an THE HAILEYBURIAN La 194 Page Four LOCAL and PERSONA The United Church W. A. wil hold their annual bazaar on Sat- urday, November 26th. Miss Joan Pipe has arrivec home after a visit with her sister Miss Evelyn, in Toronto. Roddy Gauvreau was in towr over the holiday week-end visit- ing his family and friends. Mrs. Aigecia en is in towr from Timmins for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cald- bick, Miss Pauline Gauvreau, from Hamilton, was a week-end visito1 with her parénts, Mr. and Mrs. E Gauvreau. Don't forget your Canada Sav- ings Bonds. Doherty Roadhouse & Co. sell them and will be glac to serve you. Lucien Savoie was home from Hamilton to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs. N. Savoie, over Thonks giving week-end. E. Grant Guest of Haileybury attended the funeral of the late W. E. George, at Port Elgin, Ont on Wednesday last. Del. Schneider was in towr from Barrie to spend Thanksgiv- ing with his parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Geo. Schneider. Wm. Keith of Toronto was a re cent Haileybury visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. C Arnold, and Dr. Arnold. Wm. Edwards was in towr from Toronto to spend Thanks- giving week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Edwards. The annual bazaar of St. Paul's W.A. will be held on Saturday December 3rd, 1949, instead oi November 26th, as previously an- nounced. Mrs. J. W. Morrison arrivec home at the week-end after a visit with her daughter, Miss Dorothy in Toronto, and relatives in Otta- wa and Maxville. The Women's Association 01 the Haileybury United Churck will hold a rummage sale in the church basement on Friday, Oc- tober 21st, at 9 a.m. Rev. Harold Stibbards, B.A B.D., of First Baptiste Church Toronto, will preach in the Hail- eybury Baptist Church next Sun- day, October 16th, at 3.15 p.m. Members of the Home anc School Association are remindec of the next general meeting, tc be held on Tuesday next, October 18th, at 8.30 p.m., in the public school. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. A Podrucky (nee Dorothy Gleason) ason, Murray Harold, on Septem ber 29th, 1949, at Soum Porcu- pine General Hospital, South Por cupine, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Dunn, wh« have spent the past couple o1 weeks in Toronto came home at the week-end. Mr. Dunn is re- coverin gfro man operation and doing well. Mrs. W. E. Sparham of Barrie and Mrs. Lyle Guest and son Joslin, of Painswich, Ont., came to Haileybury and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Grant Guest, Lake Shore Road. Mrs. J. W. Hughes receivec word late on Tuesday that hei son-in-law, Dr. Jas. Robson of! Brantford, had died suddenly that day. Few particulars were given Mr. and Mrs. Hughes left or Wednesday morning for Brant- ford. Dr. Robson is survived by his wife, the former. Shirley Seymour, and two small daugh- ters". CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Municipality of the Town of Hailey- bury, District of Temiskaming™ NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up ai my office at Haileybury Ontario, on the 8t hday of October, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the saic municipality at municipal elections anc that such list remains there for inspec- on. AND I hereby call upon all voters tc take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law the last day for appeal being the 29th day of October, 1949. rane pag this 8th day of October 33-2-c H. BRIDEN Clerk of Municipality of Haileybury Four Generations Present For Family Gathering Here A family gathering on Thanks- giving week-end brought four generations together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickson here. Their daughter, Mrs. Har- old Pethick, and Mr. Pethick came up from Toronto, bringing with them their daughter, Mrs. Steven Deline and her young son Paul. The reunion was a happy one, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson being among the early residents ot Haileybury with a large numbe1 of descendants and many close friends throughout the district. DISTRICT AND DOMINION A fire in the basement of And- erson's Gift Shop in New Lis- keard, on Monday evening, caus- de heavy loss to stock and slight damage to the building. A total of 275 mining claims were. recorded in Sudbury it September, many of them due tc increased interest in suspectec pitchblende deposits, in twcec townships near Chapleau. When the annual Temiskaming Lamb Fair was held at Uno Park on Friday last, there were 55( animals shown, all of which were sold for good prices and shippec that day. This is "Fire Prevention Week when all good citizens are askec to remove every fire hazard fron their premises. A record volume of export grain, 5,527,000 bushels, was cleared from the port of Church- ill, on Hudson Bay, this season. The 31st annual meeting of th< Northern Ontario Hockey Asso- ciation will be held in the Empire Hotel, North Bay, on October 29 The average Canadian uses well over twenty pounds of soap a year. Mostly on Saturday nights ? Although the number of hens that are laying eggs is 10 per cent lower than last year, every group of 100 birds is producing 15 more eggs than last year. , twice. LATE DR. McGOWAN WAS . Former President WELL KNOWN IN NORTH; of N.O.H.A., Fred Funerat on SATURDAY Thompson Dies Brief mention was these columns last week of death of Dr .Cyril Hugh McGow an, at North Bay on October 6th. His death came unexpectedly and he is mourned by a wide circle ot friends in this district. He wasa Fred Thompson, pioneer resi son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R dent of the North, died in hospi- McGowan, prominent 'residents tal at Kirkland Lake on Sunday of Cobalt for many years. Dr morning last. He was 62 years McGowan was a graduate 01 old and. had been in ill-health in Queen' s University and his first recent weeks. practice was at Kirkland Lake A familiar figure in the North He later moved to Temagami anc Be ciaaat hompson was born ir in 1940 went to North Bay, where Greenwood, Wis., July 8th, 1887 he had a large practice. He came to the North around the Dr. McGowan is survived by his turn of the century and associat- Wife and three children, Robert ed himself with the firm which Marney and Judy. His funera' has now become the Northerr was held on Saturday morning Telephone Company, of which he requieum Mass in the Pro-Cath- Well Known Resident of North Country Had His Home in New Liskeard was superintendent from 190+ edral of the Assumption and _ in- until his retirement in 1945. terment in St. Mary's cemetery An excellent organizer, Mr there. Thompson was a past president o the Northern Ontario Hockey As sociation; past master of Temis- kaming Lodge of the Masonic : Order; secretary of the Temiska- Mrs. Leslie V. Bell, who re- ming Firemen's Association, anc turned to town last week for a 1949 vice-president of the Onta- Short visit before going to het rio Motor League. ---- He was largely instrumental ir organizing the Temiskamine A. _--_--_--_--_--_---- Firemen's Association. D NCING Mr. Thompson was marriec Every FRIDAY Nite His first wife, the former ea, OS Hazel Gladys, predeceased him in CLOVER VALLEY School | Social Events Honor Departing Resident 1940. He is survived by his wife Sheila, and three children: Ted 26; Verdun, 30, Marie, 6 years. A brother, Clarence mihomipeon ot St. Ola, Ont., was up from that place for the funeral. A private service was held at Perrin's chapel at 2 yesterday af- ternoon, with the public service under joint auspices of Firemen and Masonic Lodge members, at New Liskeard United Church at 2.30 p.m., conducted by the pastor Rev. W. C. Kitto, and a packec edifice of friends and associates and Catherine Sponsored by West Road Community Club 50c per person. REFRESHMENTS The Rowe al Winter Fair in To- rento will open this year on No vember 15. NEPEAN W EPEARE CONFERENCE Haileybury Public School Thursdays - 2 to 4 p.m. = --= Dr.J.S. Ledwell PHYSICIAN - SURGEON Office Hours: 2e5 7-8p.m. Except Wednesday and Sunday Phone 65 By Appointment : Condensed Ads FOR RENT--Three-roomed Apartment on Blackwall St. Apply Emil Marcoux, Geor- gina Ave. Phone 379 31-2* POSITION WANTED--As Housekeeper or Companion, by middle aged woman. Apply Mrs. A. S. Loach, R.R. 2, New Liskeard 31-4-* HOUSE TO BE SUB-LET--In North Cobalt Apply to Mrs. M. Kitts, township clerk 31-lc HAILEYBURY RECREATION Oct. 13th-19th ART--Exhibition, October 18- _-20th, See article this issue. Bus -- TRIPS EACH WAY DRAMA -- Regular Meeting EVERY DAY Oct. 20th, 8 p.m., high school LEAVE NORTH BAY ------_-- 10.10 a.m. 5.00 p.m METAL & WOODWORK-- 11.45 p.m. Send application to Box 443, Daylight Time Town. RETURN SINGLE $6.10 $11.00 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY This Ad. sponsored by P.-F. Hardware - Electric in interest of community. made in the PHONE 101-2-3 EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m THEATRE NewLiskeard BACHELOR SUITE in Lakeview Apartments, to sub-let to April 30th, 1951. Phone 440, after 5 p.m. 31-1* WOOD FOR SALE--W. E., Brown, North Cobalt. Phone 1325 31-4* FOR -SALE--1947 Pontiac Coach, good con dition. Apply P. M. Fleming, Haileybury 31-2-c WANTED--Maid for General Housework Apply to Mrs. H. C. Dunbar, Phone 7. 31-2-c HOUSE FOR SALE--Meridian Ave., seven rooms and large cellar; water and lights; three lots, $1,500. Mrs. Theriault, Phone 229. 30-t.f. WANTED TO RENT--Three-room Apart- ment, furnished or unfurnished; central location preferred. Best references. Apply Box 1, The Haileyburian. 30-t.f FOR RENT--House, furnished or unfurnish- ed; reasonable rent to suitable tenant. Ap- ply Harris, at Dickson Creek, next to Splint Factory, or write P.O. Box 122, Kirkland Lake. 30-2-¢ FOR SALE--Second-hand Pipeless Furnace needs some repairs; very cheap. Apply at Haileyburian Office. 30-ti FOR SALE--One 4-burner Electric Range in good condition. also one wicker table. Ap- ply Box 363, Haileybury. FOR SALEVery attractive new three-room Cottage, on two lots facing the lake. Sell at cost. Phone 410-B. 26-t.f. FOR RENT--Vacuum Cleaner, floor polisher, by the day. Apply Beattty Washer Store, Phone 210-A. 9-tf. SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 Ibs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New 'get ac- quainted" size ONLY 60c. All Drug- gists. z; 29-3* LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: GENE KELLY, FRANK SINATRA, ESTHER WILLIAMS in "TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME" (Technicolor) FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th and 15th Double Feature The Escape with REX HARRISON PEGGY CUMMINGS Second Hit Rose of the Yukon with STEVE BRODIE MYRNA DELL FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Offers: 1st, $200.00; 2nd, $195.00; 3rd, $105.00 SCENES OF THE NORONIC FIRE IN NEWSREEL MONDAY and TUESDAY OCTOBER 17th and 18th Red River with JOHN WAYNE MONTGOMERY CLIFT NEWS MATINEE MONDAY at 4.15 p.m. WED., THURS. OCTOBER 19th and 20th Night Has a Thousand Eyes with EDWARD G. ROBINSON GAIL ROUBPRET ~" added Shorts future home in Montana, was the guest of honor at two events over the week-end. The first was arranged by the Evening branck of St. Paul's W.A., and was helc at the rectory, with Rev. anc Mrs. Cyril Goodier as host anc hostess. On this occasion, Mrs Bell gave an interesting account of her visit to the General Synod at Halifax. At the other event, held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Lowery anc sponsored by the local group ot Graduate Nurses, Mrs. Bell was presented with a china pin and a box of candy. The presentatior was made by Mrs. J. T. Leishman group secretary, after Mrs, Glea- SHOE REPAIRS First-Class Work Guaranteed PROMPT SERVICE In the Store formerly occu- pied by P.-F. Hardware- Electric, next door to EATON'S ORDER OFFICE Philip Godfroy ASS Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. RI., SAT., OCT. 14th, 15th FOUGHT to give her man a second chance at life! M-G-M presents JAMES JUNE OTEWART-ALLYSON The Station FRANK MORGAN » AGNES MOOREHEAD f BILL WILLI A METRO - GOLDWYN - MAYER PICTURE --Added Attraction-- GERONIMO with Preston Foster Ellen Drew Also: Pete Smith Specialty After SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th THE BIG STEAL with Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, William Bendix Added Attraction JIGGS & MAGGIE in Court Also; News and Cartoon WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19th TAKE ME OUT 10 THE BALL GAME (Color by Technicolor) with Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Esther Williams Also: COLOR CARTOON THURS., OCTOBER 13th, son, the president, had expressec regret at the departure of Mrs Bell. Tea was served by the hostess. "Blind as a bat" is an incorrect say- ing, since bats can see Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B JOE'S TAXI Phone 88 BFDAY and NIGHT 4 OPEN EVERY NIGHT i Last Times Today E "GOODBYE MR. CHIPS" and "Geronimo" , SAT., OCT. 14th, 15th THE BIG STEAL with Robert Mitchum, Greer, William Bendix Jane Added Attraction HIGGS & MAGGIE in Court Also: MOVIETONE NEWS and COLOR CARTOON Begining this SAT. Matinee Chapter 1 of "BATMAN AND ROBIN" # MON., TUES., OCT. 17, 18 "TAKE ME darling to M-GMs rousing yproarious, fun-loving, TECHNICOLOR Musical!" Also Tom and Jerry Cartoon (in Technicolor) WED., THURS., OCT. 19, 20 LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING (Color by Technicolor) with June Haver, Ray Bol- ger, Gordon MacRae Added Attraction GRAND CANYON TRAIL with Roy Rogers Also: Bugs Bunny Cartoon