The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 3 Nov 1949, p. 4

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Page Four ise TZN Ib ls YBURIAN _THURSs NOVEMBER 3rd, 1949 LOCAL and PERSONAL Miss Mary Berry visited with friends in Kirkland Lake last week. Don't forget the Northern Ski Club dance, Friday night, Novem- ber 4th, at Hotel Haileybury. Mrs. Jas. Rich of Toronto is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Goodier, at St. Paul's Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dean and Mrs. W. E. Bagshaw are spending a few days in Montreal this week Earl Berry was up from Toron- . to at the week-end for a visit with his mother, Mrs. D. Berry, and other relatives. The Remembrance Day service of the United Church will be held this Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Young, formerly of Haileybury, were in town from Toronto last week for a visit with local friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Day return- ed home at the week-end after a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Hassett of Timmins. BORN--At Misericordia Hos- pital, Monday, October 31st, 1949 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isherwood of Hound Chutes, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Caldbick visited last week in Timmins with their son, S. A. Caldbick, K.C, and their daughters, Mrs. (Dr.) C. E .Taylor and Mrs. A. E. Cain. Dr and Mrs. Chas. Camsell of - Ottawa arrived in town on Mon- day to spend a few days with their son, Councillor Chas. Cams- sell and Mrs. Camsell. They are accompanied by Dr. Camsell's sis- ter, Mrs. L. Mills of Edmonton, Alta., who is paying her first visit to Northern Ontario. Rebekah Lodge Plans to Hold Rumage Sale At the regular meeting of Nor- thern Light Rebekah Lodge, held on October 25th, it was decided té hold a rummage sale on Friday morning, November 4th, at the market, with Mrs. L. Burton as convenor. Regular business of the lodge was transacted and at the close a social hour was spent at cards, with Mrs. O. Childs tak- ing first prize for euchre and Mrs. D. Glazier and Mrs. Jenkins tak- ing the honors at bridge. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 8, at 8 p.m., to which all members are cordially invited. Winds must travel at least a mile a minute to be a hurricane. DANCING Every FRIDAY Nite at CLOVER VALLEY School Sponsored by West Road Community Club 50c. per person REFRESHMENTS Funeral Service For Mrs. Lytle Held Saturday Business Places Closed and Town Council At- tends Service in Body Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon in the United Church for Mrs. I. A. Lytle, wife of Mayor Lytle, who passed away suddenly late Wednesday night last and brief mention of whose death was made in The Hailey- burian last week. The services in the church and at the graveside $ in Mount Pleasant cemetery were conducted by Rev. L. E. Smith in the presence of many friends who came to pay their last respects and extend sympathy to the be- reaved ones. Members of the town council attended in a body and during the time of the fune- ral all places of business were closed. During the service the familiar hymns, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "Abide With Me" were sung by the church choir and in a brief sermon Mr. Smith spoke of the transient life and how it could be adapted to carry out the plans of the Creator. He extended sympathy to the be- reaved ones and spoke of the loss both to them and to the commu- nity. Pallbearers were H. Briden, C. E. Fleming, and W. A. H. Fer- guson of Haileybury, and J. J. Rathwell. Norval Strong and H. Michael of Kirkland Lake. Born at Arnprior, 51 year sago, Mrs. Lytle was the former Myr- tle Elizabeth Stiles. She was married there and came to the North with her husband in 1922. They had their home in Latch- ford until 1930, when they moved r "NATURE UNSPOILED yours TO ENJOYS The SCREECH OWL'S name is a misnomer. He doesn't screech at all--the best he can do is a quavering whinny, which doesn't sound at all savage! He lives on mice and grass- hoppers for the most part, and nests in hollow trees, particu- larly in old orchards. He should always be protected. YOURS TO PROTECT CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO qo 1945 CARLING's Condensed Ads WANTED--Furnished Room, with board pre- ferred, Corporal Andrews, Telephone 293. 34-1-c FOR SALE--Three-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite; also chiffonier and bed. Phone 145-B. 34-1-c FOR SALE--Five Electric, heavy duty, late model ranges; a number of pianos; 2 scales, 1,000 and 2,500 Ibs.; chesterfield suites, all new, latest models; 3 typewriters, portable. Apply P. Martin, Cobalt, LOST--Front License Plate, W 9515. er please Phone 287, Haileybury. one 34-2 Find- 34-1-c | | NEW! Nylon Dishes In Attractive Colors Reasonably Priced ECAR Shmoo Ball Pens Ideal for School and Gen- eral use. Refills Available See these articles at St. Louis Grocery Main St. : Phone 164 FPOUND--On Brewster St., a Child's tricycle. Can be claimed at 94 Brewster or phone 173. 33-1* DON'T FORGET--The Mining Students' Autumn Dance, Nov. 18th. 33-4c ROOM AND BOARD--Vacancy in private home Nov. 7th, for two gentlemen. Laun- dry included. Apply Box 1, The Hailey- burian. 33-1-c FOR SALE--One Girl's Brown Winter Coat, in good condition; size 14. Phone 513-A. 33-1-* FOR SALE--Two Electrolux Machines; $30 each. Apply at Graff's Grocery. 33-1-c A NICE PLACE in a nice location wants a - middle-aged lady to room and board: must bas references. Phone 4421 or write Box 42, New Liskeard. 32-2-c FOR SALE--Four-roomed House on Cobalt St., Haileybury. Apply E. Compeau. 32-1-* WOOD FOR SALE--W. E. Brown, North Cobalt. Phone 1325. 31-4* POSITION WANTED--As Housekeeper or Companion, by middle aged woman. Apply Mrs. A. S. Loach, R.R. 2, New Liskeard. 31-4-* FOR SALE--Second-hand Pipeless Furnace needs some repairs; very cheap. Apply at Haileyburian Office. 30-1 FOR RENT--Vacuum Cleaner, floor polisher, by the day. Apply Beattty Washer Store, Phone 210-A. 9-tf. to 10 Haileybury and have lived here since that time. Mrs. Lytle is survived by her husband and one daughter, Max- ine; one brother, James Milton Stiles of Toronto, and four sis- ters, Mrs. Archie Barry of Corn- wall, Mrs. Fred Russell of Arn- prior, Mrs. Harold Michaels of Kirkland Lake and Mrs. Arthur Batey of Sarnia. WILL PRESENT SHIELD AND INDIVIDUAL CUP IN ORATORY CONTEST The November executive meet- ing of the Home and School As- sociation was held November {st in the high school, at which Judge Jembs Robinson presided. The special feature of the even- ing was a decision to purchase and present to the Haileybury high school from the association, a shield for Oratorical Proficien- cy. The shield, together with a token silver cup, will be given to the winner of the senior oratori- cal contest. The cup will be re- tained by the winner and shield with winner's name engraved will be hung in the school. The award will be made yearly at Com- mencement. This year the shield will be presented by the Home and School president, Judge J. B. Robinson. At Commencement also, Mr. L. Wiseman, principal of the public school, will present, on behalf of the association, sterling silver graduation pins to all members ot June, 1949, Grade VIII gradua- tion class who entered high school. E The general meeting of the as- sociation will be held the ev ening of Tuesday, November 15th, in the public 'school. The first phase of irrigation on the prairies took place 60 years ago, when some ranchers tried to grow winter feed by diverting water from small streams to irrigate native meadows. Hallowe'en Party For Children is Greatly Enjoyed Hundreds Make Merry at Legion Hall as Rotary Club Stages the Event Repsonding heartily to the in- vitation of the local Rotary Club, children by the hundred made merry at the Legion hall on Mon- day evening, in the observance of the age-old festival of Hallow- e'en. The party was arranged in two separate stages, first for the smaller children, early in the evening, and later for those of older years, and all had a fine time. There were various fea- tures of entertainment, treats suitable to the occasion and there was no need for any children to parade the streets, demanding "Hallowe'en Apples." Their pa- rents and members of the older generation had a quiet evening at home, with no worry about the children, knowing they were well taken care of. Members of the Rotary Club, with Darry Hogan as chairman of the committee, worked hard both before the event and during its progress, leaving nothing to chance. They had the children well under control throughout the evening and saw that all had a share in the treats and enter- tainment, The citizens generallly respond- FIREPLACE FURNACE For Summer Homes oarside--circulates air-- taves fuel--no more cold evenings at corage. Write ws. . TWEED STEEL WORKS (Doe. 234 TWEED, ONT. NOW ON THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY at a Phone 64 Haileybury Main and Ferguson EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: "MELODY TIME" Disney Feature FRIDAY - SATURDAY . Double Secon Laff with WM, TRACY Offers : My Own True Love with PHYLLIS CALVERT, MELVYN DOUGLAS POPEYE CARTOON AND NEWS FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE Ist, $200.00; 2nd, $195.00; NOVEMBER 4th and 5th Feature desist Time JOE SAWYER 3rd, $150.00 MONDAY and TUESDAY Cartoon and News Barkley's of Broadway in Technicolor, with FRED ASTAIRE, NOVEMBER 7th and 8th GINGER ROGERS Matinee Monday, 4.15 WED., THURS. with John WAYNE, Henry Cartoon Fort Apache NOVEMBER 9th and 10th FONDA, Shirley TEMPLE Matinee Wednesday, 4.15 ed to an appeal in these column last week for some nnancial hefp in( the expenses of the party, which ran to a fairly large sum. The contributions were generous. There may be some who have overlooked the event, and if there are, they can still send or bring in their donations. These are ac- cepted at the two drug stores, or may be handed to. any member of the Rotary Club. The main thing, however, is that the children had a good time and were kept safely off the streets during the festival. If you can keep from being envious and jealous of your fellow man, you are approaching the outskirts of civili- | zation. Although not always successful dreams are devices for allaying dis- turbances which woud interfere with sieep.. The regular meeting of Hailey- hury Masonic Lodge will be held this evening (Thursday) at 7.30 in the Temple. Visiting members are always welcome. JOE'S TAXI Phone 88 bDAY and NIGHT Dr.J.S. Ledwell PHYSICIAN - SURGEON Office Hours: Dz 5 7-8 p-m. Except Wednesday and Sunday By Appointment: Phone 65 Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. RL, SAT., NOV. 4th, 5th B Miss Grant Takes Richmond with Lucille Ball, William Holden Added Attraction rothers in the Saddle with Tim Holt Also: "A Lad and His Lamp" After SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 AFRICA SCREAMS with BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO Added Attraction The BIG SOMBRERO ; (in color) with GENE AUTRY Also: News and Cartoon WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9th COMMAND DECISION with CLARK GABLE, "WALTER PIDGEON, VAN JOHNSON ADDED SHORTS a dark The so-called "fairy rings", 'k is green circle on lawns or meadows, | caused by a fungus growth in the soil. Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and. 442B OPEN EVERY NIGHT AES SE Last Times Today "Miss Grant Takes Richmond" & "Brothers in the Saddle" RI., SAT., NOV. 4th, 5th [QOK whats cooktiny te AFRICA!" MASSOUR STUD = Abeer Coste Mica Serean® Released thru || UNITED ARTISTS Added Attraction The BiG SOMBRERO (in Color) with GENE AUTRY Also: MOVIETONE NEWS and COLOR CARTOON Chapter Four of "BATMAN AND ROBIN" Serial Shown at Matinee MON., TUE., NOV. 7th, 8th Charles BICKFORD John HODIAK Edward ARNOLD nee Also: ADDED SHORTS WED., THURS., NOV. 9, 10 BLUE SKIES (Color by Technicolor) with BING CROSBY Fred Astaire, Joan Caulfield, Billy DeWolfe --Special Added Fateure-- WELCOME STRANGER with Bing Crosby, Barry Vitzgerald, Joan Caulfield Also ADDED SHORTS

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