The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 20 Apr 1939, p. 8

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eee Page 8 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1939 Social a Personal St. Paul's W.A._ will rummage sale on Friday, Don't forget the play in the United Church on Wednesday hold a May 12. and Thursday evenings, April 26) and 27. Mrs. (Dr.) Young of Iroquois Falls, is in Haileybury this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Cottom. Miss Gladys Davis arrived home this week after spending the Eas- ter holidays with her sister, Dor- othy, in Orillia. All local schools resumed on Monday after the Easter tion, with the staffs complete and| a good attendance of pupils. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. N. Bell and Mrs. R. C. Lyon arrived home on Friday last after spending several vaca- | | "TAKES NEW POST. | With the retirement of Lord Perth, British ambassador to Rome, the important Italian post will be filled by Sir Percy Loraine, ABOVE, at present British ambas- sador to Turkey. Sir Percy is ex- pected to assume his new duties in Rome immediately following the departure of Lord Perth. weeks in Florida and other Sou-; DAYLIGHT SAVING IS thern States. The Clover Valley Women'SIn- stitute will hold a dance in the Clover Valley Schvol on Friday evening, April 28th. Admission, 35 cents. 4-2-c Inspector W. H Hiscock of Iro- quois Falls and Mrs. Hiscock were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Cottom here over the past week-end The public is invited to visit the Hobby Fair, held by the Rotary Club for all school pupils, will be open on Saturday, 22nd, in the I.0.0.F. hall. April Mrs. Louis Guertin and daughter, Johanne, are in town this week from Sudbury for a visit with Mrs. Guertin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Levert, Main Street. John White of the Haileybury Assay Office, with Mrs. White and a couple of friends, left on Saturday for a motor trip to Flo- rida. They expected to be away about a month. Aluminum parts of an aero- plane found at the week-end on the shore of Lake Ontario, near Port Dalhousie, were believed to have come from the plane in which Bert Ashley and Jack Nic- hols disappeared in December, 1933, while on a flight from To- ronto to Fort Erie. Entries For Hobby Fair Must Be Made This Evening Intending exhibitors at the Ro- tary Club's annual hobby fair are again reminded that all entries should be made this evening at the 1.0.0.F. hall, with the excep- tion of those in the cooking classes. The latter will be made tomorrow, Friday, from 7 to 9 p m. The hall will be this afternoon from 4 to 6 this evening from 7 to 9, open and On Saturday the exhibition will be open to the public, free of ad- mission charge, from 10 a.m. un- til 6 p.m., when all parents and friends of the school children who take part in the show will made welcome. There have been some fine displays of the work of the school pupils in past years and indications are that the pre- sent show will be no Eecen uO the rule. In Memoriam i | NADEAU--In loving memory ofa dear | husband and father, Emile J. who passed away April 22nd, 1938. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion Of one who thinks of you. --Ever remembered by WIFE AND FAMILY Ph NCCE EA Ad 8 s Weekly Calendar é ¢ Sof Haijleybury Happenings ¢ Been ne dkaaeadacak Tonight--Open. Fri., April 21--Weekly Market day. Sat., April 22--Rotary Hobby Fair: 1.0.0.F. Hall. Mon., April 24--Regular meet- ing of Oddfellows Lodge. Tues., April 25--Regular meet- ing of Rebekah Lodge. Wed., April 26--First showing of "Chintz Cottage" in United Church. Club's which ~ little - be} Nadeau | SEEN AS POSSIBILITY IN DISTRICT CENTRES While no definite steps have been taken on the question of daylight saving here for the com- ing summer months, two public bodies in New Liskeard have gone! on record as being in favor of adopting the scheme, provided it could be made general in the three towns. Whether Haileybury and Cobalt will fall in line re- mains to be seen, as apparently these municipalities have not yet been approached on the subject. The New Liskeard Board of Trade and Kiwanis Clubs are the bodies which favor the measure. They will, it is understood, get in touch with similar organizations in the other towns and the pro- posal will then be placed before the heads of the three municipali- ties. It is several years since there has been daylight saving in this district, but it is evident that there is a substantial number of people who favor it. Of course, there are many opposed as well. The usual objection is the confu- sion resulting from only some sections of the country adopting the plan. If it were made general, throughout the cduntry there) should be less objection. Harry Oakes has presented St. Peter's Anglican Church, Kirk- land Lake, with the land on which} the church and parish hall stand } an area of 200 by 104 feet. TRADE-IN your old watch : for a smart, new BULOVA We will give you a Liberal Allowance Don't let an old timepiece spoil your appearance! Our Trade-in Sale offers an easy, convenient way to obtain a new Bulova! COMMODORE COMMODORE -- An outstanding value; 15 jewels -- . $247 CANADIAN GIRL Round, small, 2 dia- monds, only . $397 LONE EAGLE-- 17 jewels, accurateand dependable . 8975 » A. W. SANDERSON'S Jeweller and Stationer USE YOUR -CRED Mrs. John Bayliss Died at Sault Ste Marie Last Night Mrs. John Bayliss, who for several years past spent a part of her time in Haileybury with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Leishman passed away last night at her home in Sault Ste Marie, Mich.. She was in her 88th year and, al- though in failing health for some time past, her last illness was only of a w eek' s duration. ss, who was former- ly zabeth Lothian, was a native of the Ottawa Valley and was descended from pioneer Un- jited Empire Loyalist families. Many years ago she went to the Michigan city, where her hus- band died in 1906. Surviving are four sons and three daughters. D | -------------------- | TEMISKAMING MUSIC | FESTIVAL RECEIVES TWO HUNDRED ENTRIES Upwards of two hundred en- ltries have already been received |for the Temiskaming Music Fes- 'tival, which is being held on May| /10th and 11th. Although the last {day for the reception of entries has passed, we understand the }committee will still accept any 'late entries if they are forwarded without delay to Mr. Earl Bart- lett of New Liskeard, the secre- tary of the festival. There will probably be 14C voices singing in the massed Choir at the final concert, which will be conducted by Mr. Cam- pion Smith of Toronto, assistant conductor to the famous Mendel- ssohn Choir. Anyone may sing in the massed choir even if they are not affiliated with any organ- ized choir. Practices are being held in the United Church here. every Friday evening at 8.30 and anyone desirous of taking part|5 will be welcome to join with the twenty or thirty people from Haileybury who are learning anc preparing the various numbers The massed choir will sing the well-known Tannhauser march chorus by Wagner, a special ar- rangement of the Volga Boat Song, an anthem "The King Shall Joy in Thy Strength" by R. H. Unwin and the Hallelujah Chorus by Handel. Copies of the music will be available at tne practices which will be under the direction of R. H. Unwin. | Or eerweercwrcc cere cccsccce | CHURCHES ; Oe ee wcrc ccc cee cece etc ccee The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist---Mr. R. H. Unwin Sunday, April 16th 11 am.--Morning worship and Sun- School. The Sacrament of | } | | | | { |day ;Lord's Supper. Eee p.m.--Evening Worship. the The Baptist Church Pastor A. McCreery 11 a.n.--Mormne Worship 2 p.m.--Church School. if 7 pm--Evening Worshis Wed.--Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Fri--Gospel Service, 8 P.m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. R. Haines. Rector Phone 126 SUNDAY SERVICES 1st Sunday--Holy Communion, 1] a.m 3rd and 5th Sundays--Matins 11 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays--Holy Commu- |nion, 8 a.m.; Evensong, 7 p.m. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School The Salvation Armu Capt. S.A. Mundy, Lieut. E.W. Ibbotson 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting Tues.. 4 p.m.--Band of Love Class. Wed., 2.30 p.m--Home league, at the home of Mrs. J. Childs. All wo- men will be given a cordial weldome. Thurs., 4.15 p.m.--Brownie Parade. Fri., 4.15 p.m --Cub Parade. Fri., 7.30 p.m--Youth Group. Young People invited. All i Condensed Ads} [Pers eevee || | osiruary | Oo a MRS. GEORGE DUKELOW Relatives and friends here learned -late. last week of the death of Mrs. George Dukelow, a former resident of MHaileybury, which took place at Menlo Park, California on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Dukelow had been ill for several years and it was for this| reason that she went to the west-)| ern state some 10 years ago with her husband. Mrs. Dukelow, formerly Miss Jane Oliver, was born in Barrie and was a sister of R. J. Oliver of Haileybury, and of the late V. R. Oliver, a well known newspaper- man. A sister, Mrs. Alfred Mor- rison, lives at Elk Lake. Mrs. Dukelow was a daughter of the late Doctor Llewellyn and Mrs. ;Oliver, well known residents of |B 3arrie. She lived for some years in Haileybury, was married in Se Laps s Church here by Canon ., Hincks and had her home jin fl Ik Lake for a year or two be- fore going to California in the summer of 1929. Special Matinees So taae at The Classic Theatre € The Classic Theatre, Co- balt, will present Shirley Temple in "The Little Prin- cess' at special matinees on Saturday, April 22nd. The matinees will be held at 1 p. m. and at 4 p.m. in order that all children may be en- abled to see their favorite screen actress. Regular ma- tinee prices will be charged. SS SSS SS peso For Sale -- 1938 Model D-10 Tudor Dodge Sedan equipped with heavy duty springs and tires. Purchased in August 1938 and driven only 11,000 miles. Apply to Canadian Sullivan Machinery Co. Ltd., Haileybury. 4tf For Sale--1932 De Luxe 4-cylinder Ford Coach. Might consider 1931 Ford Coupe as part payment. For details + write Box 363, Haileybury. 4-tf. For Sale--Seven Room House, Rorke Ave. North. Apply M. B. Glazier 4-3-* Position Wanted -- Experienced Cook desires position immediately. Sleep out. Call at 72 Russell St., Cobalt, or write Box H, Haileyburian. 4-1-* SS a er age ge ee ge ee Notice Re Water Rates: The attention of the' public is again drawn to the policy of the Waterworks Department of the Town of Haileybury, that Water Service will only be sup- plied on payment of rates for the Current Quarter, plus some amount to be applied to arrears of water a rates, where such are still outstanding. The Town Clerk has his instructions authorizing him to deal with each case on its individual merits. EE PO a a Ae a 3 ee | FRIDAY and d SATURDAY APRIL 21st and 22nd RICHARD ANITA 'GREENE - LOUISE IAN HUNTER CESAR ROMERO ARTHUR TREACHER - MARY NASH SYBIL JASON - MILES MANDER A 20tb Century-Fox Picture --Added Attraction-- "Come on Ranger' --with---- ROY ROGERS Special Saturday Matinee at 10 a.m. "CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE" | each child admitted, will receive For they a butten of. The Little 15 lucky tic- ket receive a 10- inch bust of His Majesty King George VI Princess. holders will TOES EN EWES Wanted--Experienced Maid for Genera) Housework. Apply to Mrs. R. D. Cumming, Lake Shore Rd. 4-t.f {Modern Laundry--Phone 33. Try Our Family Wash, 40 pieces for $1.50 | Ladies' dresses and light suits care-| We call for and deliver 4-t.f fully done. | Wanted--Woman or Girl for House- | keeping; whole or part time. En- | quire at Haileyburian Office. x |The New "Minx" Piano, on display at | our store, is specially designed for | apartments or small houses. Excel- |} | lent tone and dainty finish. Robert | Simpson Co. Limited, D. R. Murray | Agent. 2-1-c | |House For Sale--94 Brewster Sia | semi-bungalow; seven rooms, ba ath; | heavy wiring. Apply H. Jemmett | | Vittoria. Ont. 1-4-*| | For Sale--Two Lots on Georgina Ave.} between Albert and Lawlor SURGE Apply to W. S. Bradley. 2-4- al Agents Wanted! Familex Will Crs) You in a profitable business like hundreds of others throughout Can- | ada. No We} train you. commission for| selling 200 Meet all experience required. Liberal guaranteed necessities. competition salesmen, successfully. | Ambitious write for free | catalogue and plan without obligat- | ion. FAMILEX CO. 570 St. Clement. Montreal. Pease, McClary & Gilson - Furnaces of Warm Air Heating and Air Con- ditioning; Repairs to all Makes and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. W. Phone "a Furnaces; Eavetroughing | | | | | stimates Cheerfully Given. J. MacBrayne 48 Opposite United Church After SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MON, TUES., Apa 24th, : 25th TORCHY SOLVES CHINESE PUZZLE iN VELLY, were GOOD PICTURE! FINN WALTER CONNOLLY WILLIAM FRAWLEY REX INGRAM LYNNE CARVER . Metro-Go!dwyn-Mayer ! icture Directed by WILLIAM Bricker « Based on Cha! Original Story by Murray Leins' A First National Picture + Presented by WARNER BROS. "Patient In Room 18" with ANN SHERIDAN TIMES AND PRICES Holiday Matinees, Adults 4c. School Holidays, all matinees | Children, All Matinees, 10c. 4 at 2.30 p.m. Evenings, Children, 15c. i Monday and Wednesday Matinees, Evenings, Adults, 45c. 4.15; Holidays and Sat. 230 p.m. ee S 2e i Mon. and Wed., Adults 25. SUMO SS CIN ERE Sat. Matinee--Adults 30c. Good Sound -- Good Pictures '

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