Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN_. THU RSS OCTOBER 14th, 1948 --~-- | Local and Personal For choice pies, pastries and fruit cakes, call at the Blue Line 'Lea Room. 38-tf. Jimmie Carmichael of Sudbury visited friends and relatives here over the Thanksgiving week- end. Don't forget the annual C.W.L. Bazaar, in Holy Cross parish hall on October 22ng and 23rd, Friday and Saturday . The regular meeting of the Canadian Legion will be held this (Thursday) evening, in the Le- gion hall at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming have returned home aiter a two- weeks' visit to Youngstown, Ohio, Washington and New York. Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Somerville and daughter, Miss Cecilia, are on a holiday visit to Georgetown and other Southern Ontario points. The Women's Asociation of the Haileybury United Church will hold a rummage sale in the church basement, on Friday, October 22, at 9a.m. Robert Boudreau returned to Hamilton on Tuesday after visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.John Boudreau over the Thanksgiving holiday. Ira Hanna and Wm. Hanna of are in town fora Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Shawville, Que., visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. F Richardson. Mrs. K. McCleary and _ her young son were in town from Toronto to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. D. Berry, and other relatives. The Home and School Asocia- tion will hold a tea and sale of produce on Saturday, October 23, from 3 to 6 p.m., at the home of Mrs. W. J. Lecky, Brewster St Horace Whorley left on Mon- day evening for Montreal to meet Mrs Whorley, who is returning home this week after a visit with relatives and friends in Scotland. Chas. Labine was in town from Toronto over the holiday week- end, visiting his sister, Miss Rose Labine, and his son, who is attend- the Provincial Institute of Mining. r ing The regular meeting of the Haileybury Home and School As- sociation will be held Tuesday evening next, October 19th, at public school. It will take the form of an open forum. The regular meeting of the lo- cal Rotary Club will be held on Tuesday next week, instead of Monday, as the district governor, Ed. Simmons, will make his of- ficial visit to the club on that day Contending that early darkness contributes to October's usually high toll of child traffic casual- ties, the Department of High- ways urges drivers to take ac- count of this factor and reduce speed at twilight Mr. and Mrs, Swift of Guelph fj are in town for a visit with Mrs. Swift's sister, Mrs. J. J. Elton, and Mr. Elton. Mr. and Mrs. El- ton's son, Trevor, and_ their daughter and ANC tne eee Mrs. W. J. Baird of Toronto, are also visiting their parents. Members of the Home and School Association are reminded of the meeting in New Liskeard tomorrow evening, for clubs in the district, when Mrs. W. K. Colin Campbell, organization con- venor, will be the speaker. The meeting will be held in the public school there at eight o'clock. Max Whitby, who spent the holiday week-end at Parry Sound 4 his visit with friends there. had a thrilling experience during Ona fishing trip the boat carrying the q party ran into a severe stormand - according to Mr. Whitby, was almost swamped in deep water. By good seamanship, the craft was finally brought safely imto port, after a spell of considerable anxiety on the part of the fisher- men NATURE'S FINE DISPLAY iS COMPENSATION FOR SCARCITY OF BIRDS Local hunters who spent the holiday week-end in the woods were not favored by good wea- ther, but on the other hand, the partridge were fairly plentful , and the majority did not, return empty-handed. The rain on both Saturday and Monday interfered considerably, but probably was all to the good in reducing the number of birds shot at the open- ing of the season. One of the pleasant features ot the holiday was the show put'on by Mother Nature in the geous colors that adorned the woods. Never was the surpassed in the mixed timber that adorns the hills and valleys ofthe district, with the great va riety of colors in the changing landscape. It was a real treat to spend a few hours in the outdoors when the country is at its best, and even those with small bags felt that the time was not wasted gor display MUTUAL LIFE PASSES BILLION DOLLAR MARK; NOW IN ITS 79TH YEAR Waterloo, Ont., Oct. 12--Louis L. Lang, president of The Mutual Life of Canada, that Company force has now dollar mark. amount--98% announced today life insurance in passed the billion Almost the entire is on the lives of residents of Canada and New- foundland. The Company, now in its 79th year, has closed each year of business since establishment in 1869 with an increase in insurance in force. The increased popularity of life insurance as a form of economic security in Canada is revealed by the fgytt that life insurance in this country now stands at $865 per capita, as compared with $161 at the beginning of the first World War, while the population has in- creased only 50%. In that period the Mutual Life of Canada insur- ance in force has increased ten fold. The fish and game regulations forbid anyone to "permit the flesh of any animal, bird or fish, suitable for food, or spoiled" to be destroyed The Canadian Legion, through its 2,640 branches and auxiliaries, is again reminding the people that Remembrance Day is ap- proaching and that the sale of Poppies will be held on Saturday, November 6th. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks for the great kindness shown by our friends, and their wonderful efforts towards assisting in the rebuilding of our barn recently destroyed by fire. The people of Uno Park, Haileybury the West Road and North very generous in their assistance, yAd by their help we have managed to replace the building 3.1-2* MRS. A. CARRIERE 8 FAMILY Cobalt have been we --JSjc= ESSE WEDDING BELLS GAREAU_WARREN Sacred Heart Church, North Cobalt, beautifully decorated for the occasion with red and pink roses and other flowers tastefully arranged, was the scene of a pretty wedding Monday, October 4th, when Rey. Dehaies, in an im- pressive ceremony, united in marriage Joyce Warren, daug- hter of Mrs. Warren and the late © James W arren, North Cobalt, and cee 'Bee' Gareau, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gareaw of Cobalt. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Leslie, was gown- ed in heavy white satin, fashioned with sheer nylon yoke in drop shoulder effect, outlined by a wide band of crushed lace caught with pearls, the gift of the groom. The fitted bodice was buttoned down the back with tiny satin buttons. in long torso style, with long lily point sleeves. The full skirt which ended in a slight train was caught up in front with tiny satin bows which revealed several rows of lace in petticoat effect. The fin- gertip veil of net and lace fell from a headdress of orange blos- soms. She wore a single strand ot pearls and carried a shower 2] bouquet of pink Briaretift roses and adiantum fern. Miss Janet White of Cobalt at- tended as, maid of honor, gowned in pale ink marquissette with sheer yoke and full skirt, with bustle effect, short puffed sleeves and mittens to match, Juliet cap with veil. She carried pink car- nations and blue cornflowers. Miss Colleen Culhane of Kirk- land Lake was bridesmaid, attir- ed in blue sheer with fitted bodice, full skirt, matching headdress and shoulder length veil of blue net caught with gardenias, and car- ried a pastel shaded nosegay. Mr. Rene: Paquette of Cobalt was best man and the ushers were Mr. Hugh MacDonald and Mr. Dennies Larabie. _ The wedding music was sung by Mrs. S. Landry, Miss S. Char- bonneau, Miss M.B. Leveille and Miss M. Leveille, with Sister Gis- laine as organist. Following the ceremony, a wed- ding breakfast was served at the home of the groom's parents, for the immediate family. : tion was held in the evening at the community hall in Cobalt, where the rooms were decorated with autumn flowers. The-bride's table was centred with a_ three- tiered wedding cake around which was arranged blue forget-me-nots and tall white tapers. The bride's ty' STRAND THEATRE A recep- . mother received, wearing a gown of plum-colored wool crepe, grey hat and black accessories, witha corsage of cream roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, dressed in blue with black acces- sories and a corsage of cream roses. Pouring tea were Mrs. Mrs. Robert Shore and Mrs. John Inglis, both of Renfrew. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. L. Gareau and responded to by the groom. The groom's gift to the bride was a string of pearls; to the maid of honor a black and gold compact, to the bridesmaid a gold and crystal rosary, and to the best man and ushers gold collar and tie clip sets. After the reception the bridal pair left on their wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points, the bride travelling in a gray gab- ardine suit, pink blouse with black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. On their return they will reside in Cobalt. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Warren, Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Neil Culhane and Col- leen, Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Robert Shore, Renfrew; Mrs. John Ing- lis, Howard and Don, Renfrew: Mr. Lou Gareau, Larder Lake, and Mr. L. Gareau, Noranda. Savings deposits in Canadian banks in August passed the four billion dollar mark, according to the Financial Post. INFANT WEL FARE CONFERENCE Haileybury Public School eeeee Thursdays - 2 to 4 p.m. Ackroyd and Son EB TEE HANDYMEN Prepare your House for Fall CLEANING - PAINTING Interior - Exterior Storm Windows, Etc. spp Call 66 FOR PROMPT SERVICE One Day Only! MONDAY, OCT. 25th SPECIAL ROAD SHOW ATTRACTION FEARLESS! HOLLYWOOD CAST ON OUR STAGE-IN PERSON - Hygiene Commentator STRAND SEGREGATED AUDIENCES ! WOMEN ONLY at 2&7 P.M, MEN ONLY shows at 9 P. M. PRAISED AND ACCLAIMED BY EDUCATORS, ges- ATTENTION HAILEYBURY RESIDENTS "@@ BOL De 2 adio. HAILEY BURY CLERGY AND CIVIC OFFICIALS === = NewLiskeard single bill. Mon: to Sat.--Doors open at, 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. Last Showing Tonight-- "NIGHT SONG" Dana Andrews, Merle Oberon. Ic Condensed Ads_| PERSONAL AND BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS. Orders taken now Phone 464-B 31-1c FOR SALE--1948 Morris 8 Saloon; used as demonstrator; full guarantee Hank's Im perial Service Station, Haileybury. Phone 217 31-1* WANTED--Girl for general. office work. Experience not necessary ing, shorthand and a little knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply P. M. Fleming Ltd Must have typ in Haileybury 3 1-t.f WANTED--One hot air furnace, second-hand and in fair shape; pre-war preferred. Ben J. Bourget, Phone 490 Syteste: FOR SALE AT COST--Samples: One satin Spirella girdle, waist 25 inches; also one very good cloth girdle, waist 2914 inches P.O. Box. 997 Phone 517 i Pentecostal Assembly Broadway Street _ Bible School--Sunday at 10.00..a,m. » Evangelistic Service--Sunday, 7.30 p.m. _ Prayer Meeting--Thursday, 8.00 p.m. PASTOR--MAURICB ALMEY normal figure. Phone Mrs. McNeil, 343, around noon 31-1-c FOR SALE -- Three-quarter Ton Hudson Temiskaming Builders Pick-Up Truck, in good condition. Phone 539. 30-t.f. and Contractors Limited || FOR SALE--Ladies' Persian Lamb Coat, in Haileybury, Ontario perfect condition, hardly worn; size 40. General Contractors Apply Box 363, Haileybury. 30-3* Mine Buildings, Commercial FOR SALE--Five-roomed House; full sized Buildings, Domestic Build- basement, furnace, fireplace. Enquire at ings and Repairs Haileyburian Office. 29-t.f. BOARD AND ROOM in good, private home in Kirkland Lake, in exchange for same in Haileybury. for mining student. Box 1, The Haileyburian. 29-2-* FOR SALE--Four-roomed house, newly built, insul-brick siding; $1,700. Apply H. S. Fenton, Queen St., North Cobalt. 29-3* FOR SALE--Seven-roomed house with large verandah; stone basement; double garage, suitable for two trucks; two corner lots on Georgina and Albert St., Haileybury. Ap- ply to Watson's Grocery, North Cobalt. 29-3* FRIDAY. - SATURDAY (Cinecolor) Secon with PRESTON FOSTER Double Feature Shaggy with EDDY DEAN, King of the Wild Horses Community Sing and News OCTOBER 15th and 16th ROSCOE ATES MBE ies GAIL PATRICK FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE Name Called Last Week: For Offer, $80.00--Mrs. M. Garvin, Niven St., This Week's. Offer is $95.00. Come to the Empire Friday night. Your name may also be called New Liskeard MON., TUES., Two Performances Daily for WOMEN ONLY And High School Age Girls Each Day at 2 and 7 p.m. Hygienic Production MOM and DAD ALL SEATS 60c for All Shows Box office opens 1.30, 6.15 p.m. OCT. 18, 19 One Performance each night FOR MEN ONLY and High School Age Boys Each Evening at 9 p.m. Men's Tickets on sale 7.30 WED. - THURS., with IDA LUPINO an Deep. Valley CARTOON ISiecay cdr OCTOBER 20th. and 21st DANE CLARK RI., SAT., WISTFUL OCT. 15, 16 & Abbott, Lou Sos- Marjorie Main 3ud tello, with Added ROCKY MacDowell Attraction Roddy "Sleepless Night" with Also: and Chapter 9 of "TEX GRANGER" MON., TUES., OCT. 18, 19 gap Adult Entertainment-@g Mine Own Executioner with Burgess Meredith Kieron Moore Added Attraction That Hamilton Woman with Vivien Leigh Laurence Olivier LATEST NEWS WED., THUR., OCT.. 20, 21 RETURN OF THE BADMEN with Randolph Scott Robert Ryan, Ann Jeffreys Added Attraction Last of the Mohicans with Randolph Scott Binnie Barnes, Bruce Cabot Also: ADDED SHORTS ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B rcOBALY ( Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. RI., SAT., OCT. 15, 16 BAD MEN of MISSOURI with Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman, Wayne Morris Added Attraction Man in the iron Mask with Louis Hayward Joan Bennett, Alan Hale "CIRCUS TODAY" LATEST NEWS Also: and Chapter 9 of "TEX GRANGER" MONDAY, OCTOBER 18th WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP with Bud Abbott, Lou Cos- tello, Marjorie Main --Added Attraction-- ROCKY with Roddy MacDowell Also: "Sleepless Night" WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20th pee Adult Entertainment-@e Mine Own Executioner with Burgess Meredith Kieron Moore Added Attraction That Hamilton Woman with Vivien Leigh Laurence Olivier Also: ADDED SHORTS SE DS