ride will win you forever to the matchless Chevrolet comfort of *Knee-Action--balanced weight --wider seats--extra head, leg and elbow room! One ride and you'll never take less than Chevrolet safety . . . the safety of self-energizing Hydraulic Brakes--and entirely new Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher, with Safety glass in every window! Take this Chevrolet ride today. Get behind the wheel and get the facts. Low monthly payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. "On Master De Luxe Models. EW 'VROLET THERE'S NO DELAY WHEN YOU ORDER A NEW CHEVROLET THE ONLY Lawest-Priced Car with au J VALVE-IN-HEAD HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINE PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES KNEE-ACTION GLIDING RIDE WITH SHOCK PROOF STEERING (on Master De Luxe Models) UNISTEEL TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION SAFETY GLASS In Every Window 74S Master 2-passenger Business Coupe deliv- ered at factory, Oshawa. Government taxes, license and freight additional. (Prices subject to change without notice.) 1937. ah Completely Maw C-678 _ The Canadian Curling championships, held in Toronto, was one of the keenest ever held in the , : Dominion. The Macdonald Brier Tankard, emblematic of the single rink curling championship HAILEYBURY GARAGE _ was particularly interesting, with Manitoba and Alberta finishiag the series in a first-place tie. . C Alberta won the play-off rather easily, the Wirnipeggers being away below the form flashéd in Haileybury : : Ontario

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