The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 Apr 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY. APRIL 20th, 193 THE HAILEYBURIAN vage 7 SCHOOL DAYS Contributed by the Pupils of the Haileybury Separate School al = = = Cow and Truck Smashed in cord during the 1938 season of naviga- ELECTED PRESIDENT Str A Highway Accident tion when the movement of freight Sarre, 8 ageregated 12,633,093 tons compared ' with, the previous high record of 11,- _ Manson Taylor, who lives On 8} 747959 in 1937. jfarm a few miles out of New | |Liskeard, lost a cow last week in resiir ene' ty brovmeat| WOMEN WHO SUFFER| SHOPPING LIST Constable Wm. Byrne. He had bvoweantten tro purchased two cows and was mexvousness.weale taking them home tied behind his ness, backache, head- motor car, driving along slowly sia ae aie 7 4 xy } y you wi P ' in order not to weary the animals find Dr. Pierce's Fa- the bathroom, ana the kitchen floor could certainly unduly, when in meeting a truck vorite Prescription : ar 5 driven by Harold Bank of 91 Car- Rereicthl ge Weaee stand a ceat of paint. The children need shoes. The car lysle Ave., Toronto, one of them pote the discom- got frightened and jumped from orts of ithe 'men: behind the car. The truck and EDITORIAL Easter is over and the most import- ant part of the school year is here. Very soon will come the time to test our knowledge. The time for day- dreaming is over and we must get to work if we want these dreams to come true. If we really want to have them come true we will work. When we are The hall needs a nw rug. More towels are needed for will soon need tires. "Well, we buy a hundred new strual period, calms things every year. Mr the nerves, improves = Roy 5 « . ~ ; "5 = = nutrition, stimulates the appetite, and so 4 ~ through our examinations our brains ay foe pore ba sues Mengthens you. Mrs, William Roy, 61 Ferndale Scattered throughout Canada are manufacturers who i od rest and our cramped and the cow died almost instantly ve., St. Catharines, Ont., said: "1 was dread- ide will get a good - ama | Fagen GH OMNGMOT was| {ily weak and suffered so from headaches and make the very things we need. Their products are bodies will be limbered up with the the officer said. No blame Z pains caused by fanctional: disturbances, My ' PPE: z i 2. . =| nerves see: ld b in : ' spa! 3 Reta 3 summer sports. If we are good work- attached) tol thevdniver «Of sGltegimtntea end westenien sie tina tenons on sale in certain stores within easy reach. Certain of vehicle, any action to be taken| Prescription gave me splendid relief from my ers the, reward will be another year civil] eakess and | felt much better in every way." these products, aad certain of these stores, are espe- nearer to jobs and free life. If we do ee: lbeing a matter for the Civil] Buy it from your druggist today. : k 5 - not pass it is one year wasted. This is Dr. G. E. Eakins, of Port Arthur. |Courts, Constable Byrne said. ---- cially fitted to take care of our special need. But which the time to prove all you know and] has been elected president of the R Sass 2) ee products and which stores? Which can we afford, and Ontario College of Physicians ano Canal trafic through the Welland a have learned during the year. Remem- SteOne Re , ah yee ber the summer holidays are not far . Ship Canal established a new high re- mistanueand: willubes enjoyed. more. 6 )y) --<--<--<----<$----$--=--_--_--_--_------------------ = the success we have achieved. --Lawrence Gibbons. which do we think best? We must look to advertising | for advice. Advertising is the straight line between supply and demand. It saves time spent in haphazard shopping. It MOVIES Our next show will be held on'Fri- day ,April 21st at 4. and again at 7.30 p.m. The feature is one of Rin-Tin- Tin's best pictures entitled "The Re- turn of Grey Wolf." The comedy is our old friend "Popeye" in "The Champ." leads you directly to your goal. By reading the adver- tisements. we can determine in advance where the best | values can be found. With the aid of advertising, shopping becomes a simple and pleasant business, and budget figures bring more smiles than frowns --Gisele Cloutier, Social Editor. B SUleT ON ELL CORB OT EDS From the pages of this paper you can make up ae ROOM HOTEL--a5 WITH BATH a shopping list that will save you money! A PICNIC By Juliette Philibert One Sunday in July we decided to go on a picnic. My mother was to drive us out to the picnic grounds. We started at ten o'clock in the morning "Hold it! You've got something there" and-arrived there at eleven o'clock. It " 5 = ! ... it's a Sweet ow took us about ten minutes to find a Sere) Ihave it's a Sweet Cap. good place for our picnic. It was near alake and we could see scarlet berries > hanging around it. We scouted around the woods to find dry sticks and leaves. The woods were SWEET CAPORAL CIGARET T ES glistening as fair and bright as if they had been newly-created. We could hear the birds singing. There were beautiful flowers all over the place. As we had brought our bathing suits along sag Tesh ee yas 3 es aes -- -- we took a swim before dinner. We 4. had races and did all kinds_of tricks in 1] R Non-Plate Engraving It is now possible to secure ENGRAVED INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ETC. without the making of expensive Copper Plates. Prices are only slightly higher than for printing. All the newest style of type are available. We will he pleased to show you samples and quote prices. WRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF --25c RAL OT SL PL ET TE "The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked." the water. After our swim was over we rested on the sand and let the sun shine down upow us. We discovered ] ae _ aboat nearby and went for boat rides. ae " We took dives and' swam after the rice boat. Our friends were delighted with tf the picnic. We left for home at five . o'clock. 'We were all very tired, but also very happy. || ~ Your Dollar sis CANADA NORTHERN POWER EXTENDS SYSTEM IN QUEBEC { In issuing a comparative statement = re 2 - Hi id Renee erin Mike Mpet ante ceasing A DOLLAR BILL will not buy as much as it did a year { > 28 A ' e e ate : | se an aemal maa Lhe Haileyburian gr oP gee Luna MiG cae m greeter makin i -pres Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited, notes in his letter to share- Phone 24 holders that the Quebec Provincial To get the biggest value for your money you must Electricity Board has granted the) --=--------------------- ee S--------s ; company authority for a distribution --= ------[--$--<<<__--$$_£=O_= keep posted on everything you buy. Read the adver- ain aii adie ati ies tin it alien ae ate it lt ltt ltt alta elie _sfha--_sffn afin -bOinsie se aie .sfn-aie.siin.-allas ahi raaioaleniies your dollar s-t-r-e-t-c-h to its utmost buying power. I] system at Pascalis, which will be the) SSS HP --|--S 0 SSS HS SS 5555 most easterly point served by the com- for all the family; improved electrical gadgets that pany, being 96 miles from the inter- | Cookery Parchment make housework easy; radio sets that bring music and tisements in this newspaper and you will know--from day to day--just what to buy and how much to spend. k.v.a. susbstation at Malartic, com- menced last fall, has been completed and placed in service, as well as a five- mile transmission line eastward from East Malartic Mines to the property of Malartic Gold Fields Gross earnings for the 12-month period were $5,187,185.22, compared to a gross of $5,030,013.79 for the previous year. Operating and maintenance fig- } ures are $2,346,785.90 and $2,129,029.91 respectively, leaving the net for the year ending with February of 1939 at $2,840,399.32, compared to the previous A new dress for Her; a new suit for Him; new foods provincial boundary. The new 5,00C y : 2 news from all parts of the world; new cars and new Preserves all Vitamins and Mineral Salts face creams--all are advertised, to help you get full SAVES - Food Values, Fuel, Space, Dish- y value for what you can afford to pay. washing. Make it a regular habit to study the advertisements-- KEEPS - Flavors in Food, Odors out of the H all of them--in order to know how to make every year's net of $2,900,983.88. This is ac- ouse. counted for by the fact that while re- . ; A penny count. ductions 'in rates have lessened the Use the same sheet again and again. f amount derived from power sales, the * increase in the quantity of current utilized has necessitated large power purchases, the general manager states. The United States depends partly or entirely on foreign sources for manga- nese, tin, tungsten, cobalt, chromium The HAILEYBURIAN =----SSS SS SSSI] ----__SSaS=_----SS=== | 25c per Package : vanadium and nickel in its steel. -- od : i REDE REE MUGGS: AND SKEETER a By WALLY BISHOP ' WELL! WELL! MY FRIEND, YOO HAVE FAI // SiR, Tt WARN YOU, STRENGTH |S NOT No! No! Not THAT !! V No' No! HELP!! GREAT STRENGTH TO BE ABLE TO EVERYTHING !! I AM WELL-VESSED IN ' 4g bs j ° Oo; HELP! YOU. WAY THROUGH MAY GATES! BUT I Dr oe Sete Tre oe Nt OTEES ne) ZOO MUST NOT CUT 17 You MUSTNIT II AM NOT ONE TO SE INTIMIDATED BY NEIGHBORHOOD HAVE TAKEN ME MY CURLS !! Go YOULL BREAK Too LUGHTLY...TO THEIR SORROW! .. NOW THAT YOURE HERE, WHAT DO yeu PROPOSE TO DoF SUCH VAIN SHOWS !! YoU ARE ey RODNIEY, "THE RROcK<".. HRB MY MOTHER'S All TATA! Jf 7

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