The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 May 1937, p. 2

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THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1937 | cupine district, was down $40,498 year than last. They said there|was conducted on Wednesday af-| which had been shipped all the |} from the previous month. was no way of making such anjternoon last at the close of the|way from England were planted | Output was valued at $599,265 estimate._North Bay Nugget. Coronation Broadcast in peat) the plot at the front of the N N t f th North |from treatment of 47,600 tons, oO town hall when the Royal Acorns] public school". ews 0 es 0 e laverage recovery being $12.50 THEY'RE BOTH PRESIDENTS |-- 7 per ton. In March, output was ae [ jvalued at $639,763 from the treat-, Officers for 1937 have been ment of 48,700 tons, with an av- elected by members of the Sud- erage recovery of $13.14----Porcu-, bury Golf Club and a unique sit- pine Advance. uation prevails in that the men | O |of the club elected, Reg. Gerrish GET HOLIDAY WITH PAY (to prospect in this section in 1908) LICENSE GAMING DEVICES | as their president, whilé. the la- ---- |and in the following year discov-| ---- dies' section elected Mrs. Reg. Miners of the Porcupine camp ered the Swastika Gold Mine,} Whiffle boards, pin ball and Gerrish as president of that sec- were given a fine chance to cele-|/mow the Crescent, the discovery} other devices of a similar nature tion Sudbury Star. brate the Coronation holiday| which attracted a rush of pros-| will be licensed at a yearly fee} o------ when a "holiday with pay" was|pectors concentrating on this/of $125, payable before the li-| FOUND DEAD IN SHACK Paragraphs Pertaining to Happenings of Interest During the Past Week declared a t practically every) area, and first brought families cense is granted. | = mine in the vicinity of Timmins.| to settle in Teck--Kirkland Lake} Anyone under the age of 18. Two young residents of Work- Only the men who occupied | Northern News. | will be prohibited from playing) Man, located some 22 miles north GO: Any time from noon jobs which must be filled every} WES A |these machines, the owner being of Cochrane, made a gruesome Friday, May 21, until 2.00 ¢ day of the week were required to DIED OF POISON liable to a fine of from $10 to $50 discovery this week when they p.m. Monday, May 24. work. A general holiday was de-| - | exclusive of costs, and no gamb- found the body of an old settler, RETURN: Leave destination clared in all other departments. | On Saturday afternoon last |ling devices will be allowed--| John Toivenen, in his shack. up fo midnight Tuesday, May The men who were kept on the} Mrs, Eddyvean of Harris, took a| Timmins Daily Press. | The dead man lived alone in the 95, 1937. job will be given double pay for} dose of paris green with the re-| O- | bush and his cabin aS) located 2 e their work on the holiday --Tim-} sult that she passed away early | TENT CATERPILLARS COME about half a mile from the T. & : f mins Daily Press. | Sunday morning. The circum- N.O. railway tracks, one mile For fares and further information apply to Railway Ticket Agents, *-238 i ; yas ; g Jork . The two men --o------ |stances surrounding the tragic] With the arrival of warm wea- south of Workman z A 10 NA ENTER BASEBALL TEAM incident were investigated by the| ther tent caterpillars, plague of ee tupcerom a were his CANADIAN N T L ia; Beet sf : C pare 2, Des est nei S. es |Coroner, Dr. J. S. Mcé ullough, | orchards and gardens, are show-| Fo The Twin City Baseball Club! who pronounced it a case of sui-|; p, officials of the -| eee a iw ) 5 ase : : s ent lo-} has definitely entered a team in) cide--New Liskeard Speaker. ciel eeaneh re he Benen ent| FIRST REPORT OF ACORNS-_ the southern group of the Tem- ae a of agriculture said today. iskaming Baseball League, it was PRODUCTION IS DOWN Reports from many districts in| The first word of the Royal announced i a ieee ea tie Canada show a heavy infestation| Acorns which were to be planted tiv poles Pane 1elc a Ae ioas Due to decreased tonnage and|this year. Officials were inclined|in school yards on Coronation a at ae re an wes ay ae treatment of lower grade ore/to question an estimate from| Day that WG se heard ne far ve: oon, and local fans ca 0k for- z 3 . Tae a comes in the following clipping 5 bie ap.j] during April, value of bullion North Bay that the pests were 60 § pping Weal Madaimsivstal RealiBug! ward to seeing senior baseball produced by Dome Mines, Por-jor 70 times more numerous this| from the Chapleau Post: Ladiaiemayg se : M ¥ here Fe this teats et 2 "A very impressive ceremony GLASSCO'S | The league will operate in the ia ' " Dee ah ae AT THE COTTON CARNIVAL CORONATION Pure Seville Orange same way as last season, the locals playing a schedule with Wright-Hargreaves, Lake Shore and Toburn of Kirkland Lake, the winner then advancing against; the northern titlists for the T.B. L. championship.--Rouyn- Noran- da Press. Richard Leatherman Values are Effective "Tofel:¥:Veg. | MARMALADE } MILD, COOL SMOKE 32-0z. - ep Jar es night, May 22nd. Need Building-Up? ; ~~ - EVERY ONE'S A KNOCKOUT! Y you fee' out - of - sorts, MacLaren's when you've no T 25-oz. appetite, or stom- PEANU Butter Jar 25 | ach gives trouble, | Crunchie | PICKLES "=" i 2% 0. REAL CORONATION BABY Timmins has a real Coronation baby. The baby was born on the 12th of May, while the King was broadcasting, at approximately) 2.01 p.m. E.S.T. It is a boy--son of Mr. anl Mrs. Ernest Galli- peau, 111 Spruce Street south--} and he has been named George, Albert Frederick Gallipeau in|} honor of the time of his birth.| Word is being sent to His Ma- jesty of this Coronation birth in this distant part of his vast Em-} pire----Porcupine Advance. Medical Discovery. For coughs due to Campbell's colds try this tonic. BEAN WITH 2 21-o0z. 1 Read what Robert Wurr, Jr., of 56 Water i u St, Galt, Ont., said: "Dr. Pierce's Golden PORK Tins | Medical "Discovery has proved itself to be a fine system builder and for coughs due Fancy Cohoe to cold it is the best. It clears up the No. 1 cough and makes a person feel fit as a = Tall fiddle." Buy now of your nearby druggist, Tin © N size, tablets S0c., liquid $1.00 & $1.35. OLD STREET RE-NAMED Write for free medical advice to Dr. ; ier i | : eat obs ; } Pierce's Clinic, Buftatoy No Y. 7 Choice Quality Red Pitted | Westinghouse Avenue is the CHERRIES No. 2 Sq os | name which the Township coun-}| ac aaah y Oe 2 cil last week imposed on the little = er 5 ee eee ae Kippered side street in Swastika where the big warehouse of the same name is situated, known since the flow- er town was laid out as _ Dusty Street. | The re-naming of Dusty Street cuts off a link of Teck Township history that has remained alive only in the name of the little side A SNACKS 3.15 City CHOW SAUCE': 11 Residence Singapore Sliced vor MEE cae ee PINEAPPLE 2°: .23 single r ith bath to th t i ate aie oo Eee Shredded or Desiccated thoroughfare. For, contrary to sumptuous hosekeeping suite equip- the very logical conclusion that ped with linen, silver and china-- COQOCOANUT Ib. 23 is drawn by most people the affording every convenience, lux- id 4 street was not named for the Memphis had a coronation all its own when Richard Leather- ury and attendance. Delightful Welch's a ae condition of its surface during man, plauter and cotton merchant, and Miss Frances Chap- lounge reception rooms--unexcelled G oJ ed. 29 summer months, but called after man, socicty beauty, were crowned "King" and "Queen" a restaurant service--that briefly is rape wice Boe two men who were among the the five-day cotton carnival celebration, They are shown as the distinctive appeal of the Wind- Allen's London founders of this camp. they entered the "royal" coach after landing from their regal sor Arms. ~ ; Cello Ib £ The two Dusty brothers came barge. % CAN DIES Wrapped ee rz Wi BERBER ES ERS RRR RE RR ERR eee FASHION WORLD SEEKS INSPIRATION FROM QUEEN AND DUCHESS ; fuente re [ siti ote Boneless Lean 2 St. Thomas Stree loor at Ba = = CWE ee nae Picnic Shoulders 28c lb. Tel. Ra. 5143-2-3-4 Write tor folder. Maple Leaf Cellophane Wrapped ° aa Picnic Shoulders 22c lb. Special Bargain Boned Rolled Tender EXCURSIONS| | Prime Ribs 29c lb. TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Lean Tender Going Dates: Daily May 21 to 31, 1937 Blade Roast 2Oc lb.. Return Limit: 45 days Approximately Fresh ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only Hams 23c lb. Sleeping Car Privileges Passage Tickets also on sale, good in: yeni leeping cars at approxi Fresh ely 144c per mile, plus regular berth i '| fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars Lake Trout 24c lb. at approximately 114c per mile, plus|" regular seat or berth fare. iii iiiiidd it ROUTES--Tickets' good going via Port No. 1 P s Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chi- t t 1 69 b cago, Il., or Sault Ste Marie, return- N.B. Oo a oes J ag : eS via same Toute and line only. enerous optional routings. + - STOPOVERS---within limit of ticket, New Valeria ORANGES 35c 49c both going and returning--at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and \ ance with tariffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any agent Preserve Now ee Sa shee Eneap ile eee Ps ted De or - - 45c London fashion circles are buzzing with conjecture regarding the influence of Queen Elizabeth over British style trends. When the Duke of Windsor was on the Throne the dominant in- CANADIAN PACIFIC fluence over style trends was controlled by Marina, Duchess of Kent, but now the Queen's : fashions are becoming very much in evidence, and there is every indication that Her Majesty's ae styles will become very popular. Sell It By Advertising !

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