The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 3 Apr 1947, p. 2

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Page Two THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1947 THE HAILEYBURIAN Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance; In U.S.--$2.50 per year in advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso 3353227 33 | Noted in in Passing | bsaeee eeirs2: lt 1s disappointing, even it not unexpected, to learn through a Toronto paper this week that efforts to develop the lignite de- posits north ot Cochrane t) 4 stage when the product couid be used to advantage are to be dis- continued. Over a long pet riod reports of work done were en- couraging and it appeared that the province would in time have a fuel supply within its own bor- ders. v the/Minister of Mines has definitely announced efforts have proved futile and that the million anda quarter dollars spent on the project is a total loss. Lhere will be no more false hopes raised, we trust, for it has proved 1 bitter disappointment to the whole North Country. It is hint ed in some quarters that the pro ject 1s badly handled from the tart. This is perhaps true, but vherr it was first mooted it ap- peared to give promise ind those responsible may be forgiven fot their optimism however costly it has proved pee We are glad to be able to saya complimentary word or two to the local motorists during this season of wet streets and soit now. They appear in general to be observing that "care and courtesy we used to hear so inuch about, to a greater extent than in former years and thete 1s little splashing of pedestrians, in pite of the fact that the major- y of sidewalks in the commiuni- ty are still blocked by drifts and one must vy all on the road Vays Taxi drivers seem to be especially careful, although usually in-a hurry, and slow down when passing close to persons walking on the wet streets. Of course there are. exceptions and motor- {sts sometimes fail to observe the common decencies of life, but on the whole there appears to be a cenuine desire on the part of the drivers to avoid discomfort to pedestrians as much as possible ees e&e8 The biggest April Fool joke of the day for Haileybury people came as they arose on Juesday morning and found that thcy were entirely without electricity in their homes. Many houses and buildings were also without heat, thcir automatic systems depend ing on electric power for steaily operation. The condition con- tinued throughout most of the forenoon in spite of the best ef- forts gf Hydro employees to get the necessary repairs, and re- placements made. However, it's an ill wind that blows nobody good and town workmen, who have been struggling for a week to get the streets cleared since the big storm got an unexpected helping hand when the Hydro of- ficials took measures to open a road to the sub-station on Rorke avenue north which was_ still blocked with heavy drifts. They had to plow out a roadway to get in heavy transformers to replace the damaged ones. That was one section the municipal workers did not have to open up anyway. aeeER And speaking of the big storm. There are tales still being told that help to prove it was unpre- cedented. One we heard this week related the story of a large truck with acanvas top that had been parked in front of a home in a section where the storm struck exceptionally heavily. The vehicle was entirely covered and the children were playing around on snow right over it. The owner became alarmed, both over pos- sible danger to the children and damage to the truck covering, and saeat ocnamieranlen time re- moving some of the snow in order that the truck could be seen. WIAA IA We were not unduly shocked over the death of King George of Greece, reported over the radio on Tuesday, but we were surpris- ed when the announcer said that His Majesty had been in a "com- ma" for some time prior to his death. The majority of us are perhaps too careless in our use of the English language, but we do think those who make their liv- ing by talking over the air waves should learn the proper pronun- ciation of words which are in common use before they qualify for the job. Those of us who make use of the printed word have one advantage over broad- casters. As Jong as we are rea- sonably sure of our definitions and spelling, we do not have to worry about how the words sound when spoken Sewing Machine Store Now Open at Cobalt The Sewing Machine Company has opened a store in Cobalt, with E. P. McDonald formerly of Sault Ste Marie, in charge, and is offering a complete ervice to the ladies of Temiska- ming. classes will be opened and enrolment is invited and instruction in the use of the machines will be given. All re- pairs will be taken care of and, while the machines 'are still in hort supply, it is expected that conditions will show an early im- provement, Singer Sewing BEGAN AS SINGER Canadian radio's best known "emcees" is Cy Mack, who may be Monday as narrator interviewer on "Canadian Cavalcade,' broadcast over the CBC Trans-Canada nework at 8.00 p-m. Cy Mack stared in radio asa singer in 1930; he has since been active in almost evry phase of ra- dio entertainment. WILLIAM C. INCH Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Res. Phone 386, Haileybury Office Phone 20, Cobalt Moore-Gibson Block COBALT One of heard every and TO TORONTO 3 tripe each way every day LEAVE NORTH BAY 10am. 4.30p.m. 11.30 p.m (Standard Time) SINGLE RETURN $7.00 rox inctudes) $12.60 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY , Phone 101-2-3 GRAY COACH LINES the world's daily newspaper-- the best-informed perso: new view pints 4 AST news--PLUS hel THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. You will ind vourestt one of ins in yout ent you read this Rarlawite daily rage ry Wa will r 'ou richer nevapaney regulary of today's Sat on h ee music, tion, business, radio, sports, Subscribe now to this special "get- acquainted" offer --I month for aa | 4¢O. 8, tunis) 8) The Christian Science poole na Foecal One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mass., S.A. Enclosed is $1, for which please send me The Christien bl. science Monitor for one month. PB-S THE HAILEYBURIAN 2 ~ ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE Under the Mining Tax Act NOTICE! LANDS TO BE FORFEITED FOR ARREARS OF TAXES UNDER THE MINING TAX ACT Pursuant to the provisions of The Mining Tax Act (Chap. 28, R.S.O. 1937, and Amendments), the following list is published of mining locations, mining claims, and mining rights in respect to which taxes imposed by the said Act are more than two years in default, and notice is hereby given that, unless the amount due as shown on the said list shall have been paid on or before September 8th, 1947, the property in respect of which the taxes so remain un- paid shall, on the day following the above date, become forfeited to and vested in the Crown. » The lands to be forfeited are given in the judicial districts in which they are situated. Owners of the property thus advertised are advised that there is a statutory charge incurred if payment is delayed beyond May 12th, 1947. Communications regarding this matter should be addressed to A. R. Crozier, Mine Assessor, Department of Mines, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Toronto, Ontario, February 2lst, 1947. TIMISKAMING DISTRICT "H.C. RICKABY, Benoit Township Area Amount ee (acres) Due N.W. % of Nu (L-4286), Lot 2, Con. 1-------------- 40° $12.48 S.W. % of N. % (L-4287), Lot Zz, ae Non ae eee 40 12.48 Bucke Township Mining ents N.E. part of S.4%4 (N.E.%4), Lot 7, Con. 367.09 Mindy: hight N. 30 acres of N.W. % of S. Y2, Lot 4, Con. 1 30 13.66 Mining "Rights, Ss. Ac acres of N.W. 4 of S. % ? Lot 14, Con. 10 6.54 Mining Regs, part SW. % of N. 7%, Lot . 14, Con. 33 22.84 Mining Rites, N.W. % of N. % Lot 2, Con, 5----_-__ 40 300.08 Mining Rights, S.W. % of S. 34, Lot 2, Con. 6-----__- 40 = 300.08 Burt urt Township S.5..% of N: 34; Lot LaGengA-=_- 222s see 39.25 9.69 S.W. % of N. %, Lot 1, Con. 4 So20) AS, S.E# part of N. part Rotg@iGon> 4----"=2--=2as "=e ae= 40 10.04 Coleman Township Part Lot 21, Con. 2 32.9 730:35 S.E. part, Lot 21, Con. 2 BSI rs 2\05 5) Mining Rights, part of town lots 44 and 45, and part of street allowance adjoining east of Lot 44, as shown on Plan M-47, Cobalt ------------__ 40. 52.24 Catharine Township S.E. % of N. %, Lot 8 Con. 3 40.5 712.51 S.W. % of N. %, Lot 8, Con. 3 40.5 12.61 S.E. part of N. part, Lot 9, Con. 3 39.9 12.47 N.E. % of N. %, Lot 6, Con. 4 40 9.82 N.W. % of N. %, Lot 6, Con. 4. 40 9.82 S.E. % of N. %, Lot 6, Con. 4. 40 9.82 S.W..%4. of N. A 8Lot 6, Comme. -_ ae ee. 40 9.82 N.E. % of S. %, Lot 6, "Con, 40 12.48 N.W. % or S. ¥4, Lot 6 Con: aig ey ah N.E. % of S. %, Lot 7, Con. 4-- 39.875 12.47 N.W. % of S. ¥%, Lot Z Con. 4 39.875 12.47 S.E. % of S. Y%, Lot 7, Con. 4. 39.875 12.47 S.W.% of S. 4, Lot 7, Con. 4 39.875 12.47 Eby Township N.E. % of N. ¥%, L.9840), Lot of ay (A ae 37.125 9.34 N.W. % of N. % (L.9839), Lot 12, Con. -4_ 2 VA VA IRE N.E. % of S. % (7.17045), Lot 11, "Con, 5. --- 40.125 9.84 N.W. % of S. % (L.194.63), Lot il, Con. 5. - 40.125 9.84 S.E. % of ae 2 (L.17043), Lot 11, Con. 5.-- -- 40.125 9.84 S.W. % of S. % (L.17042), Lot 11, Gon. 5__ -- 40.125 9.84 S.E.% ae Za (L.13769), Lot 12, Conse a 37.29"° <9135 N.W-% of S. 72 1.8803), Lot 4, Gorton = ES 40.375 10.47 Harris Township Z Mining Rights, S.E. % of S. %, Lot 5, Con. 6.-------- 39.625 398.49 Mining Rights, S.W.% of S.%4, Lot 5, (Coytige a 39.625 398.49 Mining Rights, N. 34, Lot 7, Con. 6----------------- 154.5 147.54 Lorrain Township f N.W. % of N. %, Lot 8, Con. 1 40 12.56 S.E. part of S.E. % of N. 4, Lot 4, Con. 2 (part of S.E. of Gillies Limit boundary) (10683) -------- Sel 5.38 Part (T.19966)), Lot 5, Con. 2 5 7.80 Part of N. part (1068244), Lotpycone2eson=5 See ee eee Mibsys S.E. part of N. part (1 9), Tae GAT Coan 7 age el 40 12.48 S.E. part of S. Part, Lot 8, Con. 2. 35 23.18 Maisonville Township S.E. part of N: part, Lot 10; Con@ie===e 4 7.80 S.E. part of N. part, Lot 12, Con. 3 12.01 N.W. % of N. %, Lot 4, Con. 5 9.85, S.W. i of N. %, Lot 4, Con. 5 9.85 N.W. % of S. %, Lot 4, Con. 5 9.85 S.W. % of S. ¥2, Lot 4, Con. 5 9.85 N.W. % of S. 4, Lot 4, Con. 5_ 9.85 S.W. % of S. %, Lot 4, Con. 5 9.85 N.E. part Pee N. part and Land under Wolf Lake, Lot 5, Con-i52- 39.875 9.81 N.W. part x N. eae and land under Wolf Lake, Lot 5, Con. 39.875 9.81 S.E. part of N. Men Lot 5, Con. 5. 39.875 9.81 S.W. part oe N. ne pers and land under Wolf Lake, Lot 5, Co 39.875 9.81 N.E. part of S$. part, Lot 5, Con. 5 39.875 9.81 S.E. part of S. part, Lot 5, Con. 5. 33.875 8.79 N.W. % of N. %, Lot 4, Con. 6 39.625 9.76 S.W. % of N. ¥%, Lot 4, Con. 6 39.625 9.76 N.W. % of S. %, Lot 4, Con. 6. 39.625, 9.76 S.W. %4 of S. 4, Lot 4, Con. 6 39.625 9.76 N.E. part of N. part, Lot 5, Con. 6. 39.6 O73 S.E. part of S. part, Lot 5, Con. 6 36.625 9.24 S.W. part of S. part and 'land under Wolf Lake, Lot 5, Con. 6- 39.625 9.75 - Otto To: : S.E. part of N. part, Lot 10, Con. 6 40.4 26.30 . Skead- Township ~ N.W. part of N. part and Island "C' (L.6719), Lot 6, Con. 3 9 4.70 Cadbove Township 2 N.F. % 01 N ¥, Lot 2; Con. 2 34.75. 50.48 16081, Bernhardt Twp. BZ 0.27, A. 15, Gillies Limit 20.1 6.42 C. 1205, Gillies Limit 17.7 6.04 H.R. 521, (7.12348), South Lorrain ~---------------- 15.4: 6.29 H. R. 580, Maisonville Twp. 40 12.48 H. R. 581, Maisonville Twp. 37 11,77 H. R. 582, Maisonville Twp. 40 12.48 H. S. 1172, South Lorrain Twp. 35 35.66 H. S. 1173, South Lorrain Twp. PARA. VEY BG; Mining Rights, pale TIRep ose eS 40 9.92 aS. 134 (L.8798) Gauthier Twp. --------------------- 419 10.15 L. 348, Gauthier Twp. 36 9.14 L. 349, Gauthier Twp. - 34.75 891 L. 350, Gauthier Twp. 378 9.45 Deputy Minister of Mines. tp ee i t SU pocrer OW ercrneerreerrreecrrperreecr © ecerreeceereste rene tere peeece) 14789, 15686, 15687, 15688, 15894, 15895, 16512, > 16545, 16546, 18745, 18746, 18747, 18748, 18749, 21529, 21530, 21531, 21830, 21831, . 21832, 21333, . 23564, 23593, 230. 2, Katrine Twp. 23657, . 2308, Area Amount (acres) Due 351, Gauthier Twp. ----- 40 9.82 1479) ebel@Dwp: tsa ee 29.66 10.03 1480, Lebel Twp. - ae 35.4 11.39 1785 Bernhardt Twp. ------__ 35 23.14 2418, Morrissette Twp. 7.5 7.80 2545; incl: 1-0. 791, Bernhardt iwps2s-- ose eeee 34.5 20.39 2617, Morrissette Twp. 24.2 16.95 4171, Boston Twp. Bet 12.21 4172, Boston Twp. - aes ul 4.88 4173, Boston Twp. 39 9.65 4952, Bernhardt Twp. 46.4 14.00 5076, Boston Twp. 49.4 14.85" 5102, Boston Twp. ----- 42.2 26.03 5103, McElroy Twp. - 37.7. 11.96 5106, Boston Twp. ----- 17.8 722 2121, Boston Twp. ----=--- 22.3 6.81 5229, Morrissette Twp. 9.96 7.80 6094, Bernhardt Twp. ---- 14.6 6.45 7507, Boston' Twp. =-=-~- a 38.8 12.20 7732, Gauthier Twp. 41.67 10.11 7859, Lebel Twp. - S125 = Ly. 7914, Gauthier Twp. - 43 10.34 8595, Boston Twp. ---- 45 13.60 8793, Gauthier Twp. -_ 44.9 10.67 8794, Gauthier Twp. 41 10.02 8795 Gauthier Twp. --_ 41.3 10.05 . 8796, Gauthier Twp. 41 10.00 _ C7 au titiers een As PS UES eee 65.45 18.51 9430, Gauthier Twp. ---_=____ 32.4 8.52 9611, Gauthier Twp. 44.5 10.59 9698, Gauthier Twp. 424 10.23 10796, neler 0906, Katrine lwp, ase enenoe ons 24 8.69 10797, incl. 10907, Katrine Cfo ee i ne are 18.2 7.31 10798, Bettrnin® Aiwp. 2. ooo 15.6 6.70 10799, Katrine .8 7.93 108U0, Katrine i 5.61 10814, Katrine * : 14.47 10S ow eatrine wp. 222-53" 31.4 10.45 lUste;inel: i... 10910, Katrine: Twp. ---22sc2--s5e2 62 17.95 10907, Arnold Wp. S2 scence ee ee 8.28 10908, Katrine' Dy ps os Ee 22.27 LOOT eATuOI, Diwp: 2-228 ma i 13.44 LOS TAT HOld il Wipe. oe Ao Mune nun oar eee 4 19.57 10916, Arnold Twp. ' 19.22 10917, Arnold Twp. ----- 50.2. 21.74 10918, Arnold Twp. meer to) 20.67 10975; Katrine Twp. ---=-- ney 53.5 39.60 11787, Gatuhier Twp. i 6.96 11788, Gauthier Twp. ---_-- 18.53 12099; Hearst Twp. n--- 38.9 9.64 12198, Gauthier Twp. 12.8 5.18 14296) incl.12-@: 1557; Arnold Twp, 22-2 2ess ee 37.2> 17.63 14788, Arnold Twp. -------- js . Atnold iiwps ase Katrine: lwp. 35" Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. part, Katrine Tw Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrise Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. Katrine Twp. (L.32092), Grenfell Twp. part, Katrine Twp. Katrinbe wp, ess toe part, Katrine Twp. L, 20611, part, Bernhardt Twp . 2/948, incl, LO. 10352, Grenfell Twp. 2-=-22-2--_- L. 29068, McVittiec Twp. --- = L. 29069, incl. L.O. 10623, Mc Vittie Twp \ [es ZOURD VO VAtiTe al Wp. = so es Oa K Ze OLU NICE Dy aclanpy, me eee ee Cae oe B Ex 72010 OMicVattie mt wp jes = , L, 29811,-McVittie Twp. 2. ---_ i L. 30884, McVittie Twp. ---__-___ i L. 30976, Gauthier Twp. _- . L. 30977, Gauthier Twp. , L, 30978, Gauthier Twp. NF L. 31010, McElroy Twp. ~---- ' O10 LICE trove w pp ace iP ne a ed . L. 31012, McElroy Twp. -- \ SIO, Galitienmlayps -- ee te oe eee . L. 31159, Gauthier Twp. i L. 31361, McVittie Twp. " Ter B2OUS/ NCEA OV AW Dm na = ee tee. 3 ein i ¥ L. 34547, incl. L.O. 10732, McElroy, aliwip:s-2 ai mnomeae 53.22 12.07 L, 34548, incl: L-O. 10733, McElroy Twp. ---_---/___" > 31.54 838 L. 34549 (L.O. 10734), McElroy SUWiDS --- gp aee ste 36.36 9.20 L, 34550, incl. LO. 10735, McElroy Twp: --22__.2- >) 36.36 9.20 L, 34551, (L.O. 10737), McElroy Twp. ---___-.-..___ 34.12 8.82 le 34552, incl 1, 10736; McElroy. lwp) 225 2a 37.35 9.37 L. 34570, McElroy Twp. 39:47. 9.73 L. 34571 McElroy Twp. -- 37.27 9:36 L. 34572, McElroy Twp. --- 19.36 6.23 Eodo/ se cbroyeiwps see sen 7 5 I 8.87 4.70 L. 34574, McElroy Twp. ~-__-__ 17.99 6.07 L. 34575, incl. L.O. 10731, McElroy Twp: 222 aaa 21.77, 672 L. 34576, incl. L.O. 10730, Wkel abe S 7 Ais 42.23 10.19 L. 34577, incl. L.O. IZ Miciilroy: wpe sess nese 23.35 6.98 L. 40106, (L. 31090), Gauthier AL wp. 283 Ee aT ae 36.75 9.26 L. S. 9, McVittie Wp. peal 37.81 11.96 L. S..10, McVittie Twp. 30 10.12 eS 48, (21596) SGanthier wp, sesee une nin 61.9 13.56 164 Sco iee aie (Gert eres tw px <a em 48.8 11.32 ibe oss 50, Gauthier Twp. _ 2 50 11.52 ib), 51, Gauthier Twp. 58.8 13.08 L. S. 87, Gauthier Twp. 2657705) 1 S:312; incl, L.0. 1342, Lebel and Gauthier Twps.___ 44.1 13.24 L. S. 141, incl. LO. 1312, dgehel sew pga: se ai aaa 426 13.10 L. S. 452, Lebel Twp. ae 413 12.81- Ee S. 453; ebell Lwp) == 469 14.12 L. S. 455, Lebel Twp. - 21337 | 41.08 Tepes sO mie bele lwp see a a2 272, 9.48 IS: 457, bebeltinwp, a 22< m347- <fA4 R.S.C. 70, South Lorrain Twp 5.4 7.80 T. 18332, Cairo Twp. 87 7.80 T. 19224, Gillies Limit 21 6.59 T. 19225, Gillies Limit ____ 18.75 6.19 T. 19243, Gillies Limit 20 6.41 T. 19249, Gillies Limit 198 6.38 T.. 19270, Gillies Limit _________ 5 201-- 6.17 ats 19453, South Lorrain Twp. _ 36.5 14.74 T. 19595, Gillies Limit 212 6.62 T. 19619, South Lorrain Twp. 43.75 13.37 W. R. 96, McElroy Twp. 36 9.14 W. R. 97, McElroy Twp. 158 29.94 1

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