goer BURLAN $ THURS., FEBRUARY 13, 194€ Weather Conditions Hamper Curlers in Big Bonspiel (Continued from Page 1) Sutherland defeated Nightingale Shantz won from Fries TAYLOR TROPHY--5.15 Draw Downing won from Thib Olliver won from James Pipe won from Lane Andrews defeated Craven Riddeli won from Lytle F. Binkley won from Gagne Hyndman won from Lowery LEE TROPHY--8 p.m. Draw Woollings won from Armstrong Millar (Hby) won from White Campbell won from McCullough C. E. Binkley won from Robinson Thompson won from Boyd Budgeon won fromW. Ramsay TAYLOR TROPHY--8 p.m. Draw M. Miller won from Ireland Gauley won from G. Poppleton Warrell won from Fairhurst McKelvie won from Simpkins Grills won from Saxton Caldbick won ftom Sproat Donnelly won from Volume Best defeated Jenson TUESDAY'S RESULTS Hill-Clark-Francis--9 a.m, Draw R. Poppleton defeated Caldbick F. Binkley won from Saxton Harvey won from W. Ramsay McKelvie won from Warrell Fairhurt won from Young Ivill defeated G. Poppleton Sutherland won from McCullough Riddell won from Morissette Sproat won from Countryman Darling defeated Volume Thib won from Simpkins Woollings won from White Gauley won from McKnight Taylor Trophy--9 a.m. Draw Crowe defeated Ross Hill-Clark-Francis--11.30 Draw Irving won from Robinson Perrin defeated Budgeon Lytle won from Carhart Downing won from 'Donnelly Jenson won from Ireland Pipe won from Goddard D. Millar won from Hyndman Francis won from Dales ~ Andrews won from Schnarr Gagne won from McCarthy Best won from James Armstrong defeated Olliver Thompson won from Lowery Grills defeated Boyd Hill-Clark-Francis--3 p.m. Knowles won from Ross Guppy won from Craven Riddell won from Ivill Woollings won from Sproat Crowe defeated Fairhurst Thib defeated Gauley Archer won from Lane Shantz won from C. E. Binkley | Harvey defeated F. Binkley } McKelvie won from Darling Campbell defeated M. Miller Nightingale won from Fries Hudson defeated Brohman Sackrider won from Watson | Lowery Trophy--6 p.m. Draw Caldbick won from McCullough White won from Countryman Simpkins won from McKnight Saxton won from W. Ramsay Warrell won from Young Morissette won from G. Poppleton Hill-Clark-Francis--6 p.m. Draw Francis defeated Pipe Jenson won from Downing Perrin won from Irving Andrews won from Thompson Best defeated Gagne D. Millar won from Grills Sutherland won from R. Poppleton Lytle won from Armstrong Lowery Trophy--8.30 p.m. Draw Dales won from Goddard Donnelly won from Ireland Volume won from Craven Boyd won from Hyndman Schnarr won from Lowery M. Miller defeated Fries Robinson won from Budgeon Carhart won from Oliver James won from McCarthy Hill-Clark-Francis--8.30 p.m. Knowles won from Guppy Archer won from Shantz Nightingale won from Campbell Sackrider won from Hudson WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS Lowery Trophy--9 a.m. - Brohman defeated Watson Ross won from Morissette Simpkins won from White Hill-Clark-Francis--9 a.m. D. Millar won from Jenson Perrin defeated Lytle Francis won from Thib Sutherland won from Harvey McKelvie won from Crowe Andrews won from Best Taylor Trophy--9 a.m. F. Binkley won from Hyndman Imperial Oil Trophy--9 a.m. Fairhurst won from Sproat Dales won from Ivill Irving won from Budgeon LEE TROPHY--9 a.m, Draw Young won from R. J. Poppleton Hill-Clark-Francis--11.45 a.m. Nightingale won from Sackrider Riddell won from Woollings Knowles won from Archer Taylor Trophy--11.45 a.m. M. Miller won from Gauley Caldbick won from Grills Pipe won from Downing Lee Trophy--11.45 Draw Hudson won from McCarthy ; Imperial Oil Trophy--11.45 Lowery won from Volume James won from Ramsay Robiri$0n won from Darling Goddard won from McCullough Guppy won from Boyd Carhart won from Craven > Lowery Trophy--11.45 Warrell won from Saxton Lee Trophy--2.30 p.m. McKnight defeated Brohman Sutherland won from Shantz Campbell won from D. Millar * Taylor Trophy--2.30 p.m. Best won from Donnelly Crow defeated Olliver F. Binkley defeated Irving Imperial Oil Trophy--2.30 Fries won from White Gagne won from Thib Morissette from Armstrong Ireland defeated Jenson Lytle from G. Poppleton Perrin defeated Countryman Lowery Trophy--2.30 p.m. C. E. Binkley defeated Lane Simpkins won from Ross 5.15 p.m. Draw Lee Trophy Sackrider defeated Woollings Knowles won from Watson Schnarr defeated Archer Taylor Trophy Warrell defeated McKelvie Andrews won from Riddell Lowery Trophy Robinson won from Carhart Boyd defeated Volume Imperial Oil Trophy Nightingale won from Harvey Fairhurst defeated Dales Dunbar Shield Young won from McCarthy Goddard defeated Lowery 'Thompson from R. Poppleton Guppy defeated Hudson Sproat won from Gauley 8.00 p.m. Draw Taylor Trophy M. Miller defeated F. Binkley Lowery Trophy . C. E. Binkley won from James Caldbick won from Brohman Imperial Oil Trophy Francis won from Simpkins Ross defeated Ireland Lane won from Saxton Dunbar Shield Armstrong won from Pipe Grills defeated Fries Ivill won from G. Poppleton Olliver defeated McKnight Downing won from Darling Campbell defeated Hyndman Ramsay defeated McCullough Shantz defeated Gagne Prior to the opening draw this | (Thursday) morning only one un- defeated quartet remained, that skipped by G. A. "Scoop" Suther- land from, Kirkland Lake. From present appearances, the finals in most events will be play- ed not alter than Friday evening. KIRKLAND LAKE RINK WINS CONSOLS EVENT HERE AT WEEK-END Tom Ramsay's rink from Kirk- land Lake was the winner of the British Consols event which pre- ceded the T. & N.O. Bonspiel, and which was played at the Hailey- bury curling rink during the past week-end. There were eight rinks in the contest, two from each of the four zones into which the territory was divided, and three draws were play on Satur- day, with the Ramsay rink and one skipped by Um Dales of Iro- quois Falls each emerging with- out a loss. They played the final on Sunday afternoon, with a de- cisive win for the men from the mining town. Rinks from Zone 1 were skip- ped by D. H. Millar, Haileybury and Frank Goddard, Temagami; from Zone 2 came the Ramsay rink and one headed by V. K. Polk of Noranda; Zone 3 had Dr. Dales and Sandie Downie of Kapuskasing, while N. Lett of Pamour and A. Richardson of the McIntyre club represented Zone 4. The Ramsay rink will play off with the N.O.C.A. winners at Copper Cliff next Monday, best- of-three games. N.0.H. A. SCHEDULES CENTRAL GROUP JUVENILE GROUP Feb. 15--Cobalt at Liskeard Feb. 18--Liskeard at Haileybury. Feb. 22--Haileybury at Cobalt INTERMEDIATE Feb. 14--Haileybury at Cobalt Feb. 21--Liskeard at Haileybury. Feb. 25--Cobalt at Liskeard 'Board of ee Notes of the North WANT NEW SLOGAN The executive council of the Trade, meeting on Tuesday night decided that it was time the town had an official slogan or motto, but also decided that its collective ingenuity might not produce the best possible one. With alacrity and unanimity it was agreed that instead of going to any other august body w ith dignity and authority, an appeal should be made to the younger generation. Students of the four town schools will therefore be asked to submit suggestions. prizes being offered for the best three.--Cochrane Post PLAN NEW INDUSTRY Timmins is to have a new in- dustry. to be the only one of its kind be- tween Toronto and Winnipeg, a modern cold storage plant which will include individual lockers and facilities for fur storage, is sche- duled to begin construction in April. Boasting of a directorate which includes such names as E C. Brewer, Wyman W. Irvine, Dr. J. B. McClinton, S. A. Galdbick, K.C. and E. L. Urquhart, the first of these new enterprises is named the Northern Frosted Foods and Cold Storage Ltd. -- Porcupine Advance. HARD ON DOGS Three goats who decided to go out for an afternoon stroll down the main street of Matachewan caused quite a traffic snarl and a lot of excitement Thursday after- noon. Local dogs especially were in- terested in the new-comers and one large dog who came a little too close to one of the goats was quickly dispersed when the crea- ture lowered his head. When he raised it again, the dog was on the end of it. This was enough for dogs and citizens alike and the goats were left strictly alone until they fin- ished their walk--Kirkland Lake Northern News. CLOSE RED CROSS ROOMS The Red Grass rooms here which have been operating since end of the present month, it was decided at a meeting of the ex- ecutive, committee convenors and finance committee members of Time Table Changes Effective Sunday, Feb. 24, 1946 and other specific dates Full information from Agents Canadian National Railways Claimed by its backers} the Society, held in the Like building last Saturday evening The job of winding up the work is under way, but some weeks -| will be required to bring the task to.anend. There are machines to be disposed of and other matter: to receive attention--Temiska- ming Speaker. | Eee oe LOOKS LIKE OIL FIELD As a local mining official re- marked recently, Osisko Lake with a dozen drills now operating through the ice, is taking on Mr. Gillis arrived in Timmins recently at the request of Local No. 241 of the International Mine Mill and Smelter Workers' Union to participate in a membership drive in the Porcupine district. He expects to be in this area for two or three weeks.--Timmins Press. Ese nie NEED NEW HOTEL The Temisaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission is urging the construction of a first- class modern hotel at Temagami "now that the full impact of the post-war tourist traffic is being felt," Col. C. E. Reynolds, chair- man of the commission, told The Nugget today. An investigation is now being made to ascertain whether the hotel may not be built as a pri- vate enterprise, independent of the T. & N.O.'s operations, the the commission chairman said -- North Bay Nugget. Want Ads. Bring Results something of the appearance of an oil field. Looking at it from the right vantage point the der- ticks and the drills at work give some indication of conditions across the entire western Quebec mining belt and all tend to in- crease the promise which _ the| future holds for this great sec-| tion of Canada.--Rouyn-Noranda Press. isi eae UNION SPEARHEAD Once the 40,000 miners in Nor- thern Ontario are organized, this area will become a spearhead of the whole trade union movement across Canada, Clarence Gillis veteran member of the United Mine Workers of America in Glace Bay, N.S., predicted in an interview here yesterday. THE@PICK F TOBACCO < igobac 'The Pick of Tobacco 'Quvrayo the Beit Smoke of The Dity ~ or full information write i412 Prudential House MacDyke Oil and Mining Industries Ltd. Riczone Mining Syndicate Limited Twindyke Mines Limited Operating in RICKARD Township, Temiskaming Mining Area 55 York Street Fundamental Securities Limited TORONTO, 1, Ontario the early days of the late World| War, will be closed not later than | March 9, and if possible by the! NEW LOW PRICES! Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown Newspaper and Magazines 1 Year, Unless Term Shown {] Maclean's (24 issues). $2.75 []Canadian Home Journal... 2.50 {] National Home Monthly .. 2.50 {] Chatelaine . 0] Fan Herald & Weekly i eieeciatboeye ecetlisberaeriooate 2.50 [1 New World (Illustrated).. 2.50 {] *Farmer's Magazine* (4 yrs.) 2.50 [] Liberty 2.90 [] Farmer's Advocate (3 yrs.) 2.50 {] Magazine Digest 3.60 [] Red Book . 4.10 {Free Press Weekly Pr. Farmer 2.50 {] American Girl 3.25 [] Etude (Music Magazine). 3.90 [] Empire Digest ~ {] True Story [] Parent's Magazine {] Christian Herald [] Silver Screen... 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