The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 22 Apr 1937, p. 3

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THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1937 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 3 Selon Children | | | with the cold, while the parents had' purchased a new radio. a q q 4) Change Methods 7 q) q All To Be Given Tuberculin Test Medical Staff of Sanitorium to Utilize Christmas Seal Fund in Three Towns The following article by Dr. W. C. Arnold is commended to all parents in the three Central Temiskaming towns: i "Acting in co-operation with, and under authority of the local Roard of Health, the medical staff of St. Mary's on the Lake Sanitorium, will, at a time and place later to be decided, under-| School Men Conservative, their Of Teaching In Public Schools But Revisi Are C Principal Says Although educational authori- ties or "school men", as he term- ed it, are very conservative in ideas, there are changes coming gradually in courses of our public schools, Principal R. J. McClanahan of the Haileybury Public School told the local Ro- tary Club in an address at the regular weekly meeting on Mon- There were pupils with very low. mentality, the speaker said, some of whom simply could not be taught, interesting point he mentioned was the fact that boys who start smoking lose their usefulness in school. He didn't know how to account for this, the speaker said, but it in- variably happened that a boy quit) and an learning when he started smok- | ing. The speaker told of the work] being done in the public school} under the recently inaugurated | manual training classes, where the boys were given useful in- NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION Home Improvement Plan A nation-wide co-operative effort under the authority of the Dominion Government The George Taylor Hardware Limited Offers their co-operation to the fullest possible extent fo | | take the administration of the) !°S' tuberculin test for tuberculosis | ©@Y- f on all school children, whose pa-| ad he SHES ACLS AlOW. being re- rents or guardians are willing. | vised by two prominent educa- | 'The purpose of this test 1s to| tional men, he said, and he ex- determine which, if any, of the} pected the result would be an in- children show any trace of tuber-| peat 7 the public school term culosis. {trom the present seven years to}: 5 ay Pi E : bate i The tuberculin test is not an|eight under the new schedule.| i thecal Be ee valu q < Lap <p: oy é agua . - fable e é str - experiment, but is a standard and) The 'aaa is rie Swinging)! POR ey ets ce by ea aye OC re in sani-| wards mental training rather) ra ee eat PLOT procedure, both in sant-| si F S74 - | too little to do, he stated, and torium work, and outside the}than the old system of laying} ¢ ie tape Ge helevedi nem same. It has been shown, be-| great stress on actual training inl in : iene ie ; t ane. ee ari atic. for incts . B e tormer syste IT Ce = € ie yond doubt, that the successful | < ithmetic, for instance, Mr. Mc-|." ~ > ey and trea f tuberculosis de-|\Clanahan said; and even in the|™& ™ the schools, without "any | ROMEO CoO uae . papa ise Ay) Cd undue trend towards militarism,| pends upon recognition of this teaching ot geogr aphy there was} sme: lendid thing £ the boys disease in its earliest stages. This|@ revised system gradually being| 0 ae ate ie Bee "ke z id ve vl is particularly true in the case|adopted. There would be difficul-| a Ene ee e ie ot aa > 3 C1 . . other organizations oO ake | een he epee ena |ty experienced by teachers in , S. ¢ where children are affected. Very | t J . id |boys' work are always of great} often the ordinary symptoms} adapting themselves to the TLE MER | eq ntly (COMAMOUnt.. andthe which call attention to need for| ways in the educational world, he |e aker peas tie aaa ae | treatment, occur too late for such eden but he had no criticisms} lena tes hares help in this Ee a 2 ectiv of the changes which are gradu- ra i ng treatment to be effective. ei ts Sy GaN gradu |they possibly aorta | The tuberculin test is particu-| ally being adopted. AP thee claceto Cente ic Glanael| i, thes eae ey 4 HT sh | M MeCl .| At the close of Mr. McClana lar valuable oe that it i et Mr. Mee peered told some of han s talk, he was accorded a Co re rerv.eariy Tr = a alien a Be pal "i a . in the case of very early tuber-| the problems which are met with hearty vote of thanks on motion culosis, some reaction, which will) daily in his own institution, and be very valuable in determining the difficulties which are of Rotarian Geo T. Hamilton, E , met) who expressed the hope that the the need for further observation. | with in the and, if necessary, treatment. struction in woodwork and where it was hoped to introduce metal and leather orafts as well. "Do not be disappointed if your boy does not bring home a_ highly finished article' Mr. McClanahan said, "for the training is not only AS SIMPLE AS ABC-- Just decide upon the work you want done, have an estimate prepared of the cost, Take it to banker Lo the or secure a tender for the work and material. your those who can satisfy the very fair and reasonable requirements, money necessary is provided on most, favorable terms, repayment over six to twenty- four months. YOU CAN Add a room or rooms to your home. YOU CAN Instal a' bathroom or modernize your present bathroom. YOU CAN Convert unused cellar space or attic space into living quarters or playrooms ' ee i . - YOU CAN repair or renew roofs, foundations, drain pipes, storm windows or anything like this. YOU CAN Instal a new heating system or modernize your present one YOU CAN Erect fences around your property whether it is in town or on the farm YOU CAN Build walks and driveways of permanent materials. YOU CAN Make practically any permanent improvements to your property that you desire, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU: Johns-Manville Building Materials, Asbestos Shingles and Sidings; "Cedargrain" Shingles, Wallboards, Type "B" Tile, the Bathroom i i i new dissemination 0 |speaker would return on a later : ps 2 z , | knowledge to the pupils. There) occasion and tell the club more Paes toncerceeaiiely simple | was the problem of the family | about the educationak work of and painless, and children are not) afflicted with nits in the hair as} the community ill after it. Consequently, there one example, something that gave| me need be no hesitation on the part! the school staff a great deal of] _ j of parents or guardians in per-| trouble. Then there was the case) Haileyburian Want Ads mitting their children to take} of a child coming to school with| ' 3 F advantage of this opportunity for) bare hands in the winter crying | Will Bring Results treatment. as The cost of this proposed test} gas a ey will be paid by the money which was raised in our district last| winter by the sale of Christmas| seals. This Christmas seal fund | was intended for just such work} of tuberculosis prevention, and) up to date the work has been; % limited to the monthly clinics held |... ' } \ in the Sanitorium. These will) be continued, but, as there was a} surplus beyond the immediate} Best for all your Baking needs of these clinics, the Sani-| PF636 Insulation, Decorative poo] Ask for the Book "101 Practical Suggestions for Home Improvements" in French or English WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THIS OVER WITH YOU. DROP IN AND SEE US. aoe The George Taylor Hardware Ltd. SWASTIKA, TIMMINS, COCHRANE antl. nln nln ln tle nln natin entrain tern nite tir.tie.nlier. tide tlen...lir..tihe.lnatte...28tn. el r trlr.htnntlrlnatinail ntl nln The Favourite-- for Generations COBALT, KIRKLAND LAKE NEW LISKEARD, NORANDA ge ge age ee a OS a I a a | ' yy torium authoriites have decided to offer this extension of service io take in the entire school popu-| lation. | This same program is being) put into operation in both New} Liskeard and Cobalt. It is hoped} ' that all the parents of school} children may give their consent; to this test being performed on| their children. A printed | form will be supplied by the Board of ' e e ® = Advertisin IS se | > F Health, and time and place of the 3 : 3 Kat he be icates aie It ; From all Stations in Eastern Canada : will be necessary tor the parent a2 o | or guardian to sign this form, | GOING DAILY -- MAY 21-31 inclusive ! which will indicate his consent to| Return Limit: 45 days | OO or S. the test being performed, and, TICKETS GOOD IN after signing, return It to the | @ COACHES at fares approximately 1c per mile. 1 local health authorities. (In the | @ TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 14c per mile. }) case of Haileybury, this author-| @ STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1c per mile. | ity will be vested in the Public} COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL | p i Health Nurse, who will send out | T2338 } the forms and to .whom they | BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and west. | should be returned.) | Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and all information from any agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL | ! It is hoped that the public may | clearly understand this, and will! know that no child whose parent} or guardian has not so expressed | | his consent, will be given the WESTERN CANAD That dusty picture of an optimist and a pessimist--the optimist seeing the doughnut and the pessimist the hole-- is just a way of describing most of us: some of us habit- ually look on the bright side of things; others on the dark side. Always there are those who have a melancholy test. To avoid disappointment | | 1 ; 4 and confusion, it is strongly urg-| pleasure in fault-finding. And so there are always those 1 ed that parents and guardians at-| who look upon Advertising as an economic waste and a tend rout D ls Gienien, aameslic tela means by which the sale of inferior merchandise can be } De WWalegn ata wallecdad ect the! | Sa emma. Do cucorer wong shinge about Advertising--just as it is possible to find wrong | things about water and air, about books and speeches, about motor cars and aeroplanes, about schools churches, about Canadians and Scotsmen, about knives and forks. test, will know how many child- ren to make provision for. W..C. ARNOLD, M.O.H." | pi Toronto Church caeee 4 In Broadcast Each Sunday | Bloor Street United Church,| Advertising is news and information, and who shall say rite Hei: Anarene nie, Gace TRANS-ATLANTIC FA VOURITES | that it is wrong to communicate news and information? cial interest in Northern Ontario, | }) It would be a pretty dull world, full of dull people, if there and every year contributes large | ceased to be a dissemination of news and information. sums to Mission Churches over a} wide area. This church has now} arranged with the Canadian Ra-| dio Commissidn to broadcast its | ; C y @ You'll enjoy every hour more if you book via Canine reper' British and Continental ports! Travel 4) In all ages and in all countries those giving out news and in cruising comfort--by majestic Empresses, regal Duchesses or inf ti i i- low-cost Mont ships--Cabin, Tourist or Third Class--acconn information have attracted to themselves attentive audi ences; and this is as true today as it was 1000, 2000. 3000 ; morning service each Sunday } modation to suit every trayeller's budget. 4 t 2 ; 4 sFOm 11 CRCT Be) ee ine ae Frequent sailings from Montreal and Quebec via the picturesque Te as a { ae ae TE and CRC (shor St. Lawrence Seaway and the "39% Less Ocean" route. What St 3 ae 4 i ye). : : ores are busiest? Is it not those stores which j {he services are conducted by Low-cost all-expense tours to Europe. as low as $289 give out the most information about what they have to the Rev. George C. Pidgeon, M.A. D.D., a distinguished preacher, whose messages are of an inspir- ational character and bring help and comfort to those who are unable to attend their own church, or who are shut in on ac- count of illness. Dr. Pidgeon < would welcome letters from all those who hear his broadcasts over the air. for 30-day tour to England, Holland, Belgium, France, press of A \ rita Glaze eine sell? The public is daily spending money--probably $2.00 a day for every man, woman and child in the trading area covered by the circulation of our newspaper -- or, say, $2000 for every 1000 persons. So you can calculate for yourself--you, a retailer, what is spent daily in our own community for food and shelter and clothing, and for all the other things. For full information, see your travel agent or Apply to Local Agents or to Canadian Pacific Steamships, 87° Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. an me

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