The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 16 May 1946, p. 6

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THE. AILEY BURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1 194¢ : Local and Personal Mrs. Geo. Schneider left on Sunday for a visit with friends and relatives in Montreal and Ot- tawa. Miss L. Chenier, formerly 01 Haileybury, has been in town for a few days' visit with local friends. Mrs. Annie Allen returned home this week after spending a month with her daughter, Mrs.Van Ness in Presquile, Maine. Hamilton Howell, a forme: resident of Haileybury, has been in town from North Bay this week for a visit with friends. Mrs. M. Valentine is in Mont- real this week for a visit with her daughter, Lily, and to wel- come her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Valentine, arriving from overseas. Mr. and Mrs Edmond Robert former Haileyburians who have lived for several years past in Rouyn, were in town at the week-end. They plan to return in the near future and make their home here. Guests from Haileybury whc attended the Saunders-Summers wedding in Toronto on Thursday last were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W Sanderson, Mrs.. W. A. Gordon Miss Ruth Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Harrison and Miss Norma Harrison. for the second annual Sale, sponsored by the Women's Association of Hailey- bury United Church. Sale to be held Saturday, June 1, at 2. p.m. in the store formerly occupied by T. Tulloch & Co. Limited, on Fer- Watch Auction guson avenue. Cyril Marcella, formerly of Haileybury and mere recently overseas with the Canadian forces visited his sisters, Mrs.. John Renaud, Mrs. Jas. Blair and Miss Ciare Marcella here at the week- end. He had just received his discharge and was returning to Kirkland Lake. Late Dini) "McGillis Was Old Timer of Cobat Camp Dan McGillis, one of the old- timers of the Cobalt camp, died last week at his home in Port Hope, Ont., according to word reaching local friends. He had been in hospital in Toronto, go- ing home a short time before his death. Mr. McGillis was at one time mill superintendent at the Keeley mine in South Lorrain, and he had gone to Port Hope to take charge 4 of the refinery previous to its es- tablishment. He had continued as superintendent until his health R failed. He is survived by i Soe widow, the former Marie La- course, well known in Haileybury as a telegraph operator for the T. & N.O. Railway, and a family of young chidren. In Memoriam In loving memory of a little son and brother, Arthur Harold Nelson, whc passed away May 11, 1926 Somewhere back of the sunset Where loveliness never dies, He lives in the land of Glory, ~ 'Mid the blue and gold of the skies Some day we hope to meet again, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in a better land, Never to part again. --Ever remembered by Mother, Dad Brothers Verner and Arnolc e In loving memory of our husband anc father, John W. Childs, who passec away one year ago, May 19, 1945. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget; But so far has only proven How much we miss you yet; God gave us strength to bear the blow But what it meant to lose you so No one will ever know. You were taken without warning, Your going left hearts filled with pain But though you're gone from among us in our thoughts you will always remain And we will meet in the better land. --Ever remembered by WIFE and DAUGHTER CHILDS--In loving memory of a dear uncle, Private John Childs, VGOC ' who died May 19, 1945. However long our lives may last, WI hatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief be outss We will always think of y GOLDIE ae ERIC CHILDS--In loving memory of Pri- vate John Childs, VGOC, who died May 19, 1945. Thereis a mother who misses you sadly And finds the time long since you went And I think of you daily and hourly, But try tobe brave and content. But the tears that I shed are in silence And I breathe a sigh of regret, For you were mine and I remember Though all the world forget. MOTHER WEDDING BELLS vvvY powevevvuv. roe pocuuee LAFLEUR--BEAUDRY Holy Cross church here was the set- ting for a pretty spring wedding yes- terday morning, May 15, 1946, when Miss Margaret Cecile Beaudry, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beaudry oi Haileybury, became the bride of Mr Ralph O. Lafleur, son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Lafleur of Latchford. The ceremony was performed by Rev Father Pinsonnault, parish priest, in the presence of immediate relatives and friends of the young couple, whc are well known and popular in the district. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a wedding gown of white slipper satin, with bro- cade about the neck, a gathered veil and a string of pearls. Her bouquet was of red roses. Her bridesmaid was Miss Mae Belland, who was gowned in pink net, with a shoulder length veil also of pink net, and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Mr. Ralph Brazeau supported the bridegroom During the ceremony Miss Cecile Bar- rette sang Ave Maria. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home oi the bride's parents, for relatives and immediate friends, and in the evening a reception was held at the home of the groom's parents in Latchford, where < large number of guests gathered tc extend their best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Lafleur will make their home in Temagami for the present Mr. Lafleur being on the staff of the Forestry Department. The following wedding announcements wee published in the Toronto papers at the week-end. Both brides are for- mer Haileybury girls and have friends in the community: SAUNDERS--SUMMERS Eaton Memorial Church was the setting for an interesting cere- mony on Thursday evening, when Rev. Dr. David A. McLennan officiated at the marriage of Dorothy Elizabeth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sum- mers, to Mr. Stewart Saunders, son oi Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Saunders. Mr. T. J. Crawford was at the organ, and Jeanne Pengelly was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a graceful gown of white satin, made with tight bodice and gath- ered skirt sweeping into circular train. Miss Helen Summers, maid of honor for her sister; Miss Ruth Gordon of Haileybury and Miss Lola Robb were gowned in soft green crepe, with small matching hats encircled with tiny spring flowers. They carried yellow cascade bouquets. Mr. Peter Saunders was groomsman for his brother, and the ushers were Mr. George Edwards Mr. Edward Milton, Mr. Jack Browne and M. Donald Lush. After the reception at the home of the bride's parents, the couple left ona Timothy SS Se | Condensed Ads) For Eee hing = hee mG ing baby carriage, Hoover vacuum cleaner. Phone 38. 9-1-c For Sale--Canoe and Rowboat. Apply 9-1-* Phone 179. For Sale--Good Live Minnows. Victor Gravel, Elliott street. Phone 234. Plants For Sale--New varieties of Snapdragons, Petunias, etc., anc Vegetables of all kinds. Grown in the district by A. Groom, Mileage 104--right on the highway. 9-4-* Wanted--Two Girls for kitchen help Must be steady. Apply at Hote. Haileybury. 8-t.f For Sale--A number of used curtains good as new; various sizes. Apply tc John A. MacKinnon, Blackwall St. 8-t.f Wanted--Male Principal, Protestant for North Cobalt Public School; one with manual training qualifications also teacher for Moore's Cove school Duties to commence in September. Applicants state salary expected. Ap- ply to Mrs. Janet Page, secretary North Cobalt, Ont. 7-1-c Painters, Paperhangers--Contract or day work. Returned service men Phone 67, Haileybury. Please book your orders early. 7-tf For Sale--Hand Wringer and Tub Stand, in good condition. Phone 282 wedding trip, and will live in Torontc on their return. WILEY--BYRNE Rey. Father Oliver in Holy Rosary Church, officiated at the marriage of Norah Elizabeth Byrne, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs, John J. Byrne, and Doug- las Lowe Wiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Wiley, London, Ont. The bride, given in marriage by her father. wore a gown of embroidered bengal- ine fashioned with portrait neckline and full chapel train. A Mary, Queen of Scots, headdress caught her veil of Irish lace. She carried a bouquet of cream roses and white spring flowers. Miss Dorothy Byrne, maid of honor, Miss Margaret Klersy and Miss Sheila Erenhous, bridesmaids, were gowned in clover pink marquissette, with Mary Queen of Scots, headdresses. They carried nosegays of spring flowers. The groomsman was Arthur Wiley, Jr. At the reception, the bride's mother re- ceived in dove gray crepe gown with fuschia accessories with a spring cor- sage, assisted by the groom's mother in pale blue crepe with navy accessor- ies and a corsage of pink and blue spring flowers. The bride chose, for travelling to New York, a honey toned suit with lynx trim and brown access- ories. The couple will reside in Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Godfroy of Ramore reached the 72nd an- niversary of their wedding last week and both are in good health. Mr. Godfroy is 88 and his wife a year older. The Department of Highways plans to try out a natural wind- break to replace the present snow fences, planting trees along the west side of the road for four miles north,of New Liskeard. Dr. J. A. McInnis, first physi- cian in the Porcupine mining area died in a Toronto hospital on Sat- urday last, aged 65 years. COMPLETE COVERAGE -- Baseball, Races, Markets Get THE DAILY DETROIT TIMES SUNRISE SPECIAL for box scores race results, entries, selections, mar- kets,, 20 Nationally Noted Columnists, Two Full Comic Pages, Three Picture Pages, and much more to interest you. Get THE DAILY DETROIT TIMES SUNRISE SPECIAL early every weekday morning. Local Police Had Busy Week With Variety of Crimes (Continued from Page 1) able to return to the Academy. The bullet had evidently been fired from in front of the victim Constable Hitchen said. Owner of the car which dis- appeared on. Friday evening is Alphonse Allard, a driver for the MclIsaac Transportation. Com- pany.. He had left it at the bus terminal on Rorke avenue, in charge of Walter Stevens, and al- though it was not there when Mr. Allard finished his last run of the night, he merely thought Mr. © Stevens had not brought it back. However, the next morning it was realized that it had been stolen and both local and provin- cial police were notified. The car was found on Saturday night at West Cobalt, where it had got caught in a pile ot lumber an~™ been abandoned. Provincial con- stable S. Berard, who made the discovéry, said it was damaged and was_driven home under its own power, but there was no clue to the identity of the person who had taken it. Chief Watson said this week that there had been another at- tempt at a break-in, which had not been successful. This was at the nurses' residence just west of the hospital, where someone was seen trying to enter the building late at night. The police were notified,-but the would-be burg- lar had made off before they could reach the scene. not badly Perec cceccceccc cccccsc coc ® i OBITUARY } °e W. J. TAYLOR Funeral services will be held at Kirk- land Lake on Saturday afternoon for W. J. Taylor, formerly of Noranda and well known mining engineer, who died suddenly at his home in Portsmouth, Virginia, on Monday. Mr. Taylor, 44 years of age, was a brother-in-law of Mrs. W. J. Bulger of Haileybury anda brother of Mrs. Jessie McDonald ot Kirkland Lake. He was a member of the Masonic Order. MRS. GEORGE HOGARTH Mrs. George Hogarth, a resident oi Cobalt for the past five years, died ir Misericordia Hospital here on Satur- day last, after an illness of'some three weeks. She was in her 75th year anc a native of England, who came to Can- ada in 1912. With her husbnd lived at Uno Park until 1941. funeral was held yesterday at Liskeard. she The New MRS. C. CLARK Funeral services will be held at the Strand Theatre Sn eta MONA and MONDAY May 17th and 20th Frontier Gal Talk About A Lady Paramount News Monday. Short : "PEEKOOLYAR. SITUATION" tporenee Desire' &. 2x Haleybury WEDNESDAY : MAY 22nd Saratoga Trunk Mermaid Paradise STRAND -- Mon., Wed., Fri EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard Mon. to Sat. doors open at 6.30 p.m. bills; on double bills complete show starts at 8.15 p.m. Saturdays and Holidays: Matinees at 2.00 p.m. show at 7 and 9 on single Last Showing Tonight "GUEST IN THE HOUSE" | FRI, SAT. RALPH BELLAMY Lost--Saturday afternoon, April 6th 9.00x20 12-ply Seiberling tire, on rim on highway near Latchford. Finder please notify Box A, The Haileybyr- ian. 5-tf. Wanted to Rent--House, Furnished or unfurnished. Apply to L. Gough General Delivery, or phone 166. Set Wanted--Light housekeeping flat or apartment; two or three rooms; couple, no children. L. Gough, Gen- eral Delivery, Haileybury, or phone 166. 3-tf. Wanted--Maid for General Housework middle-aged preferred; two adults in family; good wages paid. Apply to Mrs. A.J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 51-t.f A treat for your feet! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt re- lief. 50c at all druggists. ie Grey hair handicaps you. Use Ange- lique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at all druggists. 7 Secon BRENDA JOYCE DOUBLE BILL Delightful'!y Dangerous Strange Confession MAY 17th and 18th CONSTANCE MOORE al al 4 LON CHANEY First Offer $200.00 FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE Second Offer $165.00 MONDAY -- TUESDAY Starring ROBERT ALDA. JOAN LESLIE in Cinderella Jones Added--Cartoon and Track and Field Quiz. MAY 20th and 21st News. Added March to Time WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Laura Starring DANA ANDREWS and GENE TIERNEY MAY 22nd and 23rd and Color Cartoon Tulloch Chapel here tomorrow, Friday for the late Mrs. C. Clark who passed away at her home in Bucke township, just south of Haileybury, on Tuesday, May 14. She had been resident there for some years past, anc had been ill for a considerable period She is survived by her husband, who operates a market garden and fruit farm in the township. afternoon, VULCANIZING SAVE YOUR TIRES _ By our up-to-date System. Prompt Service having them Vulcanized by All Work Guaranteed G. Hargrave STEWART'S GARAGE Main and Rorke 3 c : Haileybury Enjoy Your... Sunday Dinner In the Din:ng Room of Hotel Haileybury 12 to 1.30 p.m. 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. Phone Your Reservations Early! Listen in to C}KL on SATURDAY Evenings at 7.30 "SONGS TO REMEMBER" CLASSIC THEATRE SeoRBAt 2OoneeaAante® EgV Ee Rt YeeNt G Had SATURDAY ONLY MAY 18tb UNIVERSAL presents YVONNE DE CAREY ROD cE | FESSIER- _ PAGANO \. Production with ANDY DEVINE FUZZY KNIGHT SHELDON LEONARD ANDREW TOMBES. i and BEVERLY SIMMONS ." THE BAND OF THE YEAR 3 (says everybody) % IN THE MERRIEST MUSICAL ROMANCE OF THE YEAR! wo HINX FALKENBURG.- FORREST TUCKER - JOE BESSER STAN KENTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA "Peekoolyar Situation' Fox Mews MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 20th and 21st "GARY COOPER wan INGRID BERGMAN xs ms curo IN _EDNA FERBER'S - 'SARATOGA TRUNK | with FLORA ROBSON HAL B. WALLIS proown- oirecteo y SAM WOOD WARNERS Hotwwoop + POPULAR PRICES Mefriaid Paradize: WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY MAY 22nd and 23rd The Bride Wore Boots With BARBARA STANWYCK and ROBERT CUMMINGS Night Editor with William GARGAN, Janis CARTER, Jeff DONNELL "RADIO BUGS"

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