The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 May 1937, p. 8

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Page 8 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1937 lat the Orillia Hospital on Sunday,| pioneers of that section who had For Sale--One Female Dalmatian Sa aaeeant _-------- Browning Street, and was born|bons, both of Cobalt. turn he went back to his farm,| ~--Soaoqyew OF | OBITUARY in Haileybury. For the past year| The funeral was held on Sun-|which he worked until his health F Social and Personal or two he had been a patient in|day afternoon, with the service in| failed him and he was forced to LAKEVIEW 1S > | | the hospital and his death was|the CoP ar aaae Sate, sili to the hospital. The fune- en ae aaa not unexpected. His mother was!}ducte ev. &. Gilmour Smith|ral was held on Monday after- a MISS META BRADSHAW called wien his illness became|and catered in Mount Pleasant|noon, with Captain Guthbest of Mrs. D. E. Sutherland left on Brad-|critical and his father was sum-|Cemetery, Haileybury. the local Salvation Army Corps! Tuesday evening to spend a few es death ot ie vat "nee moned from Kirkland Lake, ---------- conducting the services. Inter-| days with friends in Toronto. Aas 8 a ee oa Re life, where he is employed, both going PETER MARTIN ment was made in the small cem-|[]] Two, F d Five- il ae he: Ridenectedly | in Miser-| With all speed to Orillia. etery in the district near his wo, Four and Five Mr. and Mrs. E. McDonough oes Hospital at midnight on| The funeral was held on Tues-| Peter Martin, a veteran of the| home. | Room SUITES l returned home recently, after Tuesday, May 18th. Although in|/day, with the service conducted| great war and for many years a fl Ready for Occupanc spending the winter in California. poor EAT EHirA deo mouwecks past.|by Rev. J. McInnis, formerly of| resident of this district, died in PUBLIC STENOGRA y i it was only recently that her ill-| New Liskeard, interment being] Misericordia Hospital here on PHER (| MAY 15th f F. W. Thompson, a former]... hecame acute and she went|made in the Orillia Cemetery.|May 14th last, after a lengthy ill- { Haileyburian, was in town from | to the hospital a few days pre-|Surviving are the sorrowing pa-|ness. He had lived on a farm on All Work Guaranteed. Reason- Noranda at the week-end for a] vi, to her death. rents, two small brothers, Billie! the shore of the Montreal River |able Rates. Strictly Confidential. APPLY TO short visit. | Miss Bradshaw was the young-|and Tommy, and one sister, Flo-|three miles above Mowatt's J A L . lest daughter of the late Mr. and|rence. Landing, and was well known in MISS H. ADAMSON . . eg ris ' Miss Evangeline Brunette of) Mrs. R. A. Bradshaw, who were peat seas that area. He was 63 years old, Telephone 155 ------ a Cobalt, was the 'first winner of/among Haileybury's early resi- JOHN MacKENZIE and is survived by his widow and a spring-filled mattress at the C.| dents. She came here as a young two adopted children. : | E. Cain & Son auction sale. | girl and spent the greater part of : : Mr. Martin enlisted in the : | lher life in the community where Another of the old time resi-| 159th Battalion at Haileybury in | L. Doucet, formerly of North she was well known to a large act gi aoe base away a the early stages of the great war ( LASSI THEATRE | Bay, is the new teller at the Bank) circle of pens and acquaint- Ae Tacks. ae and served overseas. On his re- ( )) : 5 hay Oe s : Ma : a | * gf Nowa Scotia ere, replacing ances, Surviving ara to sete Pet come fo tie one famous si = COBALT - ONTARIO | cently. ee both c iy oe a seat a eee a ea 1S] S58 and one brother, Robert, of Sau s S 7s d a | Mrs. J WievelL of Camp-| Ste Marie, Ont. an employee of the Northern On- ic Condensed Ads| re I Sor ie in Hail b P'| The funeral will be held to-jtario Power Company for 20 Pe ce were a aed Sr morrow, Friday, afternoon when| years. In earlier life he had been|g : Se are ay eae 5 + jengaged in the lumbering trade son, A. MacLean, and Mrs. Mac-| Se eee Con er ees had lived in Waubashene, Wanted---Experened Mia 'or LAST BUS to HAILEYBURY 12.00 p.m. from Theatre. Lean, Matas land interment will be made in|Creighton Mines, Chelmsford and ere pom Prac s Complete Show After 9 p.m. ; |Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Biscotaising before coming to SHaley DUE --" ; _BORN--At the Private Pa- ings ae = | Cobalt. For Rent--One six-room apart- tients' Pavilion, Toronto Sonera HARRY G. FISHLEY Mr. MacKenzie was born .at| ment with bath; also the store Hospital, Tuesday, May Ut Gore of Lachaber, in the Ottawa|of the late Mrs. A. J. Coombe. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1037 so ae a WAS. HE pul The death of little Harry Fish-| Valley on the Quebec side of the} Apply to A. J. Coombe, phone May 21st and 22nd MONDAY and TUESDAY (nee Barbara' Slaght) a son. ley, in his 11th year, took place|river, and was the son of early| 234, New Liskeard. 8-lce May 24th and 25th Mrs. R. McGillivray has sone! May 16th, 1937. He was the son|crossed the ocean from their na- to Toronto to be present when] 45 jy. Midnight Show : 5 r red stock. Tel- and Mrs. Frank Fishley.!tive Scotland in a sailing ship. pup; thoroughbred stock. Te j completed on Tuesday, when, a Apply Mr. Kilgour, The J. R.| number of members of the Hail-| SENSATIONAL Watkins Co., 2177 Masson St. | | eybury Club visited the railway tn ncaewcit tas er OPTICAL SALE and |}... 1450 wigne rasp {|For Sle--Buneaw oo Lat bers and will receive its charter Day 145A Night 145B AE Na a ea a ext th. ciecar in eee: EYE CLINIC bath. Priced at one-fifth of 3 COS 9: = | Prizes for the drawing at the cost. Telephone 149; Mrs. A. 1.0.D.E. Street Fair are now on CUT PRICE '4 95 [SS _L. Herbert. | display at the store of Thorpe & NOW sa ° fll For Sale--House, six rooms and Fireworks| Tulloch Limited. First is a wal- Including Examination bath; hardwood floors; garage. For May 24th her daughter, Miss Dorothy, gra-| His wife, who Sinmun him, was ephone 466, New Liskeard. Sunday duates in the nursing proteSsion -- formerly Miss Lydia Hardy, also : 8-lc [Laugh-spiced | at St. Michael's Hospital this In Mepaan jof the Ottawa Valley, and in|Lost--Rectangular shaped wrist jromance.. evening. September last they celebrated} watch, between Hotel Hailey- i | : ae jIn loving memory of our dear daugh-|their golden wedding anniver- bury and Court House. Finder | Six degrees of frost was the| ter, Mrs. Gordon Keech, who died|Sary. There are four sons and} will be rewarded on returning record at the local meteorological! fay 21st, 1933. three daughters. The sons are] witch to The Haileyburian Of- et on the night of Ne 13th.) The month of May brings sad mem-|Lorne and Lester of Kirkland] _ fice. 8-l-c ut there was apparently not ories Lake, Russell of Jordan, Ont. ; much damage done to any crops] Of*one laid to rest. and Clifford at home; the daugh- Don't Forget! Hot Weather will that had come up. She will always be remembered ters are Mrs. Bernard Kelly of| S00? _ be nee Guard eae =a By those who loved her best. Liverpool, N.S., and Mrs. Thos. children's hea th with a "Eri- Among the Haileybury stu-|Some may think we have forgoten Whitbred and Mrs. A. P. Grib- gidaire. For sale at the Roel LUpniie' Ow > Robert A dents arriving home for the} When they see us smile, a Sienpsiese Co. Ltd., D. R. 1 lur serie ae Dem Aipeeis si Jinwle | holidays from university, this) But they little know the heartache 5 | Srey Agent, Haileybury. _8-1c Grier's Orchestra and The Rhythm Rascals | yas ae so pene be Bort hides eee smile. P P i Help Wanted Reliablel man e Avalon Boys + Directed by Gus Meins arke Campbell, from the Uni-|--Sadly missed by Mother and Dad, YH errier wanted between 25 and 50 . yenian 2 Poronto, and Jack Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith of years, to supply established --Added Attraction-- enkins, from Queen's. : ye ay eee OG : d ------ Funeral Director {| cutee wth Famovs Wat ka : a gs. The organization of a new : Permanent. Experience un- } Rotary Club at Englehart was|f} Return Visit to Haileybury Haileybury necessary. Credit furnished. | éé arke Woman' ACTION DRAMA --with-- BETTE DAVIS HUMPHREY BOGART ISABEL JEWELL kkk * On Wednesday evening, May Blackwall St. Every covenience, in- | 26th, at 8 o'clock inthe Cathedral 4: H. Stephenson, R.O. ROCKETS, | cluding basement and furnace; cost - PARAMOUNT NEWS | | nut chest, complete; second, a Reasonable price. Apply J. R.| Williamson, 75 Brewster St. For Sale -- Carr Block, Cobalt; subject to two-year lease. Terms reasonable. Apply to Box 2053, Timmins. 43-tf. ; 2 s Amazing Low prices for silver tea service with tray, and Double Vision Lenses and third a portable electric heater. Frames Complete only $9.75 Tickets may be had from any ks a i 5 ; member of the Chapter. The fair Eye Examination and Fit- will be held on Wednesday, June|f_ ting by a Master Eyesight 16th. Specialist with over 30 years' experience, Give the children a real A COLUMBIA PICTUBE thrill that evening with an assortment of Hall, a Travelogue will be given ROMAN CANDLES, $2,500; sacrifice for $1,000. Apply at ON eS, . Ripe | 3 * . oie 2,500; sa ce for $1,000. Apply a FOX NE y EN} | by Father Pelletier of Rouyn Optometrist and Optician of rience Faileetatian OcorenrG ua Usatier: O WS TOYS TABLE TENNIS showing 12 reels of charming and Toronto, will be at the land, Kirkland Lake, Ont colorful scenes of the Orient of HAILEYBURY HOTEL PIN WHEELS, LAWN LIGHTS, Etc. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 26th and 27th Men! Get Vigor at once! New Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and THAT NIGHT IN PARIS other stimulants. You feel They didn't want like new in every way. If not ee Y o delighted, maker refunds: small to make history--they price paid. Call, write, Cooke's just wanted to Drug Store. 51-t.f. outstanding merit. Among these will be the magnificent pageant Wed. May 26 of the Eucharistic Congress re- , cently held at Manilla. Admis- (One Day Only) sion 35 cents. --Added Attraction--f The high-tension story of an : ace sports writer's crusade ik to clean up a fixed-fight | | ring... and of the girl who | | out-wits and out-socks him! A .W. Sanderson Jeweler and Stationer SS SS SS, This Advt. & worth 50c ona pair of Glasses (Cut it out) The two simple rules (1) ordi- mary courtesy and (2) taking enough time to get, at reasonable |= --- speeds, from place to place, will cut down the number of highway accidents in this Province. make lovel S-cce-@ weer Seo eee be CHURCHES | Funeral of Child is Held ge Nees ' From St. Paul's Church Here Lhe U nited Church Organist--- 2S R. H. Unwin The funeral of William James 1B | ion See Lingstrom, three and a half-year- C ll a.n. erate Worship. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. oe ie Church Scheel G. Orr, formerly of Haileybury p.m.--Evening Worship was held here on Thursday after- ' ; i 4g aS noon last. The little boy had died ale! The Baptist Church F WAGEE SANGER E ROCHELLE MICHAEL in the Sick Children's Hospital following an operati m.--Morni chip. presen BORE iets Seared ee At C. E. CAIN & SON STORE, COBALT Ls ee ee eee HUDSON - WHALEN for appendicitis. Besides the sor- CHARLES JEAN rowing parents, relatives who 7 pm..--Gospel Service. \ BOYERSARTHUR MISE ASSREE on were present for the funeral were pisaiciiE vary Day 2 and 7.38 pow ST. PAUL'S CHURCH DOUGLAS FOWLEY Oe and Mrs. Nelson Bidgood, the former a brother of Mrs. Orr. Rey. a Rin Maines Rectan eee naneni 2 ee HISTORY iS S7 good, 1 the M 3 " DAY SERVICE "] . ahleca are aeeelBideeet, al $10,000 worth of the finest New and Used Furniture going ELEY rere MADE AT NIGHT: Matinees--Mon. and Wed., 4.15 | of whom were at one time resi- for cash to the public. Don't Miss it, folks. It's a chance 10.30: a.m.--Matins and Litany, p.m., Sat. 2.30 p.m. Adults dents of Haileybury. The little of a lifetime! Buy Furniture Now! alternate Sundays. 'with LEO CARRILLO + Colin Clive 32c plus 3c tax. -Mon. and } boy was buried in the old Hail- Tl am--Ist and 3rd Sundays, puted tak Rae Wed, Aduit# 258," blyp .20} esti Cemetery, beside the Holy Communion; 2nd and 4th Aes (CNIS Tee RE | grave of his grandmother, the FREE A nice Prize will be given Sundays, Matins. a ; tae n S, late Mrs. F. C. Bidgood. Away at Each Sale! REE 2.30 p.m.--Sunday Sckool. A le; Students, anytime, 25c Roos _ 7. p.m.--Evening Prayer Monday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. no tax. Holiday Prices at Matinee on Evening Prices: -- Adults 45c, In Memoriam <. E. CAIN & SON The Salvationedapay Monday for Adults. ' plus 5c tax; Children 15c. CARMICHAEL--In loving memory of Sunday Morning Service at 11. j Clifford Carmichael, who passed 36-38 LANG STREET : : 33 COBALT oe eae Serie 7.30. 2 Se away May 23rd, 1936. Tuesday. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Mother, Hugh, Duncan, Kennth| "iis | 687.719 pies, Mesos | Haileyburian Condensed Ads. Will Bring Results

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