The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 Apr 1939, p. 2

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rHE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1935 Page 2 News Notes of the North | l PIONEERS TO SEE ROYALTY fund for similar purposes and it = lis for this reason the extensive At a meeting of the Porcupine campaign is being carried on. It ' Association in their js hoped not only to fully meet the in the Florio hotel, heavy expenses incurred by the Amos fire chief but also to set up a substantial nucleus for a fund lto meet such emergencies in the futuré among firemen of these two districts. -- Kirkland Lake Northern News. ----0O TO GUARD KING AND QUEEN Paragraphs Pertaining to Happenings - of Interest During the Past Week Prospectors club rooms | Spruce street north, on Tuesday | night, it was decided to arrange to take George Bannerman and Harry Preston by airplane to Sudbury next month so that these two 'esteemed discoverers of the Porcupine gold camp may be specially presented to the King and Queen on the occasion of the royal visit to Canada next month. Enlistment of a volunteer force jie f » fact that this 1S; | é z , % "30k ae a of the dis-| 2 1,000 civilians and 500 return- he : ans ald Ride of the ed soldiers to augment the police covery O ms 1 S Porcupine it is felt that the pro- of the district in controlling the orcupine, S E posed action of flying these two!' e ey popular prospectors to meet thé into Sudbury fe oh erste King and Queen at Sudbury 1s a Their Majesties, King George visit of huge expected influx of people} THRILLING NAVY AVIATION Resurrected Refugee PICTURE AT THE EMPIRE Over 700 warbirds filmed in action for the first time, including the 14-ton flying destroyers, pursuit bombers and training planes caught by motion pic- ture cameras zooming in battle mano- euvers, blind flying, power diving. thrilling display of strength in "Wings of the Navy" which plays at the Em- pire on Friday and Saturday this week, with an impressive cast headed by George Brent, Olivia DeHaviland, John Payne and many others. Perhaps the background of the story, which, as the title implies in the naval aviation ser- vice, lends itself more readily than any other arm of national defence to the purpose of thilling drama "Wings of the Navy" emerges as completely compelling production that holds the spectator continually engrossed from the first minute to the last. Added to it is another realistic story of life at a typical college in which youthful mance is interwoven with all thrills of football, "Swing That Cheer" with |Tom Brown, Robert Wilcox, Andy De- vine and Constance Moore. a Risen from the dead, and ready to begin life anew, Dr. Jonas Borak, radiologist, is pictured aboard the S.S. Paris as he arrived in New York. When Hitler "Anschlussed" Austria out of existence, Dr. Borak was taken from his Vienna nome--and later was reported to be among the large number who had committed suicide while in zustody--but he was released. The story is that he saved the life of the wife of a high Nazi official. ro- On Monday and Tuesday, the Empire will play Shirley Temple in her first technicolor film, "The Little Princess.' particilarly appropriate and time- Queen vee IS ie ae sy Porcupine Advance. posed at a STA a ; | Mayor W. J. Laforest and repre-| sentatives of police forces of the} |district, Wednesday afternoon, to} confer with Supt. V. A. M. Kemp 'commanding officer "A" division ly gesture --_--_o------_ JUVENILE DEPREDATIONS Five juveniles confessed to po- to lice officers here _ yesterday soht | X-C M.P., Ottawa, and F. W. Ab Drea wiie ane Gees nee ee ' [bott, O.B.E., former deputy assis- ae on ne FCates entabigite ltant commissioner of the Metro-| Jorthern Ontario Railway siding mer etn eolice, Gatland' Ward on Monday evening iI pene Shortly after the investigation) ~ | got under way, police officials at ae | rounded up a gang of youngsters REAL ESTATE BOOM | and after a number of hours, the ----_ | five youths confessed the crime Don't be one of| The actual theft was very small these days a very profitable gold| and consisted mainly of a broom mine is located onone cf the main| and a pair of meat hooks. Dam- corners of the town. When look-| age to the doors of the box cats ing the post office situation over | provided the largest part of the jt seems that owners of property| [he five youths will ap-'seem to think there is that possi-| Timmins bility when offering lots for sale} surprised if crime. pear in juvenile court. Daily Press for the purpose. What doesn't} LS Ta seem to get across is this: The FLYING CLUB PROGRESSING government have appropriated; |$20,000 for a post office. If a lot Although in operation only 16 sells for $5,000 then the building weeks the Kirkland Flying Club|must be constructed for $15,000. now has 16 students flying solo.|Possibly this is not taken into That means they are 'going up consideration by the property and doing their "stuff in the air,owner, but it certainly IS being withoug an instructor. ' jlooked at from the standpoint of Orgapized only 1@ weeks agoj|the men who have the deciding early# Decembe e club nopyto do.--ChapleausPost. Has echt studee$ and '69 en- ee folled ithe ground school. In! REACHES 99TH BIRTHDAY fact, that is all the club can han- dle now. | = Mrs. The club has two airplanes at had": Jos. Warren of Savard} a pleasant surprise when the} present pad yall as Na a ladies of the Noth Road United | Soon as" the = spring break YP Church W.A. and other friends] comes. The planes now in use Fa 3 i gathered at her home on April 1 are a Taylorcraft and an Aeronca Page eek i to joir it *r in celebrati Chief. The one to be added in a0 JO WV h her in celebr JMS 3 _ her ninety-ninth birthday. A pic- few more weeks will be another 2 ' Meera Chics ' ture was snapped by Mrs. A. Aeronce met. ¢ rr Middleton of Mrs. Warren and Wally Siple the instructor and he is so busy these days that the club really isn't fully organ- ized yet. So far it is just a group It is planned to have an organiz- ation meeting very soon to set up officers and committees.--Kirk- land Lake Northern News. Eig es QUINT OBEYS ORDERS 1S her birthday cake with its ninety- nine candles. Birthday greetings were extended from the W.A. from other friends Mrs Warren thanked them in her quiet manner. The afternoon was spent in singing Mrs. Warren's favorite hymns. Then luncheon was served.-- The Temiskaming | Speaker also Wee Emilie Dionne, the come-} dienne of the famed quintet, caus- ed great laughter in the Dionne nursery this week with a comical display of her new spring finery.| Yvonne, Cecile, Annette, Marie and Emilie were outfitted with new rubber boots, to protect their feet from the melting in their play-yard "Rubber boots are only to wear in water,' impressed Nurses Molly O'Shaughnessy and Louise Corriveau upon their famous little charges. The quints took heed At night, the youngsters were being prepared for their baths, Emilie remembered orders Clad in nothing but her shiny rub- ber boots, she dashed to the tub INFANT WELFARE CONFERENCE In the Northwestern Classroom of the Public School. THURSDAYS, 2 to 4 p.m. snow This Conference is for Infants and pre-schoc! Children I Local Business and | || Professional Cards | as and clambered in. Needless to \ say, when the nurses managed to| °=3== = == cease laughing, the boots were @ F. Tuer KC; removed, and the bath proceeded BA RnicteR oe ecikeimor - . ex " TON. ae | 4 (e Percent fashion.--North| NOTARY PUBLIC peal | hid R Bank of Nova Scotia Buildiny es res HAILEYBURY. ONT PHONE 360 FIREMEN' = EN'S RELIEF FUND } i 4 core oe | - ' A basket picnic, dance and pro-} : Dalton Dean . bably a varied sports program | Barrister, Solicitor and Notary i will he held by firemen and their} Member of the English and - laa friends of. Temiskaming and) Ontario Bars. fs Cochrane districts at Culver Park Jory Block Haileybury, Phone 11 es ' Swastika, on May 24 to wind up} q their campaign to establish an| : +3 emergency relief fund for volun-| Dr. W. R. Somerville ae DENTIST tary firemen. Primarily the fund is being es- tablished to defray the expenses} incurred by Chief St. Germain of} Amos, Que., who suffered a frac- tured neck in a tournament last} year at Noranda. Ittis:' felt by the fighting brigades Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main % Ferguson Haileybury K. M. Stephen, c L.U. Insurance and Real Estate fire | District. Agent, Mutual Life of Canada Macdonald Block various of these two Produced on a more pretentious scale than any previous Temple picture, ad- vance reports have acclaimed this film not only the dimpled star's finest, but She had been suffering from cancer of the 'broat, and Dr. Borak is said te have 'been given his freedom and a passport in gratitude. one of the truly great films of all time. The "The Little Princess' takes place in one of the most colorful of District Ore Shipments story periods in English history, when Vic- toria's long reign was drawing to a close and the Empire was engaged the Boer War. Included in the cast are Richard Green, Anita Louise, Ian Hun ter and Cesar Romero. Added'for your Ore shipments of 439,244 pounds from mines in the Cobalt area during the month of March are reported by the T. & N.O. Rail- way. There were six cars in the list, with the Temiskaming Test- ing Laboratory accounting three of them containing 202,450 in enjoyment, whimsical comedy forms the background for the romantic tor a gay pounds of the total. The O'Brien Story of "The Girl Downstairs" star- shipped one car with 87,400 ring Franciska Gaal, Franchot Tone pounds, J. A. Samuel was the Walter Connolly and Rita Johnston Adventure and excitement in the trackless jungles of the upper Amazon shipper of another, which con- tained 66,134 pounds, and the sixth was from Cobalt Products River highlight Jack Holt's new drama Limited and carried 83,260 "Flight Into Nowhere" which comes pounds. With the exception of on Wednesday and Thursday. The the car shipped by Samuel, which story, briefly, concerns a headstrong went to New York, the ore was irresponsible air pilot who crashes in all destined for. Marmora. South country unexplored American SPECIAL! AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS SPECIAL! "'THINSHELL" SODA CRACKERS SPECIAL! BULK BLACK TEA SPECIAL! ALL KINDS BULK MACARONI SPECIAL! P&G SOAP PEARL SOAP | 7~"=25 HUTTON'S VEAL "en2048:ex 10 McLAREN'S JELLY Powders Pko. OS OLD COLONY MAPLE ie 29 TEXAS PURE io ead) Uh JUICE - 3757. TIGER CATSUP '337.10 KELLOGG'S ALL WHEAT 2* 23 a2 » 39 6 ~ 25 YOUR CHOICE AT 2-Lb. Pkgs. DEPENDABLE IVORY SOAP rye} NORTHERN TISSUE 3 rus .25 "JOLLY GOOD" PREPARED MUSTARD ;==-.10 "JOLLY GOOD" Nut Snack'§ .19 HEALTH SOAP Lifebuoy 3 c= .25 ce eSentrhs, 2 ne 27 DOMINION MEATS | Lamb Fronts .16 |b. ' Lamb Chops .34 bb. | Fresh Pork Legs .23 bb. Tenderloin .35)b. Shoulders .19 bb. Butts -23 bb. Sliced, Lan Bacon .31 |b. Headcheese 21|b..35 Fresh Fillets 2 b..35 districts that there should be a Phone 322 Haileybury NION LIMITED Jacqueline Wells and Dick Purcell are'as the rapid-firé action that is char- the supporting cast. On the same pro-| acteristic of all the tales of which the gram will be shown "Torchy Blane in intrepid girl reporter is the heroine. Chinatown' with Glenda Farrell, Bar-| ------ ton MacLane, Tom Kennedy and Pat-| To show Chicago school children ric Knowles. There is a sinister, Ori- what wheat is like, the Field Museum ental overtone to the happenings in the exhibits more than 100 varieties from latest Torchy adventure, and it has its American fields and ancient grain from quota of spine-chilling horror as well Iraq and Egypt. The flavor of Purity Oats is finer, the color is ! whiter, and the "body" is fuller. It is the breakfase food of thousands of husky boys and girls. Five minutes from pantry shelf to the steaming, delicious dish. Try this grand cereal to-morrow morning. Get it with or without fine chinaware | y premium. Sj ITY GATS -- PUR MADE BY THE MILLERS OF PURITY FLOUR CSS SS 2 3 SSS SSS COMMERCIAL PRINTING n| | | [ Phone | 3 7 SSS] SSS. SSaqqqsx_ Stationery and Ruled Forms Envelopes, Statements, etc. 24 The Haileyburian . » ' a WE ARE SALES AGENTS FOR FIRST IN QUALITY FIRST IN SERVICE Manufactured by les Book & Wax Paper Co. Ltd. | Hamilton - Canada Consolidated Sa A phone call, No. 24, will bring samples, prices THE HAILEYBURIAN PTO e Cee ee. eee cre cc cece Ob woes sok owe aoe eee ee etc oe oe ee eee ee cee eee ee ees A D (to draw) VERTO (toward) ' Perhaps you, also, have been forced to arrive at a rather uncomfortable conclusion from the things you have been seeing and ,the sounds you have been hearing recently .. . - a conclusion that many advertisers do not know--or, know- ing, do not remember--just what that much misused and abused word Advertising means. Our dictionary tells us that Advertising is derived from the Latin, Ad (toward) and Verto (to draw). It means to draw toward. Comes the question: Is it possible to attract the greatest 5 number of buyers toward a specific product by imitation, fl senseless ballhoo, deceit. or quicksand reasoning? Can it be if accomplished by tingling language or by pictures of beauti- 7 ful feminine legs? To draw toward--no mean job. But a job which can be done well, as demonstrated by the scattered few who are doing it. And to do it is not complicated. It requires the certain knowledge of how much benefit the buyers can get from your product. It requires an ability to give people this knowledge in a simple, truthful, interesting manner .... and the courage to keep telling until the stars fall. This screed opens with the word Perhaps. With permission we shall end it the same way. PERHAPS "it might be well for us to remember that the word Advertising does not mean cleverness, trickiness, sex- ology, wit, art, nor self-glorification. It means to draw toward. means to DRAW TOWARD your - it Mr. Local Business Man: If you want to DRAW customers TOWARD your store you should be a regular advertiser in 3 THE HAILEYBURIAN

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