The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 Apr 1939, p. 4

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aes w ea mre a Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 193 thes ; eae a he | 5 ier... , , \ {activities were of a different na-| |) eter eee! Tt is expected that the course will|/the game" and keep up ou? pay- (He HAILEYBURIAN| He'll Tell the World | |tr0)"Wnen the society was re-ll P [the g P jments there is still some hope be open around May 24th. == that an adjustment of the interest Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assn. jorganized in 1936, he said, they |planted 200 trees on the streets Haileybury History 3 {ssued Every Thursday at a cost of $255. In 1937 the re- q Items from the Files of The 4 The town council has decidedjcharges on the housing loans may that issues of direct relief will bejbe secured. From The Haileyburian Office ceipts of the society were $537,| i 5 definitely discontinued on May| The mayor answered several Broadway Street, Haileybury when another 200 trees were! pene a of 15, 10 4) 17th. "questions in regard to commis- LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND |planted and a start made on the! and 5 Years Ago eli ---~-- sion affairs, explaining that a re- PUBLISHERS Memorial Park. Last year, with, = Farmers from the Quebec side|cent sale of one house tor consid- : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: issn Woes Aas | | : In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance; In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance "THE ANNUAL KICK" Mr. W. H. Tuke suggested at the meeting of the Board of Trade on Monday that the "an- nual kick" about the lack of radio reception should again be made receipts of $596, the sum of $303 |had been spent on the park, in {addition to planting another 20C |trees and considerable filling in jof old foundations. Of the whole {600 trees, Mr. Long said, there were only 18 replacements to be |made this year. Elaborate plans jhad been secured for the eventual completion of the Memorial Park jall the officers were working M. S. Boyd, for the past 15| years in charge of the local office| of the Northern Telephone Com-} pany, has severed his connection with the firm and has gone into the men's furnishings business with G. J. Gibbons. A. beautiful silver cup, suitably jengraved, has been donated by D. of Lake Temiskaming are stillJerably less than the amount out- hauling wood across the ice this|standing on the loan was consid- week, and today is April 19th. | ered to be a better deal than for a {the town to retain the property Housing Commission Plan land receive no taxes; and also Discussed From All Angles! giving some information as +o = 'steps that had been taken to col- (Continued from Page 1) |lect loans where it was believed some years past. The govern-jlegal action was justified. Some ment subsidy of a mill and a half|results had been secured by per- had helped considerably, he said |sonal suits when judgments had |faithfully and the society wa : iev i « 7 : sai he srs that be, something cy eee es satis 4 + ob." ral Jemmett to the Haileybury and he believed that if we "play been secured, he said. fo tnespowets: Phat Ber: \"trying to do a good job," the r ence 1 a : that the majority of local people Speaker concluded Curling Club for annual competi aa will agree to whether it will z The actual business of the|"0- ania attain atta tlie ae siti atin ain oie a tie bn oie ain alte an allie ihe allie dinec el bring any results or not. It has Reiue ; ' i 3oard of Trade was concluded frodan Aa an MherenRemonie e ° ee ied for many years now R. K. Carnegie, superintenden haere oe Se ees P 5 5 oday, ¢ a Fr Ss Ss l P pears fe . promises and] of the Canadian Press' Ottawa bure | with the re election of the off open water visible at the upper pecia rices on re€ sulting in some aie s é eau, will be the only newshapemnen jcers and executive committee, alin ibaa WMaardeamiag, iki even investigations, Dut NO 1M~| ¢rom Canada aboard H.M.S. Repulse, ~2 s , which will bring the King aud Queen to Canada in May Mr. Carnegie will sail shortly for Lon- provement. Our own experience is that the reception is getting worse aS! don to join the royal party. |tary had presented the financial) Sina Mada, siae emer of time goes on, that we rarely get report for the past year. The N Sve Wis fs he North Bay Trappers Junior any programs supplied by the thanks of both Board and Rotary tk ey Pi i} Canadian Broadcasting Corpora Late Spring Wiil tion and that we are simply pay sy) 1; Pad £ : |Haileybury. g $2.50 license fee for the urt FOPS tributed to tl rogram and to| ae = . a Sites ahateee a eaten Not H ° C Pp the Hatel maAnapeen ate the| Ten Y: A Warner, Phonola and Philco stations occasionally In Temiskaming splendid dinner provided. | aie eae Ae It has been suggested that if} ie eee Wo ae ee | John Ivanchuk, convicted of i ; : all radio owners in our particular |Agricultural Representative Sees Fro Lanes and Stee |the murder of Inspector Harry Also a quantity of used Radios at zone were to refuse to pay license | | Good Prospects for District some improvement would fees} | This Year inevitably result, but this seems} doubtful Repeated protests to 5; 2 In spite of the fact that spring the radio authorities have failed ; j - Haileybury district jail. has been moving particularly Geka tae Rr : ale) ) 4 : ee 2 iD See: ee their ashes on either lanes or Sie B dd W k S ] but they will be continued. Per-!cjowly this year in Temiskaming, ctreetee acting ie thea ete ' atc cr e Ing (ae peciais haps if we wait long enough, and|¢o mine prospects are re idast : 5 A branch of the League of Na- i et t 7 |farming prospects ate reported aS = months that they must be 3 Suaisee Gee naar Sl C N W. k - kick hard enough, the time will]oooq for the COmiNe Season aC-|) (an avede ie ae coo neaCnmaas eons Society was organized in ommencing ext ee eventually come when we will be|Gordinge to M. F. Cook, District ; So as SOONSS SALAS |Haileybury this week, with Rev. ) co BO, ME $9 sible after the snow melts. given some measure of return tor Agricultural Representative for our fees the Ontario Government at New sightly, but they make it in- fe ee committee of five I iskeard. convenient for. those who a -- THORPE & TULLOCH LIMITED ALL, CONSERVATIONISTS Hay Hens yates mere stae have to drive on the side Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirstine a o Bae a winter In fine shape, Air. COOK streets or lanes. It isa good (for many years residents -of this FURNITU Phe Temiskaming Fish andjsays, and with the long open fall,! time now to do this bit of Mitrict, haveieone toeWalkeien RE DEALERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Game Protective Association had|there was more land plowed than spring cleaning, the chief |(Ont., where they will engage in Phone 31 Ferguson Avenue 219 members last year, and every usual, indicating a bigger acre- one is a conservationist and ajage in grain than tor several game warden in his own way.| years past. There is ample seed The association is doing a fine grain of good quality, with seed- work for the district in providing cleaning plants operating to ca- better sport, better surroundings pacity in the district. for those who go into the great Mr. Cook states that early re- outdoors and in a measure acting ports indicate a good lambing asa fire prevention force as well.\season and poultrymen claim Every citizen can take a hand in there is a larger demand than, if he has the interests ever for day-old chicks through- after it was decided to "accept } P |the minutes of the last annual meeting as read" and the secre- |Club were extended to all who attended, to those who had con- Chief of Police MacGirr asks The Haileyburian to warn those who have dumped The piles are not only un- says, ard it is not his wish to take any legal proceedings in the matter. All he asks isa flittle co-operation. Rotary Stag Provides Plenty of Entertainment There was plenty of entertain- ment provided at the stag party held by the local Rotary Club, on the main body of the ice appears jto be fairly solid. i jhockey team during the past sea- son, is visiting at his home in |Constable at Cochrane ,was sen- |tenced to hang here on June 21. If the sentence is carried out, it |will be the first execution in the |Canon Hincks as president and fruit farming. The Cobalt town council has sent the Haileybury fire brigade ja cheque for $50 in appreciation of their going to the silver town to help fight a blaze»that threat- lened a large portion of the busi- ness section. -------- Five Years Ago ee All 1939 RADIOS Some of the latest models: Stewart- Bargain Prices Haileybury | THEATRE EMPIR «» of the whole community at heart. out the district. Friday night last in the armories. | ' i NEW LISKEARD : c--~-The membership fee is only one While cool weather has _pre- There Was a pretty fair represent-,~ Starting tw weeks earlier er ae _---? dollar and the funds are spent for yailed throughout the district ation of the men of the commun- than usual, Provincial Constable ' 1 the benefit of all. Support of the this month, it is not expected ity present and the games and Herb. Allsopp got his motorcycle association can only result in a that there will be any serious de- better community, attraction for lay in the seeding or any ill ronized during the evening In| patrolling the roads in the Kirk- ' visitors from outside and more effects on general conditions the course of the evening a nice Lake area. --Added Attraction !-- general enjoyment for local peo- among the farming population. lunch was served to all comers} ' ; z : become our strongest arm of defense! (74 ple. Its activities extend over a There is still snow on 2 good deal and everyone who attended ap-} A 1 wentieth Century Liberal SWING wide area and the results from of the farming land, but this will peared to be well satisfied With |Association was formed here this the past few years are clearly to tend to prevent damage to over- be seen winter besides assuring So considerable moisture in the BURNING UP THE FOREST ground to start the growing sea- LEGACY son. Work on the land in Tem- crops, PRES iskaming is not general until thanks for the support given on|Club for 1934, elected a few days "Let the child and the tree grow about the middle of May, in or- this as well as other O&CASIONS ae Om auGy. Hon. President, Hugh GEORGE BRENT with---- up together'. This slogan so 'inary years, so there is still when there has been need of) Park ; President, W. A, O'Flynn OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND often used by friends of conser- time for a good start. Mr, Cook some extra funds. land Vice-President, D. H. Millar. JOHN PAYNE TOM BROWN, vation is given new meaning bya recalled that three years ago, due recent statement made to the to a wet spring, it was June 4th members of the Toronto Rotary before any seeding was possible Club. Ontario's young forests of at the Demonstration Farm. 25 years of age or less extend t A short course in agriculture nearly 30 million acres. i FANE was provided at Englehart for ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR DOES MONDAY - TUESDAY, APRIL 24th and 25th children under 25 years of age ie of the district last w .F | MAKE A TASTIER CAKE ..AND | --Added for your enjoyment number slightly more th; 1,300,- an there was an average attenc =| 4 e i 000. It is the firm Nahe of ance of 20 at the classes. At} THE FAMILY LOVE THE BREAD REET forestry authorities that the im- these sessions lectures were given| gee osar. J BAKE WITH IT 700 PRANEISKAE 4 URRANCHOY Ei) mature riches of Ontario's public by F. Shaver of Brantford, on the owned woodlands represent a 3 ' stake of about 19 acres for each Dominion Seed Inspector at New Ontario youth, and that. the Liskeard, on seed grades; F. C. grown-ups should put an immed- McRae, Agricultural Representa- iate stop to the fire devastation tive at North Bay, demonstration that threatens to nullify the green of soil tests and discussion of fer- inheritance of their children. The tilizers;Geo. Rush of Toronto, on slogan "Let the child and the Vegetable growing, and L. H. tree grow up together" is design- Hanlan, Agricultural Representa- ed to impress the need of forest tive at Matheson, on field crops. protection in the interest of those Also participating in the classes Who expect some day to be wage as T.A. Douglas, superintendent €arners i "of the demonstration farm at While the annual "crop" of New Liskeard. The courses were forest fires is commonly blamed arranged through the co-opera- on the public at large. fire rang- ono Mr. Cook s office and the ers contend that the ecuilty re Englehart Agricultural Society ' - f which Geo. Edwards is presi- eS Mirth! ties represent considerably less ° sho than 10 per cent or those who denis LOW FARES f visit or work in the woods. The piney em Board of Trade and Rotary conquest of forest fires in Onta- Gambier borceeie el andes rio, therefore, becomes a ques- tion of educating and controlling a small minority. In Finland ie Ma = 5ge4 hae with four million, people scatter- Dominion-Provincial Youth Train- ed through almost solid forest ™g Classes. The latter brought country can show a record of al-, 0 «irect revenue, he said, outside most complete freedom from for-;0f What was spent in the town by it the studednts, but the school had 'Continued from Page 1) est fires, véar after year, i nae RR ay tere DUCHESS OF RICHMOND SLENDA FARRELL-BARTON MacLANE-TOM KENNEDY © Feature. Saturdays continuous from Should: not-be: beyond. the intelli-}Beo (Provided Wit, some S00 May 5 + June 3,30 April 28 * May 26+ June 23 Cee aA ee NONE 7 p.m The last Complete Show at gence of Ontario to do likewise. a ee niet a te ann aa Biche Basedon Characters Created ty Freseick Nebel | 815. Matinees Mon., Wed., 4.15 p | ae by se classes riginal Story lurray Leinster and Wi x res b In tt cen i Mayeta, OFF i last ete ie wet bation . ish MONT SHIPS $122.50 up Tourist Class A Firs National Picture «Presented by WARNER BOG m., Saturdays, Holidays, at 2.30. n 1e period May to ctober last, 2 Roars . H inclusive, 33,212 automobiles conveying school teachers were also still on 52) ee A teal . ; 124.459 persons entered Riding Moun- the reduced salary scale, Mr. Reserve early for best space. Get "39% Less Ocean" booklet, ship The Eventi Performance will start at 7.45 p-m., instead of tain National Park in Manitoba. Thirty| Puke said. : plans, reservations from your 7.15, as it is. Patrons are required to attend the Theatre not one states of the American Union, in| Wm. Long told the meeting own agent~ 4 " f addition to the Canadian provinces, that the Horticultural Society were represented. The attendance) Worked hand in hand with the ek *Special Sailing from New York / reached a new record for Riding| Board of Trade for the improve- ai. aot eee Mountain park. ment of the town, although its or Canadian Pacific S hips, 87 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. Pt health of animals; R. Hutrubise. | other amusements were well pat- the event. The proceeds, which were said to be quite satisfactory |first president of the organiza- will be devoted to the Club's com- munity service this summer, and | ae the committee in charge extends | out at the week-end and is now \week with John Bruce, Jr., as the tion. Officers of the Haileybury Golf ' OGILVIE ROYAL H SOLD IN HAILEYBURY BY GRAHAM BROS 'MOTHER WAS RIGHT / ==. «-e MORE LOAVES ' FOR YOUR MONEY, OUSEHOLD FLOUR TO EUROPE The Romance Route via the sheltered St. Lawrence Seaway from Montreal and Québec. 39% Less Ocean! BIG SHIPS EMPRESS OF BRITAIN May 16*+ June 10,24 + July 8 EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA May 27 + June 14, 30+ July 18 DUCHESS OF YORK ~- May 19+ June 16 DUCHESS OF BEDFORD May 12° June 9+ July7 DUCHESS OF ATHOLL FRIDAY - SATURDAY, APRIL 21st and 22nd SEE why the eyes of the fleet have THAT CHEER" Frank McHugh Sohn Litel-Victor Jury: Henry O'Neill Direoted by LLOYD BACON »* Original Soreca Pley by Michaci Feesior *¢ A COSMOPOLITAN PROD'N & WARNSR BROS ANDY DEVINE and CONSTANCE MOORE GAAL: TONE, fl snc "THE GIRL DOWNSTAIRS' Walter Connolly + Reginald Gardin Bahita Johnson. + Reginald Owen, oe APRIL 26th and 27th ---- Added Attraction Murder! y - Mystery! @ A yBleng CHINATOWN TORCHY Evening Performance at 7.{5 Short BLANE Sinhi i L Subjects will be repeated after the "ADVENTURE Ne later than 8.10 to see the complete shows. Saturdays and Mat- inees will run as usual.

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