The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 18 Sep 1941, p. 2

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Page Two THE HAIL EYBURIAN THURSDAY, SEPT. 18th, 1941 News Notes of the North Paragraphs Pertaining to Happenings of Interest During the Past Week KEEP HIGHWAYS OFFICE Shortly after The Speaker went to press last Thursday, word was received from W.G Nixon, M.L. A., who was then in Toronto, that the division engineer's office of the Department of Highways, lo- cated here, but announced as hav- ing been slated for removal to Swastika, was to be retained in New Liskeard. The information came in the form of a five word telegram, which read_ simply "Highway office not being mov- ed."--Temiskaming Speaker. pa ead MOVE HIGHWAYS OFFICE The change-over of Depart ment of Highways headquarters from New Liskeard to the junc- tion of Highways 66 and 11 wi be accomplished as speedily as conditions permit, Reeve R. J. newspaper experience while working for the Sudbury Star. His wife will carry on with the paper during his absence---North Bay Nugget. --o--_ STEAM SHOVELS SCARCE The heavy pressure of wartime construction work has_ placed steam shovels in such great de- mand that the City of Sudbury may have to buy one to carry out creek improvement work. City Engineer William McMullen said at a special council meeting on Thursday. The city engineer recommend- ed the purchase of a 21-ton shovel at a cost of $15,996. He reported that he had been unable to rent j1jone to carry out work on Junc- tion Creek between Elm and Louis Streets. There was little Carter said today. Reeve Carter stated he had been advised by Mr. Walter Hutchinson, Provincial} Government District Engineer of the Department of Highways that the move from New Liskeard to} the Swastika area had not been! stopped as reported recently.-- Kirkland Lake Northern News. poe e FLAG FOR TEXAS There were two outstanding features of the weekly luncheon of the Timmins Kiwanis Club in the Empire Hotel on Monday of this week. The one was the offi- cial visit of the District Governor -- Kiwanis Lieutenant-Governor | Frank Todd of Cobalt. The other was the presentation of a Union Jack to the San Antonig Kiwanis Club, as a token of good- will, friendship and the thought of neighborliness and mutual es- teem Lieut.-Governor Todd made the presentation on behalf of the Timmins Club.--Porcupine Advance. So sal EXAMPLE TO ONTARIO \ Miss Agnes McPhail, who has the distinction of having been the first lady elected to the Canadian House of Commons, and repre- sented South Grey through three| parliaments until the Liber al landslide in the last federal elec- tion when she was defeated, made a trip recently through the new settlements of Temiscamingue and Abitibi and has been giving her impressions in recent days in her own column in the Globe and Mail, to which she is a regular contributor. Miss McPhail finds much to commend in Quebec's "back to the land" movement, which she holds forth as an example to Ontario 11 agriculture is to continue to oc- cupy the place it should in the industrial life of the neighboring province--Rouyn-Noranda Press. Pid Bogie i MORE BEAR STORIES "Fish stories are almost over for the season, but nearly every farmer around Charlton district can talk about the bears they saw this summer. On Sunday morning on their way to Sunday School and church, Mrs. A. Kilbride and Mrs. J. McAuley, Arline McGrath and Alex Dool saw one bear on the side of the road by the powér plant. It was going to cross the road, but when we all met it de- cided to scamper back and swam across the river It gave the church-goers quite a scare, but they continued on their way to worship. In Brentha, Mr. H. Kiehna got up one morning anda bear was lying asleep in the flower bed in his yard. It had killed the; dog. Several bears have been shot, but there are still too many for comfort."--The Temiskaming Speaker. ote. NEWSMAN ENLISTS E. W. Davis, for many years publisher of the Gore Bay Re- corder, one of the best weekly papers in the province, is giving up newspaper work for the dura- tion to serve with the Sault Ste Marie-Sudbury Regiment, now being mobilized as an infantry battalion with the Sixth Division. - Davis enlisted for service in the first great war when he was 15 and served with distinction in the 159th Battalion along with many North Bay men. He secured his noticeable support at the meeting for his proposal and the matter was shelved until regular meet- ing next Monday.--Sudbury Star. CONFEDERATION LIFE SALES UP THIS YEAR Sept. 15--New issued sbusi- ness of Confederation Life was 50 per August, 1941, the same month last year, according te C.D. Devlin, assistant general manager. Buying has Toronto, cent greater in than in risen sharply in recent months. Sales for nine months of 1941 already are seven per cent higher than in the same period of 1940 "There are at least two major rea- sons for this marked increase,' ex- plained Mr. Devlin. "Peak employment at good wages is enabling thousands to catch up on their life insurance needs. Another reason is that citizens, paying Household Hints By MES. MARY MORTON Apple pie, I believe, is tops in desserts with man--if not woman-- kind. Wifey may get a bit tired of making apple pie as mother used to - make it, but she can vary it with Dutch apple cake, which probably hubby will like as well or better. Today's Menu Breaded Veal Steak Lemon Sweet Potatoes €abbage and Carrot Salad Lima Beans Dutch Apple Cake with Cinnamon Cream Tea or Coffee Lemon Sweet Potatoes 6 medium-sized % cp. brown sweet pota- sugar toes 2 tsps. grated % cup melted lemon rind butter Milk 1 tsp. salt Boil potatoes, peel and mash. Season with melted butter, sugar and salt. Add lemon rind enough milk to moisten, and Whip until light. Pile in greased baking dish, and heat just before serving. Dutch Apple Cake with Cinnamon Cream 2 eps. sifted 24 cp. milk flour 3 apples 8 tsps. all-phos- 4 tbsps. melted phate baking butter powder % cp. light % tsp. salt brown sugar 1 tbsp. sugar % tsp. ground 6 tbsps. short cinnamon ening ¥% tsp. ground - 1 egg nutmeg Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together, cut in shorten- ing. Beat egg, add to milk and stir into dry ingredients. Spread in greased baking dish. Peel and core apples, cut into wedge-shaped slices about %-inch thick and place in rows on batter. Pour melted butter over apples and sprinkle with mix- ture of brown sugar and spices, Bake in moderately hot oven (425 deg. F.) 30 to 40 minutes, or until apples are done. Serve hot with cinnamon cream. Cinnamon Cream % cp. whipping 2 tsps. confec- cream tioners' sugar \% tsp. ground cinnamon Whip cream until stiff, add cin- nmamon and sugar, SS | Sal heavy taxes and supporting whole- heartedly Canada's war savings pro- gram, are turning to life inusrance as the most effective method of creating an immediate families." estate to protect t heir MADE IN CANADA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED FALL FAIR SEASON IS UNDER WAY THIS WEEK THREE EVENTS BILLED This is fair season in this part of Temiskaming, with three func- tions of an agricultural nature scheduled for the present week and two school fairs also due to be held at this time. Charlton's annual fair already has been held, having taken place under the aus- pices of the Agricultural Society there on Tuesday and yesterday, and the corresponding fair at Englehart will be under way on Friday and Saturday of this week. Tomorrow, the annual Lamb fair is scheduled for Uno Park and this year arrangements have been made to serve lunch through the women of the United Church there. Today, the pupils of the Highland school are holding their exhibits, and next Wednes- day a similar show is billed for Heaslip school. These are the ming this season, it was stated by! M. F. Cook, Agricultural Repre- sentative, and are not- officially under the auspices of the Provin- cial Department of Agriculture, but are being held under local sponsorship. PRIME MINISTER'S PHOTOS TO PROVIDE SAILORS' CANTEENS Large size mounted photograps of Prime Minister Winston Churchill are being sold in dif- ferent parts of Canada, under the auspices of the "Landseair" Club, to help in raising funds to provide canteens at Halifax for the bene- fit of the un-uniformed sailors of the Merchant Marine ,andanum- ber of these have been sent to Mayor H.E. Cawley for disposal to local people. The pictures are on heavy mounts, about 16 by 20 only school fairs for Temiska- |inches, and have been taken from a recent photograph of the Prime Minister. They sell for 50 cents each and there are no commis- sions on the sale. Mayor Cawley has been asked to look after the sale in each of the three Central Temiskaming towns and a num- ber have beem alotted to each. They sold at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition for one dollar each. Since the start of the war the men of--the Merchant Marine have found the canteens and rest rooms at ocean ports largely oc- cupied by sailors in uniform, who seem to be given the preference, and it is to overcome this condi- tion that the campaign was un- dertaken by the club. It is a worthy cause and the pictures are worth much more than the price asked. Want Ads. Bring Results LET'S TALK VALUE--Picobac has always given full value for the money --it is the pick of Canada's Burley crop. But today its valve is higher because (1) constant scientific research has improved the quality of the crop and (2) advancesin manufacturing methods have, year by year, made Picobac a milder, smoke. cooler, sweeter Try today's still better Picobac-- < "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" HANDY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH ¥)-LB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - 65c . also packe = 15¢ d in Pocket Tins GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO | ll Local Business and | GE inten osc BARRISTER SOLICI7T Ok NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scoua Building HAILEYBURY. ONT PHONE 360 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main % Ferguson Haileybury Your Next Visit to ® TORONTO Try HOTEL WAVERLEY Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College St. Easy Parking Faollitles Convenient to Highways e Rates Dattls > #2 Four to Room, $5. e Close to the Univers! raity, Para aRs Bulldinge, Maple Leaf Gardens, Theatres, a aceplea tt: Retail H the Fashionable Shopping D A.M. POWELL, Paxswarr | 1]. 2S SSS --SS CANAPAR Cookery Parchment Preserves all Vitamins and Mineral Salts SAVES - Food Values, Fuel, Space, Dish- washing. Flavors in Food, Odors out of the House. 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