bm THE i Sage RTA N 35 « ) / THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1942 BORN--At Misericordia Hospital, on Wednesday, August 5th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fyfe, a son. Mrs. H. A. Seymour has been yisit- ing friends and relatives in Toronto for the past few days. Light Rainfall Only Weather Feature Out Of Ordinary = Temperature Just Over Average For July; Longest Breeze | Was From Northwest GOT CIGARETTES FROM /" LOCAL BRIDGE CLUB; / FINDS WORLD SMALL / Norman Sutherland, youngér son of Mrs. D. McNabb of Hailéybury and the late Gervase Suthérland, "thinks this is a small world After all. He is serving overseas vAth the Canadian forces and recenffy, according to a letter received his mother, was handed a parcef of cigarettes from a SAPPER DUPUIS MEETS FRIENDS FROM HOME ON ARRIVAL OVERSEAS an J.| ar- | The Haileyburian has received inteersting letter from Sapper E. "Gandy" Dupuis. who last month rived overseas with a contingent of Canadian troops and who tells of meeting up with several of the Hailey- bury men who had preceded him to Britain. Among the boys from the NEW ACTING CROWN ATTORNEY NOW IN COURT HOUSE OFFICE 'Gi F. Tuer, K.C., recently appointed as Acting Crown Attorney for Temis- kaming, is now ensconced in=his office at the court house and is becoming familiar with the work of the position. Today he is handling the prosecutions at the weekly session of police court in Kirkland Lake, and tomorrow he will have similar duties in Haileybury Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Albert Curts of To- ronto announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Sara, to Mr. | Roger H. Boyer, eldest 'son of Mr. and | Mrs. S. D. Boyer, Haileybury, the marriage to take place quietly on August 8th. y New signs erected on Highway No. Mrs E. Bell of Victoria, B.C., arrived With the éxception of the light rain-| consignment ent by the "Haileybury Bridge Club) to the tobacco and ham- ri 5 peariens| hcme town he mentions Tom Flintoff, police court. Mr. Tuer is carrying on 11 this summer now mark the bound- his regular practice in conjunction with| aty lines of the various townships, in his duties for the Crown. 23 Miss_Eva Caron and_Miss Jeannette in town on Tuesday for a visit with her | son, Dr. L. V. and Mrs. Bell. Mrs. McQuarrie of Vancouver, B.C. is a guest this week at the home of} Mrs. J. W. Morrison, Main Street. a | Mrs. L. Owen of Toronto left for her! home on Monday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. L. V. Bell. Marcella Street. | Sister Agnes (Mary O'Hara) has} been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | John O'Hara for the past couple of} weeks. | | Mrs. Harry Hassett and young son returned to their home in Timmins after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Day. | C€.Q.M.S. Raymond Huard of the Al-| gonquin Regiment is home to spend aj furlough with his mother, Mrs. A.| Huard, Main Street Mrs. Stanley Morrison of Montreat is in town for a visit with her sister- in-law, Mrs. H. F. Strong, and Mr. Strong, Ethel Street | Miss Rae Sutherland of the T. & N. O. Telegraphs was down from Timmins at the week-end for a visit with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. D. E. Sutherland. Mrs. R. T. Trowhill, Mr. and Mrs. J.| Dalton Trowhill and little son, Ronnie, of Timmins, were in town to spend the week-end with Mr. R. T, Trowhill.| Browning Street. | Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Buffan, for merly of Haileybury, are in town this week from Gananoque, Ont., for a holiday visit with Mrs. Buffan's parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross. | Miss A. Cleaver, public health nurse is spending this month on a holiday at her home in Southern Ontario. There will be no infant welfare clinics until she returns in September. Rey. Father Bernard Quinn of Van- couver was in the district recently for a visit with his sister. Miss Patricia| Quinn of Cobalt, and friends in Tim-| mins, Haileybury and Kirkland Lake. ret Proulx left July 3lst for a few weeks holiday, during which they will visit friends and relatives at Timmins, An- sonville and Iroquois Falls. Their friends wish them a happy holiday. Mrs, J. T. returned home on Friday after a visit Leishman and son, Jack, with Mrs. Leishman's sister, Judge Violet Vail, and other members of the family at Sault Ste Marie. Mich., and Richard's Landing and Bruce Mines, Ont. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards, with| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards, Jr., and their small son; Bill, arrived in town from Toronto at the week-end on a holiday visit. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickson. Paddy Brough, with the R.C.A.F. at Aylmer, is home to spend furlough with his mother, Mrs. J. Brough. During his training there he has met with several former Haileybury boys, in- cluding Gerald Bruce, a son of Mr, and| Mrs. Robert Bruce who recently re-| ceived his wings yind last month blew from the south | Tank Corps in | Stahl and the various dishes all appear | | to fall, there was little out of the ordinary] P& fund for overseas soldiers. On in July this' year from the weather|/9P¢ning whe parcel he found a card standpoint, according to the monthly | bearing, the name of Mrs. Wm. Mas- summary prepared by Jas. Reavell at sales, together with a short message the Haileybury meteorological station of god wishes, and he requested that and handed to the district papers this his' thanks be conveyed to her and to week. The total precipitation was 2.98, the club The "smokes" were greatly inches, compared to a normal for July enjoyed, Norman said, and he was truly of 3.40 inches, while the same month|grateful to the home folks for their of 1941 saw a fall of 4.01 inches. §enerosity. The average temperature last month} was recorded as 65.3 degrees, just over in Haileybury and the North Bay area, the normal for the period since 1894 \enlisted at the latter point and has been which stands at 65.2. Last year's aver-|/overseas for a considerable time. Like age was 67.7 degrees. Highest temper-j{all the Canadians. he is looking for- ature last month was 96.8 and the low-j|ward to the day when the war will be est 44 degrees, compared to 90.8 and 44)\over and he can return to his home- respectively for July.of 1941. The re-|and. His father foughtin the last war cord hot day in the district came in|returning to Haileybury at its close, 1921, with 102 degrees, while July oi/ {nd it will be recalled that he lost his Norman, whose boyhood was spent | 1904 saw the lowest recorded temper-j life while assisting in rescue work dur- ature, 35.8 degrees. The greatest daily range last month was 34.1 degrees and} least 4.6 degrees, the summary shows, WEST ROAD RESIDENT NOW The wind records for the month} MECHANIC IN THE RCAF. show a. total of 3,773 miles with ati) average velocity of 54 miles perhour | er ? year of| A. A. Ackerland, whose home is. on Highest, the West Road. near Haileybury, is another recent recruit from the vicini- west, at the rate of 19 miles per hour,! ty for the Royal Caanadian Air For« also He joined up at North Bay as an aer jjhg the big fg of October 4th, 1922. compared to figures for last 3,965. and 5.3 respectively. and the prevailing winds were J from the same direction, but the long-| engine mechanic and has gone to To- est continuous breeze blew from the, Tonto to report for duty. northwest, 34 hours for a total of 290} Sos ah miles. There 107 calm hours, compared to 98 hours in July, 1941. were 1} | William Inch Junior Is i! Latest Air Force Recruit | --Red Cross Notes tharodilnu sc--- The Women's Work Committee have Red Cross Notes William Inch, Jr., eldest son of Sergt.} : n MICS. Wut. (Go Tnchitne thee latest shipped the following consignment of Haileybury boy to join the Royal Can | knitted goods this week to the Ontario aileyb oy to jo yal Can- Brains ars | warehouse: adian Air Force. His father, a veteran| VAtCnOuse: ate REREESISGE iar Genkcenne? wit OaEEne Civilian Knitting--25 pr. ankle socks wee Mens | 65 sweaters. an administrative unit,} aoe see : Service eT OAM) oes eRe ibeeo and Bill Jr. has been training with the| SE VICC 5 Knitting--S0_ pr. air force OP Ea, away sae }socks; 40 aero-caps; 10 steel helmet Algonquin Second Battalion since the] ~s as caps; 20 sleeveless sweaters; 20 sea- He had risen to the eant in the start of the war. c men's sweaters; 20 pr. seamen's socks. rank of ser reserve com a ae aS ao Sa ie Although this is a very fair amount pany, and this summer he had charge ae f act hares 3 : of k x a yeathe < of the cadet corps at the local high|O) ""tng Jor warm weather, ee school. He left on Tuesday evening to little ae half the usualequota, | the report at North Bay and expected to| Knitters having been held up) thrs SE oatton there bitoronte: |month on account of a shortage of | wool. =o No sewing has been shipped for Another Haileybury Boy |some time. There are two emergency Serving With R.C.A.F.! quotas under way, but they are not yet |ready for shipment. Edward Allard, son of Mr. and Mrs.| G. S. Allard. View street, is another| Haileybury boy who has joined up with| Se S53] ]555 the (Royall Ganadtin Air Rerce,) Hela - 2 enlisted at North Bay recently and has [ Condensed Ads been sent to the Manning Pool at To- ronto, according to members of the/G___ o family. Edward will serve in a ground) °=® ERs ae c1ew, it was stated. Two of his broth-| For Rent--House and Apartment.| Wilfrid and Lawrence, are in the forces. ers, Apply to Mrs. J. M. Robb. i4-ti Reserve For Sale--Used Lawn Mower; Cheap for cash, $3.00. D. R. Murray, Phone Blackwall Street. 20-1-c ST: PATRICK'S DAY MENU INTERESTING RELIC OF 1915 | Found--At the Rotary Park, two child- | ren's Coats. Owners may enquire at the Office of The 272, of the year 1915 came to light the other day in the form a St. Patrick's An interesting relic of a menu prepared for Day banquet held in the Attorney; . es Hotel on March 17 of that year. The| Want Ads. Bring Resutis menu was printed by the late Simon TRY OUR WANT ADS Haileyburian x | Phil. Beaudry, Real Forget and Chas.| Anderson, and says he has seen several others whom he knows well. Sapper Dupuis says he had a "lovely") trip across the Atlantic, although he! had been seasick the first day, and was greatly taken with the country where he said everything was beauti- fully green and "simply lovely". He asked to be remembered to all his local friends and expressed a desire to see The Haileyburian "if it would be pos- sible to have one sent." Sapper Dupuis | name had been added to the list of local men who receive copies of the home-town paper. FATHER'S POULTRY PROVIDES CREST FOR PILOT'S PLANE ( The breed of poultry kept by his 'father at home has provided the crest jfor the Spitfire being flown overseas hy Sergt.-Pilot "Pete" Rawson. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rawson of New Liskeard. In a letter home, the young airman told his parents that he had painted a representation of a Hamp- shire red rooster on the machine, and also that he had named it "Cock o' the North. Sergt.-Pilot Rawson is back in Le air again after recovery from in- | juries sustained in a landing mishap | some time ago. INSURANCE | n Every Ir BRIDAL WREATH Diamond Ring This is your safeguard | against loss, damage or theft. at left - - "Betty Ann" "Natalie" (o4:130)¢8i Brilliant, per f fect solitaire in an exqui- site setting. .) 1 | | A. W. SANDERSON JEWELER ANDSTATIONER | the district. |__Mon. Wed. Fri, | Tues. Thurs. Sat. | FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 7th and 8th THE HAPPIEST HIT OF ALLY! Asse anon comic sip cvated by CHIC YOUNG » A alunbia Picary PARAMOUNT NEWS eae "Superman in Volcano" MONDAY, TUESDAY AUGUST 10th antl 11th "Confessions of ic DONALD * EDDY with CHESTER MORRIS and HARRIET HILLIARD Boston Blackie" WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY cal AUGUST 12th and 13th Short "The Voice in Canada" given an Irish flavor,| judging from the titles of the different} have been Rule} There "Home "Kilkenny Shots." "Fennessy's ' "Boiled Murphys" andj "Limerick Turnips" among the list of} tempting viands. The menu was un-| earthed by Jas. Timmins, manager of Hotel Haileybury for some months past courses. Soup," were Prime Bee BUSHMEN WANTED! Abitibi Pow (General Babour 22225 ee tinuous months. GOOD TIMBER GOOD, (Applications from those now FOR THE CAMPS OF Company, Limited IROQUOIS FALLS, BOURKES, SMOOTH ROCK FALLS TIMMINS, STIMSON DIAMOND, LOW BUSH, MACE W ages: A Piece Cutters, 16-foot Pulpwood___-4%c to 10c per piece Board Charge 95c per day $2.10 per day and free board FARES--One way will he allowed those who work 2 con- Both ways will be allowed for those who work 4 continuous months. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS will not be considered) , er & Paper CAMPS GOOD FOOD "Buy War Savings Stamps to help fin- ish Hitler." Reddy Kilowatt employed in War Industries NORTHERN ONTARI "your electric washer 1S A WILLING WORKER... KEEP IT THAT WAYS" "Everybody is talking conservation these days so don't neglect your electric washer. You can keep it in good shape by looking after it carefully -- drain and rinse the tub after each washing. Be sure to give ita thorough cleaning and get all the soap or lint out. Wipe the rolls and frame of the ringer and release pressure on the rolls when not in use. This will save the spring and the rubber. Leave the cover off the tub until it is thoroughly dry. These are little things that will take a little extra time but you will find it worth- while to do them." POWER COMPANY LIMITED KILOWATT SAYS. 2