Page Two THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1947 THE HAILEYBURIAN Asthorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa LBEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS lesusd every Thursday from The Haileyburien Office, B jay Street, Hai 7] SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Camads--82.00 per year in advance: In U.6.--82.50 per year in advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. Friday the 13th Lucky for Only Two Defendants Twenty-Seven Cases on List, Chiefly Traffic and Liquor Offences There were 27 cases on the docket in Haileybury police court last Friday and only two defend- ants had reason to believe that "Friday the 13th" was a lucky day for them. Walter Condon of Englehart was acquitted on a charge of having defective brakes by Magistrate M. G. Gould, who said that the police had not given them a proper test, and a charge of driving without a license was withdrawn against an Englehart youth. Evidence proved that he was under 16 years of age. Ma- gistrate Gould warned the boy's father that a charge may be laid under the juvenile delinquent's act. Angus McDonald of Englehart, who pleaded guilty to having liq- uor which had not been purchased from a licensed vendor, was fined $100 and costs or three months in jail. Albert Labonte was given the alternative of a fine of $10 and $8.50 costs or ten days when he was found guilty of careless driv- ing. Three Englehart policemen testified that they had attempted to pass Labonte on Highway No. 11 and that the accused had been swerving over to his left- hand side of the road when he ap- proached them, had cut over so far that the police car had been forced out onto the shoulder of the road. Labonte told the court through an interpreter that he had been sleepy and he might have gone over the white line, but that he wasn't drinking. He said he couldn't rémembér forcing any- e off the road. J. A. Legris, ., was counsel for accused. In summing up the case Crown Attorney Howard Walter said that the man was apparently driving without due care and at- tention or reasonable thought for others using the highway. "The man was not intoxicated. He said he was sleepy and that is probably the true explanation. But a man who is too sleepy to drive shouldn't be on the road." John Molineaux of North Co- balt, charged with stealing a boat was remanded until June 20 on bail of $200 cash or $400 in rea- sonable securities. Kenneth Shaver; charged with dangerous driving, was also re- manded on bail until Friday. K. Miss Persis Hebden, A.T.C.M. travelling representative of the To- onto Conservatory of Music, will ar- rive in Haileybury today to visit music teachers and others interested in musical education. Miss Hebden has been a prominent member of the Conservatory staff for many years and was for some time private sec- retary to Sir Ernest MacMillan. As travelling represantetiv<, "iss Heb- den's territory extends from coast to coast A personal summons was order- ed for George Hastings of New Liskeard, accused of assault. A summons had been left with his wife, but Hastings failed to ap- pear and the case was adjourned until next week. : Five men, charged with having liquor in a public place, were given the usual fine of $10 and ESTATE SALE Written Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to twelve o'clock noon, Saturday, June 21st, A.D. 1947, for the purchase singly or en bloc of the following Real Estate belonging to the ESTATE OF ROZA BROWN: 1. Municipal No. 21 Wood Street, Kirkland Lake, Ont., being Lot No. 428 Plan M-110 Temiskaming. 2. Municipal No. 42 Kirkland Street, Kirkland Lake, Ont., being Lot No. 69 as shown on Plan M-15 Temiskaming. 3. Municipal No. 44 Kirkland Street, Kirkland Lake, Ont., being Lot No. 70 as shown on Plan M-15 Temiskaming. 4. Lot No. 5 as shown on Plan M-35 Temiskaming and being reputed to be on Connaught Street. (No street num- ber available) Swastika, Ont. 5. Lot No. 1 as shown on Plan M-138 Temiskaming, and being in Swastika, é Ont. x f < 6. Lot No. 597 as shown on Plan M- 127 Temiskaming and being Lot No. 597 on the Government Highway in the Township of Larder Lake. Ont. 7. Lot No. 74 as shown on Plan M- 75 Nipissing, and being reputed to be No. 74 First Street, North Cobalt, Ont. TERMS:--Ten per cent in cash or by certified cheque and balance in thirty days. adjustments as of date of closing. The Purchaser own expense. Title to be subject to any easements, restrictions, and conditions that may run with the said lands. The highest or any Tender necessarily accepted. James Edward McCurdy, Esq. Barrister, etc., 29 Duncan Avenue, Kirkland Lake, Ont., 12-3c Executor of Roza Brown, Deceased to search Title at not costs or 10 days and two common drunk paid similar fines. There were two charges for minor infractions of the traffic act gnda Matachewan youth, ac- cused of driving without the ne- cessary license, pleaded guilty to the charge. They paid the custo-. mary fine of $land costs. Four people paid similar fines for havi- ing a dog at large or not having a license for it. Old Metal Tag Puzzles Present-Day Residents An old metal tag, evidently used by the municipality of Hail- eybury back in 1911 and which was found by L. W. Herrona few days ago, has so far proved a puzzle to present-day residents of the town. It was found imbed- ded in the earth of Ian D. Mac- Diarmid's garden on Probyn street Mr. Herron said, and is well pre- served in spite of its age of~at least 36 years. The tag is oval in shape and might have beena dog tag, but it is inscribed with ae letters "T.L.P." which do not ap- pear to apply to anything munici- apl. The letters are followed by the year, 1911, Haileybury, and /want to know, children's bread? Many a widowed mother has reason to thank her husband's forethought in arranging Mutual Life of Canada _ insurance that brings her a regu- lar income. We Invite you to call and see our representative, or 'phone him, and let him tell you how to adequately provide for your loved ones, 4 i low cost life insurance since 1869. DON C. EDWARDS Haileybury W. B. ROSS New Liskeard dollars invested in sion Division. dairy products, poultry, eggs, fruit, vegetables, g , map products and honey, and the Division of Agricultural Economics, which seryes as a fact-finding body concerning production and marketing. RT. HON. JAMES J. GARDINER Minister FREE SERVICES FOR FARMERS For the purpose of assisting the farmers of Canada to meet the conomic problems with which they are constantly confronted and to carry on the industry of Canadian agriculture to the advantage of the nation as a whole, the Dominion Government has several millions of free services and facilities. No other industry has at its disposal such a wide and varied range of services and facilities provided by the Government. They include the Dominion-wide system of Experimental Farms and Stations, the divisions of Dairy Research, Botany and Plant Pathology, Chemistry, Entomology and Plant Protection of the Science Service, the divisions of Health of Animals, Plant Production and Livestock with their field services of the ha Production Service, the Marketing Service, in which is centralized the administration of all grading services of livestock and livestock products, a A. 1 Results of the research work and experiments of all these services of the Dominion Department of Agriculture are made known to farmers and the people of Canada generally through free publications, the press and radio, exhibits and other ways directed by the Publicity and Exten- é Those engaged in the industry of Agriculture, whether directly or aera Tey Geet to make full use of the services and facilities as For further information write to: Dominion Department of Agriculture Ottawa - Canada DR. G. S. H. BARTON Deputy Minister the number 136. Perhaps some of the oldtimers can recall its use. NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act, 1946 Licensing District No. 14 TAKE NOTICE that the Haileybury Golf Club Limited of the Town of Haileybury in the District of Temiska- ming will make applicatiin at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Councu Chamber, Municipal Building, in tne Townsite of Kirkland Lake in the Dist- rict of Temiskaming on Friday, the 18th day of July, 1947, at the hour of 9.30 o'clock (D.S.T.) in the forenoon for the issuance of a Public House License for the sale and consumption of beer in premises to which men and women are admitted, for the following premises: Haileybury Golf Club. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. Bruce Williams K.C., the deputy registrar of the licen- sing district, whose address is 62 Gov- ernment Rd. W., Kirkland Lake, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Haileybury this 5th day of June, 1947. * HAILEYBURY GOLF CLUB LTD. per M. E. Whitby. Vice-Pres. 19- Jly 3 Haileybury, Ontario. : FLASH GORDON, DICK'S ADVEN- Danger! Cookie Hasa Water Gun 7253 IN DREAMLAND, and other Mischievous little Cookie throws the Eaioniconiicahifaninke WR hel Cormier Bumstead household into an uproar Weekly, with this Sundav's (June 22) with her straight-shooting water gun. Saasue GE lneaDetroibiSundayadiness See this laugh- making BLONDIE page, plus MAGGIE and JIGGS, INFANT WELKFARE PIANO TUNING CONFERENCE Ottawa's Expert oe Haileybury Public School FRANK HALPENNY [elo} COMING HERE SOON 2 to 4 p.m. Thursdays - Orders Taken at. Phone 24 Vulcanizing SAVE YOUR TIRES By having them Vulcanized by our up-to-date System ! All Work Guaranteed Prompt Service HARGRAVE'S Tire Shop FERGUSON AVE. Phone HAILEYBURY ' wheel. And a minor repair." esi... of mainténance. "No masculine muscles needed to drive a Chevrolet! The gearshift on the steering column lets me shift gears with one finger--without shifting my grip on the cause every control responds so readily to the lightest touch, I can drive a Chevrolet all day long without strain or effort . . . park it quickly and conveniently whenever I choose." -_ « --_-- "T never worry about delays or unexpected breakdowns in inconvenient places . . . now that I drive a Chevrolet! I wear my smartest, gayest costurne, my most frivolous shoes--knowing | can depend on Chevrolet to carry me over good roads and bad, mile after mile, month after month, with never a need for even it's Chevrolet . . . the car that offers Big-Car quality at low cost. You'll recognize this Big-Car quality in Chevrolet's Big-Car beauty, Big-Car comfort, Big-Car safety, and in the many vital features found only in Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. And every model brings you the great plus value of Chevrolet's traditional economy of operation and low cost The growing demand for the new Chevrolet is setting an all-time record. We cannos hope for many months to fill all the orders pouring in. If you are among the many who have set your sights on Chevrolet's Big-Car rely on your Chevrolet Dealer's service to keep your present car running smoothly and safely. Yer ao heat | "If you're like me--if you value appearance--you'll lose your heart to the winning charms of Chevrolet. You'll love its long, sweet lines, its roomy and luxurious interior, its rich upholstery. It's truly the most beautiful car we've ever owned." x Quality at Low Cost, we suggest that while you wait, you Cs47B Haileybury Garage rte he