The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 6 Apr 1944, p. 2

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bd a ve ' ¥ ¥ % - 2 Si oe ae THe HAILEYBUK: AN LEISHMAN & SUTHERLA PUBLISHEKS Issued Every Thursda From The Haileyburian Orth Broadway Street, Haileybur SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance; In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assn Ms 333 Noted in Passing A rather busy season and lack of both space and time have com- bined ta eliminate these luring the past few weeks. Per- nfissed, but the writer enjoys making a little comment now and then of: matters of interest to the community, and this week we would like to congratulate the, Igcal Red Cross on teh success of the Blood Donor Clinic held on Tuesday. The number of volun- teers was the highest of any of the four clinics which have been held, and the number who have altended on three or more occa- sfons now amounts to fifty, all of whom have been given the Red Cross button as a recognition of this service. HAA The small attendance at the afiual meeting of the local Board of Trade. last Friday was very disappointing to those who have heen trying their best to make thins better in the community. Although there had been more Han forty members last year, all at whom were notified of the meeting, and in spite of definite results from the Board's efforts during the year, only a compara- tive few men attended. The lack of interest in the activities of this important organization is bound to be discouraging, and at a time when the community's prospects ate definitely improving, it should he the duty of all good citizens to support any and all steps being taken ta keep up the good work. FI IOI The spring season is coming along slowly, with severe frosts eich night and only moderately §: temperatures during the day ne, One 'would 'have thought hat with the encouraging wea- thera few weeks ago there would have been something in the na- ture of spring activity under way by this time, but it seems we are not done with winter yet. Per- haps it is better thus, and the spring will be all the more en- joyabe when it does come, with less danger of cold weather just when the planting starts, as has heen the case on some previous occasions. HO AOR And with the Sixth Victory Eoan campaign in the offing, the followine little poem written by one J. N. Stephenson and entitled notes || haps they have not been greatly || ote For Today" seems particu- .y appropriate: Their gift is not in golden coin: in higher values must we mea- sure Lives offered up in Freedom's cause While we but lend an earthly treasure. With all we have we must sup- port Our men and women fight, That peace may come again to Earth, And all the right. in this world be ruled by Haileybury History } Items from the Files of The ' Haileyburian of 15,10 and 5 Years Ago 4 Twenty Years Ago The town was suffering from the need of a new hotel 20 years ago this week, according to an item in The Haileyburian, and plans were being made by a com- mittee of the Board of Trade to remedy the defect, with some prospects of success. A few days extension had been given on the ice guessing contest on account of a backward spring; the Horti- cultural Society advised planting of soft maples instead of less hardy ornamental trees; the first butterfly of the season had been reported, although the curling season had just ended; there were hopes that the town could havea eee \/ a Going te Toronto? fp MAKE YOUR HOME HOTEL / WAVERLEY 4 SPADINA AVE. at COLLEGE ST. ry RATES A} Single: es $1.50 - $3.50 bikne WELL- Double: DAY'S CONDUCTED $2.50 - $7.00 #7 SIGHTSEEING CONVENIENTLY- WITHIN LOCATED WALKING HOTEL DISTANCE hee A.M. POWELL The Betish Battleship Duke of York A gew angle study of the 35,000 tons battleship HMS Duke of York ~ TAD uke of York delivered the 'coup de grace' to the German battleship Scharnhorst, and slowe i? ity after the latter had been hit by gunfire from British cruisers d down by three British and Norwegian destroyers baseball team; there had been two fire alarms within a halt hour, and it was reported that a party of engineers and assistants had commenced surveying the right-of-way for the new T. &N. O. branch line into South Lorrain --v Fifteen Years Ago The Haileybury fire brigade went to Cobalt 15 years ago this week to help out with a bad blaze that had broken out on Lang street, it was recorded in these columns. L. W. Coon had report- ed the first robin; Mr. Justice Raney, preisding at the Spring Assizes, had been given the tra- ditional white gloves as there were no criminal cases on the docket; local Oddfellows attend- ed the annual Lodge of Instruc- tion at Englehart; Romley (Rus- ty) Hughes had been named for HAILEY BURIAN the all-star team of the Canadian Pro. Hockey League; and Hailey- bury and New Liskeard war vet- erans were playing a cribbage tournament. Vi Ten Years Ago | The appointment of Crown At- 'torney F. L. Smiley as a judge of Carleton County was announced 10 years ago this week; month of March had heen rather cold with an average temperature of 16.1 degrees; hich school stu- dents travelling on the Nipissing Central Railway had been disco- vered splitting their tickets in two and making each one cover two trips: a contract had been let for rebuilding the dam at the "Foot of the Lake"; E. A. Ed- mords had taken over operation of the Marine Hotel; a branch of the Junior Girl Guides had beer EMPIRE gw" THEATRE Boat New Liskeard FRIDAY and SATURDAY TED LEWIS Is Everybody Happy? APRIL 7th and 8th NAN WYNN in TOM CONWAY The Falcon and the Co-Eds JEAN BROOKS in MONDAY and TUESDAY JAMES CAGNEY Johnny Come Lately APRIL 10th and 11th GRACE GEORGE in WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY OLIVIA DeHAVILAND The Gover APRIL 12th and 13th SONNY TUFTS in nment Girl formed in town, and the T. & N O. Railway advertised a cent-a- nile excursion to Southern On- tario points. V: Five Years Ago Gelas Guignard was on a cyc- ling trip to San Francisco and as reported to have reached orth Bay five years ago this ek Over 20 motorists had THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1944 been summoned to court for fail- ure to secure new licenses before April lst; B C. Murphy, principal ot the separate school, was work- ing on a project to have a radio broadcasting station established in town; local curlers wound up the season with a social evening in the club rooms; the Eastern Star had staged an amusing play entitled "How the Story Grew." RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS we Jo All Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1944, must be ex- changed for new books. Kindly communicate nearest Employment immediately with the and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged yout employees' books. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions for your insured employees and for failure to renew the Insur- ance Books as required. To All Employees: -W% If you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION HON. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour LOUIS J. TROTTIER R. J, TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL Commissioners. @ Yes, son, maybe you engineer. Or maybe you'll change or a farmer. clear. You are growing up morning sunrise. * eee and be a school-teacher, or a lawyer, Whatever you do, one thing is crystal that has a future as brilliant as a will be an What do you see? your mind in a country Oil. Oceans of it. Timber, gold, iron, nickel, copper, asbestos. Land--acres upon acres of fertile land. Cities, towns and villages built round the yastness of an industrial empire that canmakeendlessjobsandendlessthings. ME? I'm gonna be an Engineer! That's the Future for which our young worth saving men are fighting. That's the Future and lending for. That's why you'll buy and hold more and more War Savings Stamps and Certificates, more and more Victory Bonds. That's the way to become a holder in "Canada Unlimited". The map in the illustration is "Canada Unlimited" reproduced by permission of Ake referred share- Look at the map of Canada: Don't just look at the outlines. Look at the surface. Dig into the soil and the rock. Published by is There are things and people and power and space to ouce of "Canada Unlimited", a home where the Four Freedoms of Democracy will flourish. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED British Ministry of Information. A copy in full colour 26" x 18", showing ther oast resources of Canada in minute and legible detail can be obtained free by writing to Map" O'Keefe House, Toronto. i

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