[ a THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1947 Enter Local Team THREE STEAMBOATS THE HAILEYBURIAN "ese © well attendd and evryone report- bury club will send an equally that we will be able toget on with new players out for this event. i ee eae - in large delegation to Noranda for the regular matches very soon _-- TIED UP TOGETHER AT ed a very enjoyable time. Ali in se g ) gu y Os, 5 all, it was a very successful affair. the return match later in the sea- A playing schedule of the ladies The first qualifying round of In Softball League LOCAL LAKE FRONT The balance of the season's SON. In the keenly contested section will be mailed to all the the Tuer wba pees on Tues- dances, with the exception of the. matches on Suday, Haileybury playing members early next week day, June 17. This is 18 holes of But No Games Yet Public Schaal Grounds Being Graded But Wet Weather Retards Work While Haileybury has entereda team in the district softball asso- ciation, no organization has been attempted so far, owing chiefly to the fact that there is no ground available for playing. The public school grounds where games have been played for years past, are in the course of being levelled up and graded, but the weather this spring has prevented the work being completed. However, according to W. E. 5 Tops in Columnists for Your Maltby, who handles the local or- the tug Bonnyville, and a steam : Amusement FIREPLACE FURNACE FLOOR TILES OIL BURNERS ganization, hopes are held that barge eg ats Pot cater _ Looking for laughs? Read Pe ersratHome ae ae GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZERS before so very long the grounds Si Water LOADER", by comical Arthur 'Bugs' vag -- Re Rea nareo er SeMmlG Her ca atin ieae Lo medathercrattto.comesniehtitpe pac. lit pictorial (Review) arith thisnl sea tte ee C LAWN MOWERS tee in charge will finish the grad- almost to ne Sipre) oe they tied Sunday's (June 15) issue of The Detroit as kia of beng PHONE YOUR ORDER IN ing at the first opportunity, the up in a row between the old gov- Sunday Times You'lll find many saree esl a sore cob softball club will undertake to put 2 ee pene ack ae male amusing features by such newspaper "priya CALE 42 the ground into, condition for Pt ding: Ik any Toca! residents stars as Mark Hellinger, Westbrook TWEED STEEL WORKS ~ play, Mr. Maltby said yesterday. took a walk down to the water- pegter, George Dixon and other head- LIMITED @age'? 9, TWEED, ONT. In the meantime, the following front to have a look at the boats. jiners in Pictorial Review with this outline of the league activities __ = Pian Publi Sunday's Detroit Sunday Times. comes from The Temiskaming The Department of Public 2 = Speaker, New, Liskeard: "New Liskeard will definitely field an intermediate team in the Northland Fastball Association this year. The Liskeardites will ba grouped in the northern sec- tion with Englehart, Haileybury and Cobalt. Temagami, Latch- ford, Bear Island and Goward * will have entries in the southern section. "The two top teams in each section will play off and the win- ners of each section will : then tiffs. The action arose over in- compete to decide the group juries sustained by Mrs. Cole ina LEAVE NORTH BAY champion. This must all be set- motor accident at Temagami last 10am. 4.30 p.m. 11.30 p.m. 1877 as 70 YEA RS OF SER\ | CE ce 19 A7 tled by August 30 to leave time for further competition in Onta- rio playdowns. The opening games are due to take place next Sunday. Complete schedule will be approved by the league executive this week. The schedule which has been drawn up pending final approval, allots Sunday afternoons for Cobalt's home «games, and Sunday even- ings will belong to Haileybury. New Liskeard's entertaining will be done Wednestay evenings. Charles Smith of Cobalt is pre- sident of the group executive and P. Grozelle of Haileybury is sec.- treas. Jack Dyte is convenor of the committee, whose other mem- bers are W. Chatwin of New Lis- keard, George Kosack of Engle- hart, George Bradley of Latch- ford and L. McAnulty of Goward. Each team manager is also an ex- officio member of the executive." A hearty welcome was extend- ed at Ottawa to President Tru- man on his arrival in the Domin- ion Capital for a visit, accompa- nied by Mrs. Truman and _ their daughter. .All Canadians join in good wishes to the head of our nearest neighbor nation. Haileybury has had the some- what unusual experience, during recent years at least, of seeing three lake steamers tied up at the waterfront at one time this week. In the old days this would not have caused any comment, but for a long period there has been only the odd call made by the boats. All three which have been in port are owned by the Canadian International Paper Company, and have been engaged in gather- ing in the stray timber that has escaped from the booms of the company in the journey down the lake to the mill at Temiskaming, Que. The steamers are the Wa- bis, which has been a familiar sight on the lake for many years; Works at Ottawa states that the dam at the foot of the lake has been wide open since the start of the spring freshet, and the peak flow has been 119,700 cubic feet per second, highest ever recorded. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cole of Marion, Ohio, were awarded $5,209 damages in their suit against J. W. Fletcher of New Liskeard, heard at North Bay last week. * Wm C. Inch, Hailey- bury solicitor, represented plain- July. 1S] SSS] SS ; Golf Club Notes ; --S----SSS._------------_SSS5 No cards were turned in for the first round of the Captains' event played on Saturday, June 7, so it is obvious wet weather detract- ed from the enthusiasm usually displayed in this event. Get your cards in, folks. You might quali- fy with a net 100. Yesterday was the final date for play in the first round of this event. mer season held at the club house on Friday evening last was very WILLIAM C. INCH Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Res. Phone 386, Haileybury Office Phone 20, Cobalt Moore-Gibson Block COBALT naa closing dance, will fall on Satur- day evenings with the first of these scheduled for Saturday evening, June 21. The Saturday evening dances will be held every other Saturday. : Th Haileybury club played host to the Neranda Mines Golf Club on Sunday, June 8, when we had sixteen visitors here from Noran- da. The Noranda boys are to be congratulated on the fine repre- sentation they sent here, particu- larly in view of the wet weather we have been having for some time, and it is hoped the Hailey- came out on top to the tune of Six points and we plan to try to hold this margin when we visit Noranada and thus be able to bring back the Canadian Sullivan cup back to Haileybury. 'Pea 'will be served as usual on Wednesday, June 18, with Mrs. R. D, Cumming, Mrs. W. E. Holm- gren, Mrs. McIsaac and Miss Jane Cumming as hostesses. Inclement weather and a very wet course has held up the play- ing schedule for the early part of the season, but it is to be hoped BY BUS-- pr a1 © NOR TORONTO 3 trips cach way euery day (Daylight Time) SINGLE RETURN $7.00 crax inctudea) $12.60 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY Phone 101-2-3 GRAY COACH LINES Friday, June 13 will see the first round of the President's cup get under way. This competition is for players with handicaps of over 36, so let's see some of our medal play with all players eli- gible. This card will also be used as a. regular CLGU day score for the under 36-handicap players, or for any players who wish to get a registered CLGU handicap, P.-F. Hardware & Electric VENETIAN BLINDS VACUUM CLEANING OF CELLARS, FURNACES AND CHIMNEYS FLOOR SANDING Varnishes: Paints Enamels -Wax INSIDE AND OUTSIDE -- for sale by -- HAILEYBURY LUMBER CO. LTD. 1-47 ONTARIO?S progress and prosperity are directly dependent on her ability to produce goods in sufficient volume to meet domestic needs and To keep production lines moving requires thousands of vehicles, powered by gasoline and diesel engines... and the demands of world markets. LEARNING MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR POO e seer ees sees ee eeeeeeeeees CESSES SeSEsessseees DIESEL MECHANICS ee HANDS AT WORK... GL The Diesel Course offers exceptional oppor- tunity for the average experienced motor mechanic. Shop work, with a combination of theory, covers all phases of operation, and is designed to giye the student all essentials for proper diesel engine maintenance. Course available at Hamilton only. these vehicles must be maintained in first-class condition. Skilled main- tenance men and operators are needed to keep a smooth and increasing flow of raw materials moving to industry ... to move workers to their jobs . . . to speed produce to market. For those who master such skilled occupations higher wages, job security and better working conditions are within easier reach. Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the needs of motor vehicle trades and other industrial needs of the province. Graduates of these rehabilitation courses are now ready to take their ince in Ontario's industry. Available to you are veterans, HH AILEYBURY GAR AGE well started on the road to skilled motor trades such as motor mechanics, 2 service management, service station operation, diesel mechanics and Che Vvro Ss CG craftsm ence. They are your future - \ BE AN A-B-C DRIVER -- AM4uways Be Cugul 3 Sean See eerecececcccsescccccoseseny Vocational training courses in the arts, professions and trades are offered at training centres located_ in the following cities and towns in Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton, 4 Kitchener, Windsor, Ft. William, Brockville, North Bay, Ottawa. Soceserorcoesomessecscccceseooeesseooed . ° r ° ° Oe eecereeesesecevessseceseseesseeess Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO)